ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 491 Battle of Longhua 2

Qiao Yuanjiang's encounter made some people who came into contact with the Longhua battlefield completely amazed. It turned out that this was the real extremely smart illusion. Until now, it seems that no one can tell where the real existence is, no matter who is the people watching the battle outside or the monks who have entered the Longhua battlefield. It is illusory.

After walking in the Longhua battlefield for a period of time, Li Mingyang was completely impressed by this huge battlefield, to be precise, by this mysterious illusion. Along the way, although the most important thing in his practice is ten rounds of reincarnation, in the final analysis, Li Mingyang is most concerned about his achievements in array. After becoming a five-level array mage and even trying to design a five-level composite array, Li Mingyang is full of confidence in his array achievements.

But after entering the Longhua battlefield less than a bun, this confidence was directly defeated.

"It's really a magic work." Li Mingyang's eyes were full of greed, as if there was an boundless treasure in front of him, not a dark secret room.

When people see Li Mingyang's environment in the mirror array, although they have experienced the episode just now, they can clearly realize that the environment these people live in may be illusory, but Li Mingyang's situation still makes people sweat after all.

Unlike others, Li Mingyang seems to be standing in an endless dark space. What people see on the mirror array is that Li Mingyang stands very abruptly in the endless darkness. They can't see whether he is walking or floating. No one knows what's around him. The boundless darkness seems to be The wild beast devoured Li Mingyang, and just looking at all this made many people feel depressed as if they couldn't breathe.

But after seeing Li Mingyang's expression, many people were stunned.

"He seems to be very excited, doesn't he?" Looking at Li Mingyang's appearance on the mirror array, some monks frowned and asked.

Everyone around them nodded. They saw very complicated emotions on Li Mingyang's face, with excitement, greed, and even as if they were still looking hopeful, but there was no anxiety. Even the Qiao monks couldn't help marveling at Li Mingyang's strong will. In such an environment, even if they clearly told him that it was an illusion, several people could really maintain such a mentality when they were in it.

"What the hell is he doing?" Seeing Li Mingyang in the endless darkness, he looked east and west for a while. Sun Shangxiang's cold sweat on his forehead could not be wiped, and his voice asked with a faint trembling voice.

Sun Chengji also frowned. The powerful prince in the royal family now looks grim. After looking at it for a long time, he slowly said, "He seems to be breaking the array?"

"Break the array?" Sun Shangxiang looked at the seventh uncle in surprise and shouted this sentence out of his anger.

Sun Chengji looked at his niece with a headache and said with a smile, "I just feel that he seems to be breaking the array. You know, your uncle, I don't know how to array."

"Feeling?" Sun Shangxiang looked at the seventh uncle suspiciously, and it was really strange to hear such words in his mouth.

Sun Chengji was stared at by Sun Shangxiang and was a little scared. Finally, he could only say helplessly: "His eyes reminded me of a man. When that person had just entered the battlefield in the Longhua battlefield, it was almost like this. After that, he told me that he was trying to break the array.

"That person? Who is that person? Sun Shangxiang asked stubbornly.

"That person is your father." Sun Chengji said very seriously this time, "That's how I looked at your father in the mirror array."

These words are the real secret talks between Sun Chengji and Sun Shangxiang, but after all, they are still not hidden from other royal monks around him. At this moment, their eyes are full of awe when they look at Li Mingyang. Maybe Sun Chengji's words don't explain too many problems, but at least these people can feel it from his attitude. The Prince is very optimistic about Li Mingyang, and which of the monks who can be valued by the Prince is extremely strong.

Li Mingyang is indeed trying to break the array. Although he knows that he can't understand this array at all, Li Mingyang has benefited a lot from feeling the operation of this magic array. Although he can't see the key to this array, he has already felt that this magic array is a composite array. According to his most conservative estimate, this complex array may contain at least thousands of small arrays, so it is so complicated.

"With those hell warriors, you don't need me in this battle, right?" Looking at the boundless darkness around him, Li Mingyang subconsciously muttered to himself, and finally clapped his hands and sat directly on the ground motionless.

"Is this?" Seeing Li Mingyang's strange behavior, Yan Guang asked with a little astonishment.

A light flashed in the wheel's eyes, shaking his head and smiling, "Good boy, I'm really angry."

"What do you mean, Lord Wheel?" Yan Guang asked curiously.

The wheel waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, this boy must have an epiphany. Get ready to digest it."

"Can this also be an epiphany?" Hearing the saying of the wheel, even these companions who have been fighting with Li Mingyang for many years are stunned.

