Agains the Sky

Chapter 172 Win

"No matter how powerful he is, he can beat the two axes in my old cow's hand?" Hearing this, Zeng Niu threw the axe in his hand and said carelessly. Liu Jia was a little speechless. He was the rear cat when he was on the battlefield. Can you rush over? However, Liu Jia did not say these words, but kept them in his heart.

Li Dong sat aside, looking at his nose, nose, mouth and heart, and sitting motionless. He knew that even if he was involved, it would have no effect, so he acted as a passer-by without delay and dispatched Liu Jia at will.

After the soldiers rested for a while, Liu Jia launched an attack again. This time, the formation changed. It was an offensive and defensive "rejected dragon array". As the name implies, even if the powerful dragon clan invaded, it could be safely rejected. But they really haven't tried to resist Zhang Fan of the dragon clan. However, the power of this array is also first-class. However, there is no high lethality of the "stab array" method.

A fully armed soldier surrounded the high-lematic soldiers in the center to prevent them from being harmed. This soldier is the core of the whole battle. Sixty-sixth of the damage sources in this battle are output by this soldier, which cannot be underestimated.

The soldiers of the First Army are confused again. What kind of strange formation is this? Go up, get hit head-on, directly turn into white light, and be transmitted out. Don't rush up, the other party will slowly approach, and there will be a fierce battle. As a result, the soldiers guarded by the other side were killed, and the other soldiers rushed up and killed themselves.

This made the soldiers of the First Army depressed. In this way, the Third Army chased the First Army for more than ten miles with an absolute advantage and won a big victory. Liu Jia couldn't help laughing in the rear, and Zeng Niu also looked excited.

Li Xiong's face turned pale and hammered the table angrily, and the joints turned white with force. When those losing thousands of commanders saw this scene, they also felt that they had lost unjustly, and even the First Army could repel it. The strength of the Third Army was very brave. Li Hong's face was a little unbearable. If the First Army loses, all his wishes will be empty. At this time, he didn't want to see it. At this time, he regretted that why did he accept him as a disciple of the sect?

Li roared vigorically in the camp in the rear. At this time, his most humiliating thing in recent years was to suffer losses in the same person one after another, which made him very annoyed.

"A group of rice buckets, you must call back at sunset, or you will come and see each other!" In Li Ba's anger, the First Army began to counterattack, officially kicking off the battle between the First Army and the Third Army.

The First Army first sent about 100 death squads. Based on the belief that they would pull one before death, they successfully rushed into the "rejection dragon array" and broke a "rejection dragon array" formation. Then other team members followed suit. After paying the lives of 100 death squads, Liu Jia had to order a retreat and retreat ten miles. Once again, the First Army and the Third Army showed considerable strength. Neither side can do anything about it, so the two sides ordered not to fight. This day's battle is over.

Outside the tent of the Third Army, there are more than 100 people covering their faces and wearing night clothes. Among them, the leader is a strong man with two huge axes.

The giant made a gesture to move forward, and the man in black behind him rushed to the first army under the cover of the vast night.

The soldiers of the First Army were in groups, talking and laughing at all, and did not expect the Third Army to sneak attack at night. The strong man bent down and walked forward at the right time. He directly swished an axe and put the group of people down directly. The man in black behind quickly followed and killed the vigilant guards directly and silently, even without time for them to react.

The group of strong men kept singing forward, regarded the First Army as nothing, and directly killed the Chinese barracks. But unfortunately, he was found in a daze by a soldier who had urine in the middle of the night, shouted and was found.

"That's disgusting!" The strong man roared and was found, so there was no need to sneak around. The strong man withdrew his mask and shouted, "Grandpa Zeng Niu will come and die again!"

Li Ba was awakened by this roar in a daze and was sleepless. It turned out to be Zeng Niu, the first fierce general of the Third Army, who came to steal the camp? Only then did Li Ba react.

"God helps me, if I can kill this Zeng Niu, I will definitely break Liu Jia's arm. It's not far from the victory of my first army!" Li Ba laughed with joy. Then he hurriedly put on his armor and personally came forward to supervise the battle.

Zeng Niu adjusted himself to the best state, his body was full of beast souls, the axe was full of air, and the soldiers approaching him were cut down. Go left and right, as if you are in a no man's land.

When Li Ba saw Zeng Niu in the rear, he couldn't help sighing, "What a tiger general!"

