ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 904 Let me tell you a story--

"Why is it the Heavenly City?" Seeing this scene, Li Mingyang's face was the most doubtful, and his expression was also the most complicated. Under such circumstances, there will be Tianren City, and Li Mingyang can't connect it with good things anyway.

When Tianren City appeared, the whole void began to become more unstable, as if the void was about to collapse at any time, and the faces of the Evergreen Emperor became very ugly. When they saw that the space barrier of Xuanyuanjie was broken before, they were more or less acceptable. Now they really don't know how to deal with such a situation. What kind of situation is this? If even the void is broken, where will the continent enter in the end?

Is it the heavenly battlefield?

Li Mingyang and others naturally yearn for the heavenly battlefield, or subconsciously think that they must go to the heavenly battlefield, but it is definitely not at this time. Under such circumstances, the most important thing is that even so, they may not really reach the heavenly battlefield.

Li Mingyang was also shocked by the huge Tianren City that appeared this time. To put it bluntly, the first Tianren City he met was actually almost the size of a small town. Although the Tianren City he met Xuanguang was a little bigger, it was only a little bigger, but the Tianren City in front of him, its However, the huge extent has exceeded the combined level of the two heavenly cities that Li Mingyang and others met before.

Tianren City is not that kind of ordinary city. The biggest feature of Tianren City is not just that it can fly. The biggest feature of Tianren City is the strange internal space. The internal size of Tianren City is definitely not as simple as it looks from the outside. The space inside the city is almost a complete small world. So when he suddenly saw such a huge Tianren City, Li Mingyang naturally began to subconsciously guess how many soldiers were installed in the Tianren City in front of him.

Finally, the rise of the continent - of course, the landing of the void - finally stopped. Xuanyuan Realm, a new continent just formed in heaven, finally stopped approaching when it was not too far from the void. The heavenly city on the void really seemed to have broken a gap before Rushed out. Tianren City slowly approached the Xuanyuan mainland. Everyone held their breath when they saw this scene. No one knew what would rush out of it. Now all they can do is to be as careful as possible.

However, just when Li Mingyang was so nervous that he thought that the battle was destined to bleed here, the heavenly city suddenly flew into the distance, as if he was completely unaware of the situation that there were so many people here.

is ignored in this way.

Li Mingyang and Changqing Emperor have sweated in their hands unconsciously. Although the process just now is not very long, looking at the appearance and continuous approach of Tianren City, they have indeed been extremely nervous, but in the end they were so ignored by Tianren City. To be precise, they were in Tianren City. The owner completely ignored it. In the face of such a situation, Li Mingyang and the others did not know whether to be happy or sad.

In Xuanyuan, they are definitely the top existence. Even now they have become Xuanyuan Continent and a new continent in Tianfu, even if they look at the current Qian'anfu, Li Mingyang and Changqing Emperor can definitely stand at the top, but In this battlefield, even the existence of Li Mingyang and Changqing Emperor can only become spectators. In the face of the enemy's impact, all they can do is wait and see, and even summon up the courage to prepare for the enemy, while secretly praying that it will not be affected at this time. Such a situation is already a strange emotion for Li Mingyang and Changqing Emperor.

It's annoying, but it's so powerless.

"Why, why did the height of this war suddenly reach such a level?" Li Mingyang clenched his fist with hatred, and his whole body has even fallen into an almost violent state.

Changqing Emperor just wanted to comfort Li Mingyang, but at this time, Qinghuang suddenly stared at the void above his head and made a shocking wolf roar. The sudden occurrence of such a situation made Li Mingyang a little unexpected. Although Qinghuang is an ancient fierce beast, he has always communicated with them in a way that they can understand, and it is rare to say that there is almost no pure roar like this.

"Qinghuang..." Li Mingyang just wanted to ask, but saw that Qinghuang suddenly flew up and rushed to the void above his head.

"Green wasteland!" Seeing this scene, the Evergreen Emperor and the others all shouted, and then they desperately wanted to fly up to catch the wilderness. The void above the head looks strange everywhere. The void is completely different from the void in other parts of Tianfu. You can know that Tianren City is the Tianfu from there. If you want to say that everything there is normal, no one will believe it.

