ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 488 First Meet

Shen Zhuo followed Gong Yangwen far away. Now he is no longer as curious about this big man as he used to be. He vowed that he would never forget the scene six days ago in his life, and he finally stopped hanging on the dragon flag of the imperial city.

However, Shen Zhuo couldn't help worrying about him when he thought that Gong Yangwen was going to enter the Longhua battlefield today. In fact, after getting along with him for the past few days, Shen Zhuo has a comprehensive understanding of these people from Tianren County. These people are not the same as the rumors. They can't see what the Central Plains nobles should have at all. The temperament of the superior, Elder Guo Yunshan is the oldest and powerful man, but he still has a lot of banditry.

But it is the discovery these days that makes Shen Zhuo more supportive of his grandfather's decision. In addition to being "mistakenly injured" on the first day, these people are definitely the strongest people who are worth making friends. They have no airs, are not empty-hearted, and they are not casual. They have benefited a lot from getting along with Shen Zhu in the past few days.

He smiled happily all the way, but after arriving at the periphery of the Longhua battlefield and seeing tens of thousands of monks gathered here, Shen Zhuo finally couldn't laugh anymore. He has never experienced such a big scene over the years.

Yan Kuo looked around and looked at the dragon monks who were arrogant, curious, or began to wave flags and shout for the ghost king. He poured a mouthful of spiritual wine and smiled as usual, "That's right. I didn't expect the reputation to be so famous here."

Guo Yunshan and others all have a pot of spiritual wine, not to make a splash. It is really under the influence of Li Mingyang and the Yan brothers. Whenever something big is about to happen, the people of the Jinzhu Army like to drink more spiritual wine.

"Look, look, all the ghost kings are here."

"Which one is Xiao Zhuer?"

"You know how to look at Xiao Zhuer, and you are not afraid to let the ghost king poke your eyes blind."

"Tut, look, look, what is a woman, this is called a woman, that appearance, that figure, that... that temperament, hehe, temperament is really good."

"You deserve it. Just watch it secretly. You have to say it and let people keep an eye on it."

"Wind demon, that man is the wind demon Guo Yunshan, right?"

"The Yan family's double knives are more domineering."

"If you want to be domineering, you are still a good general."

A group of monks subconsciously looked at the hill-like Gongyangwen and nodded silently. Some of them once boldly went to Tianren County and Lanhai County to watch the battle. Those who had seen Gongyangwen take action with their own eyes nodded deeply. This powerful war will leave an indelible and deep impression on them.

Li Mingyang, in the name of the ghost king and the reputation of his powerful generals, caused a lot of sensation when he appeared, but when the Qiao family appeared on the other side, the momentum on the scene suddenly became much smaller. Although the Qiao family is a big family with a profound background, it is not as popular as Tianren County recently. Naturally, there are not many people who like them among the lively monks.

But nothing can be seen from the momentum. Even some monks who support the Qiao family will not show it too fiercely now. Naturally, such a big family with a deep background does not care about this.

Surprisingly, Qiao Zhen also appeared in person, and the old man's appearance finally caused a big sensation. The significance of the owner of the Tianchi Guardian family appeared here in person.

This represents the battle between Qiao Xifeng and Li Mingyang. Qiao Zhen has recognized it, rather than ignored it. Seeing Qiao Zhen's appearance, people immediately thought that it seems that the Qiao family is determined to win this battle. Presumably, there should be a large number of strong people among ten people.

Li Mingyang also noticed Qiao Zhen in the crowd. When he saw Qiao Zhen staring at him blankly, Li Mingyang subconsciously smiled. He suddenly felt that Qiao Zhen seemed to be very pitiful. Although his family was very strong, his unworthy descendants chose such a way of decisive battle to humiliate himself. If he was just An ordinary prince of the Central Plains is naturally powerless in the face of such challenges. After all, the strong men under ordinary princes are not necessarily loyal.

But he is not an ordinary prince. Maybe he is very ordinary, but he is surrounded by a very unusual existence. The wheel is no longer taboo to appear in front of people. As Li Mingyang's contact level becomes higher and higher, these big families in Longdu will certainly guess some of his details, but even if they are in the Central Plains, it is definitely impossible to find themselves from hell. If you know your true identity, you can't reveal this secret in your life.

With the strong warriors in the hell recommended by the wheel, it is really difficult for Li Mingyang to imagine how to lose this battle.

When walking, Li Mingyang and the wheel discussed all about challenging Longdu in the future. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Li Mingyang is still discussing countermeasures with his men, but he does not know that Li Mingyang is completely playful about this battle.

Sun Shangxiang waited early at the entrance of the Longhua battlefield. In the past few days, Sun Shangxiang felt distracted. With taking over the royal auction house, the identity of his royal patriarch and princess finally surfaced. These days, there has been continuous socializing in the auction house, although all the people who come to contact him are extremely smart. The monk could not show any disrespect in front of him, but Sun Shangxiang still felt very tired.

