ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 912 Good

Hearing the words of the prison emperor, everyone looked at the wheel, especially several other ten halls and hells. They were even a little nervous and complicated. Li Mingyang finally stopped his nonsense and looked at the wheel doubtfully. Of course, he has no doubts at this time. For him, no matter what decision the wheel makes, he will definitely support it unconditionally.

The reason why Li Mingyang understands Xuanguang's attitude towards the earth emperor is that he is actually almost the same as the wheel. It's really pretentious to say that the wheel is a rebirth of parents, but this old ghost is indeed an unattainable existence on Li Mingyang's growth, and the status of the wheel of teachers and friends in Li Mingyang's heart cannot be replaced.

At this time, the ten halls and Yanluo were nervous because of the strength of the wheel and his previous experience. They were extremely clear that when the prison emperor decided to leave the hell, or gave up the hell, only the wheel was insisting. Although the wheel said that he understood the decision of the prison emperor, everyone knew What has the wheel experienced along the way? The whole hell can now have such a situation, all with the support of the wheel.

Originally, according to the other ten halls of Yan Luo, although the wheel had restored its divine power in advance, it still had to listen to the instructions of the prison emperor god. Even until just now, the wheel still looked respectful when facing the prison emperor god, but no one expected that the wheel not only restored its divine power, but also fell swoop. For the true god. The prison emperor is also a true god, and the wheel is also a true god. Now it seems that the hell has a situation where two kings are separated.

When the prison emperor asked that sentence, he was actually asking about the attitude of the rotating wheel. In the final analysis, if the wheel turns around and is about to leave, or even return to the hell to establish himself, not to mention that the prison emperor has no time and energy to go back to fight with him. After all, the prison emperor must enter the battlefield. But even if the prison emperor gives up the battle in the battlefield of heaven, can he really easily take down the wheel when he returns to hell?

Now it seems that all this is unknown.

The wheel did not hesitate for too long, and even after the prison god asked, he almost answered, "I still want to go back to hell."

This answer is not surprising. Whether it is the surrounding monks or the ten halls of hell, as long as they know about the wheel, they will think of him. After all, the wheel has always put the whole hell in the most important position. It is not surprising that he wants to go back to hell, and people are most concerned about his attitude.

"I want to go back to hell and continue to maintain the situation of hell. Although there is not much time to come out this time, the chaotic clan can definitely feel the change of the situation. After all, the six reincarnations have not been repaired, which means that the number of real ghosts will continue to increase, and the chaotic clan in the hell will definitely continue to wait for an opportunity to fight back. My lord, the defects of the six reincarnations are up to you. Be careful in the battlefield. In the end, the wheel saluted respectfully.

Now, everyone is completely convinced, including the other ten halls around, and even a few of them are now a little sad. Strictly speaking, in fact, they are all deserters. Only two people have really become the pillars. One is King Qin Guang, who has been completely abolished, and the other is the wheel. The two of them can't tell who contributed more, but they are definitely the most admirable existence.

King Qin Guang, who only had only one empty shell, still stared at the statue of the emperor god. Now it looks a little abrupt, but King Qin Guang said to the wheel with a calm face and a smile, "Good job."

"Thank you for your hard work." The wheel also replied with a smile.

The attitude of the wheel has made his position, and his behavior has also made many people who know him understand that there is indeed morality and faith in the world.

It is true that the world is full of fraud, betrayal, scheming, greed and killing, and the world is used to wearing a beautiful mask to interact with people. People who can't wear masks may not die badly, but they can never reach the peak. It seems that it is difficult for kind and stubborn people to move forward in this world.

Yes, even if he can reach the peak, he certainly doesn't rely on any bullshit kindness. The so-called touching the heavens and then getting favor are farts. They themselves are gods, and even what kind of thing on the god's head is, relying on God's blessing? Don't you think it's tragic enough?

But even so, you can't deny the beautiful things in the world because of these things. Indeed, the rise and growth of the wheel do not rely on bullshit kindness, and the so-called morality does not provide any help on his growth path. On the contrary, he has suffered a lot because of these stubborn insistences. Along the way, the wheel still relies on dark means and endless calculations. If fraud has not been used, how could he stabilize the situation in hell?

But never confuse some things. Although the world is going to become a huge cemetery, walking in this world like a cemetery, although the skills most need to be mastered are insincere and learning all kinds of in deception, but the kind part of the heart should never be abandoned. Kindness and morality are not superior. They are just a kind of character and cruel people who are full of dark means, and they have never seen a good heart, such as a wheel.

In the face of such a complex world, it is ridiculous to judge right and wrong simply by good and evil. It is not advisable to be kind. People who think that they can do whatever they want are not smart. Kindness is just a belief that supports people to go better in troubled times.

The wrong thing is not kindness, but those who think they can use kindness as a weapon. After all, the world is still the law of the jungle.

The wheel smiled calmly. Although the situation in front of him was still chaotic, his strong heart supported him to continue to walk. Everything in the past has dispersed like a cloud. Since the former comrades-in-arms have returned, they will carry the butcher's knife and continue to kill. Too entanglement will only ruin the big thing.

The prison emperor did not expect that his subordinates would have such an existence before. Even when there was no turmoil in hell, the wheel was actually a very ordinary existence, but this kind of troubled times showed his strength to the fullest.

"Then, the hell will be handed over to you." The prison emperor said happily, but he didn't stay at all. As soon as he turned around, he entered the crack in the void. Behind Li Feng was naturally the battlefield that was like a fairyland but destined to be more dangerous.

