ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 425 Dead City

By now, Li Mingyang has finally realized the strength of the tactics formulated by the rotary wheel. Although today's Fengtai world has not yet reached the same importance as in the Tianyuan world, with his appeal here, as long as the next battle defeats a certain Yan Luo in the ten halls in the spiritual world, let the truth here If the ghosts are withdrawn, then they will reach the same level as in the Fengtai world.

After experiencing the Battle of the Central Plains, Li Mingyang now fully understands the importance of power. Although he still will not deliberately pursue power, he has not refused this thing, because he holds a strong enough calling ability, so he can do whatever he wants, and now he has finally I really realized the convenience of it.

If it is still like in the past, even if you have a heavenly city, even if you have a strong warrior like Gong Yangwen and the Yan brothers, what can you do? There is not enough manpower. Even if you rush in, you will just kill and die.

The Fengtai world has calmed down. Two complete and huge mysteries can become the masters inside. It is absolutely not a problem to gain a foothold in the Central Plains.

However, at the thought of the shortage of people, Li Mingyang not only began to grab his hair, hit a huge territory, and have rich resources, but there were not enough people to share these benefits. I believe that the whole Central Plains will have such happy troubles in the future. Li Mingyang smiled secretly for a while, and finally put all his thoughts into the next war.

"What's the situation inside?" Now, for the first time, Li Mingyang really seriously asked what Gong Yangwen had seen and heard after receiving the invitation.

After scratching his head, Gongyang Wen said with a simple smile, "In fact, it is a city in the underground world. There are not many real ghosts, and it looks very shabby."

"Is it very shabby?" Li Mingyang was a little puzzled: "Didn't they say that they are the masters of this real ghost world?"

"Well, that's naturally what the invitation said at that time, but after I went there, I found that something was something wrong. The real ghosts there seemed to be strong, and they may be similar to Brother Xie, but the number of ordinary real ghosts under them was not very large, and the city was also very shabby." Gong Yangwen said very seriously, as if he was explaining while recalling.

Li Mingyang began to scratch his hair crazily again. He suddenly found that his personality was still not calm enough. At that time, when Gong Yangwen came back with Tianren City and the real ghost army, Gong Yangwen only said that there should be no problem there, so Li Mingyang did not ask much, but now it sounds that the situation there does not seem to be As good as he imagined, he even doubted whether it would be a small force in the spiritual world, just to take the opportunity to win over Gong Yangwen. After all, the reason why Gongyangwen received the invitation was because he was with a real ghost army.

seemed to see Li Mingyang's anxiety, and Gong Yangwen immediately explained, "That should be a place for Yan Luo to retreat and practice."

"Why are you so sure?" Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"Because there is a magnificent palace in that very shabby city."

"What's wrong with a palace? If a real ghost really wants to do it, what's strange about building a palace?" Li Mingyang still asked puzzledly.

Gongyangwen was not in a hurry and still explained seriously: "That palace is the same as the palace of King Taishan."

"The same palace." Li Mingyang finally understood why Gongyangwen had such a judgment. When he met the King of Mount Tai, Li Mingyang thought about why the King of Mount Tai had the leisure to build such a magnificent palace in the place of refuge when he was so depressed. Later, when the King of Mount Tai returned to hell, Li Mingyang knew that the earthly monument taken away by the King of Mount Tai was in the heavenly world. It looks like a palace. Because the earth spirit tablet is both the foundation of the hell and their palace, even on the way to escape, as long as the earth spirit tablet is immortal, their palace will always exist.

"It seems that it won't be wrong again this time." Li Mingyang muttered.

Tianren City slowly floated into the depths of the real ghost world. The distribution of real ghosts in Fengtai World is very scattered, and there is almost no unified power. It is not divided into several ghost kings like Tianyuan World. How many ghosts are there to be handsome under the Ghost King. At that time, it was the arrangement of these grades set up by the King of Tai himself, and then It was plotted by the East Ghost King, and the East Ghost King also continued to use it.

Just thinking about what Gong Yangwen said about the situation in the shabby ghost city, Li Mingyang couldn't help wondering if something had happened there, causing the ten halls of Yan Luo, who hid into the Fengtai world, to be more miserable. Otherwise, how could the real ghost of Fengtai world be more chaotic than the Tianyuan world?

But no matter how Li Mingyang guessed, they finally arrived at the ghost town. It takes some means to enter the underground world where the ghost city is located, and the biggest problem is that Tianren City has never been able to escape. Although Xie Bi'an also suspected that Gong Yangwen might not have figured out the situation, in order to figure out the situation, he also rushed over. When he saw the broken city, Xie Bi'an said at first glance, "Is the city in vain?"

