ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 875 Who Hurt the God

Qian'anfu Temple, this once glorious temple has begun to show a deserted trend, and Gu Yueming has also realized this, but the crisis of Qian'an Mansion still cannot be completely calmed down. Although it can be seen from the news, it seems that the bandits in Taoyuan County suddenly became more Chaos, and the process of suppressing bandits is also slowly becoming smoother at this time.

Gu Yueming still did not take action. As the bishop of Qian'an Prefecture, Gu Yueming is the last sea needle of the temple of Qian'an Prefecture. If he has taken action in person now, not to mention the effect, at least outsiders can certainly think that the current situation of Qian'an Prefecture is extremely bad, which is absolutely unbearable for Gu Yueming. Things.

However, at least the people in the temple still know the real situation of the temple, so they are not too shocked by the fact that the bishop, who used to be a dragon, is now sitting in the main hall every day. But today, the main hall of the Qian'an Temple is suddenly completely closed by a mysterious force. Whether it is ordinary clergy or those high-dressed envoys in red, no one can enter the main hall now. In the face of such a situation, the people in the temple are naturally shocked, but at this time, they can't help at all.

Even after inviting another unmoving great priest, the great priest could not enter the main hall. At this time, people began to speculate that it seemed that the bishop wanted to do something big in the main hall.

Qian'an Mansion is in the main hall, and now there is a big event. Even this big event was not initiated by Bishop Gu Yueming. Gu Yueming is now just a participant.

In the current main hall, there is an illusory shadow floating on the huge statue. The virtual shadow doesn't look very big, and even seems to have no pressure, but in the face of this virtual shadow, the bishop of the Qian'an Temple is now incomparable. Standing there respectfully, he didn't even dare to raise his head from time to time. More often, Gu Yueming just bowed and kept nodding to answer something.

It is not difficult to guess the true identity of the virtual shadow that can emerge in the main hall of the Qian'an Temple. When Gu Yueming listens to the news said by the virtual shadow, the shock in his heart has also expanded to an incomprehensible extent. The virtual shadow appeared for not too long, and what was said was not very complicated. After saying what should be said, the virtual shadow immediately dissipated, as if it had never appeared. However, after the virtual shadow disappeared, Gu Yueming stood still as if he had lost his soul and had not spoken for a long time.

"Is the Earth Emperor injured? Did God get hurt? After a long silence, Gu Yueming finally began to mutter. As a believer of the earth emperor god, Gu Yueming has been in the temple for hundreds of years, and even been in charge of the Qian'an Temple for a long time, but even Gu Yueming has never thought that he would get such news one day. Although they also know that such a thing will happen sooner or later, after all, such a thing is so pitiful that it is almost impossible to happen, and Gu Yueming will never think about it.

But things that you don't want to think about and never think about will eventually happen, and that's how it comes suddenly. The earth emperor god is a real god, and he is already an absolutely strong existence on the mysterious battlefield. He is different from the ancestor of the Xie family who went out. Although that ancestor also became a god in the end, he was not a real god like the earth emperor god, but a god of war.

All monks who practiced as gods are finally called God of War, and after the God of War enters the heavenly battlefield, they naturally have to fight under the command of a true god. Ordinary people don't know such a thing. Although Gu Yueming has not seen it with his own eyes, he has more or less understood some inside stories. After all, although the earth emperor will not really come to heaven, the news about the battlefield will occasionally come.

It's just that the news from the emperor this time is really explosive news. The battle of the earth emperor in the battlefield has completely gone down, and the earth god himself has also been seriously injured, which can be seen from the split of the earth god in the main hall. The split of the emperor god actually came to all the temples at the same time, and now all the bishops have understood the problems faced by the emperor god.

At the same time, these people have also begun to make efforts to remedy the injury of the earth god. The requirements of the earth emperor are very direct, but they are not simple. He needs a lot of faith, but this time the power of faith is not about developing new believers, but needs a lot of believers. To put it bluntly, the Earth Emperor God has planned to let the believers in the Earth Emperor Ridge begin to sacrifice.

