ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 719 After everyone is happy--

Su Sihai was really shocked this time. Everything he saw and heard was something he had never thought of before, but the world was like this. Even if he had never seen it before, as long as he saw it with his own eyes now, there was no need to doubt anything. If only my cousin told me that I had found an adult and could easily deal with all the gang bosses in Taoyuan County, I would only think that my cousin was joking with me.

But when He Qinglong and his heads were piled up here, Su Sihai knew that his opportunity had come.

Su Sihai also has this kind of famous thing here in Taoyuan County. In fact, Su Sihai was only scared this time. In terms of ability, his ability is also quite outstanding, so he can naturally think of it more clearly than Li Mingyang and others in this kind of thing. He can decide to follow Li Mingyang not only because of the strong combat power shown by Li Mingyang. In fact, if he has combat power alone, it is impossible for Su Sihai to be moved, and what is more exciting is the vision of these people.

He thought of a detail that Li Mingyang said before, that is, they decided to establish themselves in Taoyuan County, but they would not choose the No. 1 to No. 6 mainland, but chose the vast number of "islands" near Taoyuan County. The so-called islands are naturally those unquality continents. Previously, Su Sihai sneered at this. Because in his opinion, the resources and abilities needed to achieve this level are actually more, not just that you can play. If you can fight, can the bishop of the Holy Spirit in Taoyuan County fight? It's not that even the six continents around can't be unified, let alone the islands like the sea of stars.

It's just that he doubted and was not optimistic about Li Mingyang's ideas before, but now he seems to have seen the possibility of success. From their plan this time, it can be seen that these people do everything later and can make good strategies. Since they said that they would develop here and focus on the direction of the islands, it proves that they are sure to do this.

He also understands that these people can kill the gang bosses on several continents so easily. The first reason is that their combat effectiveness is indeed outstanding, and the second reason is that those people are now trapped in the magic circle because of the treasure hunt. Even if they take action, they will definitely be perceived in advance, but after all, there are still The mental calculation is unintentional, and the most important thing is that the people in the magic circle will not know these things immediately, so they have a lot of time to lay down. If it is put outside, it can be said that so many gang bosses have died one after another, which will cause great panic. Even the temple may send people to explore whether there are any strong hidden forces to access the power dispute in Taoyuan County.

But now they are going to kill unscrupulously. Even if it is known later, these gang bosses are dead. After that, Taoyuan County is bound to face a storm-like chaos. In order to grab the empty power gap, the temple will definitely not be seated. And when everyone's eyes are on these continents, they kill the surrounding islands. As long as the plan is mature and complete, it is not impossible to master a large number of islands.

Such a thing is not that no one can think of, but even if someone can think of it, it may not really be done. This is the most important point. Ability is always the biggest obstacle that restricts some people from planning. But now it seems that Li Mingyang and others seem to have such an ability. How can Su Sihai not be moved? As my cousin Su Qiang said, his previous vision was really too low. Instead of worrying on the 6th continent, he was worried all day long about whether he would be swallowed up by other forces if the development was too slow, and if he developed too fast, he would be suppressed by the temple. It's better to kill the islands now, so that there is a chance. Get a wider world.

These ideas are very complicated, but Su Sihai can quickly figure it out, so he made this request to Su Qiang. It's just that Su Qiang didn't make any tickets this time. He just said with a smile, "Do things first, and then everything will happen." Of course, such an answer is actually a kind of affirmation.

When the Su brothers secretly discussed things here, Li Mingyang and others have once again adjusted their appearance to that very ugly level and began to kill people in the illusion array. This time, they no longer cover up, nor just choose those big shots to do it. They are now just to appear, very The initiative to appear in front of the people in the temple was to attract more attention, and then Su Qiang and Su Sihai watched Li Mingyang kill and provoke more people while hiding in the Middle East of the fantasy array. Finally, in the chaotic fantasy array, they were surrounded by thousands of people in one place.

"What's the matter? What are they doing?" Su Sihai asked worriedly.

Although Su Qiang was also a little confused, he said calmly, "Don't worry, adults must have their own ideas."

