ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 892 Extremely Dirty

Qinghuang is also very clear that his complaints will not get any response, but the current situation makes him unable to complain. I don't know how long this kind of battle will last, and I don't know if it will last until Li Mingyang wakes up. Anyway, such scenes have experienced too much. It is not surprising that you still have to show your claws and continue to fight after complaining.

But when Qinghuang thought he was still going to fight alone, Li Mingyang, who had been silent before, suddenly opened his eyes, but his eyes were not doubtful, but surprisingly clear. The moment he opened his eyes, Li Mingyang always stared in one direction. After staring for a while, he saw him suddenly raise his hand, and Qinghuang saw a figure rushing to the crystal coffin not far away.

"Is it going to be done?" Seeing this scene, Qinghuang asked excitedly that he knew that what Li Mingyang and others were going to do this time was to throw the soul of Sun Han, the ancestor of the Sun family, into the crystal coffin. As long as his soul and the original can merge, Sun Han can recover his strength at that time, so that they will be successful. It awakened a strong man in the realm of the God of War, which also gave Changqing Emperor an explanation.

Only when Sun Han rushed to the crystal coffin, the crystal coffin did not open, but still closed to death. At this moment, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Li Mingyang and Qinghuang when they saw this scene. If anything else happened at this stage, they really didn't know how to solve it. Li Mingyang already felt it when he took away the emperor list. Although Sun Han's soul is in good condition, it is still very difficult to fight in reality.

It seemed that he also realized the worried eyes of Li Mingyang and Qinghuang. Sun Han still had time to turn around and smile. Then he suddenly patted the crystal coffin fiercely, and saw that the crystal coffin suddenly opened a big opening, and Sun Han disappeared into it in just a moment. But at the moment when the crystal coffin was opened, Li Mingyang really saw a person standing in the crystal coffin. Seeing such a situation, Li Mingyang almost shouted directly.

Although that person seemed to be just a virtual shadow, even so, Li Mingyang still saw the other party's appearance clearly. That person turned out to be the god of the earth!

"Why is the earth emperor in it?" Li Mingyang said subconsciously, and then rushed to the crystal coffin, but the crystal coffin had been closed again at this time.

"What's wrong with fame?" Qinghuang asked worriedly.

Li Mingyang frowned deeply and said after a little silence, "I just saw that the emperor god was already in the crystal coffin."

"God of the Earth?" Hearing these three words, Qinghuang immediately exclaimed, and then said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure what's going on, but I really saw the earth emperor god. There is absolutely nothing wrong. I have seen the appearance of the earth emperor in the Qian'an temple. Although it is just a very weak virtual shadow, its appearance is very clear. What I just saw was the Earth Emperor God. Li Mingyang said.

In this way, Qinghuang can't help but be a little discouraged, and then endless worries suddenly rose in his heart. In fact, they also thought that such a situation might occur. After all, after coming here and discovering that a large number of monks and monsters on the heavenly battlefield had gathered here, they knew that this place had been discovered in advance. And it is estimated that no one who can send the monks and monsters here on the heavenly battlefield will do so except the earth emperor. There must be many evil gods in the battlefield of heaven, but they must be the earth emperor gods who will do things in the territory of Dihuangling.

"It's useless to be in a hurry now. The result can only be seen by the strength of the Sun family." After a long silence, Qinghuang finally said.

Li Mingyang nodded, and this is indeed the case now. Obviously, even if Li Mingyang wants to rush into the crystal coffin, there is no way. Li Mingyang and Qinghuang are not clear at all what kind of secrets are in this crystal coffin. Sun Han must have a considerable part of the secrets that have not been revealed to Li Mingyang. This is understandable. After all, even if Li Mingyang helps him, he definitely needs to keep the last secret in his own hands. It is estimated that even the grandsons of Emperor Changqing and his family are not clear about these things now.

Shortly after Sun Han rushed into the crystal coffin, Li Mingyang suddenly found that his control of the Longhua battlefield had become less reliable. When he realized this, Li Mingyang finally began to worry and immediately said, "Let's withdraw first." After saying that, Li Mingyang was about to rush out with the wilderness.

