ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 662 Test

When Li Mingyang spoke, there were several earthy bugs on his palms constantly jumping. These worms are definitely not small reincarnation worms, but a kind of thing called soundworms. As their name, the biggest feature of these worms is that they can leave some sounds in their range on a smooth shell on the back. These sounds will only be left for a short period of time and then be transmitted.

Whether it is the sound left on the soundworm or the sound transmitted out, it is so small that it is almost as if it were the transmission of divine consciousness. In Xuanyuan, the soundworm is actually just a small bug caught by people to play with. There are many of these bugs, but in the eyes of most people, this is just a small bug. Even if they know the characteristics of the soundworm, they only know this feature.

However, after trying for many years, Ma Liang successfully made the soundworm into a worm and cultivated many sound worms with his own hands. This time, Li Mingyang wanted to come to Qian'an's house to break into the enemy, so he could not rely on reckless work, so any conditions that could improve his strength, the people around him prepared a lot for him. Ma Liang is the greatest contributor. He gave Li Mingyang a lot of insects. The biggest feature of these insects is that they are basically not aggressive, let alone toxic, because Li Mingyang does not understand the way of insects, and he does not have this talent after trying, and Li Mingyang no longer tries to use powerful insects.

This time brought some insects such as chickens and dog thieves, which are all partial means. These soundworms are also the same. When Li Mingyang met He Pu just now, he naturally thought that he was a loyal person, but after asking the way, he was suddenly blackmailed, which made Li Mingyang pay more attention. It was Lingshi who wanted to cheat He Pu, and also left a batch of soundworms. As a result, he got some unexpected news.

One is He Pu, the other is Hu Guang, the dull person should be called Gourd, and the other one named Hu Guang should be the tough man. These two seem to be a group of thieves, and the most important thing is that they seem to have come from Infernal Land. If he met these two guys when he first came to Tianfu, Li Mingyang would find a way to take them down.

But now he can gain a foothold in Qian'an County, and there is no surprise even in the whole Huangling. Naturally, Li Mingyang does not intend to catch this group of thieves from Infernal Land too reluctantly. After all, he is not very anxious to go to Infernal Land. In fact, after communicating with King Qin Guang, Li Mingyang also knew that there were only many monks who had no faith in the Infernal Realm, not that all of them were faithless, like the two guys just now were also believers.

Although these two people have said some important information, they are still unclear after all. Li Mingyang is now most concerned about what the thief wants to do. If they really want to hit the monks who came to the Huangling General Hall, it is definitely a good thing. Wouldn't it be better if such an accident can really happen and fish in troubled waters?

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang even wanted to get up to find the two people, but in the end, he had no choice but to sit in a chair and sigh. After all, the soundworm can only leave a sound, not a picture. He is only superficially mastering some of the methods that Ma Liang temporarily taught him to control worms, rather than being really proficient in the art of worms. If Ma Liang is around this time, put some special insects on them, and maybe you can catch this clue to find the nest of those people.

But Ma Liang didn't follow after all. After eavesdropping on the news, he also cut off the tracking of these people. Naturally, he could only try his luck again. Anyway, at least from the news we get now, we can know that these people are determined to come here to do a big event this time, and even their boss will come soon. Since they have to prepare here, there will naturally be many opportunities to appear. As long as they are in Qian'an Prefecture, they will have a chance to meet. For this Li Mingyang is very confident.

Li Mingyang is used to asking as much as possible about the information he needs to hear every time he goes to a new place. For example, he just asked for directions. Although he knew that he should go to a place called Balibao to take a flying beast to the mainland of Qian'anfu, Li Mingyang did not ask where the Balibao was at all, even if he wanted to know it again. The news should also be inquired separately. Only in this way can we ensure that even if it is tracked down in the future, it may not be possible to find too many detailed clues.

The restaurant is a good place. Li Mingyang decided to stay in the restaurant to listen to the news for a while. No matter how anxious he is, he can't be in a hurry. Even if he goes to Qian'an Mansion, he must first make himself look like a local talent as much as possible.


Li Mingyang sat in the restaurant all afternoon. During this period, he not only changed the table, but even changed the floor. Although he didn't ask a single question, even if he didn't ask Xiao Er any questions, he just listened, listened, learned, and then sat for three hours before he got up and left.

Just as he got up and left, there were a lot of attention in the different corners around the restaurant. Opposite that restaurant, in a very ordinary house, a slightly dull-looking person is staring at Li Mingyang who is far away. This person was the first He Pu who blackmailed Li Mingyang's 100 top-quality spiritual stones.

