ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 702 Taoyuan County

I don't know how far away it is from Qian'an Prefecture. There is a second-grade continent. This is a county town that can already be ranked under the rule of Qian'an Prefecture. If you just sit on a flying beast and watch, people will even think that this is Qian'an Prefecture at first sight, not a county.

This is Taoyuan County.

Taoyuan County's own territory can be said to have unique advantages. A second-class main continent is surrounded by six first-class continents, and connections can be established between each continent. The most important thing is that there are many non-quality continents outside these seven major continents. If the Tianfu is endless virtual If the sky can be called an endless ocean, the situation in Taoyuan County is like an archipelago in the ocean.

The only defect here is that it has been too far away from Qian'an Prefecture. In short, it has been far away from the economic and ruling center of Qian'an Prefecture, and it is also a marginal area in Dihuangling. The Qian'an Temple still has some control over here, and there is still a magnificent temple, or temple group, standing on the main continent of Taoyuan County. There are also a large number of priestly monks stationed in the temple of Taoyuan County. It is precisely because it is far from the center of Qian'an Prefecture and on the edge of Huangling and Qian'an Prefecture that the temple wants to control here, so it has invested a large number of troops here.

However, for the Qian'an Temple, the control here is still a little too long. A large number of priestly monks are stationed here, and even bishops are super strong men with double strength in the Holy Spirit, because the only hope of the temple now is to at least protect this second-grade main continent from being occupied and not to be different. Occupation by believers. As for the rest, you can't expect too much.

In fact, if someone can really measure the distance, they will find that if Taoyuan County is the center and spreads to both sides, the distance between Taoyuan County and Qian'an Prefecture and Infernal Domain is almost the same. The only difference is that although the infernal domain knows that there is a second-grade continent here, and even surrounded by many unquality continents, no force in the infernal realm really dares to come here to cause trouble.

The most important problem is that even if the distance is amazing, there are still flying beasts flying directly from the direction of Qian'an Prefecture, but from the infernal realm, no flying beast can fly here directly. This is a huge gap in dominance, so even if you know that this is a piece of fat, you can only be The temple is in the mouth. However, Qian'an Mansion is now just putting fat in its mouth.

Taoyuan County is fat. The territory here is huge and rich in resources. There are many undeveloped places here, but after all, it is too far from Qian'an Prefecture. Although it is only a few days longer, the extra days of the Qian'an Temple is already out of reach. The biggest problem still occurs on the surrounding unquality continents, or on those islands.

When you fly to Taoyuan County on the flying beast, you will see that the main body of Taoyuan County seems to be connected by seven stars from afar, but in addition to the seven stars, it seems that there is a star river here. The so-called galaxy is naturally those small continents. It is said to be small, but after really stepping on it, you will find that each piece of these continents is very large, at least as big as a house in the Xuanyuan world, and it has to be a big house.

It is not a problem to build three or five cities on it. The standard for building a city is not about the difficulty of building walls, but that even if three or five cities are built on these continents, each city will be scattered from each other, and there will not be much dispute between the city, because this The resources in it are absolutely enough.

To put it bluntly, Taoyuan County is a huge treasure. More than 90% of the resources here have not been developed. It seems that the main continent has only two grades, but the surrounding six complementary continents and countless islands are equally rich in resources. The only regret is that it is too far from Qian'an Prefecture. There are so many resources here that even if they know that the confrontation with the temple will be killed, and even the whole family will be killed, some people are still willing to take risks to get resources here. In fact, these people are also very helpless. There are a lot of resources here, and you don't have the ability to occupy all of them. If you can't use them up, you still don't let us get a piece of the pie. Naturally, you can't say it.

So in Taoyuan County, bandits are a danger, and banditry is very serious. Everyone likes resources. Your Qian'an Mansion obviously occupies Baoshan, but you don't need it, but you don't let us dig for treasure. This is definitely wrong. If you don't, you still want to kill people, which will cause dissatisfaction. If people have grievances, there will be more struggles, and the intensity of the struggle will continue to rise, which will naturally lead to more killings, and then lead to more struggles and resentment. All this continues to increase, and Qian'an Mansion has no choice.

In terms of wealth, Taoyuan County can be ranked in Qian'an Prefecture. Even if you think about it carefully, if the resources here in Taoyuan County are completely developed, it may even exceed that of Qian'an Prefecture. However, Taoyuan County is definitely the most well-deserved place among the counties under Qian'an Prefecture.

Li Mingyang and others chose Taoyuan County for this reason.

It has been a month since they first took action in Jinqiao County, and it has been about eight months before the people of the Dihuangling General Hall rushed to Qian'an Prefecture. Under such circumstances, Li Mingyang's actions are not too tense. Moreover, the most important thing is that Li Mingyang and others have now obtained a large amount of Dihuang Spring Water, because in the past month, they have committed crimes crazily and successfully robbed seven counties. These seven counties are all provided with accurate information from King Qin Guang, and they have succeeded in committing crimes by thunderous means.

In seven counties, a total of six bishops have collected a large number of Dihuang springs in their hands. In fact, in terms of quantity alone, these Dihuang springs are enough for Li Mingyang to restore his cultivation to Xuanlingjing fivefold, but after learning about the situation in Taoyuan County, they decided to continue to move here. It was not that Li Mingyang began not to cherish time, but that they were preparing for a rainy day.

Li Mingyang can now be closed for three months, and then restore his cultivation to the fivefold Xuanling Mirror. When he comes out of the customs, there is still about half a year before the people of the main hall rush to Qian'an Mansion. Naturally, he can still have enough time to arrange calmly. But the question is, how to lay it out?

