Agains the Sky

Chapter 46 Fierce Battle

The couples on the ground have never seen this scene. All of them are pale and keep shouting immortals and immortals. At this time, several practitioners flashed out of the woods to besiege Zhou Tian.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhou Tian's protective magic suddenly broke out, and the magic swept several other practitioners, and immediately vomited blood and retreated. The practitioners were all stunned and didn't know how to provoke such a powerful demon.

"Oh, devil, quickly capture it, so as not to paint the creatures." A middle-aged man fell from the sky and swallowed a lot of Taoist power, forming Taoist truths one by one. Li Bxuan took a look and whispered, "This man is Wang Tao of the Taoist Zhenyan Sect. It is said that his cultivation has reached the middle of Jindan. The 'nine-character Zhenyan' and imperial swordsmanship have been perfect, and he is vaguely the cultivation of this young generation."

Zhang Fan nodded, which can be seen just by the power of protecting the body. In the Jindan period, the body will have a protective force. Zhang Fan looked at the crowd around him and said to Li Fuxuan, "Brother Fuxuan, your cultivation is higher than mine. You go to guard the crowd and tell them to go quickly. Yunyue and I were not very good, so we withdrew from this area. The devil still didn't notice us, and those hypocrites were enough to give him a headache.

Li Fuxuan said solemnly, "Well, Brother Zhang, be careful." After saying that, the figure disappeared and appeared in front of the crowd the next moment, calming down these couples and fled one after another. For a while, next to the "Love Full Moon" well, only Zhou Tian and Wang Tao were fighting. Zhang Fan and Yunyue have also retreated to the edge.

As soon as Wang Tao took action, the whole sky was full of mysterious, converging into a supreme nine-character truth, "front, soldier, fight, all, array, column, front, line", and then the finished gly arranged, and the aura projected by the nine-character truth quickly turned into a virtual shadow wearing a Taoist crown and a dark blue robe all over his body.

In this virtual shadow, Zhang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank again, as if he had thought of something. Whether it is a strong magic power or a powerful jade, at the extreme, it will show the virtual shadow of the Buddha and borrow the power of the virtual shadow of the Buddha. My 'present appearance' is the same. What the hell is going on? Zhang Fan couldn't help but fall into meditation.

Sunday smiled tragically, and the murder suddenly appeared, and his mouth still said, "I'm going to kill you all." Immediately, a big fist was sacrificed, and a boxing shadow appeared in the sky, blasting the virtual shadow.

"Good opportunity!" Wang Tao smiled coldly and waved his hands. Those dark nine-character truths quickly turned into chains and wrapped around Zhou Tian. What is this?" Sunday kept twisting his body to get rid of the entanglement of chains, but in any case, he couldn't break free.

"Devil, who are you? Are you here to kill people or have a different purpose?" Wang Tao's purpose is to cross-examination and get some useful information.

"Well, I won't change my name, I won't change my surname, Sunday. Although I am a disciple of the Demon Sect, I have never killed a mortal. But what about you? You hateful monks who are seemingly benevolent and moral, and secretly do bad things, indiscriminately, sneak attack, assassinate, besiege, do everything, more despicable than us. Today, I want to kill you hateful practitioners and avenge my beloved. Now, you are ready to die! The magic flame is so great!"

In the loud shouting, Zhou Tian's whole body flashed with black light, smashing the chain. In the void, strangely burning magic flames and swaying. Zhou Tian stretched out his hand to take a photo and took all the magic flames to the palm of his hand. A magic flame mark appeared in Zhou Tian's palm. On Sunday, his eyes flashed black and he suddenly slapped Wang Tao. These palm prints are actually composed of small magic flames!

When Wang Tao saw it, his face immediately changed greatly. Regardless of his righteous demeanor, he immediately shouted to the practitioners next to him: "All of you, this devil is very high. Let's join hands to kill him so as not to kill him."

"I'm exactly what I mean!" An old man in a white Taoist robe shook the dust, came forward and made a head. When the people around heard the words, they hit their strongest skills one after another, and the magic formulas were colorful and overwhelming, drowning Zhou Tian.

"I'm not willing!" Zhou Tian, who was in the storm of the magic formula, roared, pinched the formula with both hands, and a magic gas gushed out and turned into a black armor. There is a ferocious Warcraft statue on the front and back of this black armor. There are also some extremely mysterious black textures, swimming in this pair of black armor.

"Open!" Zhou Tian roared, and his palms suddenly pushed out. A black light ball appeared out of thin air, and then exploded. The strong momentum generated by the two sides converged together, creating a strong high pressure, which exploded in an instant!

Zhang Fan's eyes were quick and hands were quick. He immediately pulled Yun Yue behind him, waved his left hand in front of him, and a great defensive Buddha immediately appeared. Just when the explosion came, the Buddha statue suddenly opened its eyes, and the golden light flashed, instantly forming a guardian ghost king! The blue-faced demon king raised his fork in his hand and immediately waved it. But this spirit was so strong that the demon king supported him and disappeared.

