Agains the Sky

Chapter 50 Parting

A trace of yearning and expectation appeared on his face. Zhou Tian looked down at the woman and said softly, "Don't worry, Waner, we will meet there. Now I'm going to go first. Remember not to forget that I will wait for you at that meeting forever. Where to meet, the way to come, the fate of this life, and the next life will be extended again! Since there is no legendary full moon here, let our lifelong love make up for the incompleteness of this love. I hope that all lovers in future generations can have a full moon and be happy in the world.

Finally, he took a look at the favorite woman in his life. Zhou Tian's eyes gradually dimmed, and the tears on his face fell down the well of the "Full Moon of Love". With his hands soft, Zhou Tian turned his head and showed a vicissitudes smile, and his whole body moved forward to the center of gravity and gently slipped towards the "Love Full Moon" well. At this moment, his eyes no longer flashed and his smile was always fixed. In this way, the infatuated demon man was finally buried in the "Full Moon" well for a wish.

With the fall of Zhou Tian's body, the woman smiled calmly and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'll come to accompany you right away. From then on, no one can separate us, because the sky there is only you and me. After saying that, when the woman was about to slide into the well, she suddenly remembered something and couldn't help looking back at Zhang Fan, with blessings and gratitude in her eyes. Because she clearly remembered that he saved himself at the critical moment from the poisonous hand of Bai Mei.

"Thank you for your kind people. Although this life is going to die, God and I will bless you forever. There is nothing to be grateful to you before you die. Just leave a magic weapon. Liao expresses his heart. I hope you don't dislike it. The low voice seemed so weak, but the gratitude was difficult to refuse.

A palm-sized iron plate was taken out of the storage bag. The woman gently handed it to Zhang Fan and whispered, "This is my most precious gift from heaven. This is the first time he refined it, but it records me and his bits and his bits. I will forward him to you now. I hope you don't dislike it and use it as a transportation tool. It will always bless you and bring you good luck. My life is over. It's time to leave. The sky is still waiting for me. I'm going to accompany him. Although there are more vicissitudes than joy in my life, I have the best memories in my heart. Even if the memory is short, it is better than the blandness of a lifetime. Until death, you can be with heaven, which is the best ending. Generally speaking, there are regrets and memories in this life. Memories are beautiful, but regrets can't make people sad. If you ask what the regret is, it is the moment before death that you didn't see me and the sky in this 'Full Moon' well. Maybe I don't need anything to prove my relationship with God, do I?"

Quietly took over the iron plate. Zhang Fan took a look. It was a flying magic weapon. This moment made Zhang Fan a little happy. The iron plate was blue, with various textures on it, as well as some defensive arrays and prohibitions. Zhang Fan put it in the storage bag and said with some emotion, "The love between you touches the world, and there is nothing to prove. At this moment, all the people, all people and trees here, all the flowers and plants, including heaven and earth, can witness your feelings. Although we have not been together in this life, I believe that you will be together forever in the next life.

looked at Zhang Fan gratefully, and the woman looked at the sky and looked at the full moon. Under the moonlight, there was silence around, and two lines of tears carried the bitter vicissitudes of life. At this moment before death, they slid past the pale and cold face and dripped into the well of the "Full Moon of Love". With a tearful smile, the woman seemed to be calling Zhou Tian, and her whole body slipped into the "Love Full Moon" well with her weak hands.

Watching the infatuated woman follow her beloved man, Zhang Fan, Yunyue, Li B Xuan and Master Xu Zen next to her showed a trace of regret on their faces and sighed for the lovers. If the sky is affectionate and the sky is old, maybe the sky is not old, because it is ruthless.

The full moon is in the sky, and the moon tonight looks particularly bright. Just as everyone felt sorry for the woman, a bright glow suddenly burst out in the well of the "Full Moon of Love", and a three-color beam of light rose directly to the sky and connected with the full moon in the sky. At this moment, a spectacle appeared between heaven and earth, and a pair of dreamlike figures appeared in the dazzling three-color beams of light.

As Guanghua became stronger and stronger, the figure became clear. Finally, Zhou Tian and the woman's snuggling figure appeared in front of everyone, making Zhang Fan and others bless them and feel extremely happy for them.

After the strong light, the light fades. Looking at the slowly disappearing pillar of light and the lovers, Zhang Fan, Yunyue, Li Bxuan and Master Xu Zen showed a faint joy in their eyes.

Zhang Fan seemed to feel a little and slowly walked to the mouth of the well and stared at the bottom of the well. At first glance, Zhang Fan felt a little strange. The well was so deep that it could be seen at a glance. But the full moon in the well is clear and bright, as if it were in front of you, very strange. The well water shines with a faint three-color light, reflecting the full moon, giving people a very strange feeling.

Looking at the full moon in the well, Zhang Fan suddenly changed his expression, because a clear figure appeared on the bright full moon at this moment. Looking quietly at the bottom of the well, Zhang Fan's face was calm.