But when the two of them just started, the surrounding space suddenly broke up. The confused space that Li Mingyang had finally separated before completely disappeared. In this way, the space where Li Mingyang was located returned to the original huge and empty appearance, and the surrounding environment became like this. The most obvious and serious problem also appeared in front of them again - the enemies around them also no longer had any obstacles, and finally they could really see the two.

Naturally, such changes surprised the monks of the heavenly battlefield, and Xuanguang's huge body also had an inexplicable convulsions. It could be seen that it was a sudden change that made him unable to touch his mind for a moment. In an instant, he made a lot of defensive preparations, and finally he saw Li suddenly appeared not far away. Famous and green.

After seeing Li Mingyang clearly, Xuanguang finally laughed: "I didn't expect that I asked myself that I already knew Longhua's array, but I didn't expect that you had reached a higher level. How did you improve the way of formation? I'm really curious now."

"Naturally, it's little by little practice." Li Mingyang did not explain much. Looking at the distribution of enemies around him, Li Mingyang is not so nervous now. It turns out that the efficiency of killing enemies before the famine is still very high. Although the time has not passed much, at least the number of enemies in front of him has been reduced by more than when he first saw it. Of course, the most important point is that those shrimps and crabs will finally be cleaned up, so that the scene will not look too passive.

Of course, Li Mingyang can think about these messy things at this time, which also proves that the current situation is still not extremely nervous after all.

"Xuanguang, why don't you discuss it with me? Now we are here and wait to see what the final result in the crystal coffin is, how about it?" The mood was not too nervous, and Li Mingyang's playboy also rose inexplicably at this time.

Xuanguang obviously didn't have such a good mood, but said coldly, "It's impossible. I won't leave my victory to others."

"Well, I haven't said what to do after the result." Li Mingyang said with a sense of disenment, and then began to cast spells silently.

"Daw." Xuanguang scolded angrily. He didn't expect that Li Mingyang would play this. Although his strength has recovered well, he has not even recovered to the fourfold of the Holy Spirit. Although his recovery speed has been extremely fast, the time is too short after all. He does not have such a cultivation environment as Li Mingyang, and it is not so big. Lao's help naturally seems to be a little overstretched in strength now.

Originally, his strength was a little insufficient, but now he is attacked by Li Mingyang. Xuanguang's mood is naturally not much better. But before he could react, he suddenly saw endless sea rushing towards him.

"Is it just water?" Xuanguang was stunned when he saw such a situation. After all, such an offensive seemed a little weak for him, and could even be said to be a weak offensive. However, when he just wanted to look up and mock a few words, he was surprised to find that he could not see where Li Mingyang was now. Seeing such a situation, Xuanguang finally became nervous again. If he could not even judge the direction of the enemy, the battle was naturally doomed to be defeated.

But on the other side of the battlefield, Li Mingyang is now standing in the position where he has just been, without moving at all, but now his hands begin to pinch very frequently. With his casting spells, countless extremely dark lights and electricity continue to appear, and sometimes even form a dark light because the spell is too fast, but In this case, Li Mingyang's hands still haven't stopped. Qinghuang looked at it coldly, and everything in front of him finally made him sigh.

In this place, if there is no shortage of power, it is really the power of water. Originally, because there was a magical dragon flower array in the body of this tyranno whale, no seawater poured in. But with Li Mingyang's casting of spells and his absolute ability to control the current periphery of the Longhua array, he still poured endless seawater in.

At first, Qinghuang also subconsciously wanted to ask questions such as "just water", but when he saw clearly what Li Mingyang was going to do, he finally understood Li Mingyang's intention. He didn't just directly introduce ordinary seawater into it. If it was just like this, he couldn't say that he couldn't do it to a strong man like Xuanguang. It can cause any threat, even those monks in the real spiritual realm or even the virtual spiritual realm will not pose too many threats. After reaching the real spiritual realm, it is basically not difficult for the monks to survive in the water for three or five days. As for the monks in the mysterious realm, it is naturally less likely to have any impact.

But what Li Mingyang used was not ordinary spells and metaphysics. He kept extracting the power of water here, and then kept pouring it into the belly of the overbearing whale. Even if Qinghuang is just watching, he can't help but start to feel scared after seeing such a means clearly.

This offensive is not fierce, but it is particularly dirty.