ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 652 A Group of Freaks

Long Bochen was a little drunk and hazy. When he waited for Ma Liang to come over, he didn't forget to say to Lin Hui, "Your wine is very good. How did you make it? It seems that it is not an ordinary wine. Why does it seem to have spiritual power in the wine?"

"Because it's spiritual wine." Lin Hui replied with a smile.

"Spiritual wine?" Long Bochen was slightly stunned, obviously hearing such a statement for the first time. Lin Hui had no desire to explain this time, and Ma Liang began to walk slowly this way with his hands behind his back.

"Is this what you said is the first master of Qian'an County?" Long Bochen looked up and down at Ma Liang. After reading it, he did not hide the disdain in his eyes as usual. It is no wonder that Long Bochen has such an attitude. Ma Liang has just recovered some cultivation. In addition, Long Bochen has not really looked at Ma Liang seriously, so it is not surprising that there will be such a performance.

Ma Liang opened the chair beside Long Bochen with a smile and sat down with a golden knife, but ignored Long Bochen. He just pointed to Long Bochen and said to Lin Hui, "Is this boy?"

"That's him, Mr. Ma." Lin Hui said respectfully.

Long Bochen frowned unhappily: "Bold, I am so presumptuous in front of me!"

"God's envoy? What kind of clothes are you? Are you good at wearing red clothes? Ma Liang deliberately said strangely.

Lin Hui immediately replied, "Hui Ma Lao, it is said that the god in red is already a priest in a good position in the temple."

"Oh, how low it is."

"It's not low."

Long Bochen looked at Ma Liang and Lin Hui's question and answer, but his face was full of narrow smile and no respect at all. His face gradually became gloomy. At this time, Ma Liang's attitude was fine. He appeared in such a careless state, but the contrast between Lin Hui was huge, and such a contrast was the most unbearable.

"Lin Hui, what do you mean? If you dare to speak like this in front of this, don't you forget who promoted you to a priest? Humph, if I can let you go up, I can let you come down again, and you can't even wear your original clothes!" Long Bochen spoke in a heavy tone, but it gave people a sense of fierceness. Long Bochen was just arrogant, but he was not really stupid. He had more or less felt that the development of things was a little different from what he expected.

Lin Hui and Ma Liang have experienced many changes. When they saw Long Bochen's words, they could see more or less about him. Lin Hui smiled and said, "I don't mean anything else. It's just that the Dragon God Envoy has been guiding the country since he came, and he is quite proud of the heroes, so he wants to introduce several adults to the Dragon God Envoy to You know each other, so that there won't be no good talk after you go on the road.

"Up on the road?" Long Bochen raised his eyelids and didn't wait for Lin Hui to speak. Suddenly, he shouted, "Come on, arrest him and tell everyone outside to come in."

Long Bochen's reaction is neither fast nor slow. The other party has made it clear that if he still can't understand it, he should have died long ago. Suddenly, a group of Qian'an monks entered the inner hall aggressively. Although the inner hall has an inner word, it is already an extremely wide hall, even much larger than the main hall. The reason for this is that this inner hall is also a place for those gods and envoys to have fun. Being a priest is majestic, but in the final analysis, it is not all for pleasure.

The inner hall was quickly controlled by the elite of the monks in Qian'an Prefecture, and even Ma Liang and Lin Hui could not move. The lively banquet just now turned into a knife soldier in an instant, but the scene seemed a little exaggerated. Hundreds of monks who rushed into the inner hall were only aimed at more than a dozen people. .

Long Bochen finally calmed down after seeing all his people rushing in. He finally calmed down. Some of the doubts that had just arisen just arisen now. Looking at Lin Hui and Ma Liang, he sneered and said, "Is it just your arrangement to do something to me? Don't you know the situation yet? Do you think you can hide the truth of this fiasco by killing me?

Looking at Long Bochen's confident appearance, Lin Hui was stunned first, and then understood where his confidence came from. Up to now, Long Bochen did not expect that the biggest problem would occur inside the temple. He did not expect that the gods in the temple would rebel, and even the bishop was already a puppet. As a warrior, Long Bochen may have failed, but as a guy who plays tricks, he is still qualified.

In his impression, the clergy in Qian'an County will do anything to attack him. The only explanation is that the clergy in Qian'an County must have a conspiracy to eliminate the previous infidels, so this time they want to kill Long Bochen and a large number of reinforcements in Qian'an Prefecture. Only in this way can they block the previous leak. Hole.

