ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 544 Another piece of shit

Crazy, the monks in the appearance battle of Longhua battlefield are a little crazy, and some of Qiao's monks have even begun to hit the ground with their heads. This is too abnormal. This is not a horizontal confrontation at all.

Where on earth did Li Mingyang find so many freaks?

Looking at the wilderness after the transformation, no one dares to say a word of cuteness at this time. Although through a ethereal space, they just look at the fierce beast on the mirror array, many people have already felt his breathless breath.

Qiao Zhen's hands began to tremble. He saw that Qinghuang even lowered his head and swallowed Qiao Zhenghao's body without spitting bones, and then walked away lazily.

Until now, people know that this guy was not pretending to be cute at all. He was so powerful that he thought that no one could pose a threat to him in this battlefield, so he always showed a lazy posture and even unwilling to show his body. Thinking of someone here, I can't help guessing that if Qiao Zhenghao hadn't kicked him cheaply just now, he might not have caused a murder at all.

Is this the legendary way to kill yourself?

Looking at Qiao Zhen's trembling hands and Tieqing's face, the bosses of other big families just subconsciously wanted to gloat, but at the thought of their own monks in the battlefield, they all began to frown. In the confrontation between low-level monks, Li Mingyang's sharp knife team is simply invincible. Although they are always scattered, most of the time they are in a state of assembly, most likely to 6,000, or three or 4,000 people to gather together. Such a team is the hegemon in the Longhua battlefield.

After seeing the state of the sharp knife team, they are desperate, and Li Mingyang, the sharp knife team, can definitely complete this challenge. The battlefield of the real Longhua War is actually a straight line. No one can figure out the principle. They only know that no matter how they go or lose in the current battlefield, they are actually moving forward.

The reason why the monks of other forces are allowed to enter the battlefield in advance is that their people have been transported to any place on the challenger's way forward in advance. In short, Li Mingyang's people will always meet all the challengers. As long as one thousand people can successfully pass the Longhua battlefield in the end, the challenge will be successful. Judging from the current situation, they may even have 5,000 people who will eventually pass through the battlefield, and no matter how bad it is, there will be three or two thousand people.

No matter how bad the situation is, it will exceed the challenge, and all the bosses have lost hope of blocking Li Mingyang's team. Now they only hope that their monks in the Longhua battlefield can have some eyesight and see how powerful the Jinzhu army is. Once they meet, it is better to escape instead of fighting. Now there is nothing to do with shame, and it is most important to keep the position of the guardian of Tianchi.

Although even if they are defeated, they are not afraid to challenge again, but if they want to complete a challenge, who has to prepare for ten or eight years is the fastest. There are several monsters like Li Mingyang who dare to challenge in a year, which really makes him succeed in the challenge.

Now no one doubts that Li Mingyang will eventually win. Now he is just nervous to see how much combat power he has lost, and how much combat power others have lost. Everyone only asks for one thing, that is, the least of their own lost monks, as long as it is not the most lost. Everything is fine.

This battle is a gluttonous feast for all spectators. These people have never seen the real battle of Longhua. Although they have heard people talk about it since childhood, even few monks born and raised in Longdu have really seen it. Now that I finally saw it, I was stunned to find that the Longhua battlefield was very different from the rumors, but it was much more wonderful than the rumors.

These monks don't care what's strange about the Jinzhu army, and don't analyze how terrible it is for thousands of virtual spiritual monks to gather together in the Longhua battlefield. They just like to watch the sharp knife team slaughter the monks of those rich families and watch those who are above the top being brutally slaughtered, or wolves. Escape is the greatest pleasure of these people watching the battle.

Although they dare not laugh, at least their happiness is not reduced at all. Longdu monks have never killed people, and Longdu is not as peaceful as people think. Even if they are not family monks, they must continue to fight to pay the high cost of survival in Longdu. At least 90% of Longdu's scattered practices are mercenary monks, and many years of war have long cultivated their iron-like hearts.

Even if they may have some feelings for that family because they are often hired by a certain family, it is only a little bit. More often, they still hate these high-ranking guys, and now they are naturally happy to see them suffering.

