ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 743 Changes

"He actually hid the treasure bag in his body?" Everyone was shocked again, but after thinking of the identity of Gong Yangwen, these people were relieved. If there is nothing special about Tianren warriors, how can they be called Tianren?

Although Gong Yangwen revealed his secret in public, he was not uncomfortable at all, and even looked at him as if he was doing the most trivial thing now. In this way, he took out a lot of spiritual stones from the treasure bag in front of everyone, and it seemed that there could be almost tens of thousands of high-quality spiritual stones.

The prisoners who can be caught on the 18th floor of the underground of the Black Tower are actually people who have seen the market when they are outside. If they are arrested, these people will certainly not be shocked by the slightest because of 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones, but more than ten years or even decades after being arrested, these are because there is no spiritual stone supply. The guy who has fallen in practice now suddenly sees 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones, which is really no less than the people who are about to starve to death and suddenly see the most attractive banquet in the world.

Gong Yangwen naturally put all the spiritual stones here without saying a word, and then slowly walked away. Everyone watched Gongyangwen, a huge heavenly warrior, slowly walk away. From beginning to end, there was nothing special except for taking things. After all, everyone was still a little stupid.

However, after the Ramwen left, these people still turned their eyes on the spiritual stones for the first time. Ten thousand top-grade spiritual stones are actually not a small number outside, and there are naturally more amazing in the current black tower. Now looking at these bright spiritual stones, these people's brains In fact, it's all empty. They don't know why Gong Yangwen did this.

"Is that boy crazy?" Someone couldn't help guessing.

But this statement was quickly rejected. Although this Tianren warrior looked stupid, when he took action in the Black Tower, people could see that this boy's combat talent was extremely high, and there was no human in the world with extremely high combat talent but extremely low intelligence. Although the heavenly human race is a very special bloodline, it is still one of the human race after all. People can still infer what the specific situation is from the various manifestations of Gongyangwen.

"What on earth is he going to do with these spiritual stones?" Someone asked again.

"Nonsense, it's definitely not for us to eat."

"This is natural, and certainly not for us to trade. This is the Black Tower. If others know that we have a spiritual stone, maybe they won't rob it. The jailer will definitely come and take away our things.

"Then why did he give us these things?"

"It's not for us to eat or to exchange good things. The only explanation is for us to practice."

"Creation? What else do we need to practice? Oh, as we are now, no matter how we practice, we will only slowly be consumed.

When everyone was talking, the strong man of the Holy Spirit finally said, "Divid the spiritual stones. According to the cultivation allocation, these spiritual stones are definitely not enough for our daily cultivation, but these spiritual stones can slowly restore our physical state." Speaking of this, the strong man of the Holy Land paused and then said, "Maybe what he wants is that we can return to a good state, not to provide us with practice."

"Then why did he restore us?" Someone asked with incomparable curiosity.

This time, the strong man in the Holy Spirit finally became impatient and suddenly slapped the other party on the back of the head: "So why so many, why? What's the use of asking so many questions? Hurry up and divide all the spiritual stones, and then do whatever you should do. Don't get together recently. Everyone will find a place to hide the spiritual stones well. Don't expose them.

The strong man of the Holy Spirit is naturally the most prestigious in this group. The man who was slapped on the back of the head by him just grinned and was not really angry. Everyone quickly assigned the spiritual stones. When these people took the spiritual stones in their hands, their excitement was unspeakable.

"Don't expose it, and don't practice too much. These spiritual stones are definitely not enough for us to improve our cultivation. We just need to slowly moisten our bodies back." The strong man of the Holy Spirit kept telling him.

"What if it is accidentally exposed?" A very ignorant guy suddenly asked.

The strong man in the Holy Spirit looked at him coldly and said lightly, "If it is exposed, it will be said that he has hidden it over the years. Don't say anything to give the Tianren warrior."

"Okay." Everyone nodded, but in the end, someone couldn't help asking, "If something really goes wrong, he should be fine if he supplies it."

