Agains the Sky

Chapter 69 Wrath

The sound of a burning fire is ringing in this vast desert. At different times every day, many black fires fall from the sky for a period of time, suspended in the void and burning quietly. This black fire is not an illusion, but a real fire, which is far more powerful than the fire in the world stove. Even the samadhi real fire highly respected by the alchemist in the cultivation world is far inferior to this black fire. This is the most powerful taboo in the cultivation world, the sky fire!

The sky fire has been from a long time. But no one knows how the fire was formed. Taoist people say that the sky fire is a fire in the air, and the thunder blows into the fire. But no one can tell why it is more powerful than samadhi. There are also some practitioners who say that this heavenly fire is the fire of heaven and the fire of destruction from heaven. But no one has seen the heavenly way, let alone see the heavenly way bring down the sky fire, so not many people believe this saying. There is also a saying that this powerful natural fire was born after the partial mutation of the samadhi real fire. This statement is very agreeable to everyone, but there are also many objections.

However, there are some ambitious practitioners who want to achieve some shaman's goals by manipulating the sky fire, but these people will end up being eaten back and extinguished. As a result, the remaining heavenly fire has brought endless disasters to the cultivation world and the mortal world. This is the hegemony of the sky fire!

"Well, it's been a month. Why haven't you come out of this environment yet? But all this is the same as the real thing, at least this fire is true. Zhang Fan once saw a true man like him who entered the trial of the three mysteries of the sky fire. As a result, he didn't know what the black flame was. He was curiously photographed one, and was extinguished by the ash and smoke burned by the fire.

"The owner of Yuanying Cave is really terrible. He can take this most domineering sky fire as a trial." Zhang Fan squeaked his lips, but he was a little excited. Some practitioners have never seen the sky fire in their lives and experienced the power of the sky fire. It is a pity.

Zhang Fan looked at the three rounds of sun in the sky, calculated the time, and his face changed slightly. He said to himself, "The time for the sun to be powerful has come. You have to hide quickly." Zhang Fan pinched the trick, and the "Fumo Handprint" suddenly slapped down, and a deep hole five feet in size appeared. Without saying a word, he immediately jumped in. Then, he put a spell to prevent collapse, suspended it on the top of his head, and began to practice cross his knees. Some of the flowing sand slowly filled the pit where Zhang Fan was located because of the terrain.

I saw black lines visible to the naked eye slowly emerge from the three rounds of the sun, and then slowly expand, forming a black flame, sky fire! Suddenly, the sky was dark, and the three rounds of sun slowly merged strangely. The whole body was pure black, and only a faint red edge appeared.

With a sound, a black meteor cut through the sky and landed on the desert in the distance. Immediately, a deep pit appeared. In the pit, a black fire burned quietly and could not be extinguished. Then, the sky was covered with such a black meteor, which quickly slipped down and kept falling. For a moment, the whole desert is covered with a sea of black fire!

Although Zhang Fan hid under the sand layer, he still felt the power of the fire. The high temperature alone made the practitioners unbearable. This high temperature cannot be extinguished by some thousand-year-old ice. The only difference between the heavenly fire and the samadhi fire is that the samadhi fire will continue to burn after it is released, and it cannot be extinguished without some special things. The sky fire is different. Although there is nothing that can extinguish the sky fire, it can be sealed, and after the sky fire continues to burn for a period of time, it will gradually disappear. Otherwise, there will be no time for Zhang Fan to rest in this desert.

Just as Zhang Fan felt that the upper layer of high temperature was about to disappear, he pinched the trick and pushed the sand above his head away, forming an inconspicuous small hole. Zhang Fan was stretching out his head and looking around to see if there was any change. The purpose is still a desolate scenery, which is no different from when you first came in.

"Hey." Zhang Fan sighed slightly, and when he was about to devote himself to practice, an inconspicuous little black dot caught Zhang Fan's attention. Zhang Fan carried the silk Buddha's power to his eyes and looked far away. I saw a cultivation man in the later stage of rebirth wearing simple clothes, holding the magic formula with his forehand, sitting cross-legged, surrounded by countless prohibitions, and even set up a large array in some places around him.

In front of this person, a faint sky fire is burning quietly, and there is no dispute with the world. This man kept changing his handprints, and runes turned out one by one, forming a six-way light curtain, surrounding the sky fire in an attempt to seal the sky fire for his own use.

