ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 889 Restore Divine Power?

Tianfu, Qian'an County.

The temple in Qian'an County has become more and cold. This temple, which can almost be said to be a depressed temple, can still maintain a little glory. Maybe it is because this is the birthplace of the Qian'an Mansion Temple in those years. Because of the word Qian'an, this place is not completely forgotten.

In the temple, King Qin Guang has not always maintained that state of gods recently. He basically seems to be sitting on the ground tiredly every day, as if he is cultivating. Seeing this situation, the Song emperors who were hiding here were also very worried, but after all they could not ask. They also know that the prison emperor has a big thing to do recently. King Guang of Qin must have something to do with the prison emperor. Naturally, the other ten halls and hell dare not be too forward.

Finally, King Chujiang, who was working outside, finally came back. King Qin Guang also suddenly stood up and asked directly, "How's it going?"

As the ten halls of Yanluo, the king of Chujiang has always seen the faintest thing is life and death, but at this time, it is difficult to see the extreme on his face. He shook his head and said, "It's too miserable. It's really too miserable."

"How's it going?" King Qin Guang still asked the initial question.

King Chu Jiang looked at King Qin Guang unexpectedly, and finally nodded and said, "It's all done. The believers who need to sacrifice have gathered enough, and they have been transported to the required place."

"That's a big deal." King Qin Guang said excitedly, and then said, "Well, prepare to adjust your state recently."

"Are you ready?" Hearing the words of King Qin Guang, the other ten halls of Yan Luo are now confused, and King Chu Jiang asked puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

"Refamiliarize yourself with what it looks like when using magic power." King Qin Guang said with a smile unconsciously.

Hearing this, King Chu Jiang and their faces were all ecstatic: "You mean, we have a chance to restore our strength?"

"Maybe it will be a little different from those years, but it won't be too bad." King Qin Guang said.

Although they are not sure what the situation will be, at least what King Qin Guang said still makes King Chu Jiang very excited. If they can really regain their divine power, it is naturally the best thing. Only Emperor Song had a bitter face at this time and said sadly, "But my divine status has been taken away by the wheel, and even if I want to recover, I can't do it."

Hearing this, the other ten halls and Yanluo all became complicated. After all, although their strength was seriously damaged, only Emperor Song lost his divine spirit. However, in the face of the bitter face of Emperor Song, King Guang of Qin said calmly, "It's okay. This recovery is different from before. There is no need to have a divine character."

"You don't need a divine person to restore your divine power?" King Chu Jiang asked incredulously.

"The prison emperor naturally has his way. You just need to be prepared." After the last order, King Qin Guang turned around and sat down and stopped there as if he had rested before.

Although the king of Chujiang and others are somewhat confused, they can only continue to remain silent now, but in their silence, there is endless ecstasy hidden. No one will refuse to regain the divine power, so they don't care what method they will rely on to restore such ability this time.

Just when several people in Qian'an County who were about to become gods were secretly excited, in Qian'an Prefecture, on a non-quality continent, there are now a lot of people gathered, and their faces are basically desperate panic.

Now there are three kinds of people on this continent. The most people are those whose hands and feet are sore and weak that they can't even stand up. There are tens of millions of these people, because their hands and feet are so weak that they can't move at all, and all of them are tied up and thrown to the ground like dumplings. At that time, they could do nothing but scream in despair.

These are the most people who have completely fallen into despair, and in addition, those clerical monks whose expressions are extremely cold but their eyes are very unbearable. These clerical monks are responsible for constantly throwing those desperate people on the ground and cannot let them die easily or let them Escape gathers these people in one place as if they were to raise pigs and sheep in captivity.

The methods of these cleric monks doing these things are very clean, but the intolerance and hesitation in their eyes have also exposed the thoughts in their hearts. In the face of such things, even if they are believers in the temple, they can't accept it. When it comes to despair, in fact, it can also be said that these clergy monks have also fallen into endless despair. They know that these things are absolutely wrong, but they have to do them one by one, and they have to be perfect according to the instructions of those bigwigs.

