ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 863 Another Wave

Luo Feichi is also very nervous. To be honest, his biggest goal is to put Xiao Zhuer, a seductive goblin, into his pocket, and the second is to help the Roulan royal family find out the details of Tianren County. This is also the biggest difference between Luo Feichi and Lokanan. The reason why Lo Canaan has become the most valued prince in the Zolan royal family is that in addition to Lokanan's strong self-discipline ability, more importantly, Lo Canaan is still good at planning the overall situation.

In fact, even so far, Lo Canaan has strongly opposed the attempt of the Roulan royal family to divide Tianren County. However, this matter has not been put on the table after all. Even on the surface, even Emperor Roulan personally reprimanded Luo Feichi, but as long as he is a bright-eyed person, he can see how false the reprimand of Emperor Roulan is. Otherwise, will the majestic Roulan Emperor still not be able to deter a Luo Feichi?

However, although Luo Feichi does not plan the overall situation, he understands that Tianren County will never be too simple. If it is really easy to take down, his father will not be so careful to test the depth of Tianren County and still let himself test it. What Luo Feichi was most worried about was that he came to the monks of Tianren County. Although he knew the current situation of Tianren County, their people may not dare to do anything, but everything was absolute. If a few young people really came out, they would kill themselves. At that time, it would be too late to regret it. After all, they were standing in front of them. A real strong man in the realm of the Holy Spirit.

What Luo Feichi didn't expect was that he was an acquaintance.

"Min Jin, is your boy here too?" Luo Feichi greeted him with a smile after seeing the faces of the people who came.

Min Jin, the son that Roulan valued most, was the auction he participated in in the Xuanyuan world with Lo Canaan. Seeing Luo Feichi here, Min Jin was more or less surprised, but the accident quickly disappeared. Min Jin said to Luo Feichi with a fake smile, "Prince Luo, isn't it too rude not to learn from your brother to host the stability of the Roulan royal family and come here to rob other people's women?"

"Bold Min Jin, do you really think your Min family can be on an equal footing with the royal family?" Luo Feichi said angrily.

Min Jin snorted coldly and said, "My Min family is not as strong as the royal family, but today is different from the past. The Jolan world is gone. Now this is a brand-new mysterious world. Everything has been broken. We don't care if your royal family likes to maintain the demeanor of the royal family, but why can't my Min family start their own business?"

Seeing Min Jin and Luo Feichi tit-for-tat here, Yan Kuo and Xiao Zhuer's thoughts are very complicated. The Luo family and the Min family are both super families in the Zolan world, but after the disaster, their past warmth disappeared in an instant. Although they did not immediately stand against each other, they have also been completely separated. In fact, this new mysterious world is a purgatory in the eyes of ordinary people, full of mysterious enemies, a powerful army of monks, and countless wars. But in the eyes of those heroes, this mysterious world is a place full of hope.

Whether it is the Luo royal family of the Roulan world, the Min family of the great prime minister, or the powerful old families in the Zhaoyun world, as long as they do not lose too much of the strong in this disaster, they are all thinking about hegemony in the whole world. Today, there are four main realms fused together. Although at the time of fusion, thousands of mountains appeared in many places due to the collision of the earth, the mysterious world after the fusion is still amazing, at least as large as the three main worlds combined in the past.

It is because of this that in the face of today's huge world, all ambitious people have their minds and want to fight for hegemony again in this troubled world.

Min Jin took a disdainful look at Luo Feichi and seemed to be too lazy to quarrel with this promiscuous prince in front of people. He just looked directly at Song Qinghu and said, "Master Song, my father sent me to bring people to Tianren County to ask if there is anything that our Min family needs to do. You can bring it up."

"Oh, your Min family is going to be a watchdog for Tianren County?" Hearing Min Jin's words, Luo Feichi immediately said aside.

Min Jin's eyes were cold and he glanced at Luo Feichi, but said nothing more. After all, Song Qinghu is not very good at these things, but he can also vaguely think that the Min family will not send people to help Tianren County for no reason. If something abnormal happens, it will be a demon. He can't figure out what the purpose of the other party is. He simply smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. Our Tianren County is still busy. There is no need to bother you."

"Haha, do you see? It's not a business. I take the initiative to bring people here as watchdogs. They don't like it. Look at the loss-making business done by your Min family!" Hearing Song Qinghu's words, Luo Feichi laughed unscrupulously.

When Luo Feichi was making fun of him, they suddenly felt that a team of monks were coming this way. Soon, people found that it was a monk in Zhaoyun, and he was still a very identifiable guy. Zhan Zhenwen, a prince of the real power in Zhaoyun world, belonged to a very famous general in the Zhaoyun royal family.

