Agains the Sky

Chapter 18 Downhill

Next to Park Yun, a huge sticky white fog on the peak where Zhang Fan is located is quietly hanging in the air, and Zhang Fan is in the white fog. As time walked, the white fog changed and slowly contracted into a huge white cocoon.

Pu Yun was relieved to see this scene. As long as there is no accident, Zhang Fan will be successfully reborn.

"Ka-cho", a crisp sound, and the white cocoon cracked a crack, attracting Pu Yun's attention. "Ka-ka-ka-ka", the crack of the white cocoon expanded shockingly, and the last sound was muffled, and the whole white cocoon broke and drifted away with the wind.

Then a man came out, with long hair, deep eyes, a childish face, a perfect posture, and a Confucian Zhang Fan appeared in front of Park Yun.

Pu Yun nodded secretly, threw over the prepared clothes, and motioned Zhang Fan to put them on. Only then did Zhang Fan realize that there was no clothes on his body, and he couldn't help wearing clothes awkwardly.

Pu Yun's eyes flashed, his left hand clenched, and the Buddha Yuan's strength rushed to roar, and he quickly hit Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had already dressed. Seeing this move, the corners of his mouth bent, his hands changed continuously, and knotted a big hand. A huge palm with countless scriptures and chains appeared and collided with the "angry tiger roar" rushing to Pu Yun. A huge sound came from the peak, and some beasts were shocked away, and the peak A stiff collapse.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the figures of Park Yun and Zhang Fan appeared.

"Congratulations, brother, for your cultivation and early rebirth." Park Yun said with a smile.

"Thanks to my brother's help, otherwise, I would not have progressed so fast."

"Well, hard work is also the reason for your progress. Let's go back to Hua Yanzong." After saying that, Park Yun looked up to the sky and roared, and Zhang Fan was not willing to be behind and roared loudly. This roar shook the world, and even the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

Pu Yun changed his body during the big roar and disappeared in front of Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan's mind moved, Xiao Jin appeared, and Zhang Fan jumped and landed smoothly on Xiao Jin's back. The little gold wings spread, chirped, and flew into the distance.


Hua Yanzong, Park Yun, Pu Shi, Park Hyun, Park Ji, Park Xing and Zhang Fan gathered together. Zhang Fan looked at the crowd reluctantly, because he was about to go down the mountain to hone himself and not know when he would return. Park Yun came forward and patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder carelessly, "Don't cry, it's not that you can't see it. What kind of man is he? Brother doesn't have anything else, only a spiritual charm for you. After saying that, he took out a spiritual charm from his clothes, and the aura on the charm rotated, which was extraordinary at a glance. Remember, crush it at the moment of danger. Zhang Fan took over and did not refuse. He knew Park Yun's character.

He came forward without saying a word. He took out a half-black and half-white jade pendant and gave it to Zhang Fan. He said, "This jade pendant is extraordinary and has magical functions, and it seals the 'Nethereal True qi'. This is the nemesis of the practitioners in the Yuanying period. If there is no special magic weapon, there is no doubt that it will be defeated. But it can only be used once. So you should use it carefully.

Zhang Fan nodded and said in surprise: I didn't expect this inconspicuous jade pendant to have such an effect. Zhang Fan thanked the simplicity, took the jade pendant, and immediately strung it up and hung it on his chest. Zhang Fan felt a burst of coolness, and even the Wusheng * King in another jade pendant was moist and shouted, which was extremely comfortable. Park Xian, who was beside him, saw the jade pendant where the supreme * king of law was located, and smiled and said, "Little Zhang Fan, can you lend me your jade pendant to have a look?"

"Yes, Uncle Park Xian," Zhang Fan took off the jade pendant around his neck and handed it to Park Hyun. Park Hyun looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and his eyes burst into the golden light. He already saw the jade pendant transparently. Park Hyun threw the jade pendant into the air, knotted his hands, and shouted, "The magic heart is not extinguished, and the Buddha's heart does not increase. What's the cause and effect? How to get to the road? The demon body Buddha's heart is quick to become, return, hidden!" After saying that, a golden Buddha light rushed into the air and merged with the jade pendant. Park Hyun reached into the virtual mustard space and grabbed a large handful of materials. Using the power of Buddha, it condensed into a finger. A little pure fire, the material melted and became liquid as soon as it touched the fire. Park Hyun controlled the liquid substance and simulated the model of the jade pendant. With a flash of gold light, the jade pendant in the air has fallen into the model, and the dazzling light comes from the jade pendant! Park Hyun grabbed the jade pendant with his right hand and threw it to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan took it in his hand and observed carefully. The original black jade pendant has changed color. The golden ** flows in the green jade pendant, and the statue on the back is not as evil as before, but the eyes of the statue are very strange, as if it has a fascinating magic.