Then they saw Li Mingyang show his nagging side again. After talking in the crowd and saying that everyone was furious, they all rushed up to kill them. After the chaos, the people slowly dispersed, and the people of the temple began to break into the center, but they saw only seven bodies. After seeing these bodies, the people of the temple angrily killed many monks who created chaos.

The merit is always much better than the death, but in the chaos just now, Xuanyuan Seven Monsters finally died here. How can such a result not make the people of the temple angry? This time, even the bishop was notified, but in the end, he only brought back a few bodies. Naturally, it will not fill you. Insent. The only fortunate thing is that although Xuanyuan Seven Monsters died miserably in the chaos, after carefully examining these bodies, they were very similar to Xuanyuan Seven Monsters who were still alive. They didn't know that Li Mingyang had really prepared for these corpses for a long time, and Ma Liang had ruined many corpses before finally made these fake and real corpses.

However, for the people in the temple, at least the bodies caught are right, which is more or less a comfort. Of course, after seeing the appearance of the seven bodies, some people in the temple directly questioned the seven monsters who could commit crimes in seven counties and successfully escaped. The strength must be more than that, and the most important thing is that they can't be so stupid. They entered here for treasure hunting, but they killed people. Maybe they just want to take the opportunity to rob, but to put it a bad word, what's wrong with these poor people? Judging from their big methods, it's much better to rob a county temple than to do it here.

They robbed the bishop!

A group of thieves who killed several bishops in succession, and their reputation is comparable to that of infernal thieves. Will they really be stupid enough to rob here? The owner who robbed seven counties and was surrounded here and finally killed? If such a stupid thing happens to some thieves, people will still believe it, but if it happens to Xuanyuan Seven Monsters, it will be weird everywhere. But the problem is that the body is left here, and no one can see any problem, which is the most deadly thing now.

"What should I do?" The Xuanyi God looked at his companion with a headache.

The priesthood of several people around him is not as high as him. Naturally, he doesn't know what to say. Besides, even if there is doubt in his heart, it is impossible to say it at this time. Even if the body is, even if there is an evil door in their place of death, at least what is in front of people now is Xuanyuan Seven Monsters dead, although However, he did not die directly at the hands of the people in the temple, but now who dares to take their credit. Since it is his own credit, who will be willing to push it out?

"Have collected all the bodies. This is the seven Xuanyuan monsters that have been in the limelight recently. Put them all away and take them back for trial." Xuanyi ordered directly, and even shouted out the name of Xuanyuan Seven Monster loudly in public. No matter how many doubts there were, at least at this time, it was necessary to make it clear that Xuanyuan Seven Monsters died in their hands. As for the credit, that is to discuss it well after going back. As for the treasure? Humph, with Xuanyuan Seven Monsters, who still wants to grab some good things here?

In addition, even if there is really any treasure here, it will be taken away by the local forces, and then the temple will grab it from them. Robbery will always be the most professional in power.

Looking at the people in the temple carrying their own bodies and slowly trying to exit the illusion array, Li Mingyang and their faces showed smiles. Everything can't be more successful. Successfully attracted people here, successfully "dead" for a while, and also used this false treasure to kill a group of local forces. The result is that they have planned so many states they want to achieve before. Now that everything is successful, there is naturally nothing happier than this. .

"Next, let's go on the road to hegemony in the archipelago." Li Mingyang said proudly.

"Well, you need to close down before that." Changqing Emperor reminded him to say something.

"This is natural..." Li Mingyang just wanted to deal with it with a smile, but his tone suddenly stagnated. Aware of Li Mingyang's strangeness, Changqing Emperor immediately asked, "What's wrong?" Everyone looked over at the same time, and now Li Mingyang's face has become very ugly.

"There are people coming from the temple again." Li Mingyang has the clearest control over the magic array, and naturally he knows the situation outside.

"So what?"

"I'm here, the bishop of Taoyuan County." Li Mingyang said helplessly, "That strong man in the Holy Spirit."

"That's..." Changqing Emperor just wanted to say this. After realizing that Li Mingyang's face was different, he finally became nervous: "What's the matter? Can't you stop him?"

"It can only besiege for a short time." Li Mingyang smiled bitterly and said, "The strong man in the Holy Spirit has territorial power. My illusion array has no special arrangement at all, so it is impossible to stop him at all."