"Are you going to die?" Li Mingyang roared resentfully, but in the end, he could only stand on the mainland powerless.

It's not that Li Mingyang didn't want to chase him. He had taken a step slower when he reacted, but even the Evergreen Emperor and Qin Zhan, who chased out immediately, couldn't catch up with the Qinghuang at all. At this moment, they finally realized how amazing the speed of the Qinghuang was, especially after they really entered the void. The speed has even reached the point where he wants to go in an instant. In the face of such a situation, Li Mingyang can really only "see the sky and sigh".

"What's wrong with him?" Changqing Emperor asked doubtfully.

At this time, the wilderness was getting closer and closer to the strange void, and finally completely fell into it. After that, no one could feel the breath of the famine. Looking at what happened in front of him, Li Mingyang said slowly after a long time, "On the way back, he suddenly said that his deadline was approaching. This time it seemed that he could not escape the disaster, but this disaster may be a destruction for it, but it may also be a nirvana. I think he deliberately rushed there this time, which should be to find an opportunity for himself.

"The deadline is coming?" Hearing this statement, the Evergreen Emperor also subconsciously said, "Isn't it that the Pluto clan has a near-Endless longevity?" In fact, not only the Pluto clan, but also the life expectancy of the Dongli people such as Changqing Emperor is much longer than that of ordinary bloodlines, and as for Tianren warriors like Li Mingyang, it will be even longer to make people more amazing. After all, they are special bloodlines. How can there be a big limit? To put it badly, the ultimate fate of existence like them should generally be to die in battle.

Li Mingyang naturally knew what Changqing Emperor was thinking. Finally, he could only shake his head and smile and said, "At that time, he said that his life expectancy was almost endless, which meant that there was still an end. Of course, special bloodlines like us rarely have a situation close to longevity, but once it appears, it is completely irreversible. Even if we suddenly make a breakthrough at this time, we will still die.

In the end, Li Mingyang also made some of his own guesses: "I always feel that the special bloodlines of us are not just as simple as blood. We may have been destined to be like this when we appeared. Maybe this is the so-called fate."

Listening to Li Mingyang's words, Changqing Emperor finally couldn't say anything.

"What should we do next?" At this time, Qin Zhan asked with a worried face.

Li Mingyang came to his senses and thought of the people of Tianren County hidden in the underground world, and then said, "Let's act separately and let all the living people get together. From now on, there will be no Xuanyuan world, no Roulan world and Zhaoyun world. In the future, this place will be called Xuanyuan mainland. If you want to live in heaven, you must unite.

In the end, Li Mingyang said, "The most important thing is to see which side will win this battle."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in empathy. The biggest difference between heaven and the mysterious world is that there must be faith here. If you want to survive here, you must become a believer of a god, otherwise you must become an existence like the infernal realm. If all the people who came to Tianfu this time were monks, Li Mingyang actually didn't mind taking these people to the Infernal Land to fight. But thinking about what Ye Weizhen said about the situation of infernal space when he met the people of the Qiye Army, Li Mingyang still gave up this idea. The lack of resources in the infernal realm is absolutely not suitable for ordinary people to survive. Instead of going to a place like the infernal realm to make a living, it is better to stay here. The location of Xuanyuan mainland should still be in the territory of Qian'anfu. Even if it is not there, it must be in the territory of Dihuangling.

"Becoming a believer is actually not that bad." Now that we have had enough experience, Li Mingyang finally has enough say: "If this prison emperor can win, we all believe in the prison emperor."

"Is the prison emperor trustworthy?" The Evergreen Emperor asked uneaslessly.

Li Mingyang turned his head, took a deep breath and said, "Do you know who the wheel is?"

"A king in the hell." Changqing Emperor said that although they had not asked much about this question, Li Mingyang had mentioned it more or less.

"Yes, the wheel is the king of hell, and there are ten kings like him in hell. They are what we call Yan Luo in our secular legend, and the prison emperor is the emperor of hell." Speaking of this, Li Mingyang simply said, "Let me tell you about hell and the six reincarnations."