The real massacre will happen in the coming time. Every place needs to contribute enough believers to the earth emperor. As a big mansion, Gu Yueming received the task of 30 million believers, and it cannot be the souls of too weak believers. That is to say, even if you are not a monk, you must at least have the kind of believer with spiritual roots.

Although the population in Qian'an Prefecture has more than 100 million, or even more than 1 billion, it is not so simple to find 30 million believers who meet the requirements. Most importantly, in this way, the whole Qian'an Mansion is likely to fall into complete chaos, which is Gu Yueming's most worried about. If there is no matter of this Tianren warrior, if Qian'an Prefecture is still Qian'an Prefecture a year ago, even if it receives such a task, Gu Yueming will never have too many difficulties. If 30 million believers share it, it will not be too difficult to gather them in the territory of Qian'an Prefecture. But now, if a large number of believers need to be slaughtered under such circumstances, the final result will lead to the complete collapse of Qian'an Mansion.

Gu Yueming knows enough about Qian'an Mansion. Now the environment in Qian'an Mansion can be said to be extremely bad. The rampant behavior of a large number of bandits has caused more people to panic. If there can be a quiet environment, these believers may naturally be willing to contribute, even if they have been If you go, even if you can't gather 30 million believers immediately, you can find at least millions or even tens of thousands of believers who are willing to sacrifice. But now thinking about these things is simply a daydream. Although the situation in Taoyuan County is gradually moving towards a situation that can be controlled by the temple, it is just moving in that direction. And if you want to suppress bandits, you naturally need enough support. This is not only the people of the temple who need to take action, but also the people on every continent need to cooperate fully.

Although the temple is different from the country, the general situation is actually similar. The stability of the temple is the strength of theocracy, but if the theocracy is strong, it naturally needs the support of believers, even if it is forced to become a believer of the earth emperor, it is nothing. In fact, how many monks and people in heaven sincerely want to become believers? There is nothing they can do.

However, these believers were originally forced to embark on the road of faith. If they could live safely, they would do such a thing, and there was nothing they could do. But now if they are not even given a chance to survive, it is difficult to determine what kind of road these people will take in the end.

When Gu Yueming was facing the split of the earth emperor just now, after hearing this task, his first idea was that he hoped to add 30 million believers to reduce the task of living souls. Maybe if there is only 10 million, there is still a certain possibility to complete it. 30 million has definitely hurt the root of Qian'anfu, only Gu Yueming did not dare to do such a thing, and the final result is that the bitter fruit can only be swallowed by Gu Yueming himself.

As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and can also overturn a boat. In the past, those ordinary people, even ordinary believers and monks, don't look so important. They live in every continent in Qian'an Prefecture, and even look like they are the object of being enslaved by the temple. No matter what is unreasonable, they can do whatever they want. Put it on their heads, but no matter how much the temple does, at least it still gives people a way to survive. This time, if everyone is forced to rebel, or at least to be in line with the temple, the influence of the earth emperor in the future must also be huge.

The power of faith that one or two believers can contribute to the earth emperor may be minimal, but the contribution of one or two million believers to the power of faith in earth emperor must be quite huge. Therefore, once the people in Qian'an Prefecture are driven crazy, they will either rise up and resist, or simply escape from Qian'an Prefecture. After a hundred years, it is estimated that there will be no believers of the earth emperor in Qian'an Prefecture, and the so-called Qian'an Prefecture will no longer exist.

Gu Yueming knows that the earth emperor god must be clearer about such a thing, but it is also because of this that Gu Yueming is so nervous now. The emperor clearly knows that such a request is completely self-destructing the foundation. Not to mention the now turbulent situation of Qian'anfu, that is to say, the stability of the rule in other places, the resistance and rebound that such a thing can suffer must be huge. However, the earth emperor would rather do such a self-destructing thing than make such a request, which is enough to prove that the earth emperor's current injury has reached the extreme. A true god is so wounded that it is really hard to imagine how fierce the battle in the battlefield has been.

Thinking of this, Gu Yueming couldn't help frowning and said to himself, "Who on earth hurt the earth emperor?"