"If you still want to have a chance to live, don't confess that big guy. Once the matter is exposed, don't blame your brothers for being rude."

The words of the strong man in the Holy Spirit completely quieted these people. Now these people are actually just preparing for a rainy day. In the face of such a situation, what good can they do? Suddenly, it is clear that it is impossible to use such a spiritual stone to improve their cultivation. They can only slowly nourish their bodies. Just raise it. But just nourishment is already a enjoyment in fairyland for these people.

After these people dispersed, when they all hid in the place they found and began to practice with spiritual stones, for a moment, some comfortable moans began to come out in many places. The scene was extremely strange. Fortunately, when Li Mingyang left, many jailers here were arranged in the middle of the 17th floor. After all, in the eyes of these jailers, the 18th floor underground of the Black Tower has now changed a lot. Under the various means of Li Shenshi, these prisoners do not know how many times more obedient than in the past, and those jailers who have hidden above the 18th floor naturally do not know what is going on here now.

In the following time, Gong Yangwen will continue to wander around every day as before. If he finds a suitable crowd to take action, he will come forward and divide some spiritual stones, which will not give much. It is good to just reluctantly let these people maintain their physical condition and not decline again, even if it is encouraging. It is not enough to maintain some people. But even so, these people are all excited and satisfied. The spiritual stone is simply the most wonderful thing in the world for the people on the 18th floor under the Black Tower. In fact, if they are given a pile of spiritual stones and a magic weapon like the sixth or even seventh level for them to choose now, these people will definitely not hesitate to choose spiritual stones. Even if there are only a few hundred spiritual stones, and the magic weapons are worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, the final choice will only be spiritual stones.

This is the most real situation in the 18th underground of the Black Tower, so the people who fall into the 18th floor under the Black Tower are physically and psychologically tortured, and finally completely torture these people and collapse, and then treat all the things they can confess. The clues of the news are all out, and it doesn't matter if you frame others because of this.

Gongyangwen is slowly doing it, and the situation in the 18th basement of the Black Tower is slowly changing. Finally, when some jailers thought that they could not hide on the 17th floor underground all day and planned to come down to patrol the 18th floor, they were stunned to find that the prisoners here seemed to have become very different from the past. However, although these jailers tried very hard to tell what the difference was, they could only end in failure.

"If the door is evil, I feel that there seems to be something wrong with these people, but I'm not sure. Can you see them clearly?" A jailer frowned and asked.

The other jailers all looked at the prisoners in front of them with puzzled faces. Even in order to distinguish them carefully, they would compare many prisoners together, but the final result was that they could not see anything wrong.

In fact, these people are not actually unable to see, but simply ignore one thing. The prisoners in front of them have been in a long-term lack of spiritual stone filling, and even many people have begun to fail, and their cultivation is declining. Their breath no longer reveals the rotten smell of death all the time.

Although these people are still like this, their breath has changed to a certain extent, and even some people no longer become so rotten, but such changes are too subtle, or too complicated for the jailers here. Their task is to watch these criminals. People, other troubles don't want to be contaminated at all. In the end, they couldn't see anything strange, so they subconsciously judged that there was no problem here.

"Let's have a look when Li Shenshi comes back. He must be aware of it. He won't report to the temple now, so that there won't be any small problems." The jailers discussed with each other and finally made such a decision.

After seeing these jailers leave, the prisoners in the 18th basement of the Black Tower were all relieved. During this period, they had been practicing. Although everyone was just doing restorative practice, it finally made the breath here a little wrong. If these jailers are not irresponsible, they may really be exposed this time. Thinking of this, these people are naturally nervous to death.

"What should we do next?" A prisoner asked with a headache.

"What else can I do? Be careful to practice."

"But those jailers also said that Li Mingyang would come back soon. When he comes back here, can he still not see this situation?"

Hearing this, all the prisoners around him were stunned. Finally, a strong man in the Holy Spirit came forward and said, "Let's continue to practice. At least consume all the spiritual stones first. When the chief officer comes back, even if we find something strange, we can't admit it."

"That's the only way." Everyone sighed.