ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 808 must die

The night shadow lay there in despair, and his eyes were full of incredible. Qinghuang did not dare to act rashly now for fear of accidentally throwing Li Mingyang down, but now Qinghuang really doesn't know what else can be done.

Since knowing Li Mingyang, Li Mingyang has given him an impression that he is almost immortal. Along the way, Li Mingyang has indeed confirmed this again and again. In the past, no matter how dangerous the situation was, they survived. How could it be like this time? The battle with the Xie monk did not make them pay much attention at all. Although they knew that they would be defeated, they did not expect to die there at all.

"What should I do now?" The night shadow was stunned for a long time and finally said.

Qinghuang finally woke up from his stunned mind, but he was still a little panicked and finally said slowly, "Take him back to the blood river world first."

"That's the only way." Endless sighs sounded in the endless void.


The chaos in Qian'an Prefecture is still continuing, but more people have shifted the topic from the endless banditry to the death of a person. This is not an ordinary person, but a heavenly man.

Song Zhong originally wanted to participate in the battle to chase the Tianren warrior, but he was replaced by two noble purple gods. The beautiful name is to protect meritorious people, but everyone knows that this has begun to attack.

We all know that the Tianren warriors were their bodies before. Even the dead Tianren warriors are the most precious existence. Although Song Zhong knows these things very well, he dares not disagree at all. After all, it is because I understand it so well that I know how to deal with it at this time. It's not a good thing to give up the greatest credit. You can't eat it, and in the end, you can only let yourself die, just like that Tianren warrior.

Song Zhongsatisfiedly led people to the mainland of Qian'an Mansion. Farewell, the chaotic Pingdu County, goodbye, his black divine robe, and when he arrived at Qian'an Mansion, although it was no longer possible for him to bring the bishop's crown, he could definitely change into a bright red robe, which was enough.

As for the pursuit of the fierce beast and the task of recovering the bodies of the heavenly warriors, leave it to the noble purple god and the old man of the Xie family. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. They always have to work more. Song Zhong thought sourly, but with a beautiful smile on his face.

The first person Song Zhong met after taking people back to Qian'an Mansion was not a bishop, but an old priest. Although Song Zhong has not been in Qian'an Prefecture for many years, he still knows Yuan Zhe. Seeing such a noble adult come out to greet him, Song Zhong was immediately excited and incoherent. In front of Yuan Zhe, he looked too young in terms of strength and identity, and it was nothing to have such a performance.

Yuan Zhe will come to receive Song Zhong. Naturally, it will not really be out of etiquette. It is not his turn for a small god in black to talk about etiquette with them.

"Let's meet the Great God." Song Zhong saluted Yuan Zhe very well.

Yuan Zhe smiled kindly and finally led Song Zhong to the temple. Such treatment made Song Zhong even more flattered. He was very clear what he had done in this incident. Although it seems that I was given credit at the last moment, in fact, I only did one thing from beginning to end, that is, to provoke the hatred between the Xie family and the Tianren people, and successfully provoked the battle between the two sides with some small means, and then the current result.

So Song Zhong also knows what kind of benefits he can get. The temple will send the purple god to take over, which means that he has more or less affirmed his credit, but sending someone out to take over is also a signal to Song Zhong. That's all for Lao. In this case, the benefits of my coming to the Qian'an Temple this time must be the priesthood of the priest in red, but the highest is definitely the same. And the most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible for the god in red to have any real power.

Song Zhong is also very clear about the embarrassing situation of Yuan Zhe in the Qian'an Temple. Naturally, he also knows the open and secret struggle between Yuan Zhe and Bishop Gu Yueming, so it is more understandable that Yuan Zhe wants to attract people. But the question is how can Yuan Zhe treat such a small god in black and is about to become a god in red with no real power?

With boundless doubts, Song Zhong still followed Yuan Zhe to the temple step by step. However, after walking through the second level, Song Zhong suddenly heard Yuan Zhe say with a smile, "Song Shenshi, this time you have made great contributions to the temple."

"I dare not do it, I dare not do it. I just did what I should do." Song Zhong bowed quickly and said.

"I'm modest. This is modest. This time, the temple let the Xie family defeat the heavenly warriors without a single soldier. This is a real achievement." Yuan Zhe praised Song Zhong's contributions.

