ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 445 The Yin of the Jinzhu Army

Today's Tianren County can be said to be full of holes. There are two princes working together to suppress the outside world. When the war is in a stalemate, an old opponent Yuan Wuwang appeared in the air. In the face of such a situation, the monks who have been supporting Tianren County can no longer find a chance for them to win.

But at this time, Lanhai County became the focus of attention in the whole Central Plains. Before that, although Lanhai County joined hands with Pingyuan County to attack Tianren County, people paid more attention to Tianren County, just because of the emergence of Lv Zhen, because of Lv Zhen's behavior, today's Lanhai County has not only become the focus of attention, but also soon become the object of people's criticism, and may even war.

Slaughter is the most taboo thing in the whole Central Plains, or the whole Xuanyuan world.

Lv Zhentu is not a monk in Pingyang City, but a civilian in Pingyang City.

Lanhai County, in Lanhai Palace.

The prince of Lanhai has now completely gone crazy. His roar in the palace has not calmed down for a long time. The monks around him, whether they are generals or guards, can't say a word of fear. At this moment, these people really don't know what else to say. They did do what Lv Zhen wanted to do before, but they just thought about it, but they didn't expect Lv Zhen to really dare to do it.

Prince Lanhai's expression is extremely distorted, and now he has boundless anger and doesn't know who to vent it on.

"How many days will Lv Zhen come back?" Prince Lanhai asked coldly.

"One day, one day can be escorted back." A general next to him said quickly.

The prince of Lanhai snorted coldly, as if he was relieved to hear that Lv Zhen could finally be escorted back. I just think of Lv Zhen, but Prince Lanhai is now itching, but he doesn't know how to deal with him.

Even Prince Lanhai couldn't wait to eat his meat after hearing what he did. Slaughter? This kind of thing has not happened in the Central Plains for thousands of years. Lv Zhen usually makes trouble again and should not do such a thing.

In fact, all the monks of Lanhai County understand why Lv Zhen did this. From the day the monks of Lanhai County invaded Tianren County, the monks of Tianren County have always been very weak, but there is boundless damage in the weakness. At first, the monks of Lanhai County lost one after another under the circumstances of underestimate of the enemy, and then It was realized that the Jinzhu army was not to retreat, but to fight in Changyun Road.

But Jinzhu Army's strategy looks very ordinary. After all, everyone can see it at a glance, but it is useless for you to be smart. It is basically impossible to crack it. The so-called conspiracy is like this. If you know this is a sea of fire, you must jump in.

In the past few months, the monks of Lanhai County have died in Changyun Road. The number of casualties is almost half of the expeditionary army, not to mention the seriously injured monks. The most sinister thing about the Jinzhu Army is that sometimes even deliberately do not kill those monks, but give them to those monks. The injury left on the body that is difficult to heal, not to mention that it cannot be repaired in the short term. Even if there is a master to help in recuperate in the future, it will be difficult to heal.

Under the repeated sneak attacks of the Jinzhu army, there are more and more monks in Lanhai County who are seriously injured. In order to rescue these seriously injured monks, many monks in Lanhai County have to take care of them, and they often encounter them on the way to escort these seriously injured Lanhai County monks home. Further sneak attacks by the Jinzhu army caused more monks to be seriously injured.

In the end, once there is a seriously injured monk, Lanhai County will send a large number of monks to escort them as a whole. Otherwise, even the escorted monks will be severely damaged. However, as a result, the monks in Lanhai County became more scattered, and the war in Changyun Road began to become more difficult to gain an advantage.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lanhai County sent an army of 200,000 monks, and then sent more expeditionary troops to attack the empty Tianren County. Unexpectedly, it was so difficult to fight that they have underestimated the monks of Lanhai County, but only the Lanhai County monks themselves knew what was going on. On the battlefield, the Jinzhu Army It is omnivolent, and many dirty means can be used. Sneak attacks, ambush, and roundabout all kinds of guerrilla warfare are the best. Sometimes the most puzzled thing about the commanders of Lanhai County is that these Jinzhu army monks are obviously so scattered, but it seems that the commander of the Jinzhu army is as strong as their control, otherwise it is impossible to fight such a rhythmic ambush.

But what bothers these Lanhai County generals the most is actually the Jinzhu Army's means of not killing a large number of seriously injured Lanhai County monks. Many times, these generals are even thinking that even if they kill all the defeated Lanhai County monks, don't leave so many seriously injured monks. If they kill directly, they will lose a monk, but if they leave a seriously injured monk, Lanhai County often needs to send an additional monk to take care of him. It seems that no one is dead, but as a result, Lanhai County has spent more troops on this matter.