"Death in vain?" Li Mingyang asked curiously, "What city is this?"

"The city under the control of King Bian." Xie Bi'an said.

"That means there must be Yan Luo here?" Li Mingyang asked excitedly.

Xie Bi'an nodded and could see that he was also very excited: "This is the city of King Bian, one of the ten halls of hells, and the only hell in hell that owns a hell." Speaking of this, Xie Bi'an immediately explained: "The king of Bian City took charge of this city when he was just promoted to the throne of Yanluo. This city is called the dead city, because the king of Bian City is in charge of those who died in vain, and this city is equivalent to part of his Yanluo throne. How to put it, it seems that you Tianren will generally have a heavenly city, which is a symbol of the status of the king of Biancheng.

Listening to Xie Bi'an's explanation, Li Mingyang nodded repeatedly. He didn't expect that there were so many words in the hell, but at this time, Li Mingyang only cared about one question: "Is this Biancheng king very strong?"

Xie Bi'an glanced at Li Mingyang: "If we are tied together in hell, we are not his opponents. After all, he is Yan Luo, but in the earth spirit world, it depends on his current state of cultivation."

Li Mingyang laughed and suddenly realized that he really asked a nonsense, shook his head and said with a smile, "I can only hope that he will also be attacked by one of his men."

Xie Bi'an glanced at Li Mingyang again and said angrily, "Such a thing will not happen often. The situation of Huashenchi and the incarnation of the body can be lost once in thousands of years. Don't have too many fluke psychology. Once the war starts, it will be a real bloody battle. No matter how seriously damaged his strength is, it must be the five-fold strength of Xuanling Realm. The only way to fight in this battle is to win.

Li Mingyang sighed slightly. He had already understood the result, but it was also because of this that he rarely pinned his hopes on good luck to win. As Xie Bi'an said, no matter how weak the ten temples and hell are, if they take action in hell, their strong combat power will never be able to fight against themselves or Xie Bi'an. Outside hell, even in the earth and spiritual world, no matter how strong their strength is, they will only be maintained because of their limited strength. In the realm of Xuanling Realm, but it must be the fivefold of Xuanling Realm.

If there is enough time to practice in this spiritual world, Xie Bi'an can also let his strength stay in the mysterious realm after being suppressed here, but for their existence, enough time generally refers to hundreds of thousands of years. If they have to wait so long, it's okay not to do it.

So the only way is to rely on the sea of people tactics. The wheel said that if the real ghosts have taken root in the hell and suddenly start to die a large number of deaths, the reincarnation will be hit hard again, so sending 100,000 real ghosts to help fight is already the limit of what he can do. In addition, it is necessary to rely on the monks brought by Li Mingyang to abruptly consume ten halls of hell.

Of course, it is impossible for Yan Luo to die completely, but he must be beaten to a suspended state before it is possible to take him back to hell or bring the earth monument back to hell. And only if Yan Luo, who controls this spiritual monument, enters a state of fake death, or simply takes the initiative to weaken the control of the real ghosts in this spiritual world, will these real ghosts be affected by the reincarnation power of the reincarnation road opened by the wheel, and all of them will be guided back to the hell.

With the experience of defeating King Taishan, Li Mingyang will naturally not be unfamiliar with this. He just hopes that the war will not be so cruel. Whether it is a monk or a monk from Fengtai, he does not want such a large amount of consumption in the war.

It is impossible for low-level monks to fight against the five-fold strong man in the Xuanling Realm, but because Yan Luo can't really stay away from the earth spirit tablet, that is, his own palace, this means that the war can only be carried out on this designated battlefield, so as long as there are enough monks to kill a five-fold strong man in the Xuanling realm, it is not It's a daydream.

Knowing that this battle was unavoidable, Li Mingyang could only control the Heavenly City and stop over the city in vain.

Then Li Mingyang, Gong Yangwen and Xie Bi'an jumped from Tianren City and entered the city in vain. Once the war starts, 100,000 real ghost troops and 200,000 monks will fall from the sky, including the virtual spirit monks of the sharp knife team will also attack strongly.

After Xie Bi'an landed, he looked around with emotion on his face. He was not afraid to meet a familiar here... Ghost, after all, he was doomed to fight here. Looking at the familiar and strange appearance in the city, Xie Bi'an couldn't help sighing.

But as he walked, he suddenly changed his color. He reached out to stop Li Mingyang and Gong Yangwen and whispered, "There seems to be something wrong."