Agains the Sky

Chapter 13 Buddha

The war between Buddha and demons.

Buddha, also known as the fairyland, is in the west of the fairyland. Because there are many Buddhist practitioners in the West, the Western world of the fairyland is also called the Buddhist world.

The Buddhist world is a peaceful and happy country. The men and women here are very kind, living and working in peace and contentment. People here are dedicated to Buddha, because these people are here as soon as they are born and are rendered by culture. The more important reason is that everyone has been brainwashed since childhood.

In an ancient temple, a monk full of auspicious light came out, as if sensing something. He looked up at the west and muttered, "It's time to come."

Lingshan, located in the westernmost part of the Buddhist world, is the center of the Buddhist world. It is located in the largest among the huge rolling mountains, surrounded by Buddha's Zen singing and auspicious light.

In the eyes of Buddhas and monks, Lingshan is the most sacred place, because the supreme leader of the Buddhist world, Buddha is here. A monk was stepping on the auspicious clouds and flying in the sky. This is the Taoist monk, Pu Kong. In a short time, Pu Kong came to the foot of Lingshan Mountain, withdrew Xiangyun, and walked up on foot to show his respect for the Buddha.

Along the way, Pu Kong saw many monks and Buddhas. As soon as I arrived on the mountain, what was reflected in Pu Kong's eyes was a towering and solemn Daxiong Hall, shining golden light, and countless Sanskrit sounds and Buddhism came from it.

Every time I see this treasure hall, I will shock Park Kong. The same is true of others. More and more monks and Buddhas are standing on the platform in front of the treasure hall. Just as Park Kong quietly recited the scriptures, a huge virtual shadow was cast from the treasure hall. His ears were drooping and shoulders were spiral-shaped. The treasure was solemn and auspicious. The magic snails played together and sat on the lotus flower.

Buddhas and monks saluted when they saw the Buddha appear. The Buddha looked around the crowd and said, "You also know that the demons in the demon world are reckless and mutilated by the three worlds. Since I am the leader of the Buddha's world, I will subdue these demons and return the three worlds to peace." Please abide by the law. All the monks and Buddhas go together.

"Good. Don't hesitate, let's go now. After saying that, the Buddha waved his hand and saw that the space over Lingshan was broken in an hour, and a hundred-foot-long space crack appeared. Buddha took a look and said, "If you don't want to participate, you can leave by yourself."

After saying that, he dodged to the space crack and entered the crack. Seeing this, the Buddha and the monks entered the space crack without saying a word.

"Sozu, where is this?" As soon as he saw the scene in front of him, Zhang Fan was stunned and asked.

"This is the Buddha world and also the fairy world. Specifically, the Buddha world is a part of the fairy world. Because of the large number of Buddhist practitioners, it got its name. And the huge Buddha's virtual shadow is the leader of the Buddha world, Xuantian Buddha. And the monk just now was the founder of Hua Yanzong, Pu Kong. What we see are all his restored memories. Zhang Fan nodded.

The old man waved his hand, the space was broken, and then reorganized...

Magic World, Magic Cloud Mountains.

The Moyun Mountains are located in the southeast of the Demon Realm, which is one of the four famous mountains in the Demon Realm. Its strangeness is very amazing. The first battle general of the Demon Lord of the Demon World once strayed into the central area of the Moyun Mountains. As a result, most of the original divine consciousness was destroyed, and he only escaped back to a little bit of the original divine consciousness, and died soon. Even the demon is helpless. Finally. The Demon Lord ordered that it was forbidden to go to the Moyun Mountains. Therefore, the Moyun Mountains got its name.

A low, grassless mountain looks particularly desolate on the empty plain. The endless sound of "kah, kaka" came from the top of the mountain, and a huge space crack suddenly appeared shockingly. Subsequently, many Buddhas and monks came out of the space crack. Finally, what came out was the body of the Buddha, which was no different from the shadow, but the size was no different from that of ordinary people.