Song Zhong really didn't know what else to say except that he didn't dare to say. Along the way, Yuan Zhe's appreciation for Song Zhong has been expressed, which gradually made Song Zhong from flattered to panic.

Finally, Song Zhong heard Yuan Zhe say, "Song Shenshi, do you have any idea to do something in the temple after promotion?"

Hearing this sentence, Song Zhong suddenly felt excited and looked at the smiling old man in front of him. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded repeatedly: "If you are willing, listen to the command of the great priest."

"It's so good." After receiving this reply, Yuan Zhe finally stopped and led Song Zhong to the main hall with his hands behind his back.


Because of the death of a Tianren clan, the chaos in Qian'anfu has not intensified, but the previous chaotic bandits have gradually weakened a lot. Whether it is the Xie family kills the Tianren warriors or the temple directly, at least these bandits have realized that there is no absolutely strong man in charge, whether it is In front of a big family like the Xie family or a huge thing like the temple, they all seem to be paper. After figuring this out, the bandit chaos in 27 counties near Qian'an Prefecture finally came to a completely end.

Still ambitious guys also took advantage of the chaos and took the elites to fight to Taoyuan County. At this time, it seems that only Taoyuan County can become their paradise and another battlefield.

Of course, the reason why these bandits have gone so thoroughly is also because of the new patrol envoys sent by the Qian'an Temple. With the gradual subside of bandits in Qian'an Prefecture, the name of Li Mingyang, the patrol, has become the focus of discussion among many county believers in Qian'an Prefecture, but at a time when people feel surprised, when the suppression of bandits is successful and many priest monks who suppress bandits began to return to receive their own rewards, this battle against bandits. After the limelight patrol, the adult refused to return to Qian'an Prefecture to receive the reward, but shouted the slogan "The bandit will not be extinguished, vow not to be a teacher", and finally one person killed Taoyuan County.

In this way, both ordinary believers and clergy in Qian'an Prefecture are full of curiosity and admiration for the new tour. For a while, the enthusiasm for Li Mingyang's discussion had surpassed that of the Tianren warrior. Among the different opinions, one piece of news is relatively clear, that is, according to the final judgment of the Xie family, the Tianren warrior is estimated to have fled to the islands in Taoyuan County.

Hearing the news, people began to speculate again whether the patrol envoy was unwilling to be only a patrol envoy and planned to replace the new lord in the Temple of War.

In a word, the atmosphere in Qian'an has been extremely lively recently. The bandits disappeared, and the temple once again showed its martial side in front of the believers. After the believers thanked the temple and thanked the gods for giving them precious stability, they naturally focused more on talking about these more wonderful things.

After Li Mingyang shouted the ridiculous slogan and then killed it to Taoyuan County, Yuan Zhe, who had just arranged Song Zhong, almost removed his throne angrily.

"You bastard, bastard, you just don't understand after telling you so much, do you still have to be so reckless!" Constant roars came from the temple, and no one dared to go in to persuade him.

For the patrol envoy, in fact, the clergy under Yuan Zhe did not like it. Thinking that they had followed the great priest for many years, but as a result, they were robbed of so much attention and painstaking efforts by a hairy boy. This situation is naturally unpleasant. Now that Li Mingyang has gone crazy to do such a thing, these people are naturally very happy.

"Kill, kill, kill as much as you want. It's best to die in Taoyuan County." Yuan Zhe's monks began to curse secretly.

If these cursed guys knew Li Mingyang's current real situation, they would probably laugh like crazy. Although Lord Li Mingyang did not really suppress the bandits, he had really arrived in Taoyuan County.

The dense archipelago in Taoyuan County now seems to be becoming more numerous. From afar, it really looks like a star sea. Among the many archipelagos, a newly emerging continent now gathers a large number of monks. However, except for the leading few of these monks, all the other monks have the same point - they are all infidels.

Thousands of pagans gathered here, and thousands of horrible flying beasts hovered high in the sky. The scene at this time is strange.

The most central people are now surrounded by a huge war giant. Their faces are extremely gloomy. A girl is lying next to the giant, but she is motionless. It turns out that she has already cried and fainted.

Ma Liang, a strange old man who always likes to laugh, looked ferocious at this time. The blue veins on his forehead soared and muttered, "You have to die, you have to die..."