Agains the Sky

Chapter 58 Yan Yu

When everyone saw Zhang Fan looking back, they were shocked. Some practitioners with low cultivation sweated coldly and dared not face Zhang Fan directly. Only a few practitioners with higher cultivation were not afraid and were thinking about something in their hearts.

Zhang Fan looked around the crowd slightly, took the situation to his heart, and made a decision. This world is born, and there must be some monsters guarding it. I'm afraid it's also in this pool. You can let them take the lead and explore the bottom of the monster to make a decision.

Zhang Fan smiled and said nothing. He raised his hand with a sword light, with the tendency to tear the void, and directly split the people with higher cultivation. Everyone avoided it slightly, and the anger leaped to their faces. Taoist friend, what on earth do you want to do? A beautiful woman wearing a purple palace veil said angrily.

Zhang Fan heard the sound and looked at the woman, while his consciousness was exploring Yu Jian, who he was. Yan Yu, the true practitioners of the Yan family, in the middle of his rebirth, there is a magic weapon called 'flower whip', which is refined from precious flowers in the world. This person can fight against people in the later stage of rebirth and will not fall behind.

"Interesting." Zhang Fan raised the corners of his mouth, held Ling Zun's sword, and lay in front of him. He said coldly, "What am I going to do? Everyone present knows. There is no need to talk nonsense. I found this fruit first and should belong to me. Zhang Fan looked at the crowd with contemptuous faces.

"You're lying!" The fat monk said angrily. Obviously, my brother and I found this first. It was you thief who saw greed and wanted to seize the fruit. He did not hesitate to kill my brother. You thief, I want you to kill and avenge your brother!" The fat monk raised the Buddhist pestle in his hand and was about to rush up and fight with Zhang Fan.

A trueist next to him immediately rushed over and quickly grabbed the fat monk who was about to fight desperately. Then the man reacted and pretended to shout angrily, "Is this Taoist friend right?" Zhang Fan looked at the man coldly and said calmly, "Yes, I don't deny it. But his strength is too poor. What does death have to do with me?

"In your words, those with high strength get it, right?" A sound of nature came, and it turned out that Yanyu spoke again.

"Yes." Zhang Fanmo replied carelessly.

"Well, although we are not as good as you, we can work together to overwhelm you. Our strength is higher than yours. Should you give up?" Yan Yu followed closely and gave Zhang Fan no room to fight back.

"Okay, I'll give up. It's yours!" Zhang Fan put away his careless look and answered seriously.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it. In her heart, she thought that it was impossible for this person to stop so easily. To her surprise, she answered so quickly. Is there fraud in this? Yan Yu looked at Zhang Fan with a pair of beautiful eyes and did not believe at all.

But everyone else believed Zhang Fan's words and looked happy. They began to gang up and figure out how others could get this result. Yan Yu couldn't help laughing at the results of her painstaking efforts. Originally, she wanted to fight against Zhang Fan, but it all collapsed.

"I hope this strength can resist him." Yan Yu said silently.

Zhang Fan silently retreated to the mouth of the valley with an indifferent face, but his eyes looked at the crowd. You can watch the play." Zhang Fan smiled secretly in his heart.

At this time, when everyone was talking, no one noticed that there were some ripples in the calm pool, and then a pair of dark red eyes appeared at the bottom of the water, staring at everyone ruthlessly, and then disappeared. At this time, Zhang Fan seemed to feel something, looked at the pool and was silent.

Suddenly, a young man in satin who looked like an aristocratic family came out, shook the fan in his hand, and said elegantly, "Have you quarreled enough? I don't have time to play with you." After saying that, before everyone's reaction came back, they immediately sacrificed the fan, drove the fan wind, and quickly flew to the tree to pick the fruit.

and other people reflected one after another, and they all scolded shamelessly and rushed forward together to grab the fruit. Suddenly, the world was dark, and a four- or five-foot-long python rushed out of the water, opened its mouth and swallowed the elegant man. In a hurry, the man sacrificed the fan in his hand, but to no avail, and was put into his stomach by the fruit of the python.

The python's scales are black, like armor. And the belly of the python actually turned into a pair of claws. It turned out that the python was going to turn into a dragon. The python guarded here to swallow the "dragon's birth fruit", but he saw that there were many human practitioners and did not dare to act rashly, so he could only lurk and wait secretly. But the young man came to pick the fruit rashly and touched the reverse scales of the python. Is there any reason not to be angry? You can only swallow it in one bite to relieve the snake's hatred.

When they saw the python that was about to turn into a dragon, everyone at the scene was shocked. As soon as Yan Yu saw it, his face changed, and then he thought of something. Looking at Zhang Fan, he saw that Zhang Fan's face was calm and there was no shock at all. It seemed that the python appeared in his expectation. Damn, it's him. He had long known that there was a python hidden by the fast-moving dragon under the pool, and used the hand of this python to get rid of us! Damn it!" Yan Yu was so eager for silver teeth that he couldn't wait to smash Zhang Fan to pieces.