Although Zeng Niu was killing crazily, he listened to all directions. When he saw Li Ba's symbolic offer, Zeng Niu's eyes revealed a trace of burning and madness. The beast soul on his body slowly began to swim, constantly floating on the body surface, forming a huge beast soul shadow behind him, which bounced away all the nearby soldiers.

"General is powerful!" When those people in black saw that Zeng Niu was so horrible, they were no longer afraid. They directly swang the weapons in their hands and rushed to the stupid enemy.

The roar of the beast came from Zeng Niu's mouth and kept rushing to Li Ba. The huge axe in his hand has become synonymous with death.

Rows of soldiers were flying in turn, and even Li Ba in the middle of Jindan actually had the idea of fear.

"Quick, give it to me. Kill this Zeng Niu and add an official!" Li Ba roared, and his voice was slightly hoarse. He was a little scared and kept retreating.

Although Zeng Niu was very brave, the hero could not stand many people. When more than 200 soldiers like chicken blood attacked Zeng Niu, Zeng Niu was also injured. Now he is waving the axe in his hand purely with his will.

When a soldier of the First Army inserted the weapon into Zeng Niu's chest, Zeng Niu showed an angry and relieved look. The last thought in his mind was: "Liu Jia, I did what you said. I hope you don't let the adults down and win the first army."

When the first barracks tent came out of fire, Liu Jia looked at the distance in her tent and clenched her fist tightly, as if to Zeng Niu, "Don't worry, I will definitely kill the first army."

Zhang Fan in front of the magic weapon looked at it, but suddenly smiled. It makes the people present puzzled. Is he crazy? It's crazy that his proud general can still laugh when he dies!" Tang Fang looked at Zhang Fan and said viciously. In fact, he is very jealous of Zhang Fan for having such a good army. But he didn't expect that it was Zhang Fan who made such a team full of combat effectiveness.

The string of Li Ba's heart was finally pulled. Because he has a hunch that victory is coming and the honor belongs only to them.

Just as Li Ba was fantasizing, Liu Jia gathered all the centurion of the army and assigned their respective tasks.

After Liu Jia finished speaking, he looked at the faces of the centurion around him and said in a low voice, "Whether you can win tomorrow depends on you."


The next day, the First Army and the Third Army both got up for the third time, and began to prepare for the battle that could determine the outcome. Whoever wins is a prince, respected by people, and whoever loses is rejected by people.

Liu Jia stood at the end of the army, squinted at the first army in front of him, and said to himself, "This is the last day of your arrogance. Your bravery will also become history because of us!"

"The whole army, attack!" Liu Jia carried all the magic power to his throat. With this shout, the sound actually formed a rolling wave, and the sea tide that wanted to keep rolling dispersed to the distance. Because the Third Army had been prepared for a long time, the earplugs had been stuffed in the ears for a long time. If there were no earplugs, they also stuffed them in their ears to minimize the volume.

The other soldier's ears heard a thunderous sound, which made his ears hurt and his eyes appeared. Seeing that the soldiers of the First Army had loopholes, the soldiers of the Third Army rushed up directly with their weapons and cut down all the soldiers who were still in fear.

"Come on, wake up!" Li Ba shouted in the rear. Only then did some soldiers with slightly higher cultivation wake up, but the third army opposite had rushed to the front of them and were ruthlessly waving weapons and cutting down their teammates.

"Quick, rush up! Organize the formation!" Li Ba shouted in the rear. The first army was indeed an old ace army. The soldiers only panicked a little, and immediately regained their composure, showed their strongest strength and state, and slowly drove the third army back.

Due to the loss of Zeng Niu, a killing machine, the attack of the Third Army seemed to be a little slow and unable to rush into the First Army.

Li Ba looked at this good opportunity and immediately issued an order, ordering the whole army to speed up the attack and keep attacking the Third Army.

The Third Army gradually dispersed, and the formation was completely dispersed by the First Army.

"Victory is in sight, victory is in sight!" Li Ba muttered in his mouth. Looking at the defeated Third Army, Li Ba's eyes lit up and said secretly, "It's done!"

Liu Jia, who was far away from the rear army, looked at the situation in the field and looked calm and was not anxious, because the situation was falling in the direction he controlled. Soon, victory is coming.

Liu Jia looked at the hidden soldiers, raised her hands high, and then fell suddenly, with an unyielding shout in the middle of the field.

The Third Army began to counterattack.

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Waiting for a chapter is the beginning of ** in the demon world.