ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 668 is to stun you

Su Qiang made the final decision after a very painful process.

"Young master, I, Su Qiang, am just a street gangster. If you want to make friends with a big man like you, you will definitely look down. In the future, the young master will always walk on the boundary of Qian'an Mansion. If you need anything, just go directly to my brother of the Mo Gang. After I go back, I will pass on the portrait of the young master. The brothers of the Mo Gang can be sent by the young master in the future. Su Qiang said with a kind face, not like the gang boss who was about to kill and sell goods just now: "It's just that I really can't give you the news from the bosses over there. I hope the young master can take more responsibility. I can't afford to offend you and both sides."

Li Mingyang looked at Su Qiang quietly. Now he began to appreciate this gangster monk. In fact, after learning about the situation of Tianfu, Li Mingyang was also very curious about this so-called gangster monk. This kind of thing almost exists in the form of fairy gate, and it is all about some sneaky hooks and dogs. Dang's power is not common in Xuanyuan, but it is very common in Tianfu. Li Mingyang was also curious before.

But after thinking about the power structure of Tianfu, he became relieved. Although Xuanyuan has royal power, it is only an honor after all. Although Tianfu has no imperial power, even some big families can't be as publicized as the rich families in Xuanyuan world, but the power in Tianfu is highly centralized. It is not concentrated in the hands of any family, but in the hands of the temple. After all, the gods in the temple are emperors, and all bishops, magist priests, envoys, priests and so on are actually a noble class.

However, these nobles are really thorough, lazy and corrupt practices that make the believers of Tianfu quite dissatisfied, but they dare not dare to resist. At this time, after the emergence of the gangsters naturally adjusted the contradictions in this regard. Of course, the gangster will certainly not help ordinary believers. In fact, the gangsters are the lackeys of the adults in the temple.

In the face of corruption and high-pressure theocracy, believers are pious, but they will certainly be dissatisfied. If they are dissatisfied, they will resist. Big resistance dare not appear, but small means must emerge one after another. Under such circumstances, there is no way for the temple to directly use the clergy to suppress it. After all, the adults in the temple also have to face. , so it produced such a product as a gangster.

Su Qiang is one of the gangsters in Qian'an Prefecture. As the minions of the temple, he must also be under great pressure under the surface of his scenery. To worry about being rebelled by your little brother and pretend to be a grandson in front of the adults in the temple, the most difficult thing is not to know who can be provoked and who is not among the people you face every day.

Just like this time.

Li Mingyang knew that the other party was calling him by a young master. One was that he had been soft, and the other was that he wanted to take the opportunity to see through his details. Even if he was a little uncomfortable or even showed timidity, the other party might be ruthless. However, although Su Qiang's secret pressure is not small, Li Mingyang is used to seeing big scenes after all. Now not only does he not change his face, but also shows a little "you boy is very sensful" expression. Such a reaction in Su Qiang's eyes naturally makes him more afraid of himself.

But people who can reach this level can't be fools. What Su Qiang just said was very beautiful, saying that he wanted to let the whole Mo Gang know himself, and then he could serve him. If he was really the descendant of an adult in the temple, Su Qiang said The words will definitely come to be fulfilled, and maybe he will even come to serve himself.

But he did this to thoroughly explore the details of Li Mingyang. What people have said is already obvious. After all, in the future, you have to walk on the ground of Qian'anfu. You have to show your face. There must be a time to expose the details. If they find themselves pretending to be a tiger and completely pretend, then Hou is definitely not this attitude.

A few words were said softly and hard, and it was not enough to offend people. That's why Li Mingyang changed his attitude towards Su Qiang. Originally, he thought he was a tough general like Yan Guang, but he didn't expect that Lin Hui's exquisite heart was hidden under his tough side.

Talents are indeed talents, Li Mingyang sighed from the bottom of his heart.

But it was also that he found that the other party was a smart person, and Li Mingyang also knew that today's things could not be fooled casually. Thinking of this, Li Mingyang raised his heart and came up with another countermeasure.

"Your Excellency, I can understand your caution. It's definitely not easy to walk on this road. It's just that I also have my difficulties. If I cause any big trouble as soon as I come to Qian'an Mansion, the elders of the family will definitely not be over it. Besides, it's very unpleasant to know that someone is staring at me and I don't know who the other party is. If there are thousands of days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves? In this way, you sell me the news, and we won't tell anyone, and then you take the spiritual stone to go free. In the future, our friend will also be determined. As for cleaning up the thief, I naturally have my own way, how about it? Li Mingyang said with a smile, but the firmness in his tone was unquestionable.