Park Hyun smiled and said, "This jade pendant has been re-refined by me. In addition, I also used my magic power to give the jade pendant a magic power to hide my breath and body shape. As long as it is not a person with a very high level than you, you can't see it. But only when the guardian demon king in the jade pendant covers you, it will be effective. Remember to remember.

Zhang Fan likes it very much and plays with the jade pendant in his hand. At this time, Pu Zhi said, "I don't have anything to give you. Well, I'll give you a wild and alien, how about it?" After saying that, Park Zhi opened the empty mustard space, and a colorful eagle flew out and landed on Park Zhi's shoulder. This eagle is very strange, with long claws and three long feathers on its tail. Park Zhi touched the eagle's head with his index finger, and the eagle flew to Zhang Fan's shoulder. Park Ji said, "Don't underestimate this thing. It is the descendant of the Golden King of Dapeng and the barbarian phoenix, named Barbarian eagle. Now it is in its infancy. When it becomes an adult, it is very powerful and should be treated well. Park Ji took out a small bag and handed it to Zhang Fan, saying, "This is a bag of beasts, which can hold spirit beasts. In addition, it is full of food for the barbarian eagle, which is enough for it to eat. After saying that, Park Ji smiled at Zhang Fan and retreated.

The patriarch Pu Xing looked around the crowd, took off the Buddha beads on his left wrist and handed them to Zhang Fan, "This string of rosary beads has been with me for many years. They are quite spiritual and strong. I hope it can help you."

Zhang Fan said gratefully, "How dare I accept this?" The patriarch Pu Xing smiled and said, "You are a disciple of my Huayan Sect. If you don't give it to you, who will you give it?"

Zhang Fan didn't say anything, but he was very grateful to everyone. At this time, Pu Yun went to Zhang Fan, took out a handkerchief, stuffed it into Zhang Fan's hand, and said, "This is a relic left by your parents. I have kept it for you for so many years, and I will give it to you today."

Hearing this, Zhang Fan's head sounded like an explosion, and his hands trembled to catch the handkerchief.

"This is my parents' relic, this is my parents' relic!" This sentence has been echoing in Zhang Fan's mind. Since he was a child, he thought that his parents were cruel and abandoned him. Although Brother Park Yun and others take care of him and care about him, he still lacks a kind of care and a kind of maternal love. Whenever he played with other children at the foot of the mountain and saw other children acting coquettishly in his mother's arms, he was very sad. Now that he knows that his parents have no choice but to leave him, how shocked Zhang Fan is!

Zhang Fan slowly opened his handkerchief, and what Zhang Fan saw was four large letters with dry blood colors "My Son Zhang Fan"! The font is very beautiful.

Park Yun slowly said, "This is what I found when I sorted out your clothes. There was a ban on it, but I removed it and learned some information. Your parents were besieged and killed by other practitioners. Before you die, I will throw you out. Park Yun sighed.

Zhang Fan's eyes were full of hatred: "Brother Park Yun, do you know who killed my parents?" I don't know. Your parents didn't explain. Zhang Fan clenched his fists and his joints turned white. Patriarch Park walked in front of Zhang Fan, patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder and whispered, "Now all you have to do is to work hard to improve your strength and make a great achievement. In this way, your parents' spirits in heaven will rest in peace!" Zhang Fan nodded and secretly swore in his heart: This revenge will not be revenged, and it will be in vain.

"It's getting late. Let's go down the mountain."

Zhang Fan looked at the crowd reluctantly and went down the mountain step by step.


I don't know how to write this chapter, so the number of words is a little small. After the protagonist learns his skills, the protagonist will travel all over the country, fighting Buddhas, Taoism and demons, which is very wonderful, hehe.

One more thing, it won't be more tomorrow. Because I will take the monthly exam next Tuesday, I have to review on Sunday, or I will be scolded by my mother if I don't do well in the exam. I hope everyone can understand Da Shao. After all, it is not easy for a student, and it is even more difficult for a student to write a book.

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