ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 560 Draw

The Holy Spirit Realm, also known as the Holy Realm, aims to show that after reaching the Holy Spirit Realm, it has actually been separated from the category of ordinary people, or is no longer mortals. The huge gap between the Holy Spirit Realm and the Xuanling Realm can only lie in front of the Holy Spirit Realm monks.

The saint, the extraordinary saint.

Ma Liang's small eyes blinked vigorously. Like Yun Lan, he couldn't believe his eyes at all. Half a day later, he said with emotion, "Lao Qin is really good at playing. That's what I'm saying. How did he really do it?"

Just listening to Ma Liang's emotion, I knew that Qin Zhan was really promoted to the Holy Spirit. It seemed that he had not read it wrong. Li Mingyang also sighed and didn't know what else to say for a moment.

The wheel said very seriously: "This is the so-called extreme must be reversed. Qin Zhan has worked for the bloody river world all his life and has even become a heart demon with too much burden. Therefore, even if he is extremely talented, he has no access to the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, he unloaded all the heavy responsibilities and experienced such a life-and-death struggle. Although the promotion is very sudden, he also said It should be taken for granted."

Li Mingyang felt that the wheel seemed to have something to say. He looked over curiously. The wheel just smiled and said, "Don't follow his old way."

Li Mingyang thought for a moment and bowed to the wheel. Li Mingyang has also heard many things in the cultivation world. There are many talented people who practiced to the mysterious realm at a young age and reached the five-fold mysterious realm just over 100 years old, but he can't step into the realm of saints in his life. There are many such examples. The wheel also reminds himself not to think that the cultivation is smooth now. , it must be smooth for the rest of your life.

Although I got the small tripod of the earth emperor's spring in the human emperor's cemetery, and I am destined to be promoted to the Holy Spirit realm, what about after the Holy Spirit realm? Is the Holy Spirit really the end of the monk? Li Mingyang shook his head and didn't want to think about these things for the time being.

The reaction of the bosses was emotion, but those ordinary rich monks were already dumbfounded, and the whole dragon looked at the monks of the mirror array were also stunned. The promotion in another war, the last promotion of Gongyangwen in the battle of the outer city was shocking enough. Who would have thought that it would be more exciting now?

In the Holy Spirit, every time such a strong man appears, he will attract everyone's attention. Even in the war just now, someone will look at Yunlan on the battlefield from time to time. After all, such a strong man makes people feel out of reach.

The Ghost King is the youngest prince. Tianren County can be said to be the most basic county in Xuanyuan, but now, who dares to say that he has a shallow foundation? Does the rich family have a holy spirit? Is there a sharp knife team of 10,000 people in a rich family? Do rich families bet on billions of domineering?

Now, no one wants to see Qiao Zhen's jokes. The Qiao family lost to the Ghost King. Such a strong figure, such a powerful helper, who dares to say that he can definitely beat them?

A family owner close to Qiao's family suddenly came to Qiao Zhen and said with a complicated face, "You're suffering." Qiao Zhen looked at this long-old friend with a more complicated face and scolded with a wry smile, "Get out!"

Qiao Zhen wants to cry but has no tears. What's the use of you understanding me? I've lost everything and died. If you had the intention to remind me, I'm watching jokes now! Rolling, I was in a worse mood when I saw another Holy Spirit on his side, and you still came to make trouble!

There are also many rich family owners who are as complicated as Qiao Zhen. Although they have not had a bad relationship with the Ghost King, they think that there will be such an existence in the Dragon City in the future. It is estimated that the name of the first rich family will soon fall on the head of Tianren County, a suddenly rising giant.

Kong An is not complicated now, but wants to cry without tears. Who would have thought that the battle with all the advantages turned out to be like this. Who can stand it?

Now, anyone who sees Kong An can't help gloating. Even the owners of other major families in his camp are looking at him with the idea of watching the fun. Fan Lou can't help but raise a trace of the corners of his mouth. Just now, when Du Zun died, he saw a trace of Kong An's eyes flashed. Joy.

Qin Zhan is now in a very mysterious state. This feeling is very good. The blood dragon around him is very good. Although he knows that this is only a manifestation of magical power after advancing to the Holy Spirit, it will be very difficult for him to perform it after this time, but at least now this kind of strength is Qin Zhan enjoyed the feeling of burning. He had forgotten how many years he had not had such a feeling.