Buddha seemed to look at the north with a sense, and his eyes penetrated layers of obstacles and reached a huge palace.

The palace is dark, surrounded by countless magic. The monster condensed into teeth and claws, and the four pillars held up the whole hall. Countless magic skills and magic formulas were on it, turning into scriptures, trying to leave the palace. But the magic lines on the pillars are forbidden to restrict the scriptures. The layout of the whole palace is no more like that of the Great Hall of Lingshan in the Buddhist Realm!

In the deepest part of the magic hall, a man in a black robe sat in the void. It seemed to feel the Buddha's eyes and raised his head. What a face! The face is bloodless, and the two scars are intertwined on the face.

The man in black touched the scar on his face, and his eyes were full of infinite resentment. He said gloomyly, "Xuan Tian, Xuan Dao, sooner or later, I will let you live or die!"

Xuantian Buddha withdrew his eyes and swept away his huge consciousness. Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis appeared, and some of his consciousness actually lost contact with him!

"No, it's impossible. Within these three worlds, only two immortal rivals can compete with me. Is it them? No, it's impossible. They have been completely eliminated. The Buddha thought for a moment. After a moment of silence, he said to the Buddhas and monks, "I found a strange place where there was a lot of death. Let's go there to transcend." After saying that, he left in the air, and his destination was the central area of the Moyun Mountains!

After a while, the Buddhas and monks arrived. The Buddha was looking at the central area of the Moyun Mountains and turned back to the Buddhas and monks: "It's very strange there. Don't approach it, or you will be worried about your life." After saying that, he fell into meditation again.

A long-browed monk, who didn't believe it, came to the central area without telling the monks and Buddhas. A black fog enveloped this area, which seemed extremely mysterious and strange.

The long-browed monk pinched the "Immortal Body Protection Secret" and surrounded it with a light curtain, and countless Buddha statues appeared on it. Only then did he walk in confidently.

Outside the territory, monks and Buddhas are at ease and participating in meditation. Just then, a harsh cry came.

When the monks and Buddhas heard the sound, they saw that the long-browed monk's whole body was dim, and the monk's robe was in a mess, and he was rushing this side with a magic weapon. As soon as a compassionate Buddha wanted to go up to rescue, the scene in front of him scared him. The long-browed monk seemed to fall into a poison pot, and his whole body rotted. As soon as the Buddha's light dispersed, he fell to the ground and unbelievably watched his body slowly disappear, and the magic weapon was lost and turned into a mortal thing. No, no..." The long-browed monk disappeared between heaven and earth without even Yuanying.

Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, dodged to the place where the long-browed monk disappeared, and caught a small black fog with his hands. The black fog struggled fiercely and corroded the Buddha's hand. The black fog and the Buddha's protective Buddha's light destroyed each other and sneered. The Buddha's eyes flashed with anger, and his hands were golden, turning into prohibitions one by one, sealing the black fog!

The Buddha's face was gloomy and turned to the Buddhas and monks: "Don't act without my will. Those who disobey the order will abandon their cultivation and go into the 18th floor of hell."

All the monks and Buddhas were so scared that they sweated coldly when they heard the words. The 18th floor of hell was established by the Buddha to punish the Buddhas and monks who made mistakes. If you are a master of the general world, you will also be tortured and crazy! Every layer of hell has a powerful Shura guard, and monks and Buddhas can't resist. Because if you resist, you will be eaten by Shura, and you will be tormented by the fire of Shura forever, and you will not be born!


This is the best article I have written since I wrote the book. I conceived it over and over again and carefully considered each word. The disadvantage is that the number of words is too small...

has not broken through the 3000-word mark again. Hey hey, everyone's support is not strong. Red votes are all cast by yourself, and most of the collections are collected with small accounts, and they are bored to death. Yaya, I really want to explode, but this point of popularity, clicks, tickets, you know, I can only hit the keyboard crazily. At that time, click on more than 300, and the red ticket is 100, it depends on whether everyone supports it or not. Ha, wash and sleep.