ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 914 Concerns

The current situation has become very interesting. Heaven and hell can almost be said to be connected, and the reason is that it is on the Xuanyuan continent. After sending away the temple bosses who were originally depressed but had become ambitious after talking to him, Li Mingyang also began to patrol the Xuanyuan mainland. Up to now, Li Mingyang has really decided that this super continent will be called Xuanyuan Continent. As for what other main monks think, this is not what Li Mingyang has to consider.

However, the current situation of Xuanyuan mainland is not so good. After the catastrophe caused by the final stage of the fragmentation of space barriers, although the overall scope of Xuanyuan mainland has not narrowed much, it still seems to be at least in the ranks of the fourth grade, but many of the originally good things here have now Become dilapidated. Of course, the creatures on the continent suffered the most.

Whether it is human monks or all kinds of monsters or even spiritual beasts, they have suffered great losses in this catastrophe. In contrast, Tianren County is naturally the least affected, or even almost nothing. Although this underground world has also suffered an impact during the turmoil, it finally turned into Yi still let the people hiding here take a deep breath. However, compared with the situation of the whole Xuanyuan mainland, in fact, the whole Tianren County is just a drop in the cow.

After all, the so-called Tianren County is no longer the huge county government at the beginning. Today's Tianren County has shrunk a lot at the beginning of the catastrophe. Under such circumstances, the overall strength of Tianren County is actually unable to catch up with the past three Chengdu. However, after all, the most affected is the problem of resources, because the disappearance of the Tianyuan boundary and Fengtai boundary, especially the Fengtai boundary, Tianren County is basically equivalent to the lack of a stable source of spiritual stones. It is certainly impossible to support millions of monks by relying on the spiritual stone veins originally here.

In the end, this difficult task still fell on Zhao Lingrui. As the saying goes, there is a specialty in the art industry. Li Mingyang believes that this little fat man of the Qinglin clan can definitely complete this task well. He also said in those years that it is the lowest practice to simply grab the spiritual stone from the spiritual stone vein and then supply it to his monks' army. Although this practice is very safe, no matter how many resources there are, there will definitely be an overstretched dilemma.

Li Mingyang didn't understand this matter very well at first, but after a simple introduction, it became completely clear. Although the spiritual vein is not too rare, if you want to find a spiritual vein, you must first need enough monks to explore it. After finding the spiritual vein, if there is no owner, it's okay. But if it's unfortunate that this spiritual vein already has a master, then you need to send monks. The army went to rob, or in the name of it, it was a campaign. Snatching things that belong to others can also be called expedition, which is the true meaning of war.

However, since war is about to break out, it is bound to involve the mobilization of the monks' army, and it is naturally impossible to consume at all during the war. Under the double consumption of monks and resources, it must involve the issue of cost. Therefore, if it is really just to find one or two spiritual veins, it doesn't make much sense to grab or not. Unless the situation in the Central Plains was relatively stable in those years, the princes did not dare to fight easily, and they could only constantly friction on one or two spirit stone veins. But in fact, even those princes can't really keep fighting to grab a few spiritual veins, and the battle there is only strategic.

Really rely on force to grab resources. Although it has achieved great results after success, and as long as it succeeds, you can see a lot of benefits in a short time, if it fails, it will also be a loss-making deal. Therefore, Zhao Lingrui has always adhered to the method of earning spiritual stones without relying on force. In this case, Li Mingyang has now completely handed over the development of the whole Tianren County to him.

In the past, Li Mingyang had already explained it like this, but after all, after this catastrophe, the whole Xuanyuan mainland was in a situation waiting to be revived. Under such circumstances, re-delivering this heavy responsibility to Zhao Lingrui was actually equivalent to pushing him to the top of Tianren County. Since then, Changqing Emperor, Qin Zhan and others have also stayed in Tianren County. As for the strong God of War, he hopes to follow Li Mingyang to go to the hell for a sightseeing.

"You are a strong man in the realm of God, aren't you?" Li Mingyang asked.

"Yes, why can't the God of War enter the hell?" Sun Han asked curiously.

"No, just casually ask if you can go to hell has nothing to do with strength." Li Mingyang waved his hand and then said, "If you want to go to hell, you need to have a mysterious bone that can really resist the erosion in hell."