The biggest difference between the strong man in the Holy Spirit and the strong in the Xuanling is the ability to understand the world. If the ability to understand the world is strengthened, the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized will naturally increase, and it will not increase little by little after promotion as in the past, but a new feeling. Now Qin Zhan feels himself You can almost completely control all the space within a foot around you. As long as the other party enters this space, you will be suppressed by yourself.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is not a strong man of the Holy Spirit. If the other party is also a strong man of the Holy Spirit, it is deeper than who has a deeper understanding of this world. This is the power of the field. In its own field, he is the absolute hegemon, but if two hegemons enter the same space at the same time, then It depends on who is more powerful. It's very simple.

Looking at Kong An, who was embarrassed and no longer dared to attack him, Qin Zhan slowly put away the blood dragon. Although he enjoyed this feeling, this is all his essence power. Only by slowly recovering his understanding in the future can the power of his field slowly deepen.

"Little friend, how about we draw in this battle?" Qin Zhan suddenly said very seriously.

As soon as he said this, everyone present was surprised. Yun Lan raised his eyebrows and stared at Qin Zhan, trying to see some conspiracy from his expression. Unfortunately, there was only an indifferent smile on Qin Zhan's face and sincerity in his eyes.

Kong An couldn't see any conspiracy of Qin Zhan, but he couldn't like the result of the draw. Regardless of whether he would be fooled or not, he asked directly, "What you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. As long as you promise that this battle is a draw, it will be a draw." Qin Zhan said rigidly that the etiquette was impeccable.

"Why draw?" Kong An cautiously asked that the battle was full of strangeness, and it was difficult for people who were used to conspiracy to easily believe that such good things would suddenly happen in the world.

Looking at Kong An's still frowning, Qin Zhan waved his hand kindly, as if talking to his descendants: "This battle, in such a battlefield, is inherently unfair to you. I took advantage of it and was lucky enough to delay the promotion. This is also a blessing. This draw is for you. How about the previous compensation?"

Qin Zhan's words made many people feel very puzzled. Many rich monks have even secretly scolded him as a fool in their hearts. At this point, what do they have to play with faith? What does the draw mean? It means that the bet worth about 300 million top-grade spiritual stones will fly away. If It was his monk who dared to make such a decision. I guess all that awaits him is the punishment of death. However, thinking that they are the Holy Spirit, these people can only wait to see Li Mingyang's reaction.

As a result, many people found that Li Mingyang lost and kept giving a thumbs up to Qin Zhan, and there was no displeasure on his face. Some good people were staring at Li Mingyang all the time, but they were surprised to find that from the moment Qin Zhan said he wanted to draw, Li Mingyang really did not show even a trace. A little displeasure!

Are all the people in Tianren County big fools?

Of course, they can't see Zhao Lingrui's reaction now. This little fat man is about to demolish the house now. Hearing that 300 million top-grade spiritual stones disappeared, he did not want to cry without tears, but tears.

But Zhao Fan next to him shouted repeatedly: "Okay, it's great. This is Mr. Qin, this is the style of the saint."

Zhao Lingrui glanced at his father angrily. Since passing the position of the head of the family to himself, his father immediately changed like a person and waited to drink the raw water of Tianchi every day. Longtingjun ignored whether he was dead or alive. Zhao Lingrui can only comfort himself after crying. Fortunately, the current Tianren County is not at the beginning. If there is no 300 million, there will be 300 million.

This is called atmosphere! Zhao Lingrui cried and praised.

Kong An has seen Qin Zhan's sincerity and immediately thanked him politely, but he still said uneasily, "Our battle will not affect other wars." The implication is that they will draw a draw, but don't ask for a draw when the ghost king's people behind can't do it. Isn't that Mr. Yun won or won for nothing?

Qin Zhan nodded: "Don't worry, it won't affect anything else."

Chang Jiadong looked at Qin Zhan with an enviable face. Which of them does not want to enter the realm of the saint? Now watching a strong man who has been suffering for many years advance to the realm of the Holy Spirit, his mood fluctuates the most. His voice almost trembled and announced the draw, and he had already thought about waiting for the end of the battle to ask for advice.

Ma Liang laughed and jumped and bumped into Qin Zhan. As a result, he grinned with pain: "Ok, Lao Qin, are you promoted?"

"You should also work hard. With your current mentality, I believe you will be promoted soon." Qin Zhan is still calm and unhurried, and he always makes people feel like a spring breeze when he speaks.

"Congratulations to Mr. Qin." Li Mingyang still said respectfully that this old man who has been fighting for hundreds of years for the Three Qin tribe and for the blood river world is finally reborn is naturally worth celebrating.

Qin Zhan looked at Li Mingyang with emotion and said with a smile, "Thanks to meeting you, thanks to meeting you, Tianren County is very good. I plan to retire here, haha."

After a laugh, a hill jumped into the battlefield like a gust of wind. Gong Yangwen said with a simple smile as always, "Heavenly people, Gongyangwen, please give me some advice."