This is the situation of the most important monks after returning to Lanhai County. Many of the strong men in Lanhai County have been invited to diagnose why the injured monks will be so strange and basically can't get worse, but even those strong men are helpless. As a result, the seriously injured monk of Lanhai County can only become a useless person in his life even if he goes back.

If it's just two such monks, Prince Lanhai will forget that he doesn't know about it. However, there are more and more such monks. If the Prince of Lanhai can't give enough compensation, it will definitely chill these monks, but to compensate some monks who are destined to become useless and spend a lot of resources on them, Prince Lanhai can't help but feel pain.

If there is no compensation, the Lanhai County monks on the expedition in Changyun Road will certainly be chilled, and as more and more seriously injured monks, there will be some strange changes in the hearts of these monks. For example, they thought that if they were defeated, they might only be seriously injured, but if they resisted, they would die. Therefore, once faced a headwind battle, most of the monks in Lanhai County would choose to be seriously injured. Although they would leave unhealed injuries, they could at least receive a generous compensation and then return to their hometown to spend the rest of their lives.

Although they will be unwilling to change from a monk to an ordinary person, thinking that they will not change from a monk to a dead person will know how to choose.

The wheel has brought the offensive battle to the most exquisite level. These problems were realized even two months after the beginning of the war, but it was too late to realize it.

Because of this, the monks of Lanhai County are full of hatred for the monks of the Jinzhu Army, believing that these monks who can only hide in Tibet all day are cowardly and very sinister, but they have repeatedly sought the opportunity to fight with the Jinzhu Army, but they have never been given the opportunity. Will. On the contrary, once a general in Lanhai County becomes impatient and his action is a little too extreme, he will immediately be severely hit by the Jinzhu army.

Lv Zhen went crazy under such circumstances, so he ordered the slaughter of the city. Because just before he occupied Pingyang City, he received a war report and found a large number of Jinzhu army outside Pingyang City. He originally led people to fight a decisive battle with Jinzhu army, but it was empty again. However, when he withdrew his troops, he was surrounded by three Jinzhu army monks and attacked the rear army. The battle was extremely fast. When Lv Zhen led the army When he returned, his rear army had been defeated.

What's more hateful is that the whole seven thousand Lanhai County monks were not many killed in the battle, but all of them were seriously injured, and they were almost incurable. Looking at the 7,000 seriously injured monks, Lv Zhen knew that his expedition in Changyun Road would definitely end. After all, it is to escort the 7,000 seriously injured monks back to Lanhai County. It is certainly impossible without 5,000 people. But there are only 20,000 people in his hand.

It was because of the depression of this fiasco that he ordered to slaughter the city after occupying Pingyang City. When slaughtering the city, Lv Zhen stood on the wall and kept roaring, scolding the grandson of the Jinzhu army, the coward of the Jinzhu army, and the shrinking turtle of the Jinzhu army. However, no matter how he scolded, he hoped to anger the Jinzhu army by this means, so as to force the monks of the Jinzhu army to give up this kind of shrinking turtle and fight with them.

It turns out that Lv Zhen's approach has indeed been successful. Just hours after he slaughtered the city, the wheel ordered to gather the monks scattered in Changyun Road to prepare for a fight with the monks of Lanhai County.

However, Lv Zhen not only successfully angered the monks of the Jinzhu Army, but also successfully angered the monks of the whole Central Plains. Before he waited for the monk army of the Jinzhu Army to come to the decisive battle, he had been forcibly taken away by the guard of Prince Lanhai.

Today's Central Plains has completely boiled up because of the slaughter of Pingyang City. Some of the powerful big families in Longdu have sent strong men to Lanhai County. Their purpose is obvious. How can the prince of Lanhai explain this matter? They must see it with their own eyes. Lv Zhen is bound to die, but this matter is not just as simple as Lv Zhen's death.

Thinking about the current situation, Prince Lanhai is so angry now. Prince Lanhai was cautious all his life. After inheriting his father's business, he vigorously developed the strength of the county. He would not easily anger the Central Plains forces, but always buried himself in the development of the expedition to the mysterious world. However, he did not expect that he was bold this time in his life to attack Tianren County for a piece of the pie, and the result was this problem.

"Explain? The whole Central Plains is asking me for an explanation. It's not me who slaughtered the city. Why should I explain it to them!? Thinking that some bigwigs in Longdu were coming, Prince Lanhai became more irritable.

"Go and send Lv Zhen's beast back to me with a light feather charm. I will deal with him tonight!"