But she did wrong Zhang Fan. Although he knew that there would be a guardian monster next to the "dragon fruit", he did not expect that the guardian beast was a giant python that quickly turned into a dragon. There is no less surprise than them. Although things are somewhat out of Zhang Fan's control, Zhang Fan is still confident to take down this "dragon birth fruit", because Zhang Fan's confidence has always been based on absolute strength!

Seeing that the python had no intention of attacking at all, everyone raised the guys in their hands, magic tricks, magic power, magic weapons, and greeted the python. They were overwhelming and connected, beating the python from the sky to the pool, but they did not dare to take a step and were afraid of being attacked by the python.

The python was angry because he was injured by what he regarded as an ant-like human practitioners and peeled off many scales, but it did not hurt the root. The original blood-red eyes were even more red. A mass of flames floated around the python and dried the water in the pool in an instant. In the valley, which was originally like spring, it turned into a hot summer day, and some flowers dried up and died.

The python jumped up, hovered over the tree, opened its mouth, inhaled all the flames around it, and then suddenly spit out to the crowd. A fire dragon was sprayed out of the mouth of the python, opening its teeth and claws, attacking the practitioners. The practitioners who were glued to the flames turned into ashes before they could put out the fire, which showed the power of this python.

Yan Yu saw everything in his eyes and was anxious. Although he wanted to rush up, he had to guard against Zhang Fan, who was staring at him. Finally, the woman was anxious and sacrificed a flower whip to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan and Yuguang had been paying attention to Yan Yu for a long time. When he saw her doing it, he couldn't help but be secretly happy. Finally, I found a chance to take action. If you want to blame yourself, who will let you not deal with the python, but to deal with me?

"All of you present, you have seen that I didn't do anything wrong, but this girl bullied me again and again. I can't stand it and can only take action." Zhang Fan said loudly, so that everyone present could hear their own voices.

"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong to her. Why did she work so hard? Is it possible that the monk killed by the Taoist friend just now is her love husband? Haha." After saying that, he smiled a few times, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"What Taoist friends said is extremely true. Otherwise, why did this woman work so hard with me? Is he really your love husband? Haha, big news, the virtual death of Zen Buddhism, and his mistress avenged him. Zhang Fan said with a cheerful smile.

"You, you bully people so much that I have to kill you!" Yan Yu's face turned red and burned with anger, and the whip in his hand danced repeatedly, making Zhang Fan's dodge space smaller and smaller.

"This time has angered her. Next, it's better to be careful. As long as you solve her, the rest of the people are no match at all." The cold light flashed in Zhang Fan's eyes, and his right hand slapped out. The evil spirit of blood condensed into a palm print and patted Yan Yu.

"Good evil outsider, you finally showed the fox's tail, and everyone will be killed. I will walk for heaven, so that you won't be spoiled in the future!" Yan Yu injected Dao Yuanli into the flower whip in his hand, and saw a slight pink light around the flower whip, but the sound of the explosion became stronger. Yan Yu shouted, threw the whip in his hand at Zhang Fan, and then pinched the formula with one hand. Whip the sky!

The flower whip quickly became thick, like an extremely sensitive silver snake, and layers of whips fell on Zhang Fan's body, making the "spiritual vest" on Zhang Fan's body extremely fragile.

"Sure enough, there are some ways!" Zhang Fan said in his heart, but his mouth did not show weakness. What's the way for heaven? I think it's for your husband!" Zhang Fan shouted. Then the "treasure bottle seal" was condensed and the whip was repelled.

"What? Unforgivable, unforgivable!" Yan Yu held a flower whip and suddenly pulled it to Zhang Fan. This whip, like a meteor, is so fast that people can't feel it, and this power is like "broken Yue"! They all have an invincible momentum.

"Good luck!" Zhang Fan split his backhand, "Dun Yue"! A khaki glow rose to the sky and hit against the pulled whip. The sound was deafening, causing an explosion at the junction of the whip and sword gas.

But Zhang Fan did not retreat, but raised his sword and split it fiercely. It was another "broken Yue"! This blow hit Yan Yu, who had no reaction. The blue light on Yan Yu's body flashed, forming a blue light curtain, but it still did not resist the earth-yellow tyrant, and the sword spirit hit Yan Yu. Yan Yu's blood surged up and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were full of hatred. But she took out a jade slip from the storage bag and pinched it hard. Then an extremely bright aperture appeared in front of Yan Yu. Yan Yu strode into the aperture and then disappeared.

Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly, trying to leave himself a big trouble.