Sure enough, as Zhang Fan expected, but in the blink of an eye, the sky fire suddenly burned up and burned out the six light curtains in one fell swoop. This situation immediately made the caster at a loss. As a result, the next time, the sky fire spread to the caster, and the caster did not even make a cry, so he was helplessly swallowed up by the sky fire. The fire seemed to be spiritual, as if the caster was to disturb his sleep, constantly burning around, destroying the prohibitions and large arrays arranged by the caster, and then gradually fell silent, as if to the point of extinguishing at any time.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring the ambition of the man just now, but also felt sad for his behavior. Zhang Fan shook his head, walked out of the sand pit and came to the fire that day. He couldn't help but be stunned. The fire was no longer that hot that day, but a fragile gust of wind could extinguish it, which can be said to be its most vulnerable moment.

When Zhang Fan saw this scene, he pondered for a moment and began to hesitate. Now that the sky fire is at the weakest moment, whether to collect it or not has become a problem at this moment.

"Well, the greater the benefits, the greater the risk." Zhang Fan's eyes flashed with perseverance and began to think about the details of subduing the fire. After about half a column of incense, Zhang Fan finally began to act. He shook his right hand, threw away the remaining array in the storage bag, arranged it according to the direction of the "trapped dragon array", set several warnings and prohibitions, and began to subdue the fire.

Zhang Fansi thought about it, but there was only one way, which is to turn this fire into the anger of Shura! Ordinary seals are invalid against natural fire. And the fire is about to go out, so it's useless to seal it. Only by integrating it into part of the move can it survive.

Zhang Fan pinched the secret with both hands and sat on the ground, holding the "Sura Big Hand Seal" used in the war with the man in yellow. Then, a dark hand stretched out from the bottom of the streamer, which was the left hand of Shura's body. Zhang Fan's eyes flashed with golden light, spitting a stream of blood, and then turned into a bloody villain, which merged with Zhang Fan's sea of divine consciousness.

"Fire of Shura!" Zhang Fan controlled the left hand and felt the situation of Shura underground. This is the mysterious nine secluded ground, and a huge body almost lies here. Suddenly, a red light on the head pierced the sealed rune and came to Zhang Fan's environment and turned into a golden flame.

Zhang Fan carefully manipulated the golden flame and merged with the black flame. At first, the two flames repelled each other and refused to merge. Moreover, the sky fire was a domineering fire, which made the golden flame tremble repeatedly and almost collapsed. Fortunately, the sky fire was about to go out, and the golden flame was not extinguished.

Zhang Fan was happy and slowly manipulated the golden flame and slowly approached the sky fire. The sky fire once again burst out its power and directly devoured part of the golden flame controlled by Zhang Fan. After swallowing it, it became more and more intense. Seeing this, Zhang Fan quickly gave up the golden flame that was swallowed in. I can't help frowning and thinking about the method.

"This Shura's anger is one of the three killing moves of the body of Shura. After the Shura fire produced by Shura and other flames are merged, the fire formed can be said to be small. And as long as my cultivation reaches the Yuanying period, I can summon the anger of Shura and control it to destroy the enemy. The power cannot be underestimated. Anyway, I will merge it with the sky fire, and there will be no chance in the future. Zhang Fan gritted his teeth, and after adjusting his breath for a while, he started again.

This time Zhang Fan learned to be smart. Even after the fire devours other flames, it cannot increase its power, and its power is even weaker. Zhang Fan divided the remaining golden flame into several parts in a row, one of which merged the golden flame with the sky fire.

I don't know how many parts the sky fire has swallowed, and finally no longer swallowed. The black flame swaying with the wind and is indeed about to go out. Zhang Fan seized the best opportunity and decisively combined the remaining golden flames to fuse with the sky fire.

This time it was surprisingly smooth, and the sky fire did not resist. As if he knew his fate, he obediently chose to merge with the golden flame.

Zhang Fan was overjoyed when he saw this, quietly waiting for the flame in front of him to merge. I don't know how long it took for Zhang Fan to suddenly open his eyes and see a little white flame in front of him, emitting a high temperature and burning quietly. Zhang Fan quickly took it to the palm of his hand and began to moisten the white flame with Buddha's power.

The white flame slowly became larger and finally reached the level of covering Zhang Fan's palm.

"Well, this Shura's anger is finally finished." Zhang Fan couldn't help but look forward to the power of Shura's anger. It is said that after the anger of Shura is trained, he can have the power to burn up the wilderness!

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The first update.