"Yo, what kind of wind blew Prince Zhan over." Luo Feichi looked at Zhan Zhenwen.

Only at this time, after seeing Zhan Zhenwen appear, the faces of the people here have become very ugly, including Luo Feichi, who is talking. It seems that many forces are very greedy for the power of Tianren County, and they are also very wary of falling behind others, so such a situation will occur.

Although Zhan Zhenwen was surprised to meet so many people here, he still said directly to Song Qinghu, "Master Song, three days ago, a group of bandits were wild in the territory of our Zhaoyun royal family. We followed them all the way and found that the group of thieves had fled here, so Zhan could only come to ask for an explanation."

"It's still hard for people to play." Hearing Zhan Zhenwen's words, Luo Feichi and Min Jin beside him instantly understood what each other meant.

At this time, even Song Qinghu's face had become very ugly, and it was difficult for Yan Kuo and Xiao Zhuer to suppress their anger. No matter how scoundrels Luo Feichi and Min Jin are, in the final analysis, they are just a temptation, but Zhan Zhenwen is already going to tear his face directly.

"What kind of thief, I don't know." Song Qinghu replied directly.

"A sentence is not clear, but it doesn't make sense." Zhan Zhenwen said coldly, "The cooperation of that group of thieves is very skillful, and there are no strong people in the team. Where can such a team be if it is not from your Tianren County?"

"This is already ** naked and shameless." Such an idea appeared in Luo Feichi and Min Jin almost at the same time. What nonsense is this? Tianren County now has a large number of low-level combat power but no strong, but as long as the team with such characteristics should be the monk team of Tianren County? That's ridiculous.

Song Qinghu simply ignored Zhan Zhenwen. Since the other party had planned to tear his face, it was meaningless to say anything at this time. Seeing that Song Qinghu no longer spoke, Zhan Zhenwen continued to ask aggressively, "Master Song, aren't you going to give an explanation for this matter?"

"If you want to fight, fight." Song Qinghu suddenly said.

"What?" Zhan Zhenwen looked at the monk with a surprised face, as if he had heard something wrong.

"I said, if you want to fight, you can fight." Song Qinghu said loudly, and then didn't forget to look at Luo Feichi and Min Jin, who were watching the play: "And you, if you think our Tianren County is really easy to bully, then send someone to fight directly. You don't need to talk nonsense, and you don't need to test anything anymore. We don't have any backhands. Now these families feel that we will go to war if we don't like it. If you don't want to fight, don't talk nonsense. I'm not in the mood to play tricks with you.

Song Qinghu's words were very straightforward, and the Tianren County monks behind him became very excited in an instant. Although the number of monks in Roulan and Zhaoyun in front of them was also quite large, and the power behind them was also very strong, Song Qinghu's words were their current voice. If they wanted to fight, what to waste Words. The monks in Tianren County are all people who have climbed from the sea of blood from the corpse mountain. Are they still afraid of a decisive battle?

Yan Kuo and Xiao Zhuer are also excited. Although they know that the current state of Tianren County is not suitable for a decisive battle, they don't want to live so aggrieved life.

Song Qinghu's words are already equivalent to a war letter. Luo Feichi and Min Jin are fine. After all, they haven't torn their faces just now, but Zhan Zhenwen is already a little calm, or their faces are no longer hanging.

"Is that what you said? Can you be responsible for what you said?" Zhan Zhenwen didn't forget to threaten.

As a result, Song Qinghu just said lightly, "Yes, wait for your army to fight at any time."

"Okay, this is..." Zhan Zhenwen just wanted to say a few more harsh words, but there was a fluctuation of breath in the distance. This situation has happened many times today, but this time they have become very nervous.

Such breath fluctuations are very special, which means that those mysterious alien monks come.

"Oh, it seems that these alien monks can end up with you without our people taking action." Zhan Zhenwen said with a sneer, and then took the people in Zhaoyunjie far away.

Luo Feichi still had a lively look. Seeing Zhan Zhenwen retreating, he didn't forget to say to Min Jin, "Mr. Min, don't you want to be a watchdog for Tianren County? Now it's time to come. Don't seize it." After saying that, Luo Feichi also took people far away.

Min Jin's face turned pale, and at this time, he seemed to have forgotten what he said when he first came here. Without saying anything, he took people far away.

The reason why they go so thoroughly is that the atmosphere of the enemies in the distance is too strong. Judging from their experience of fighting against these alien enemies, these enemies are at least 20,000. Thinking of the powerful combat power of those alien monks, 20,000 enemies are already quite powerful.

Although the monks in the Roulan world and Zhaoyun world have retreated, Song Qinghu's faces are even worse.

"No, it's completely inconsistent with the situation that the scout came back." Feeling the fluctuation of breath in the distance, Yan Kuo frowned and said.