ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 877 Fair?

The sudden vision of heaven and earth finally shocked everyone. Previously, only Li Mingyang and others noticed the strangeness, but now the whole earth is trembling, and even the lowest-level monks have realized what's wrong.

"Famous, what's going on?" Sun Shangxiang's face suddenly changed and grabbed Li Mingyang's arm.

"Don't worry, it should be just a turbulence." Li Mingyang said lightly. After saying that, he immediately looked at the wilderness. Although he couldn't see what the expression of the wilderness was, he could still really feel that the mood of the wilderness was not very good now.

"The space barrier here seems to have reached a limit." After a long silence, Qinghuang suddenly said, but this sentence was used for transmission.

Li Mingyang was stunned, and his face was completely gloomy.

"Famous, what happened just now?" Although the tremor of the whole earth appeared very suddenly, it only lasted for a long time before it calmed down, but people's reactions could no longer be as calm as before it happened. Sun Shangxiang grabbed Li Mingyang's sleeve again and asked.

"Maybe it's just an earthquake." Up to now, Li Mingyang dares not say the matter too clearly, as long as he covers it up.

Everyone went on the road again, but the speed of rushing on the road was obviously much faster than before. Fortunately, there were no mysterious alien enemies on the road. When they were about to rush to Tianren County, there was another great change between heaven and earth. Li Mingyang and the others saw the sky above their heads like Suddenly, it was about to crack, and a large area of void appeared in an instant.

"Why is it suddenly dark?" Sun Chengji said with a worried face.

Now, even if Sun Shangxiang is easy to cheat, he already knows that things are completely different from what Li Mingyang said. The sudden change in the sky just now is not dark at all, but has revealed the void. Seeing this situation, Sun Shangxiang couldn't help looking at Li Mingyang with some complaints. Obviously, she also understood that Li Mingyang had hidden something from her about these things. But even so, Sun Shangxiang now knows that the situation in this mysterious world is extremely bad.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's go." Seeing Sun Shangxiang looking at himself again, Li Mingyang waved his hand and didn't want to say more.

When it comes to loving you, Li Mingyang and they don't have any chance. Before that Li Mingyang was more or less optimistic, that is, he thought that a space barrier in the mysterious world could not suddenly break down, but now it seems that this idea is not so reasonable. These four main worlds were originally very stable, but if you think about it carefully, these four main worlds have now merged together. You can know that when the four main worlds are merged together, it must be a problem with space barriers to merge. In this case, the situation of this metaphysical world is also better than before. The blood river world is not much different.

It is true that Li Mingyang and others now hope that the space barrier of this mysterious world will break down more than anyone else. Only in this way can they leave here and then be able to track down those who escorted Gong Yangwen. However, they have to admit that once the space barrier breaks down, what kind of situation will this mysterious world fall into?

Especially Li Mingyang, who had even seen a mysterious world go to extinction. Li Mingyang will never forget what he saw in the mysterious world called Youlan Valley. If it hadn't been for the wheel, he would have died in that mysterious world. In the world, even Li Mingyang is still afraid to confirm whether he can really resist disasters even if he creates a solid underground world. After all, in the face of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, what about the underground world? Perhaps hiding in the underground world will always hide in the underground world.

Now Li Mingyang has completely fallen into a contradiction, so the only thing he can do is not to think about these problems for the time being. If he doesn't like to deceive himself, he can only deceive himself like this now.

The journey back from Longdu to Tianren County has to pass through Shu County first. Although he has learned about the current situation of Tianren County from Sun Chengji and others, Li Mingyang still wants to come to see the situation here. Like Longdu, it used to be a glorious Shudu, and now it has become a dilapidated city. Obviously, a big war broke out here not long ago. The city was seriously destroyed, but it was not old.

After arriving here, the army of monks who galloped all the way stopped. Li Mingyang slowly walked into Shudu and walked in this once extremely prosperous city in the Central Plains. He seemed to be recalling something and seemed to be thinking about the next strategy to deal with. There was no sadness or joy on his face. At this moment, even Ma Liang and others who were familiar with him could not figure out Li Mingyang's thoughts.