The Buddha statue did not move, and when he was full of energy, his palms were closed to resist the momentum. But Zhang Fan's face turned pale due to the anti-shock force.

"What's wrong?" Yun Yue couldn't help worrying when she saw Zhang Fan's face turning white. Ha ha, it's okay." Zhang Fan pressed a mouthful of blood and said gently.

At this time, there was a change in the field. Due to the serious injury that had not recovered from the previous Sunday, he forced his shot. Every time he attacked, his strength couldn't help but decrease. Wang Tao looked at the right time, took out a small seal, read a few formulas, and saw that the small seal became bigger in the wind, similar to the emperor's jade seal with a dragon-shaped mark on it.

Wang Tao threw the small seal in his hand at Zhou Tian, and saw a golden light flashing past. Xiaoyin broke through Zhou Tian's defense and instantly hit him seriously injured him. Zhou Tian vomited blood and flew away.

"You people in the right path have always been so despicable. If you can't fight alone, you will fight in groups. I can see through your group of pretentious people." Sunday said with a cold smile. It's a pity that Waner couldn't take you to see the 'Full Moon'. Zhou Tian looked into the distance with gentle eyes.

Wang Tao's face turned red and white by what Zhou Tian said, and he was angry and said, "For you demons, we are going to work together to do things for heaven! Don't say more, devil, you have made so many killings. Go to death!" Wang Tao pinched the sword, and a light blue sword appeared in Wang Tao's hand. As soon as Wang Tao waved his sword, he heard a woman's exclamation: "No, don't hurt him!"

The woman's voice was anxious and sad, and it was obvious that the speaker was very concerned about Zhou Tian's life. Zhou Tian, who was in despair, was shocked all over and looked firmly at the figure that rushed over, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

With a flash of black light, a woman's figure appeared and waved Wang Tao's sword in one fell swoop. This is a 26-seven woman, with a beautiful face with a few tears hanging on her face.

Looking at Zhou Tian's bloody appearance, the woman suddenly grabbed Zhou Tian's arm and said anxiously, "God, are you all right? Why are you so stupid and come here alone?" His right hand gently stroked Zhou Tian's pale face, with endless tenderness in his eyes.

Zhou Tian shook his head gently and said gently, "Don't cry, I'll be fine. Your physical injury is not healed yet. You need to have a good rest. Go back and wait for me. I'm good at it. Go back quickly." Zhou Tian stroked the woman's face with pity, and Zhou Tian was particularly gentle at this moment.

At this time, Wang Tao saw that the magic on the woman's body was light, but it was very obvious. Wang Tao couldn't help sneering, waved a silent sword, and went straight into the woman's vest.

When Zhang Fan saw this, he couldn't help showing a trace of regret and sighed secretly. At this time, Li B Xuan had also evacuated the crowd and returned to Zhang Fan. At this time, he couldn't help sighing for the woman.

Yunyue looked at the two people on the ground with watery eyes. After seeing the woman, she secretly said that it was beautiful.

Looking at her beloved affectionately, the woman said firmly, "I can't go back, and I don't want to go back. They are coming. No matter how God punishes me in this life, I will be with you. The two souls will never be separated. Even if I die, I will be with you.

His body trembled slightly, and endless vicissitudes and hatred appeared in Zhou Tian's eyes. He seemed to be talking about God's injustice and smiled indifferently. Zhou Tian came to his senses and looked at his beloved woman. Just as she was about to speak, the woman's face suddenly changed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, interrupting Zhou Tian's speech.

Zhou Tian's face changed greatly, and his frightened eyes moved from the woman's face to the woman's chest. He was seeing half of the sharp blade flashing with strange blood light, which deeply stung Zhou Tian's heart. No!" Zhou Tian's sad voice was mixed with endless anger.

The tragic roar and the incomparable heartache made Zhou Tian's face distorted and shape with pain, extremely ferocious, and completely fell into madness.

Pulling the woman into his arms, Zhou Tian's voice said anxiously, "Wan'er, how are you? You will be fine. You will be fine. We have agreed to find a place where there is no one and raise a group of small animals. There is only you and me there. You will be fine. You will be fine." In the anxious voice, the true love and affection seem strong and crazy!

With a faint smile, the woman looked at him gently and whispered, "Don't worry, it's enough to die in your arms. Anyway, we have loved, and I have no regrets. We can't stay together in this life, and we will definitely be together in the next life. Never be separated. You should be happy, you know? We can't escape their clutches. It's better to die in your arms than to die in their hands.

Zhou Tian gently put the woman on the ground and said softly, "You take a break here. After I avenge you, we will go together to find another heaven." After saying that, he got up, and Zhou Tian's eyes became gloomy and cold at this moment.

"Those who hurt my Wan'er, die!"

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