She was physically and mentally exhausted because she was worried about Li Mingyang.

Although when he went to talk to his father, his father said lightly, "He will have no problem" and expressed his absolute confidence in Li Mingyang, Sun Shangxiang still could not rest assured. Through the special channels of the royal family, Sun Shangxiang learned about some arrangements of the Qiao family, especially after knowing that Qiao Yuanjiang was also coming to participate in this war, Sun Shangxiang really couldn't calm down.

Who is Qiao Yuanjiang? Who in Longdu doesn't know about this killing star? Although it is not the five-fold cultivation of the Xuanling Realm, the super combat talent still makes many veteran strong people feel a headache when they see him. It is rumored that Qiao Yuanjiang is the real successor of the Qiao family. This time, Qiao Zhen even sent his future successor to the Longhua battlefield, which is enough to see that he must fight this battle. The determination to win.

Sun Shangxiang wanted to inform Li Mingyang after knowing the news, but thinking of the sentence "the emperor doesn't want you to participate too much" when the night shadow who sent the news to her was about to leave, Sun Shangxiang could only survive until now, and finally failed to inform Li Mingyang in advance. No one monitored Sun Shangxiang, but Sun Shangxiang knew that as long as he passed on the news to Li Mingyang, his father would definitely know. Ye Ying's words were definitely not his own intention. No matter what Sun Shangxiang did, he did not dare to disobey the will of the Evergreen Emperor.

Finally, when he waited for the day of the decisive battle and watched Li Mingyang walk into the periphery of the battlefield with his now popular men, his mood was very complicated, and finally unconsciously walked to Li Mingyang.

"Your Highness the eldest princess." Seeing Sun Shangxiang suddenly coming, Li Mingyang quickly greeted him politely, with a relaxed tone and clear eyes.

Hearing Li Mingyang's words, Sun Shangxiang was stunned to find that she had walked all the way here in a daze. With a slightly embarrassed smile, Sun Shangxiang asked, "Lord Ghost King, how is the preparation for this battle? Is there a chance of winning?"

"It's okay, let it be up to fate." Li Mingyang still said politely that with the light warning of the wheel, Li Mingyang had become more cautious in front of outsiders.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang suddenly walked towards Li Mingyang, which naturally attracted the attention of the monks. The rumors between the ghost king and the eldest princess have been widely spread in the past few days, but the original white face statement has long gone, and people slowly reacted it, relying on Li Mingyang's current identity and Ability, even if they marry the royal princess is not delusional, they are definitely a match made in heaven.

However, in the eyes of others, it is a match made in heaven, but in Xiao Zhuer's eyes, it is full of hostility. Xiao Zhuer is not jealous. She was just joking when she met Liu Mei before, but now that she sees Sun Shangxiang, although she does not know the identity of this woman, her beautiful face and tall figure are enough to make Xiao Zhuer feel a sense of crisis and even a faint frustration. Xiao Zhuer In fact, she is not a beautiful person. Her beauty is better than her natural charm.

But Sun Shangxiang's beauty seems to be impeccable. Xiao Zhuer wanted to be his enemy, but she found that it seemed meaningless to do so. In the past, when facing Liu Mei, Xiao Zhuer always pretended to be a tough woman and pushed Liu Mei far away, but this time, she seemed to be angry with her little daughter-in-law and could only reluctantly smile as Li Mingyang talk to Sun Shangxiang.

Just when Xiao Zhuer was extremely frustrated, a powerful arm fell on her shoulder, and a familiar sense of security instantly enveloped her whole body. Then she heard the voice that had gradually become magnetic in her ear: "This is Xiao Zhuer. We... are childhood sweethearts. When I knew her, I still It's just a ghost repair."

Sun Shangxiang's smile suddenly stiffened, and she could naturally figure out why Li Mingyang suddenly introduced Xiao Zhuer to herself. Li Mingyang would certainly know the rumors about herself and Li Mingyang these days.

When he was stunned, Sun Shangxiang suddenly saw the apology in Li Mingyang's eyes, which made Sun Shangxiang suddenly feel clear. Looking at the delicate beauty in his arms, Sun Shangxiang understood that this was not a demonstration, but just a protection for his beloved girl.

Thinking of this, Sun Shangxiang suddenly smiled brightly and generously stretched out his hand and said to Xiao Zhuer, "Hello, my name is Sun Shangxiang. Occasionally, I met Lord Ghost King and asked him for some array things. I am a friend of Lord Ghost King."

"We are friends." Sun Shangxiang suddenly looked at Li Mingyang again.

Looking at Sun Shangxiang's calm smile, Li Mingyang nodded and said, "It's a friend."