The number of priestly monks is also quite large. After all, it is necessary to manage tens of millions of "sinners". If you want to rely on thousands of priestly monks alone, you will definitely not be able to do it. In fact, in order to do this well, the temples in Qian'an Prefecture have basically been vacavized. Now the priestly monks in Qian'an Prefecture are basically doing two things, either doing this big thing here or another big thing - to suppress rebellion.

Although there have been many civil wars in the Qian'an Temple in the past year, and more and more bandits have indeed made these bigwigs in the Qian'an Temple feel headaches, this time the situation in Qian'an has been extremely bad. This time it is not just suppressing bandits, but also here The priest is simply suppressing the rebellion.

This time, almost all the believers in Qian'an Prefecture are rebelling.

Not to mention such a thing in the history of Qian'an Mansion, even the whole territory of the Imperial Ridge has never had such a situation, but this thing has hardly happened in the whole Heavenly Mansion, but now it has really happened in the Qian'an Mansion. Although all the temple bosses did not take this resistance seriously, after all, after they can really pull out a large number of troops to fight with the strong after they finish their affairs here, it is definitely impossible for the mob outside to resist their expedition.

Even now some temple bosses are simply deliberately allowing the bandits outside to collude with ordinary believers to create an illusion that they will eventually win. Driven by the momentum brought by such an illusion, they will naturally spare no effort to resist, and naturally they need more to resist. With the input of more power, the power of the bandits will continue to appear. When the real big event on the side of the temple is over, the people of the temple can pull back their strength and wait for those bandits is basically the end.

This is not an exaggeration. For these clergy monks in Qian'an Prefecture, those bandits are actually not scary, or even ridiculous. These people don't even have the strength to compete with the temple head-on and think that they can fight against your temple. The suppression of bandits is unfavorable because these bandits have always been hidden in the dark. After the chaos in Taoyuan County, many bandit forces have even hidden in the depths of the archipelago in Taoyuan County, which will naturally make the people of the temple powerless. After all, if you want to pursue that kind of place, even the temple will naturally be difficult. And pressure.

But this time with the complete chaos in Qian'an Prefecture, these bandits also thought that they had found an opportunity to completely resist, thus showing the hidden power in the past, constantly recruiting, and constantly forming their so-called alliance, although they have to admit that with these The scale of the alliance formed by the bandits is getting larger, and there are really many hidden thieves joining in. Now there are many real strong people among these rebels, but after all, the mob is a mob. Even if there are a few more strong men, it is just a deeper idea that they want to fight a decisive battle. This The bosses who are more conducive to the temple will completely kill them in the first battle.

It is precisely because all the bosses gathered in the temple on this continent now have happy smiles on their faces. The turbulence outside is nothing to them. In their opinion, it is a small trouble that can be cleaned up after going back after finishing things. This matter in front of us is the most important thing, and it is difficult for them to be unhappy when they look at it.

"Your Excellency, we will definitely get a lot of benefits from this task." Looking at the hot things in front of him - to be precise, the tragic images of the world - a great priest of the temple said to Gu Yueming with a smile.

However, Gu Yueming's face now has an extremely complicated expression, not as red as other temple bosses. Even when he hears the words of the great priest beside him, he is always stunned.

"Your Excellency?" Seeing that Gu Yueming was always in a daze, the great god asked again.

Huh? What's the matter?" Gu Yueming finally woke up like a dream and looked at the great priest beside him and asked, "Is there any accident?"

"There is no accident. After the last group of sinners are escorted here, we can start our big event." The great priest explained, and then didn't forget to ask with a smile, "Your Excellency, how much benefit can we get from the main hall after this matter is completed? Can you reveal it first?"

"Benefits?" Hearing this, Gu Yueming's face was extremely complicated. He looked at the great priest beside him thoughtfully. Finally, he could only say, "Let's talk about it then. How many benefits should be? We will definitely give it without us fighting for it."

"Now, I just hope that nothing will happen to this." Gu Yueming said with a complicated face.