Su Qiang looked embarrassed. Now he can't find out Li Mingyang's bottom. He also used it, and he also said soft and hard. The meaning of his words is also very clear. That's it. Since everyone wants to make friends, don't be too rigid. This is a smart person. Su Qiang is naturally happy. Happy to make friends with such a person. But the problem is that the infernal thieves are not fools. If you sell them, who will help you carry them if there is a problem in the future?

Seeing Su Qiang's dilemma, Li Mingyang thought about it, and then looked at Jin Qiao not far away and said, "Is that the golden leader over there?"

"Hmm?" Jin Qiao didn't expect that what the two said would suddenly involve him. First, he was stunned, and then asked, "What?"

"We want to talk about some dry goods now, and you are almost busy. Is it time to withdraw?" Li Mingyang still smiled, but also showed his true intentions thoroughly.

Jin Qiao's face turned red again, white, and even a lot of annoyance. In fact, she would come here today. She was really worried about Li Mingyang's safety, so she followed her. Unexpectedly, Li Mingyang would open his mouth to drive herself away. Naturally, this woman could not accept such a thing. Just looking at Su Qiang and their joking faces, Jin Qiao stamped his feet with hatred, turned around and left without saying a word.

Seeing that Jin Qiao was driven away by Li Mingyang's words, Su Qiang also felt very relieved. This woman wanted to get involved in everything based on her man. During this period, she has lost several times because of her. Although it is not big, it is really disgusting. Seeing that she was expelled, Su Qiang felt much better in an instant.

But when he turned his head again, he found that Li Mingyang had put away the spiritual stone on the ground. Seeing this scene, Su Qiang was sad, but finally forced to say with a smile, "Young master, let's this matter today be over. How about it? If it really doesn't work, will Su Qiang set up a drink and apologize to you in public?

Li Mingyang shook his head and said with a smile before Su Qiang was not angry, "I don't need to apologize. I just think you played a game about this."

"So good, so good." Su Qiang nodded repeatedly and speculated more about Li Mingyang's identity.

"However, I still want to buy the news of the person who asked you to deal with it."

"Young master, it's over." Su Qiang looked at Li Mingyang impatiently. He was entangled in this matter, which really made Su Qiang feel very upset.

Li Mingyang was unmoved, and Su Qiang's pressure to make Li Mingyang feel pressure was simply a joke, although the two were very different.

Li Mingyang didn't say more this time, but suddenly took out another pile of spiritual stones. Seeing his behavior, Su Qiang was in a worse mood. He knew that you had a spiritual stone, but I said I would not rob you. Now he is always showing something outside and want to show off his wealth. However, when he saw clearly the number of spiritual stones taken out by Li Mingyang again, Su Qiang's eyes straightened.

"Two million best spiritual stones, buy the whereabouts of those two people, will you sell them?" Li Mingyang put the spiritual stone firmly on the ground without worrying about being robbed, and asked calmly.

Su Qiang's mouth sounded again, with two million best spiritual stones and 20 million top-grade spiritual stones. Such a great hand was amazing. After the shock, he broke out in a cold sweat again: "How do you know it's two people?"

"I met two suspicious guys since I came here, not who they are." Li Mingyang smiled and said, "How about 20 million top-grade spiritual stones?"

"Young master, it's hard for me to do it." Su Qiang rubbed his hands.

"How about 30 million top-grade spiritual stones?" Li Mingyang was unmoved and threw out a million best spiritual stones and said lightly.

"Little... young master, don't do this, it's scary."

"40 million top-grade spiritual stones." Li Mingyang threw out another million best spiritual stones and said firmly that at this moment, the people behind Su Qiang had fallen to the ground.

It's so exciting!

Su Qiang was reluctant to blink his eyes again. His whole body sweated as if he were taking a shower, but in the end he still said tremblingly, "Young master... Young master, put it away. I, Su Qiang, still want to live for a few more days."

"Five million top-grade spiritual stones!" Li Mingyang threw out another million pieces of the best spiritual stone, and took out a fifth-order magic weapon: "Take this little thing to play."

Looking at the best spiritual stone piles that have been completely piled up into mountains, Su Qiang and others all feel dizzy now. Not to mention wanting to grab them, they can't directly fit so many treasure bags on their bodies now.

"Well, I just want to buy two lives. Isn't 50 million of top-grade spiritual stones enough?" Li Mingyang asked with a smile.