ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 570 Bottleneck?

The wheel never thought that Li Mingyang's cultivation in hell would have problems. He has a mysterious bones. Such a physique can almost be said to be the most suitable for cultivation in hell. The previous latent practice in the Yellow Spring River has also made the wheel confirm this point. But now he finally finds that it is not so simple to advance to the Holy Spirit and understand the power of the field.

"Have I also encountered a bottleneck?" Li Mingyang asked with some frustration. If this was the case, he didn't know what else to do.

"I'm not sure, and I don't know why it happened. If you don't feel the power of the field, you will never be promoted to the Holy Spirit. The wheel said seriously, this is the first time since Li Mingyang knew the wheel, the old man has shown such an expression on the matter of cultivation.

"Is this problem serious?" Li Mingyang finally realized that something was wrong.

The wheel nodded and said, "Before, we all seemed to be too optimistic. You drank so much earth water, and it seems that the potential of your whole body has been stimulated, but now the problem is that the Holy Spirit Realm is not only enough energy in the body to advance. You should know that there are many five-fold old cards of Xuanling Realm. The strength of the strong may be twice or even three times the thickness of the spiritual power in the body that has just been promoted to the five-fold monk in Xuanling Realm.

"What does this mean? Will such a huge force gathered in the body not explode and die?" Li Mingyang asked puzzledly.

"No, as long as the power cultivated bit by bit by bit will never hurt your body. It is not to use extremely domineering means to change your life. It is to be calculated by someone. There will be no problem with normal cultivation."

Li Mingyang has always been confident, but this time he sat down with some chagrin and said, "Didn't you say that you could advance to the Holy Spirit?"

"The problem may be the power of the field." The wheel said the key point.

"The power of the field?" Li Mingyang looked doubtfully at the wheel. Li Mingyang saw the Holy Spirit realm of Qin Zhan's promotion. At that time, he had also identified the difference before and after Qin Zhan's promotion. As long as he was close to Qin Zhan, he would feel a very strong breath of blood, which was different from the breath of blood emanating from him before. The breath of blood after promotion It seems that a small world has been formed. In that small world, there are problems with the operation of the power of Huangquan in his body. The only thing that is not affected is the power of chaos.

But the power of chaos is too little, and it is impossible to exert enough power without the support of Huangquan's power. But at least Li Mingyang has realized what the field is, but he still doesn't understand how to understand it for the time being. Of course, it is this process of understanding that I don't know how many people have been puzzled. If the power of the field is easy to understand, there can't be only a few strong people in the world.

"You should have a good discussion with Gong Yangwen." The wheel suddenly said.

"The ram? It seems that he is still a little far from the fivefold of Xuanling Realm. Besides, how can the power of the field be taught by words and body? Everyone's perceptions are different, and their experiences in the field are also different. Even if they are the same heavenly and human race, there should have nothing in common. Li Mingyang doesn't agree with the saying of the wheel.

"I feel like I may have hurt you."

"Did you hurt me?" Li Mingyang became more surprised this time: "What do you mean? What did you find?"

"Maybe it's because of your practice, so you shouldn't feel the power of the field."

"How can this be possible? Shouldn't the power of the field be related to your perception of heaven and earth, and also related to skills?" Li Mingyang said puzzledly.

This time, the wheel nodded extremely seriously and said, "Ten turns of reincarnation is like this. Can't you feel it yet? Your body is so powerful now because after practicing ten turns of reincarnation, you actually cultivate your body into a small world. This small world can communicate with the hell. You can use the power of hell in battle many times. As you turn, the more power you can borrow, don't you?

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" Li Mingyang began to sweat on his forehead.

"Ten turns of reincarnation is to let you practice the small world. The source of all your power is related to hell. Although you can't feel it yourself, now your body and hell has an inextricable connection. Even if you go to heaven, you may not be hindered, but the problem is to practice ten turns of reincarnation. , you can't feel the power of the field, because you feel the world you practice, not this huge world.

