Agains the Sky

Chapter 54 Mysterious Crypt

It's dark, and it's dark everywhere. Even if Zhang Fan is a true practicer, his night vision ability is very good, and everything he sees here is dark. After Zhang Fan stepped into the gate of Yuanying Cave, he only felt the power of void transmission, and ended up falling directly here, which is where Zhang Fan was.

According to the humidity of the air here and stepping on the soil from time to time, Zhang Fan is sure that this is a cave and he is underground. But Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why the owner of Yuanying Cave wanted to dig a cave? And why was you transported here? I'm afraid that everyone is also separated, and it is impossible to get together when transmitting.

Zhang Fan settled down, pinched the formula with his hands, and used the "Great Shura Eye". A golden light flashed from Zhang Fan's eyes, and Zhang Fan's eyes became golden. After the "Da Shura Eye" stabilized, Zhang Fan began to look around. It's like a passage, winding, and I don't know where it leads.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Fan patted the storage bag, took out Ling Zun's sword, injected 30% of the Buddha's power, and suddenly stabbed the wall next to him, only one-third of the sword body. Zhang Fan exerted his best, but Ling Zunjian did not go in again. Zhang Fan pulled out Ling Zun's sword, went to the crack in the wall, reached out and pinched a piece of soil, read it with his fingers, and saw small invisible black lines slowly coming out.

Zhang Fan's eyes flashed golden, directly turning into a golden light to wrap the small black line. The two are like water and fire and are incompatible with each other. When you meet each other, you will feel the buzzing sound. In a while, the small black lines slowly turned into small black smoke and disappeared. As expected." Zhang Fan narrowed his eyes, and a wise light flashed in his eyes.

"In order to prevent people from entering it from escaping, the designer of the cave sealed the surroundings with mud and set a lot of prohibitions inside. This ban is a big deal. If I guess well, the cultivation of the master of Yuanying Cave may reach the later stage of Yuanying, or higher. The prohibition of manufacturing is definitely one of the best. Zhang Fan whispered.

"If it comes, it will be safe. The higher the cultivation of the Lord of Yuanying Cave, the greater the chance of getting the treasure! Of course, the higher the risk. Zhang Fan imposed a light magic formula on himself and sacrificed a "spiritual magic suit", so he walked forward at ease. The cave seems to have no end. Zhang Fan doesn't know how long he has walked. The only thing that can be sure is that the passage is getting narrower, from a place that can accommodate more than 20 people at the beginning to a passage that can only accommodate a 12-year-old child now.

Zhang Fan couldn't help bowing and moving forward slowly. It's getting closer and closer to the exit. Zhang Fan stopped, meditated cross-legged, and silently recited "clear-minded" to restore the consumed Buddha's power. It's done." Zhang Fan felt that his state had reached its peak and couldn't help but be secretly happy. Now you can make a breakthrough."

Zhang Fan walked for a while and saw a small hole in front of him, and he couldn't help but be secretly happy. Here it is." Zhang Fan drilled out of the hole and saw that the scene was slightly gloomy and strange.

This is a flat field, and the top of the cave is round, inlaid with a night pearl, emitting a soft light. In the middle of the venue is a pool. This is not water, but dark red **. Bouts of blood gas emanated from the pool, which smelled of blood, and the pool was full of blood.

Next to the site, there are eight one-foot-high columns. On this pillar, there is suddenly a white bone nailed to it! On some surrounding walls, the dark red font is slightly flashing red, and everything is extremely strange. In the cave that Zhang Fan came out of, opposite it was another cave.

Zhang Fan slowly looked around. First of all, he walked to the pool. After seeing the dark red blood, he frowned and walked away. Then he walked to the eight pillars and observed that the white bones had traces of struggle. Obviously, they were nailed to it before they were alive. On the chest of the white bone, a blood-red three-inch nail attracted Zhang Fan's attention. When Zhang Fan just wanted to pull out the small order for research, he saw the golden light of the "spiritual clothes" flashing, forming a golden light curtain in front of the small nail, isoling Zhang Fan and the bloody nail.

"Is it dangerous?" Zhang Fan meditated. After a while, Zhang Fan left, and the golden curtain disappeared. Just as Zhang Fan left, the red light of eight bloody nails flashed away.

Zhang Fan looked around carefully and found that there were words on the wall, so he slowly walked over and began to distinguish fonts. This is a tadpole article. Zhang Fan learned this text from Park Kong. This tadpole article was very popular 7,000 years ago, but this tadpole article was so difficult to write that it was abandoned by people.

"Is it possible that this place was built 7,000 years ago?" Zhang Fan took a breath of cold air and returned to the pillar. He carefully observed that the pillar was also a product of 7,000 years ago. Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking about it. So, this Yuanying Cave was built more than 7,000 years ago? Anyway, in the next seven thousand years, some people should have come here. Why didn't I even find any trace? Is this the world outside Yuanying's cave? Zhang Fan was shocked by his idea, but the more he thought about it, the more possible it became. The gate of the previous Yuanying Cave is very much like a teleport array.