Just as Yunyue was about to come to look, the full moon in the sky moved eastward, and the three-color light at the bottom of the well disappeared silently. Yunyue glanced at the bottom of the well and didn't see anything. She asked, "Brother Zhang Fan, what did you see at the bottom of the well?"

Zhang Fan was happy and said, "What I saw is..." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Master Xu Zen, "Amitabha, this Taoist is too yin and needs to be moderated. I don't know what this Taoist friend is?"

Zhang Fan saw that the virtual Zen master said to himself and said, "It's all up to the master's intention."

When Master Xu Zen heard the words, he did not say anything. He just walked to the priest, pronounced a Buddha's name, and pressed his right hand on the lid of the Taoist spirit. A burst of golden light flashed, and he saw that golden light flowed from the body of Master Xu Zen to the Taoist with the contact. The godless eyes of the Taoist also began to brighten, but he was still an unconscious puppet.

Master Xu Zen dissipated the golden light, took a deep look at Zhang Fan, and left.

Li Boxuan and Zhang Fan said hello and also followed Master Xu Zen. Here, only Zhang Fan and Yunyue are left.

Zhang Fan's mind moved and immediately took out a hairpin from the storage bag, which he got from the storage bag of the Sea of Moyun. At present, he sacrificed it, and engraved a mortal word on his body and handed it to Yun Yue, "Yeer, take this." Yun Yue hesitated for a moment and finally took it over.

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Kowloon Bay is a grassland. The most strange thing is that it is close to a river and can grow such dense vegetation. There are no tall trees, no animals, but green grass.

Zhang Fan and Yunyue are enjoying the beautiful scenery of dusk at this moment. But at this moment, Zhang Fan's view, the half-falling sun is like his heart, and the color of the sunset glow adds a little more depression.

"It's here." Yunyue whispered. Zhang Fan's heart trembled, but he calmed down again. There will be a farewell after sending you thousands of miles.

"Do you remember the moment when you and I met?" Yunyue whispered. Zhang Fan nodded.

Yun Yueyu touched the hairpin on her head with her hand. Her eyes were mixed with complex expressions. She looked at Zhang Fan and whispered, "I will wear this hairpin for the rest of my life."

When Zhang Fan heard this, tenderness appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Yunyue was leaving and going back to the place where she came from. But Zhang Fan didn't ask where she came from, and Zhang Fan didn't want to ask. The bits and pieces of ten days are the most precious memories in his life.

Yunyue's face was a little uncertain, as if she was in a fierce ideological struggle. Finally, he calmed down and slowly said, "Zhang Fan, you'd better forget me."

"Forget you, I can't do it. You are the most beloved woman in my life. Zhang Fan looked at Yunyue gently, his eyes were full of tenderness, but his voice trembled a little.

Yunyue shook her head and said calmly, "You and I are impossible."

"But when I was in the 'Full Moon' well, I saw you!"

Yunyue's delicate body was shocked, but she calmed down and still whispered, "You forgot me."

Suddenly, a silver light flashed, and a person appeared on the grassland. This man is the man in silver wearing half a silver mask.

As soon as the man in silver appeared, he looked at Zhang Fan with contemptuously, looked at Yun Yue and said, "Yeer, 'he' already knows. Go back quickly."

As soon as Zhang Fan heard this, he immediately asked, "Yeer, who is this man in silver?"

"Ye'er can't scream if you want. Who am I? Humph, Yue'er is my fiancee. Who am I? You understand."

When Zhang Fan heard this, he suddenly thundered, and his ordinary heart could no longer be maintained. He ran to Yun Yue's side, held Yun Yue's fragrant shoulders with both hands, looked at her eyes, and said anxiously, "Yuer, is this true? No, it's not true." Zhang Fan was confused. Looking at Yun Yue's silence, Zhang Fan immediately felt as if he had lost his soul and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yun Yue did not answer this question, but flashed Zhang Fan's hands without a trace, turned her head, and looked at the silver man: "At least you are not yet! And you will never be qualified!"

When the man in silver heard this, he laughed and said, "In the whole fairyland, no one is more worthy of you than me? Don't worry, in the next 'Battle of Heaven', I will defeat the heroes and marry you back.

Yun Yue looked calm at this moment, and she was like two people with Yun Yue that Zhang Fan knew. Zhang Fan looked at Yunyue feebly and was extremely shocked. She came from the fairyland. "No wonder, no wonder..." Zhang Fan smiled bitterly and sat on the ground weakly.

Yun Yue did not look at Zhang Fan, but raised his jade hand, and a burst of fairy spirit appeared from Yun Yue's body and gradually evolved into a door in mid-air, and this door was leading to the fairyland!

Yunyue stepped on the void step by step and slowly walked to the door.

"No!" Zhang Fan shouted heartbreakingly, and he couldn't accept Yunyue abandoning him like this.

Yunyue still didn't look back and walked to Xianmen.

"Didn't you like me?" Zhang Fan forgot that he was a true practice. He could only roar loudly and suffer like a mortal, but his heart was like a knife.