The rich family bosses of the Guardian of the Thirteen Heavens Pool are also not in the mood to pay attention to the gloating thoughts of the people who watched the battle. Now they are only paying attention to the casualties. It looks like a game-like battle. The final result will involve the fate of these rich families in the next few decades. It seems to be a child's play, but there are no hostages. Doubt his authority.

Finally, someone began to pay attention to Li Mingyang. Of course, this is also because the mirror array finally began to capture Li Mingyang's picture. Just like at the beginning, Li Mingyang has always been alone, but there are many guys on him. Seeing that he was still exploring the French array, people who had been surprised too many times in this battle finally couldn't move. One by one, they looked weakly at Li Mingyang fiddling with all kinds of magic weapons in his hand, and there was no ** at all.

Instead, those array mages widened their eyes one by one, and finally let them see the only shining point in this crazy killing battle. Previously, they only heard that the ghost king Li Mingyang was a talented mage, but they only heard about it, and they all subconsciously thought that those statements were just rumors. People who study arrays understand how deep the method of arrays is, which can't be forced to improve their attainments simply by good talent. Without enough time to accumulate, it is impossible to become a master of array.

But when they saw what Li Mingyang had done with their own eyes, these people were clearly hit. Real array masters are generally old-fashioned. Now 30% of the array masters who come to watch the battle have even participated in the Battle of Longhua. Naturally, they know how exquisite the magic array in the Longhua battlefield is. But now they see that Li Mingyang actually cracked some illusions in the Longhua battlefield.

Until this moment, these people woke up like a dream. It turned out that the illusion array in the Longhua battlefield was a compound illusion array! God, why didn't I find it? These array masters all regretted not falling. Now they can't wait to rush into the Longhua battlefield immediately, as long as they can fight for Lord Ghost King.

The array is absolutely the most profound existence, but for those who know it well, what is often lacking is a little bit. In the past hundreds of years, these old guys have not found that the illusion array in the Longhua battlefield is a compound illusion array, and they have not even thought about it in that way. When they entered the Longhua battlefield, they did not make any substantive actions except for the magic methods.

Now that they see Li Mingyang's action, and even see that Li Mingyang has cracked some small fantasy arrays in the Longhua battlefield, they all opened up. This is the key point, which makes these array masters who have been trapped for many years gain a lot, and even directly enter the state of epiphany.

The array mages are persistent, and the vast majority of array mages are paranoid madmen. Although most of these people are worshipped by major families, or simply the elites in the family, this time Li Mingyang gave them such inspiration, which completely changed the attitude of this group of old madmen towards Li Mingyang. No matter what the family has to do with the Ghost King, at least in the future, they will not have any personal grudges with the Ghost King. To exaggerate, Li Mingyang's unconscious move made most of the array masters who came to watch the battle today seem to see another way to go.

This alone is enough to make these old stubborn people release their family grievances and admire Li Mingyang. They didn't think that Li Mingyang would not expect his every move to appear in front of people, but he still did, which proved that Li Mingyang did not have the idea of cherishing himself. It is already the master's style to publicize this kind of shocking discovery.

Li Mingyang didn't know that his behavior had affected a large group of old men outside. In fact, those people outside guessed well. He chose to study the Longhua battlefield this time without thinking about hiding, but it was not for the name of the bullshit master. He just couldn't wait.

Changqing Emperor looked at Li Mingyang, who was busy on the mirror array, and his face was also full of emotion. No matter how good it is, it's better to do it yourself. Although he also believed everything Li Mingyang said before, Changqing Emperor has some doubts about his ability to crack the illusion of the Longhua battlefield. Maybe he can really do it a little better than others, but if he wants to be completely successful, he has to wait until the war. Find a way.

But when he saw that Li Mingyang had really begun to break the battle, he was stunned to find that although he had tried very hard to look up at Li Mingyang, he still looked down a little. Is it true that the heavenly and human race are really such evil? A few days ago, the public sheep article can absorb the power of Tianlei and quickly turn it into its own and then forcibly improve its strength. Such a means is not the ability that human beings can have.

Maybe the human race is not human at all. Changqing Emperor suddenly had such a guess.

But when he was sighing, there was an uproar on the field. The Evergreen Emperor quickly looked at the mirror array and finally understood what people were laughing at.

Another piece of shit, and Li Mingyang found that piece of shit again.