"Why, let me say it, but the little conspiracy didn't succeed. Are you scared?" Looking at Lin Hui's long-lost speech, Long Bochen now looks like a wise man.

"In fact, you are making things complicated. The previous battle in the new world is indeed a little problematic, but we are not worried that this problem will be exposed, because you can't have one of you to go out alive."

"Joke, hahaha, it's a big joke." Long Bochen looked up and laughed. He looked at Lin Hui and said, "I'd like to see how you can't let my people out."

Lin Hui smiled and said nothing, but turned his head. After a moment, he heard a few footsteps slowly coming, and finally saw Li Mingyang and others slowly coming in from the apse.

Seeing someone suddenly entering the inner hall, Long Bochen and his men were alert. Without Long Bochen's order, someone had already leaned on him. But all those who wanted to get close to Li Mingyang fell down inexplicably.

There is no warning.

Long Bochen stood up in shock at that time, and his eyes were completely panicked. After all, the most worrying thing came. It seems that there is absolutely something wrong with these people who appeared later. Otherwise, it is impossible for people to fall inexplicably like this. You know, Long Bochen didn't even feel any fluctuation of breath at that moment, which proves that no one did it. Or, he didn't realize who the person who took action was. If it is the latter situation, the consequences will be serious.

The problem is that the possibility of the latter situation is really too high.

Li Mingyang took the lead and walked to the table with a quiet smile on his face. He saw Long Bochen standing there with a wary face and said to Lin Hui with a smile, "Is this the dragon minister you are talking about?"

"It's Long Bochen!" Long Bochen corrected himself.

"Oh, Bochen, sit down, don't be restrained, just think it's in your own home." Li Mingyang nodded, let Long Bochen sit down, and let the others around him sit down and continue to eat. After Zhang Luo finished, he didn't look at other people's reactions and started first. While eating, he praised the cook's good cooking skills and Lin Hui for his good housework.

Long Bochen looked so quietly at Li Mingyang eating as if no one was beside him. The not strong young man in front of him had a tendency to eat, especially the few people who came in with him. Soon they almost fought for grabbing something to eat. The appearance of such a scene made many Qian'an monks frown. These people's cultivation is not weak, and they can live without the nourishment of food for a long time, but now their enthusiasm for food far exceeds the cognition of these people.

The only normal among these people is the female monk with a veil. Although she can't see the whole picture, she can only think of this is a peerless beauty from the amorous feelings captured between the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. In the past, Long Bochen would drool just by looking at the back of such a beautiful woman, but now he can only sweat coldly.

"Actually, after Lin Hui told me about your situation, I think I just need to send you quietly on the road. But later, I thought carefully that if you die in such an unclear way, you will definitely be resentful. If you are more resentful, you will become a wronged soul, and the wronged soul may not be able to fall into reincarnation, which will cause more trouble. Although it's just a little trouble, it's better not to cause trouble to the wheel. It seemed that he had eaten very well. Long Bochen saw a young man led by him slowly retreating and slowly wiping the words that he didn't quite understand.

Then without waiting for his own question, the young man said, "I heard that you want to see the first master here. For your question, it is really difficult for us now, so after thinking about it, we can only come to see you together."

Li Mingyang first pointed to himself and said, "If you look at the destructive power that can be caused on the battlefield alone, I can be regarded as the strongest here. Although my strength is not strong, my blood talent is very strong. On the dense battlefield of low-level monks, my combat power is not terrible, but I can achieve maximum destruction. Of course, if my brother is here, he will be the most powerful warrior.

As he spoke, Li Mingyang pointed to the Evergreen Emperor, who had just ended the "war" and said, "But in terms of personal combat strength, this emperor is the strongest here. It used to be, and it is the same now. His guards are also very powerful, and none of you can fight against them.

Seeing that Long Bochen wanted to speak again, Li Mingyang waved his hand and said, "But it is naturally difficult to choose the first master among us, so we can only look at it from the current performance, so now we agree that Mr. Ma is the strongest here."

"This old man?" Long Bochen saw Ma Liang's thin appearance clearly, but he couldn't see his strength clearly, and his tone was full of doubts.

Before Ma Liang was angry, Li Mingyang said with a smile, "It's Ma Lao, because you will all die at Ma Lao's hands."