ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 798 Cause Trouble

"Lao Ying, do you have a feeling that the development of Tianfu seems to be much behind that of Xuanyuan World?" Walking on the road, Li Mingyang suddenly said to the night shadow beside him.

Ye Ying didn't even hear about this and didn't even turn her head. Li Mingyang had no choice but to repeat what he had just said, but changed the name back to Night Shadow. Now, Ye Ying nodded thoughtfully and said, "I also feel that many aspects of Tianfu seem to be very lacking."

This situation was finally discovered after Li Mingyang and others experienced so many things in Tianfu. Compared with the Xuanyuan world, in fact, it seems that there is nothing stronger than the Xuanyuan world except for more strong people and the general strength of monks. Here, the shortage of resources is so scarce that Li Mingyang is shocked. In the Xuanyuan world, it is true that 100 million top-grade spiritual stones are indeed not a small number, but it is absolutely impossible to make even many strong people in the Holy Spirit feel incredible. However, in Tianfu, Wu Shengli and others have to run around for millions and hundreds of thousands of top-quality spiritual stones, but they are already quasi-first-class forces in the Infernal realm.

This situation is related to the environment in Tianfu, but it is definitely not that the resources in Tianfu are not as good as Xuanyuanjie. In fact, a Qian'anfu alone is many times larger than Xuanyuanjie. When it comes to resources, the resource reserves in Tianfu are definitely much more than Xuanyuanjie, but on average, they are in the hands of individuals. But it's really too little.

The main reason is power and personal inaction. Li Mingyang suddenly remembered some things that Zhao Lingrui once told him. The reason why Long Tingjun was able to master so many resources at that time was that they were doing something that others didn't like to do, but it was very beneficial. However, in Tianfu, almost all monks only think about one thing, that is, to practice. If there is a spiritual stone, they will practice immediately. After the cultivation is promoted, they can have more opportunities to get more spiritual stones, and then continue to practice when they get the spiritual stone.

This is the case, over and over again, and in addition, most of the resources are controlled in the temple, the monks here are also used to a very "poor" way of cultivation, but because the environment of heaven is indeed unique, the intensity of the power of heaven and earth, and the early contact after having faith The power of chaos allows them to practice well even in such a "poor" environment, so they are getting poorer and poorer.

Anqing County is already a very exceptional place, so the monks in Anqing County are richer than the monks of the whole Qian'an Prefecture, but these people have not shown it. After all, once they are too ostentatious, the final result is that they will build the richest temple in Qian'an Prefecture - good things will always be It's from the temple.

Of course, the reason why Li Mingyang and Ye Ying have these complaints is that Li Mingyang is completely desperate to arrest the strong man. Although the 27 counties near Qian'an Prefecture are suppressing bandits, they don't have a good chance for him to attract anyone. Previously, I was optimistic that the insects given to him by Ma Liang could be easily controlled, and with his superb array, he might really be able to control those insects well.

As a result, the final situation was that those little insects were killed by him without waiting for him to be thrown out. At this time, Li Mingyang realized some things that Ma Lao reminded him before. This kind of puppet worm is the most difficult to control. It seems that the people who play with the insects are just follow As soon as the hand is shaken, the other party is controlled. In fact, if you want to control a puppet worm, you don't have the corresponding strength and skillful technique. Basically, how many bugs play with how many bugs you kill.

Without the insects and no good opportunity to catch the strong man, Li Mingyang hit his mind on the mercenary. In Xuanyuan, mercenaries are a very common thing. Those single monks who have no sects and no family, or strong people who simply want to practice alone will form a less rigorous mercenary organization, and the mercenary monks are also favorite monks of many families.

In fact, it is precisely because these mercenary monks have a clear purpose and rich combat experience, when fighting in the mysterious world, the combat power that these "vesters" can exert on the battlefield is often stronger than the monks trained by the family, because sometimes on the battlefield, not just the battle If you cooperate skillfully, you will definitely survive and win if you have strong personal combat power.

It is precisely because there are many mercenary monks, and there are many families that like to use mercenary monks. As soon as they come, many monks have embarked on this road. Although what he did this time was very risky, Li Mingyang believed that if it was in Xuanyuan, it would not be impossible for him to recruit mercenary monks to attack Longdu in the later stage.

It's a pity that such an idea has completely failed in Tianfu, and there are no mercenary monks in Tianfu, which has caused Li Mingyang a real headache for a long time. Why can such a backward place be so powerful? After those complaints, Li Mingyang's most real idea now is that human beings are a race that they don't know how to cherish, which is not deliberately exaggerated.

In Xuanyuan world, because the spiritual power between heaven and earth is not so strong, if there is no spiritual stone, it is definitely not possible to cultivate to a high level. Therefore, in Xuanyuan world, even a small monk in a small fairy gate will try his best to earn spiritual stones, and then practice desperately, or let their living family Better.

But in Tianfu, it is because the spiritual power between heaven and earth is strong enough to say that even a pig can live in Tianfu for more than ten years, it will be more or less spiritual. It is precisely because of such a world that the monks here have cultivated such a "lazy" nature and are used to a "poor" life. Everything is because they are still qualified to waste.

When one day, the environment of Tianfu is not so unique, the monks in Tianfu will really work hard, instead of living a simple life like the monks in ancient times.

"Don't complain so much. If you can't, go back first. It's been out for so many days. Don't you want to provoke those infernal thieves to take action against the Imperialling General Hall?" Ye Ying listened to Li Mingyang's too many complaints these days, and finally he persuaded him helplessly.

In fact, Ye Ying is actually very surprised. Although Li Mingyang is also a kind person, he often cherishes his life for his subordinates. He has always been more fierce than anyone else, and he has never seen any special emotions when dealing with unrelevant people. But for some reason, recently, Li Mingyang can't help showing a compassionate look, as if he is worried about the safety of the whole heavenly mansion, and even all the creatures in the heavenly mansion.