Hearing the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang felt that his brain suddenly shook. Do you feel the world you practice? What does this sentence mean?

"You mean that I am the master of the small world of my own cultivation. I believe in myself and feel myself?" Li Mingyang asked stingly.

"Yes, although it's strange, that's it. Ten turns of reincarnation is actually not a ghost art, but a magic art. I told you before that our Yan Luo is no longer a real ghost, but a god with a divine position. It's just that we can't use our divine power freely because there is a problem in hell, but the divine position is the divine position, and it will not be lost because we don't use divine power. The wheel suddenly said a shocking news.

"Then do I have a divine position?" Li Mingyang asked with wide eyes.

"What do you think?"

Li Mingyang suffoed for a long time, and finally spit out a word: "Damn it!" Who would have thought that the ten-turn reincarnation he practiced turned out was magic, but you are awesome. Why can't you cultivate the power of the field because of magic? Am I my own god? Do I need to feel myself? What about farting? How can I feel myself? Isn't this sentence just a sick sentence?

"What should I do now?" Li Mingyang asked helplessly, which was also the first time he had been confused since he began to practice.

The wheel can't help smiling bitterly: "You can continue to practice. As long as you absorb enough power of Huangquan, you can still reach eight turns, nine turns, or even ten turns. Even if you are an external incarnation, you can still be cultivated."

"But I just can't understand the power of the field?" Li Mingyang took the initiative to answer.

The wheel nodded with incomparable difficulty: "Yes, except for the power of the field, you can master all the wonderful things of the ten turns."

"What's so wonderful?"

"You can freely shuttle between hell and Yang, control real ghosts with soul control, and even affect the thinking of ghost generals. After eight turns, you can directly use the underworld crystal to practice." The wheel works hard to introduce more special abilities to Li Mingyang.

Li Mingyang's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. He suddenly found that these abilities are now mastered by himself. According to the wheel, it is estimated that the more you practice, the more outstanding these abilities will be. After all, are you going to become the strongest in the realm of the mysterious realm?

"What is the external incarnation for?" Li Mingyang grabbed the last life-saving straw and asked.

"The external incarnation is the second yourself, and you can use him to re-cultivate."

Hearing this statement, Li Mingyang almost jumped directly from the hell to the Yangjian: "Why didn't you say it earlier? You just scared me just now? It's fun to scare me, right? I can have a second myself. This is called prestige. I just said that magic is magic. How can it be so finished? I hate it. Damn it. I like to make fun of others. Obviously, Li Mingyang, who has experienced great joy and sorrow, has been a little insane.

Looking at Li Mingyang, who has begun to be stupid, his mouth trembling. After all, he didn't tell the last big truth. The external incarnation is indeed the second self, but not to mention the difficulty of cultivating the external incarnation for the moment. After practicing, he wants the outside incarnation to really start practicing freely and take the incarnation How many resources, time, energy, and even how many dangers and opportunities it takes to cultivate, these are all that Li Mingyang can't even think of. If the external incarnation is really so easy to cultivate, how can none of the ten halls of Yan Luo have successfully cultivated the incarnation?

The outer incarnation of the wheel is already in the best state, and now it can only reach 30% of his ontology, which is the depressed old ghost Li Mingyang first met in Yangjian...

Forget, at least he still has the hope of promotion. Hope is better than despair. There is nothing wrong now. Maybe he will gain something after chatting with Gong Yangwen. God knows what the structure of their human race is these days.

It's time to go back to the Yangjian. When Li Mingyang closed the latent practice, the Changqing Emperor was not free. Even the Changqing Emperor was abnormally not closed to the latent practice, and did not even stay in the Changqing world. He was busy looking for more array mages. Although he came forward this time, he still didn't want to end this matter. Everyone knows that thousands of array mages, such a plan wheel is just casually said, but the Evergreen Emperor is really strictly following such a plan.