"What about this war?" Guo Yunshan was naturally happy that Li Mingyang could have an epiphany, but he was more worried about Li Mingyang's life or death.

"It's okay. My men can solve this kind of small scene." The wheel waved his big hand and said heroily.


Although this battle is an appointment between Li Mingyang and Qiao Xifeng, because of Qiao Yuanjiang's strong participation, people have already turned their eyes on them, but seeing the two of them, one has no way to go to the sky in the blue sea, and the other is simply meditating in endless darkness. It has been cut a lot. Originally, he thought he could see Gong Yangwen, a barbarian killer, show his power in the Longhua battlefield, but at the last moment, he was also left outside the battlefield, making people lose another highlight.

Finally, someone remembered another key figure, Qiao Xifeng.

Qiao Xifeng did not know what happened outside the battlefield. In fact, after he just entered the Longhua battlefield, he always put on a calm and general posture. The purpose is self-evident. Naturally, it is to leave his most handsome side when he appeared on the mirror array. This is the Qiao family People really seem to have the same hobbies.

However, if Qiao Xifeng knew that those people would rather watch Qiao Yuanjiang eat and Li Mingyang in a daze than look at him first, I guess he would spit blood and die. In terms of vomiting blood, Joe's family also seems to have a good inheritance...

It is true that although Qiao Xifeng has been putting on airs for a long time, he has indeed done a lot of things. Qiao Zhen took out three pieces of Qianzhiyu, and Qiao Xifeng got a piece. Now he also needs to be in the middle and try to contact other Qiao's parents in the battlefield. Their tactic of this battle is to get all the Qiao family together as much as possible, and then once they encounter the generals of the Jinzhu army, they will basically fight more and less. In this way, the chances of winning are extremely high.

Qiao Xifeng did not believe that Li Mingyang and others also had the means to contact in the Longhua battlefield. Although he had not contacted anyone yet, Qiao Xifeng seemed to have foreseen the upcoming situation of fighting more and less, and sneered uncontrollably.

Qiao Xifeng's confidence is not groundless. Li Mingyang does not have the ability to contact others in the Longhua battlefield. He does not have this ability, and there is no treasure like Qianzhiyu in Tianren County with no foundation, but Qiao Xifeng does not know that Li Mingyang does not have this ability, but it does not mean that the Jinzhu army generals who enter the Longhua battlefield No.

At first, Li Mingyang wanted Gong Yang to enter the scene to fight, but after seeing Qiao Yuanjiang appear, Li Mingyang gave up this idea. Although the possibility of Gong Yang Wen encountering Qiao Yuanjiang as soon as he entered the field was very low, no matter how low it was, it was possible. Naturally, Li Mingyang did not want Gong Yangwen to take risks, and finally there were eight hell generals. All enter the Longhua battlefield.

As soon as these eight hell warriors entered the Longhua battlefield, they also encountered many problems. The illusion array in the Longhua battlefield also made them suffer, but soon, these hell warriors slowly established contact with their unique contact methods.

Outside the Longhua battlefield, everyone anxiously watched what happened on the mirror array. As the battlefield opened longer and longer, people's patience became less and less, which was completely different from what they had expected before. Although they also knew that it was impossible for these people to break out a decisive battle as soon as they entered, at least there should be The collision is right, but the fact is that neither of them has any collision. Even some generals who have got rid of the initial entanglement of the illusion array are moving strangely.

Looking at it, some people saw the way, and they found that the generals on both sides seemed to be trying to come together. Seeing this situation, even Sun Chengji's face suddenly changed, and his eyes widened and said, "Do they have a way to contact each other in the Longhua battlefield?"

At this moment, Qiao Zhen's shock is even more. Qiao's family has Qian Zhiyu, which has been a major support for Qiao Zhen, but now he can't accept it for a while when he sees the performance of the Jinzhu army generals.

Not only him, but also some of the bigwigs of Tianchi Guardians have also felt a serious sense of crisis. Although so far, they have only vaguely felt that both of them are trying to converge, this feeling is enough to frighten them.

As members of the Guardian of Tianchi, they know how serious the threat is.

The most important thing is that the Qiao family has been the guardian of Tianchi for many years, with a profound background. Although such a method is shocking, it is understandable that Li Mingyang has been rising for a long time. The emergence of this situation has made those who originally only planned to watch the play feel something different. The idea.

"Ghost king, ghost king, are you really happy if we can't sleep?" The owner of the Dou family frowned and said.