"Is it that Yuanying Cave is in a small mysterious world? And is this the bottom of the small mysterious world? Zhang Fan thought it was possible. So, we have entered another world." Zhang Fan is half happy and half worried. It doesn't matter, as long as he can go out." Zhang Fan comforted himself. Then he began to read tadpoles.

"This is the blood refining cave, which is the cave opened by the blood refining ancestors. Before the end of the life of the ancestor, he captured the top eight masters in the demon world, fairyland and human world, released their blood and melted them into this pool. He also captured some ancient beasts and released their blood. Finally, the blood refining ancestors integrated their blood into this pool, making the pool water have extraordinary effects.

"It's against the sky, it's against the sky." Zhang Fan squeaked his lips, "This blood-smelting ancestor is definitely a peerless demon. I was transmitted here, which is really..." Zhang Fan no longer knew whether he was happy or sad.

"This tadpole article is the skill that my ancestors have learned and created all their lives. If it is a great success, even if the blood is refined in the world, it will not be impossible! If you want to learn this 'blood refining big * method', you have to enter the 'blood refining pool', let the 'blood refining pool' transform the body, and then inherit my skills. The white bone nailed to the eight pillars and eight small nails on the chest were made by me collecting all the magic weapons and spiritual treasures. If it is not for the great success of the 'blood refining method', you can't use this magic weapon unless you have to. Remember to remember. If you want to get out of this cave, you must practice the 'blood refining method'!"

After reading these, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing bitterly. I have the supreme magic formula of Buddhism, and a magic spirit that can't be dispelled by the power in the early stage of transformation. If you practice another magic formula that is extremely fierce, you can't explode and die! There is a hole over there. Go and have a look. What if it's an exit?

With no hesitation, Zhang Fan walked over and entered another hole. Zhang Fan kept walking, feeling as boundless as the cave he walked last time. Finally, I don't know how long it took, Zhang Fan finally looked through the exit and no longer hesitated. Zhang Fan rushed out in front of him. As a result, Zhang Fan's face changed greatly, and it was still the cave with a "blood refining pool".

Zhang Fan didn't give up and ran over and over again. Finally, after trying four or five times, he knew that he couldn't go out without learning. Zhang Fan gritted his teeth, took off his clothes, pinched the formula, and jumped into the "blood refining pool" according to the words of his ancestors.

The blood in the "blood refining pool" squirmed strangely and really kept drilling into Zhang Fan's body, but Zhang Fan was closing his eyes and knew nothing about all this. At this time, in Zhang Fan's sea of divine consciousness, a group of ghosts kept hitting Zhang Fan's sea of divine consciousness. The resentment of the ghost has accumulated incomparable.

"In the sea of my divine knowledge, how dare you to toss around?" Zhang Fan's consciousness suddenly turned into a sharp sword and stabbed the ghost. The ghost screamed and disappeared. However, the resentment emitted by the ghost did not dissipate, but gradually accumulated into a resentment beast!

The resentful beast roared at Zhang Fan's consciousness, and saw countless resentment rising to the sky, covering Zhang Fan's sea of consciousness.

"It's not good." Zhang Fan no longer dared to be careless. The body of divine consciousness suddenly divided into nine, turned into a magic weapon, and hit the resentful beast. The resentful beast howled in pain. Finally, his eyes actually showed a humane look of resentment, and he saw the body of the resentment beast suddenly rise, and then it exploded with a "bang".

The shock wave generated by the explosion hit Zhang Fan's sea of divine consciousness. For a moment, Zhang Fan looked depressed and drowsy.

"All thoughts are inviolable!" Zhang Fan's sea of divine consciousness appeared a majestic voice, and immediately, the sea of divine consciousness was repaired.

Zhang Fan woke up from the meditation, but found that the blood in the "blood refining pool" did not know when it was gone.

Zhang Fan stood up, moved his muscles and bones, and suddenly found that his skin color had turned red.

"How could this happen?" Zhang Fan was shocked. His whole body was bright red, like a bloody man.

"What should I do?" Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel annoyed. However, when he was angry, Zhang Fan began to learn the "blood refining method". After searching again, Zhang Fan finally found out about this bloody body. It turned out that the power of blood was not completely absorbed, and the rest condensed on the body surface.

Zhang Fan sat cross-legged and began to refine the power of blood according to the above requirements. Soon, the blood color of Zhang Fan slowly faded and turned into his original skin color.

Zhang Fan opened his eyes and saw a trace of blood fog in Zhang Fan's eyes, which was extremely strange. Zhang Fan felt that his cultivation had not been increased much, but his physical strength had increased a lot. He felt that his vitality was stronger than before, and his recovery speed was faster than before, just an invincible Xiaoqiang.

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The first update.