It turns out that the Evergreen Emperor is the most eager to go to heaven among these people now. Li Mingyang always feels that the Evergreen Emperor seems to have some secrets hidden in his heart. Otherwise, it is impossible to be so careful in this matter. You should know that the Qixing clan and the Qinglin clan are also trapped in Xuanyuan. For thousands of years, they have had no chance to return to Tianfu since their ancestors, and they can't even enjoy the Tianchi water. Until now, they have the opportunity to get the nourishment of Tianchi water and begin to awaken the blood power of the people. But even so, the people of these two races are not as eager as the Evergreen Emperor.

Of course, this is the difference caused by the power gap in the wheel. Whether it is the seven-star clan or the Qinglin clan, it can be said that they have been poor and afraid over the years. For Tianfu, they can only have an idea. Under the condition that they can't even guarantee food and clothing, what they want is just an opportunity to eat, that is, to use Tianchi water to awaken the power of blood talent. After finishing these tasks and solving the matter of food and clothing, it is possible to pursue higher goals, such as returning to heaven.

The Dongli people are obviously not the Qinglin people, which are struggling to survive. Although they are not the royal family from the beginning, the strength of the Dongli people has also lasted for thousands of years. For the Changqing Emperor, he seems to be a rich prince. If he wants to rebel, he can create himself. On the other hand, no matter how much you play in this land, you can't play any new tricks. Now you finally encounter the opportunity to jump on a higher and stronger battlefield. Naturally, you have to do everything you can to rush in as soon as possible.

Strength determines the level, and the level determines the fate.

Returning to Yangjian today, Li Mingyang even temporarily abandoned how to understand the power of the field and how to cultivate the incarnation outside the body and practice again. This time, there is only one important thing to do when he comes back, that is, to receive Tianchi water and Tianchi raw water.

Looking at the pool flowing from mid-air next to the Longhua battlefield, Li Mingyang sighed, but Zhao Fan and Shen Lian licked their lips greedily.

"The ancestors and unworthy descendants will finally let the power of our blood see the sun again today."

Li Mingyang seemed to hear Zhao Fan's voice, turned around and nodded with a smile, and raised his thumb to show victory. After working hard for so long, preparing so much, and killing so many people, he finally got this opportunity. Li Mingyang can't help sighing now.

Li Mingyang is no longer familiar with the square outside the Longhua battlefield. Standing among the owners of rich families, Li Mingyang once again seems so unsociable. It's not that the owners of rich families don't like Zhu Yan. In fact, not everyone can master the magic of Zhu Yan. In addition, these old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years have long lost their youth. Even if they pay more attention to some of the owners of Zhu Yan, most of them are middle-aged. Li Mingyang's barely young face is naturally very prominent.

In particular, this overly young man is still at the forefront of all the family owners. The first rich family has now become a legend of the whole Xuanyuan world.

The distribution and collection of Tianchi water are not as complicated and magical as expected. The Evergreen Emperor held a jade and waved it like a game. He saw a Tianchi water splashing towards Li Mingyang's side. Li Mingyang was unprepared and did not dare to pick it up with his hands for a moment. At this moment, no one of the rich monks around showed disdain. The growth of the heavenly and human race has become a fore, and there is really no need to offend this troublesome guy on such a trivial matter.

The observation in the past few months has also made the owners very satisfied. Obviously, after becoming a rich family, Li Mingyang's aggressiveness disappeared in an instant. Even on the territory of the Central Plains, he constantly contracted his troops and tried not to conflict with other forces at all. That's good. A ghost king with his fangs away is people's favorite ghost king.

Li Mingyang was surprised to see that the splashing Tianchi water floated in front of him and gathered into a fist-sized water balloon in front of him without support. This is the raw water of Tianchi, which makes all rich monks jealous.

Just looking at the water in front of him, Li Mingyang couldn't help frowning and said doubtfully, "Isn't this the water of the emperor?"