"Famous, don't be sad. In the face of this kind of disaster, we will always be very weak." Seeing Li Mingyang finally standing motionless in front of the gate, Sun Shangxiang slowly came up to persuade him.

Hearing this, Li Mingyang slowly shook his head and suddenly said with emotion, "Shang Xiang, why do you think there is always continuous killing?"

"What?" Sun Shangxiang looked at Li Mingyang with a doubtful face and obviously didn't understand why he had such an emotion.

"Why is there a war, why can't everyone develop peacefully, and why do we have to fight to death before we can sit down and talk about things peacefully?" Li Mingyang said quickly, and even didn't even wait for Sun Shangxiang to answer him and said, "In every battle, the final winner will rack their brains to come up with the most reasonable explanation for themselves, but can a so-called excuse of justice really prove that the war is just?"

Sun Shangxiang still looked at Li Mingyang in confusion. He really didn't know what he was trying to say. Ma Liang and the others also came up now. Listening to Li Mingyang's sudden emotion, Ma Liang also frowned and looked at Qinghuang and said, "What the hell is this guy doing? Is he doing the fake god? It's been too long, and your mind really starts to think about gods and beliefs? What's so strange about war? It's normal for a hard fist to grab more things.

Qinghuang ignored what Ma Liang was saying. At this moment, when Qinghuang looked at Li Mingyang, his eyes became a little different. Suddenly, he raised his paws, stopped Ma Liang's idea of continuing, and said, "Mingyang seems to be something wrong."

"Of course, it's not right. This boy used to be just some women's benevolent, but now he's just starting to be a god stick." Ma Liang immediately said.

This time, Qinghuang still did not answer Ma Liang's words, but was completely silent.

After Li Mingyang said a lot of indignation, his mood gradually calmed down. Looking at Sun Shangxiang's worried face, he smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, it's just that many strange ideas suddenly popped up in his mind and just want to say something."

"What strange ideas are. Just say them all." Sun Shangxiang looked at Li Mingyang worriedly and said.

"It's nothing, just the complaints I just said." Li Mingyang paused and said, "Of course, in fact, these complaints ultimately correspond to an idea."

"What do you think?" Sun Shangxiang's eyes widened.

"You said..." Li Mingyang paused again, and then suddenly said, "Is it because of divine punishment that our world has become what it is now?"

"God's punishment?" Sun Shangxiang looked at Li Mingyang more doubtfully.

"Is it because all the creatures and races in the world are too greedy, and they are not satisfied with such a generous gift from God, or they still have to kill constantly, so God will bring divine punishment and let us suffer such a disaster." Li Mingyang said very seriously.

As soon as they said this, the others behind them were also stunned. Li Mingyang's statement was not novel, but no one really thought about this problem before. Only in the wilderness, his eyes have become extremely complicated, but he has never said anything. Ma Liang realized the strangeness of the wilderness, but he was also very knowledgeable and didn't ask much.

The Qinghuang obviously knows some secrets of the Tianren, but since he doesn't want to say it now, Ma Liang can also understand that there must be his hardships in it.

"Well, there are only these strange ideas in my mind, and I will be happy when I say it." Li Mingyang didn't seem to want to make the atmosphere here too low, and suddenly laughed again.

Sun Shangxiang didn't smile, but asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Because of some past events." Li Mingyang suddenly pointed to a direction outside the city and said, "When I brought people from the Jinzhu army to attack Shudu, I besieged the city for three days and suffered countless casualties. The commander who defended the city was named Chen Chuan. When he saw that the general situation of Shu County had gone, he decided to surrender. It was shameful to surrender, but for hundreds of thousands of people, he bravely took on this. Shame, after surrendering to the city, he committed suicide on the wall.

"What a great man..." Sun Shangxiang said with a long sigh.

"It's not great, it's stubborn." Li Mingyang shook his head with a smile and said, "There is no shortage of such stubborn people in the world. For the sake of faith in their hearts, they have to stick to it even if they lose their lives. Such people can't be said to be great, but at least they should be good people."

"This is natural." Sun Shangxiang nodded and agreed with Li Mingyang's statement.

"But why do good people end up like this?" Li Mingyang suddenly widened his eyes and even said angrily, "Is there really any fairness in this world?"