The other ten halls and hells all solemnly came forward to say goodbye to the wheel. They also knew that no one could predict what would happen to this industry, even if they had become the prison emperor. But they have to walk into this battlefield. In those years, they were deserters, and now they can't make the slightest mistake in what they say.

"Guys, be careful." The wheel stood calmly in the void and sent away every comrade-in-arms with a smile.

The final battle is about to begin.

"Famous, what are you going to do next?" After sending away all the ten halls of Yanluo, the wheel looked at Li Mingyang again.

"I will naturally go to the heavenly battlefield." Li Mingyang said without hesitation.

"Fate." The wheel suddenly said with emotion, and then pointed to the crack in the void: "This crack should last for several years, and there will be no surprise this time. If you want to go to the heavenly battlefield, you can start from here. Or in the infernal realm, the void there is not very stable. If you miss this side, I can also go to the infernal realm to send you away.

"Good." Li Mingyang nodded.

"I still have to trouble you during this period." The wheel said again.

"Hmm?" Li Mingyang was a little puzzled.

"The prison emperor became the true god and replaced the earth emperor god. Although all this has been done smoothly, it still needs sufficient and continuous faith to achieve its peak. The believers of heaven will not believe in the prison emperor because the earth emperor god has been replaced. This time, in order to fight against the prison emperor, the earth emperor almost stirred up the whole earth emperor ridge. It's up to you to deal with this chaotic situation.

Listening to the words of the wheel, Li Mingyang knew that he was naturally responsible for this kind of thing. Not for the prison emperor, but for the wheel.

After seeing Li Mingyang nodded, the wheel said, "You deal with the Xuanyuan world first. Oh, it should also be called the mainland now. This continent has experienced the catastrophe of the broken space barrier, and everything is waiting for fun. I know that if it is not stable enough here, you will definitely not be able to do anything. After finishing here, go to hell to find me. I'll give you something.

The wheel also left immediately. He didn't even tell Li Mingyang how to find him. Li Mingyang didn't bother to ask. He knew that as long as he needed to find him, everything would naturally appear naturally.

The Heavenly King has left, the prison emperor has gone, and the wheel has also gone. Everything on the field has completely returned to normal. There are no more powerful gods, and the rest are all monks. This situation finally relieved Li Mingyang. Now even if he sees the five-fold strong man of the Holy Spirit like Gu Yueming, Li Mingyang even feels a little kind. At least he is a person, at least he is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to deal with it.

The most confusing thing now is naturally Gu Yueming. After seeing the earth emperor god being killed, the most loyal believers of these earth emperor gods were almost broken at that moment. What will happen to them if the earth emperor god falls? This time, he tried so hard to capture the believers, and then ignored the killing of the earth emperor god. Isn't it just to let the earth emperor god survive this difficulty and save their lives?

But I didn't expect that the emperor died in the end, but they were all alive.

Gu Yueming and Yuan Zhe both survived the war, but at this time they did not know how to deal with it. They can vaguely feel that the faith is still there, but the object of the faith seems to have changed. It is because of this situation that they are extremely confused and even shocked. The power of faith is the purest power. At that time, they relied on the power of these beliefs to communicate with the endless void and then practice the power of chaos. The great god is the object of their faith and the guiding light on their path of cultivation.

But now, this bright light has been replaced. How can this be possible? It's like a dream, but this dream doesn't seem to wake up at all, or it should be a little too much. But obviously, they can't accept such a dream, but they have to accept it.

Li Mingyang finally walked over. After seeing it, Li Mingyang still walked to Yuan Zhe. It's not because Yuan Zhe's strength is the weakest between Gu Yueming and Zhen Yi, but Li Mingyang feels that it is best to communicate with him about these things, and Li Mingyang also knows that some things always need to be explained.

I just saw Li Mingyang suddenly approaching, but Yuan Zhe kept retreating in fear. Although Li Mingyang did not show any divine means in the previous fierce battle, his amazing fighting power was still very fearful in Yuan Zhe's view in the battle with Xuanguang. In the face of such an enemy, Yuan Zhe believes that he will definitely not be able to defeat it. More importantly, Li Mingyang is now in the original state of the heavenly and human race.

Seeing the fear on Yuan Zhe's face, Li Mingyang was stunned first, and then suddenly realized that he immediately returned to his normal state. Although strictly speaking, the emperor of the human race is his real normal state, after all, Li Mingyang always regarded himself as a normal human race before the seal of heaven and man was unsealed. Under preconceived preconceived, he always regarded the state of normal people as his true self.

Yuan Zhe watched the heavenly warrior in front of him change from such a huge state to a normal size. First, he was amazed, but after seeing Li Mingyang's appearance clearly, he was completely dumbfounded there. Not only him, but also Gu Yueming and Zhen Yi behind him were also surprised to close their mouths.

"" Yuan Zhe pointed to Li Mingyang and tried very hard to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Li Mingyang smiled apologetically and said, "Mr. Yuan, I'm sorry that I lied to you before."

"Are you really Li Mingyang?" Yuan Zhe finally said something.

Li Mingyang nodded and didn't continue to say anything. Yuan Zhe didn't know what he thought of. After a little excitement, he slowly calmed down. Li Mingyang was very surprised by such a reaction, but he didn't know that the reason why Yuan Zhe was like this was that there were so many strange things he saw today that he didn't have so much mind to sigh about anything now.

After staring at Li Mingyang for a long time, Yuan Zhe finally broke his silence and said with a long sigh, "Well, please ask Li Shenshi to explain it to me."