Yun Yue's delicate body was shocked, but she didn't look back, and then walked slowly.

Zhang Fan's face was like dead ashes, and his eyes were powerless to look at Yun Yue walking to Xianmen. Looking at her ruthless figure, Zhang Fan's mind kept flashing pictures of his meeting with Yun Yue, those smiling faces; now, they are all fake, fake!

Zhang Fan's heart keeps dripping blood!

"I like the feeling of being with you." Yunyue's voice flashed in Zhang Fan's mind.

"Is it deceptive?" Zhang Fan looked at his hands with empty eyes, and his body trembled with pain. These hands, exactly after Yun Yue said this last night, held her hands.

Yunyue completely stepped into the fairy gate and didn't look at Zhang Fan from beginning to end. But what Zhang Fan didn't know was that when Xianmen was about to disappear, Yun Yue suddenly turned around and looked at Zhang Fan with tears in her eyes. "I like you, Zhang Fan."

"I like you, Zhang Fan." Yun Yue collapsed weakly and stared at Zhang Fan's painful figure. Unfortunately, she had no chance to see Zhang Fan. Maybe when I see him, he is like a passer-by and can't remember who he is.

Zhang Fan did not see the expression of Yunyue stepping into the fairy gate. But the man in silver saw it. At the moment when the fairy gate disappeared, the man in silver also summoned a fairy gate in the same way. At the moment when the man in silver stepped into the fairy gate, he suddenly turned around and his eyes were full of murderousness and stared at Zhang Fan. He did not allow the person who had touched Yunyue to live in the world. He wanted Zhang Fan to die.

"Haha, why do you argue with me? What are you for? Appearance?" The man in silver took off his mask. The man in silver is extremely handsome. Even if he doesn't love a handsome woman, he will become a nymphomaniac!

"With strength?" The man in silver put on a mask, and his whole body suddenly changed, and the golden elixir period was at its peak!

"Haha, I will enter the first infancy in three days. But I want you now, die!"

As soon as the word "death" was finished, the man in silver just stroked in the void, and a white fairy sword appeared in his hand. Then, mixed with the immortal power of his whole body, he suddenly split at Zhang Fan!

Where the white sword light flashed, the space was all broken!

One blow for those who are infinitely close to the infancy period!

Then, he stepped into the fairy gate. The man in silver believes that Zhang Fan will never live under this sword! Because this sword blocks layers of space, even if there is a space escape method, it is useless.

magic weapon? The silver-clothed man holds a top-quality magic weapon! Its incidental anti-God power is to ignore the method treasure and spiritual treasure, and it will also increase the power of the moves sent through this sword!

The fairy gate disappeared, and the sword light came!

A feeling of life-and-death crisis appeared in Zhang Fan's heart and felt the power of the sword light. Zhang Fan closed his eyes helplessly. His heart was broken at the moment Yunyue stepped into the fairy gate.

"Did you die like this? Maybe this is also a relief." Zhang Fan said calmly.

A picture of Yunyue flashed in Zhang Fan's mind, and Zhang Fan couldn't help sighing.

"I have been kept in the dark." Zhang Fan smiled bitterly a few times, and he still loved others so much.

Then, the man in silver flashed by.

"Ye'er can't scream if you want. Who am I? Humph, Yue'er is my fiancee. Who am I? You understand." The sarcastic voice of the man in silver kept recalling in Zhang Fan's mind.

"No, I don't want to do this. My parents' hatred hasn't been revenged yet. I can't die!" A strong desire to live arises from Zhang Fan's heart.

Looking at the sword light falling from the sky, Zhang Fan's eyes showed a strong sense of war!

"You, one day, I will kill the fairyland! Kill you with your own hands, man in silver!"

Zhang Fan held Ling Zun's sword in his hand, and his whole body quickly improved. Unexpectedly, he twisted all the grass within three feet of his body into pieces!


With supreme belief, the earthy yellow light collided with the huge white sword spirit!

The huge explosion will collapse the weak Zhang Fan!

Zhang Fan's clothes were broken, and blood appeared at the corners of his mouth. He was defeated. His five internal organs were all severely damaged, the meridians were broken inches, and there was no real power in his body.

At the same time, he won again because he was not dead!

"Yeer, is that you?" Zhang Fan felt that his eyelids were very heavy. Just as he was about to close, he saw Yunyue, and Yunyue's delicate face was in front of Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan raised his hand to touch Yunyue's face, but he felt that he had no strength at all.

"Yeer, you didn't leave, did you?" Zhang Fan closed his eyes and whispered.

At this moment, a 70-year-old man appeared beside Zhang Fan. The old man, holding a bamboo, glanced at Zhang Fan and sighed.

"Evil fate"!

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The second update. I wrote this chapter very carefully, and I wrote it very heartbreakingly! My fragile little heart is dripping blood! This part is finally finished, and finally it is about to enter one of the two major ** of "human world scrolls", Yuanyingdong to fight for treasure! What will happen?

Please stay tuned!