ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 818 The Great

"Our Xie family is different from you." Xie Ze continued to say calmly, "Although our Xie family will also have a fight, we will never feel any joy when we see our family die in front of us. This at least proves that we are still human beings, not you beasts!"

"What did you say!" Zhang Song suddenly stared at Xie Ze. He didn't expect Xie Ze to suddenly say such a thing.

However, in the face of Zhang Song, who is also a high-ranking purple god in the Qian'an Temple, Xie Ze was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Our Xie family is not as good as your temple, but we will not be afraid of your temple. Since you don't want to interfere in this matter, then continue to watch here, but if our Xie family has done it, you dare to get involved. Don't blame my ancestors for coming out to settle accounts with you.

Xie Ze's words didn't have much momentum, but Zhang Song couldn't say a word. In fact, he did not have much communication with the Xie family monks, even when Xie Hai was still alive. Xie Hai's loneliness was famous in the Qian'an Temple, and he was born in the Xie family and was accepted as a disciple by the bishop. Such a status naturally gave him a proud capital. Zhang Song has always thought that Xie Hai's temper is also That's all.

But now he met Xie Ze. Hearing what Xie Ze suddenly said, he realized that the Xie family monks were all so virtuous. But the reason why they are like this is not because of their natural arrogance, but because of their ideas. As Xie Ze said, the biggest difference between the Xie family and the temple is unity. After all, the Xie family is a family, and the cohesion of the huge family cannot be compared with the temple at all.

Xie Ze's intimidation is not aimless at all. Zhang Song knows that if he really wants to grab it after the success of the Xie family this time, it is basically a death-seeing act. The ancestor of the Xie family may not be able to overturn a temple of Qian'an Mansion, but at least it is absolutely not difficult to kill himself. It is said that the ancestor of the Xie family is at the same level as the bishop. If such an old monster really provokes him, it is really hard to imagine how miserable it will end.

Just as Zhang Song hesitated, Xie Hai had finished what he had to say and went out with the other two holy monks of the Xie family. Although there was a strange little old man on the opposite side, Xie Ze decided that the little old man could no longer have the power to fight again. No matter what means he used, it was impossible to kill a triple monk in the Holy Spirit in the melee without any loss. Even if he understated it was, the loss would be willing to It must be quite huge.

And in this way, the opposite is just a four-fold guy of the Holy Spirit realm and a double Holy Spirit realm. In addition, other monks are just small fish and shrimps. In the battle between the Holy Spirit realm monks, if the non-Holy Spirit realm wants to participate in, they are doomed to die. Not everyone is a warrior of the heavenly human race.

After all, Zhang Song chose to continue to wait and see. Xie Ze sighed helplessly. What he just said was actually hoping to provoke the other party, but the ultimate purpose is to hope that this guy can fight with him. If he can join hands to attack, it is not at all based on these guys in front of him. It can be their opponent. However, Zhang Song did not move, and Xie Ze could not really tie the other party out. Even the three Xie monks had a chance to win this battle.

In his opinion, how can a group of pagan monks who do not even have the power of faith be his opponent? The four-fold monk in the Holy Spirit realm is at most a little more powerful. Can he be stronger than the heavenly warriors?

In fact, the reason why Xie Ze now has such confidence is that his confidence has soared in the battle with Li Mingyang not long ago. In fact, even if Xie Ze thought of Tianren soldiers in the past, he was quite a headache, and after the real war, he did realize the strength of Tianren soldiers. But such a difficult opponent eventually died at his hands, and during the battle, he even seriously injured an assassin of the Holy Spirit and a triple fierce beast of the Holy Spirit. Such a record is really impressive.

It is precisely for this reason that in Xie Ze's view, there is only one guy left with fourfold and two holy realms left. This battle is a little difficult at most, and there can absolutely no surprise. As for the assassin and fierce beast that can only be cultivated aside, Xie Ze has no longer paid attention to it at all. They have been preparing for so long and have been defeated in their own hands, not to mention in such an awkward state now.

Xie Ze's strong self-confidence comes from his strong performance in the last war, so he wants to force a war to determine the universe in the first battle. However, Zhang Song always thought that this war would be full of suspense, not only for the strange little old man, but also because he could not see through the four-fold cultivation of the Holy Spirit. Because of this, Zhang Songning could eventually lose the opportunity to get the body of the heavenly race and did not want to take action rashly.