"Zeyin Xuangu?" Sun Han was stunned, but after all, he was a well-informed person. He knew the existence of Jueyin and understood what was going on, and then said frankly, "I don't have Juyin and Xuangu."

"It's a pity. If you force yourself to go to hell, the final result will dissipate in hell." Li Mingyang said very seriously.

"Is it so serious?" Sun Han is a little incomprehensible, but the strong are the strong after all. Many times people who can become strong basically have one thing in common, which is to listen to advice. Because when they are extremely powerful, most of the time, they don't need to rush to do anything simply to prove that they have courage. To put it bluntly, they will not suddenly surge up with blood and then they can fight desperately.

Because of their own strength, they do everything from themselves and analyze the most rational results. Although Li Mingyang's acquaintance time is very short, even only a day or two, Sun Han can also see that Li Mingyang does not hide any secrets from the people around him. This situation in hell should basically be true. After all, in fact, Sun Han has not heard of anyone who has been to hell and come back alive for so many years.

Of course, the guy named Li Mingyang in front of him is indeed the first, at least the first one he knows.

"Zeyin Xuangu." Sun Han said with a smile and suddenly said, "If there is a chance, you should really make a play."

Li Mingyang can only treat this as if he didn't hear it.

The situation in Xuanyuan mainland is basically like this. Li Mingyang is no longer in the mood to spend time on it. If it were in the past, he really couldn't bear to watch so many people suffer, but now he can also watch all this like water. After all, Li Mingyang is not a saint after all. He just loves his subordinates more, that's all. He has never flaunted himself, and has never made any grand wish to say that he is the savior, not to mention that in today's mansion, according to the overall situation on the Xuanyuan continent, the people of Tianren County will only be the happiest people on the continent.

Rushing to hell is still what Li Mingyang is most eager to do.

Returning to hell is really like returning home suddenly to Li Mingyang. Although Tianfu is good, even if it is shrouded in the pressure of the earth emperor and gods, and he still needs to find a way to rescue Gong Yangwen, Li Mingyang has to admit that the environment in Tianfu is the most suitable for cultivation, whether it is a monk or a monster.

But even so, Li Mingyang's favorite place is still hell. Although the later stage of my growth path has been far away from here, and even because of the rumors, I have been almost isolated from hell, the feeling about this is still the best after all.

"I'm back." The wheel looked at Li Mingyang with a smile, really like the elders in his hometown.

Li Mingyang smiled, nodded and said, "I'm back."

One person and one ghost, one teacher and one apprentice, one friend and one friend, seem to be more and more harmonious under such circumstances.

"The hell is really much more peaceful." Trying to use ghost escape with the wheel, although the effect is not good, it still looks a little after all. Looking at the mountains and rivers in the hell, although it is full of dead gray, it is already full of vitality when it is reflected in my heart. Looking at the birth machine in hell, only a freak like Li Mingyang will do it.

Of course, as a freak master, the wheel naturally also has such "cultivation". After walking to the fantastic space at the end, the wheel said, "The chaotic family has actually been basically dispersed. It is no longer possible to fight against the hell, and the time flow here has slowly recovered. Normalization, everything is moving towards the best trend.

"But is there really no problem with the six reincarnations?" Li Mingyang still couldn't help asking. When he spoke, he had already seen the huge and strange reincarnation. I remember that when I first saw the six reincarnations, I was deeply shocked, and now I still see it again.

The power of heaven and earth is still beyond personal strength.

"The six reincarnations will be up to the prison emperor." The wheel is very easy-going, but it sounds a little bit of fate.

"If there is a chance, I really want to go to the battlefield." Seeing Li Mingyang looking at himself doubtfully, he said with a smile.

"You can also go now. You can't leave any hell in hell. Anyway, they can finally restore their divine power." Li Mingyang said naturally.

Hearing the words, the wheel just smiled and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Li Mingyang immediately understood that the wheel did have a lot of difficulties in doing this. In fact, there is no need to repeat how unreliable the other ten halls and hells are.

The wheel seems to have just thought of this and suddenly said, "If you go to the heavenly battlefield, it is really possible that there will be no return."