"He leader, are you sure that there are at least a million top-quality spiritual stones on that boy's body?" A monk with a scar on his face asked He Pu doubtfully.

He Pu nodded and said, "Sending someone to follow up quickly. Although I don't understand what this boy wants to do in the restaurant these hours, if he really wants to leave here to go to Qian'an Mansion, he will definitely go to Balibao. After arriving from Balibao to Qian'an Mansion, he will not immediately enter the control of the temple. In this empty When you take action, you will definitely win.

"Well, I understand." Scar man nodded. As a monk of Qian'an Mansion, he naturally knew where he would appear after going from Balibao to the mainland of Qian'an Mansion. However, after sending people out, he still asked doubtfully, "Chief He, you adults who make a fortune in the Infernal Land seem to be too busy in Qian'an Mansion recently."

"What do you mean?" He Pu suddenly looked at the scar man with cold eyes: "Su Qiang, I don't seem to have any obligation to tell you about this kind of thing."

"He leader laughed. How dare I ask about you adults? I'm just curious about how you are sure that he has so many spiritual stones. You have to know that our brothers can stand in Qian'an Mansion because we can abide by the rules set by the gentlemen in the temple and did this time. After all, there are some risks. If the remuneration is not enough, let alone we can't share it. If we can't even gag those old men, we can't eat and walk away. Su Qiang said with a smile, but his eyes were always shining.

In Tianfu, it seems to be such an unattractable place. He Pu, who looks stupid, is actually a thief from the infernal world, and has a terrible knife scar on his face. He thought he was a simple-headed snake boss with limbs, but it turned out to be an extremely refined. Ming guy, even if the big deal is pushed to his face, he still has to think clearly about the way out first.

He Pu looked at Su Qiang with a cautious face and couldn't help laughing. The world thought that such big robbers were extremely handsome. When they were happy, they went out to kill and drink. When they were unhappy, they went out to kill and drink. When they were bored, they went out to kill and drank. Even if they were constipated, they could take the opportunity to go out to kill. Then come back for a drink.

In the eyes of most people, they exist like this. No matter what they do, they don't have to think about the consequences, as long as they make sure that their fists are hard enough. But in the final analysis, I still responded to that sentence. I don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. In fact, 90% of the so-called thieves are living an unprecarious life. The thieves at the bottom always need to keep fighting, and it is a small step to survive in the cannon fodder camp. And even if you are in power, you have to think about how to stabilize your subordinates. The younger brother is bullied and has to go out on the stage. If the younger brother bullies people, he also has to prevent others from coming to settle accounts. The most important thing is to feed the mouths of hungry wolves.

And bandits like Su Qiang are actually more difficult to survive. Before doing things, you should always think about being measured and not overdo it. Otherwise, the old men in the temple who cover them will be unhappy. If they are unhappy, they will stretch out their hands longer. At that time, they will have to pay more to pay more to make them shrink their hands again. Go back, if you can't, you have to wait to be pinched to death.

Tianfu monks are not all rich people. Moreover, even so-called bigwigs will naturally be moved when they hear the emergence of millions of high-quality spiritual stones. It's just that Su Qiang was moved by such an infernal domain as He Pu's arrival and suddenly sent such a business, but now he still has some scruples.

He Pu looked at Su Qiang, who had always hesitated, and couldn't help saying, "Our people have really done something recently, so it's inconvenient to do it. Besides, after all, we are outsiders. If we do it directly, those guys in the temple will not be easy to entertain. So sell the news to you, that's it. After I get it, I only need to get one of the benefits. If you don't want to do it, you can naturally not do it. After saying that, He Pu left the house,

Su Qiang gritted his teeth and thought for a long time, and finally caught up with the first group of detectives who left.

He Pu came out not far, and Hu Guang greeted him: "Well, those people have decided to do it?"

"Hmm." He Pu nodded.

Hu Guang finally said regretfully, "It's boring to hand over these small fish and shrimps to do a good business. It's too boring."

"Safety comes first, and we shouldn't have intervened in this matter." He Pu frowned and said, "This time, I don't hesitate to talk to Su Qiang to do it. I just want to see the reaction of Qian'an Prefecture now."

"Oh, okay." Hu Guang nodded and suddenly smiled: "Speaking of which, that stupid boy has become an unlucky man. Who would have thought that he could ask the way to kill himself."