Zhang Song has no combat experience with the heavenly race, and naturally he does not have the full confidence of Xie Ze now. Seeing Xie Ze start to walk this way, Emperor Changqing also knew that this battle was inevitable. In fact, Qin Zhan did not consume too much in the previous war, and naturally followed him out.

"The two Holy Spirits are one, and I can easily deal with it." Qin Zhan said confidently.

Naturally, they have great trust in the strength of Qin Zhan's Changqing Emperor, and they also have to do this. If Ma Liang is forced to fight again, the final result may be to let Ma Liang die in the battlefield, or the puppet that Ma Good is not easy to get is in this battle. No matter what the result is, they don't want to face.

Fortunately, the other party was just a monk from the Xie family who came out, and the monks of the temple now seem to be watching the scenery. After coming out for a long time, the monks of the Xie family naturally divided into two parts. One part was two monks with one weight in the Holy Spirit realm to form a team. Of course, they faced Qin Zhan with the dual strength of the Holy Spirit realm. Although it is two-to-one, in fact, their confidence is not very sufficient. After all, even if there is a big difference between the Holy Spirit, it may be a world of difference. However, thinking that this battle is to fight with Xie Lao, they are not too nervous.

After all, the focus of this battle is still on Changqing Emperor and Xie Ze. On the contrary, Zhang Song is most concerned about the Evergreen Emperor, and may even be more concerned than Xie Ze.

The two sides don't need any conversation at all. At this time, it is superfluous to say anything. At the beginning of the war, Qin Zhan and the other two Xie monks flashed aside. Naturally, they need enough space to not want to be involved in the most ferocious battlefield.

And Xie Ze did not support him. At the beginning of the war, he directly launched his Lei's field. Although Xie Ze's ultimate damage in the previous World War was also very serious, and it seems that his Lei Xuan has been swallowed by Li Mingyang, but that does not mean that his field is all It has been destroyed. The symbol of the Holy Spirit monk is the power of the field, which refers to a special state formed by his own power after the understanding between heaven and earth has been deepened to a certain extent. In the final analysis, the field is perception, and how can a monk take away the perception of another monk?

In that battle, Xie Ze was just broke in his field. At the beginning of the war, Xie did not even exert the thunderstorm. When he met such an opponent, he competed with the fundamental power. Those powerful but not elite moves are now just a laughing stock.

Opposite Xie Ze, Changqing Emperor's offensive was similar to Xie Ze. At the beginning of the war, she saw Changqing Emperor suddenly throw out a magic weapon. Even Sun Shangxiang is not very familiar with this magic weapon. She only knows that this is the emperor's list, which is the most important magic weapon her father has paid attention to in recent years, but For so many years, she hasn't seen her father use this magic weapon to fight.

In contrast, the night shadow is relatively clear why it is like this. Although the earth emperor list is a treasure, it is very difficult to control and quite costly. If he did not really meet an opponent who is too difficult to deal with, the emperor would not easily use the emperor list to fight. Obviously, the enemy he met this time is worth his all-out efforts.

With the slowly formation of Lei Xuan, thunder people began to emerge one by one. The fierceness of these thunder people's offensive has been experienced, and Li Mingyang was almost consumed by these thunder people at that time. In fact, if it hadn't been for the last accident, Li Mingyang would have been killed by these thunder people in that battle.

However, at the moment when the thunder appeared, a huge black whirlpool began to appear around the emperor's list. This black whirlpool is very similar to those thunderstorms, but relatively large.

Because of the large size, before the black whirlpool was completely formed, the thunder people had rushed to the emperor Evergreen Emperor. At this time, the Evergreen Emperor was not in a hurry, but just saw a few black lights flying out from his fingers. As long as the black light hit the thunder people, the thunder people seemed to turn into water people. It broke away in an instant. Seeing this scene, Qinghuang's eyes burst into faint light in an instant, which is the real demeanor of a strong man.

However, when people unexpectedly leaned against the emperor's back, drew energy from the black whirlpool behind him, and was ready to fight in this way, the black whirlpool suddenly expanded several times, and the growth speed was many times faster than when it first appeared before. And at the moment when the black whirlpool expanded, it immediately became like a black giant.

At this moment, the Evergreen Emperor whispered, "Yes."