I guess even those so-called gods won't think about such a thing. What is this boy always thinking about here? This is the most real idea of the night shadow now. However, thinking that Li Mingyang rarely does things aimlessly, Ye Ying actually subconsciously thought about the deep meaning of these problems he said after persuasion. However, what Ye Ying didn't expect was that Li Mingyang really just wanted to complain this time...

He can't find a mercenary monk and has no opportunity to catch a strong man. In fact, he should go back to Anqing County to deal with those infernal thieves as Ye Ying said. After all, those talents are the most important existence now. Wu Shengli's plan is to use Li Mingyang as a knife, but how can he know that he is actually Li Mingyang's most The ideal weapon.

"Look for it again. If it really doesn't work, even if you are forced to catch a few, you have to catch a few." Li Mingyang waved his hand and said. He is well aware of Wu Shengli's situation. Now those people are absolutely more suspicious than himself. If they bring the news back within seven or eight days, no matter how anxious they are, it is impossible for them to easily believe the news they brought back, and may even doubt their real origin.

Now wandering around is actually a waste of time. It will take at least a full month. At that time, there will be less than two months left. Even if Wu Shengli and others have a fearful idea, they must think about whether they dare to choose the news they bring back. After all, they are actually very clear that if they finally choose to fight in the mainland of Qian'an Prefecture instead of outside Qian'an Prefecture, the degree of danger is so high that even the people of the Qiye Army may not dare to bear it.

It is impossible for them to give up the idea of intercepting the priests of Huangling General Temple outside. In the final analysis, this is also their original idea, so it is the most correct idea to waste time outside now.

"Why don't you go and have some fun?" Li Mingyang suddenly proposed.

"What fun?"

"Are you going to finish killing?" Li Mingyang said subconsciously.

Ye Ying glanced at Li Mingyang and said helplessly with a smile, "You and I are not people who kill indiscriminately. Who are you going out to kill if you have nothing to do?"

"Anyway, I'm idle." Li Mingyang laughed and followed the night shadow to sit on the flying beast and began to fly randomly towards a continent. Of course, although Li Mingyang said he wanted to kill this and that, he would not be too impulsive without deep hatred. However, this time he took action to achieve a certain purpose. After he came to this continent, he immediately changed his own state, and then began to kill on this less famous continent as a heavenly warrior.

Li Mingyang and others in this mainland don't even know the name, but they see that the location here seems to be very unique. It is relatively far from the Qian'an Temple. In fact, they are about to leave the category of Qian'an Prefecture, but in this place, there are many flying beasts. Flying up and falling back and forth, this situation naturally makes Li Mingyang feel very curious.

In fact, although Li Mingyang was ordered to suppress the bandits, he did not know anything about the situation in the 27 surrounding counties.

"Anyway, there is the king of Chujiang." This is Li Mingyang's most irresponsible idea. All he has to do this time is to destroy in such a place. Anyway, the work of suppressing bandits this time is not too difficult. With a super strong man like King Chu Jiang leading the team, coupled with the fact that he was captured by himself, his bandit suppression work will definitely be done very quickly, or even probably not. Do it well in more than two months.

The king of Chujiang's attitude towards Li Mingyang in the ten halls is the worst, but he dares not do anything bad because of the existence of the prison emperor, but there will definitely be violations. In this case, Li Mingyang thinks that if he doesn't find something for the other party to do, he is really sorry for the other party. Tianren warriors can't appear only once. Anyway, they have to put some pressure on the Qian'an Temple.

That's why Li Mingyang chose this seemingly remote but lively mainland to make trouble. Li Mingyang did not know that this continent is called Pingdu County. This county is actually very similar to Anqing County. Although it cannot be said to be rich, it is absolutely lively. The reason is very simple. This is the mainland where Qian'an Prefecture connects Dongling Prefecture. Pingdu County is not so much Qian'an Prefecture as a place controlled by Qian'an Prefecture and Dongling Prefecture. In the words of Xuanyuanjie, this should be a ferry, and the monks in and out of Qian'an Prefecture and Dongling Mansion are all in and out.

It can be said that such a place is absolutely very important, but Li Mingyang did not notice it. Of course, even if he noticed it, he would not stop. In his eyes, except for the Qian'anfu mainland, as long as he changes to his own state now, it is absolutely impossible for any enemies to cause him. Threat.

It's a pity that Li Mingyang miscalculated this time.

Pingdu County is a very important "ferry". There are not many local monks here, but there are many monks passing by here every day. However, although it is busy and crowded, the state of Pingdu County has lasted for a long time, so there will be no mistakes, but after the news of the sudden entry of human soldiers into Pingdu County spread, the whole Pingdu County was completely boiling.

The vast majority of monks have chosen to retreat. Although they all know that the Tianren warriors are a great credit, if they are given to the temple, it is estimated that even if they want to get the robe of the god in red, it is not a joke, but everyone knows how powerful the Tianren warriors are. Qian'an Mansion caught it about a year ago. The deeds of 10,000 heavenly warriors are still circulating, and in the face of such a mythical existence, who dares to fight with them easily?

The bishop of the Temple of Pingdu County is a strong man, but only the five-fold strength of Xuanling Realm is obviously not enough to see at this time. When he heard the news reported by his subordinates, he looked extremely panicked. The whole Pingdu County can escape, but as a bishop, he has only one way to face this matter, that is, to fight, to be precise, to be killed here.

Obviously, people who managed to survive the bishop will not be willing to die. After receiving the news, the bishop immediately asked, "Thank you family, have you left?"