These people are all people who have experienced the hegemony of Xuanyuan. When they were in Xuanyuan, Li Mingyang and others were also at the hegemony level. Everyone has basically fought a wonderful victory, especially Li Mingyang's rise, which is a legend in the Xuanyuan world. To be precise, the existence of Changqing Emperor and others is the most curious and shocking to Li Mingyang. It is not that he challenged Longdu in the later stage and his amazing performance in the Longhua battlefield. On the contrary, Li Mingyang went deep into Changyun County alone and then fought all the way to Shu County. This ability is the most shocking. Shocked.

However, Li Mingyang knew very well that the victory at that time was determined by the wheel and Xie Bi'an's wonderful command, but in the final analysis, the resources provided by Zhao Lingrui played a decisive role. Without resources, even the first team can't be pulled up. At best, you can think that you are a strong man and may not really want to follow you. Only when you can take out real gold and silver and make people really get benefits can they really pull up a huge team.

Whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, the conditions for their establishment need to be based on a certain power. If you don't even have a foundation, you can expect a shocking reversal if you simply want to play some small means. This is unrealistic. Such a thing can only be heard in the mouth of street storytellers.

If you want to save the Gongyangwen, you must have to fight against the Qian'an Temple, and you must take action before the people of the Dihuangling General Hall come here, otherwise you need to face great pressure from both sides. However, even a temple in Qian'an Prefecture has made Li Mingyang feel desperate. At present, the existence of such a huge thing cannot be defeated. It is impossible to shake head-on. The only chance is to fish in troubled waters. How to save Gong Yangwen is a question worth studying, and there is no answer yet. But no matter how you save them, you can't kill all the people in Qian'an Temple and save them in the end. The only possibility is that everyone fled for their lives after rescuing people. At that time, it is not just a few modified flying beasts that can get out of danger.

Taoyuan County will be the place where they will finally settle down. To save Gong Yangwen, you need to do everything you can to escape here. The "island" near Taoyuan County is definitely the best hiding place. Even if the army of the Qian'an Temple suppresses the territory, the complex terrain here is enough for them to move around. As long as they are not chased to death for the first time, they will have a chance to escape. In the end, the place where you need to escape is naturally infernal.

So at the present, what you need to do is to gain a firm foothold in Taoyuan County, which is relatively easy, especially for Li Mingyang, which is so simple that he is afraid of falling asleep.

Is't it just a rebellion?

The banditry here in Taoyuan County is so serious that in fact, except for the main continent, even the other six continents similar to the main continent are basically not under the control of the temple. Although the temple can collect corresponding taxes on six continents, the greatest influence is limited to collecting taxes on it. What is really influential is the different local forces on these six continents.

From this point of view, the situation in Taoyuan County is very similar to that of Xuanyuan. On the six mainlands, there are only nobles who do not listen, and the temple is the royal family. However, it is worth mentioning that although the Qian'an Temple is not absolutely dominant over the six Yipin Continents, it has not completely fallen. The most important thing is that they control the situation on Yipin Continents very well. If our temple can't rule here, we can't let any of the forces here be dominant and fight against the left hand. The people in the temple are naturally familiar with it.

is such a place, Li Mingyang and seven of them finally set foot here.

"Famous, my suggestion is that you restore the cultivation as much as possible, so that we can be safer, right?" As soon as he entered Taoyuan County, Emperor Changqing persuaded him very seriously.

Li Mingyang shook his head stubbornly and didn't say anything.

Ma Liang couldn't stand it and said, "Do you know that you have to change your bad temper? Everyone knows that you like to share blessings, no matter what good things you get, you have to share equally. But at that moment, the current situation is that you are the only the most suitable place to use the Dihuang Spring Water. Of course, we also have a good effect, but after all, it's a little worse. More, the speed of refining is not as fast as yours. Instead of slowly improving together, isn't it better for you to recover first?

"That's right, but I'm still a little uncomfortable." Li Mingyang scratched his head and said, "Besides, in fact, the most important thing is that I think we should improve our cultivation together. No matter how I recover, it's just a fivefold Xuanling realm at most. I'm not sure whether I can be promoted to the Holy Spirit realm until now. After all, the emperor and Yeying have reached such a high level of existence. Even if their cultivation is only restored, their combat effectiveness will not be improved by a little. No matter how much I can fight alone, it is not as us to fight together.

Li Mingyang said the truth. Now he is not playing with hypocritical feelings. When dividing rewards in Xuanyuan, he did not deny that he was indeed playing tricks sometimes, but now it is definitely not the case. Changqing Emperor and others were also seriously thinking about Li Mingyang's words. After listening to it, they all nodded thoughtfully. If Li Mingyang can now practice with this Buddha, then naturally he can recover to the extent. Even super strong people like Changqing Emperor are impressed by the strong fighting power of the heavenly people. In Xuanyuan Realm, he has defeated the strong man of the Holy Spirit with the five-fold cultivation of Xuanling Realm.

But now it's just an external incarnation. To be honest, the height you can expect is quite limited. Changqing Emperor and others are not twisted people. In the end, they still nodded. During this period of time, Li Mingyang, the earth emperor's spring water, finally got 70%, and the rest is Changqing Emperor and Ye Ying equally divided. In fact, it is Because Ma Liang and others didn't get Li Mingyang at all, they felt a little bitter, but at this point, if Li Mingyang persisted on it, it would embarras everyone.

"You shut down first, and then talk about the follow-up." When Changqing Emperor saw that Li Mingyang no longer objected, he said with a smile.

However, Li Mingyang is now obviously unwilling to start retreating like this. Looking at all kinds of passers-by on the mainland of Taoyuan County, Li Mingyang pinched his chin and thought about it, and finally said, "Before I retreat, let's do another big case."