Agains the Sky

Chapter 176 Smart City

The power of these four people, condensed together, completely suppressed Zhang Fan. He trapped Zhang Fan on the ground and couldn't move at all. Zhang Fan was shocked to know that today's hard battle was inevitable.

A cold breath came from his side, and Zhang Fan knew that the ghostly soldier seemed to be a boneless creature, constantly entangling him. I had to cheer up to deal with the haunted soldiers. For a while, Zhang Fan and five soldiers were deadlocked there. Fortunately, Zhang Fan's bloody demonic explosion just now seriously injured the soldier. Otherwise, Zhang Fan could survive the formation laid by the six people together. In this way, he inadvertently saved his life.

At this moment, the Third Army did not have the suppression of archery soldiers on the wall. Slowly, it began to form a group of raiders regularly. They set up ladders and rushed up the city wall. Soon, slowly, there were few Third Army left under the wall, and the soldiers of the Third Army on the top of the city had also fallen into a fierce battle. But as time passed, the balance of victory began to slowly tilt towards the Third Army.

Seeing this, the short and fat man knew that the general situation had gone, and it was impossible for him to eliminate this group of "traitors". He hurriedly arranged the back road and ordered the guards to quietly cover himself from the battlefield.

Although Zhang Fan was suppressed, Yu Guang could still see the situation in the whole audience. Seeing that the short and fat man was about to escape, Zhang Fan's face was cold, and a breath of October seemed to be cold continuous emanating from Zhang Fan. Even the four people above Zhang Fan, the soldier who kept wandering and sneaking on Zhang Fan, felt the deep cold and palpitating.

"Those who block me, die!" Zhang Fan roared, and then the whole suddenly rotated and turned into a huge bloody storm, directly involved the soldiers in the sky into the storm, which was eroded by the bloody demon gas and the pain of thousands of knives. This pain could not be eliminated by the magic power to shield the nerves.

Hidden in the bloody storm, Zhang Fan's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red light. After looking at the soldiers the size of ants on the ground, the bloody storm suddenly became bigger, and the clouds in the sky seemed to sweep down. Although dozens of small storms swept away the soldiers like bone worms.

When the soldier saw that his four brothers were involved in the storm, he knew that they were already auspicious. At this moment, he just wanted to escape from this non-human guy.

But can a person's speed escape the ubiquitous winds between heaven and earth? Of course, the answer is no. The storm crossed, trapping the soldiers firmly in the center, and then with a fierce force, the soldiers were smashed by the storm. The limbs mixed with flesh and blood kept converging into the storm and swept away to the short and fat man.

This is the highest level of the bloody storm in the "blood refining big * method". It turns itself into the melting pot of the storm between heaven and earth, transforms itself into the center of the storm, and treats the storm as its own body and allows it to be used by itself. Like his right-arm, his heart moved, and the storm moved.

Although the short and fat man kept leaving soldiers to stop Zhang Fan's footsteps on the way to escape, the soldiers could not resist the power of the wind between heaven and earth. As long as you touch a little storm, you will be swept in, smashed and scattered.

At this moment, the short and fat man's gallbladder was cracked. He didn't expect that this blow would hit a nail and be so bad.

The wind was getting closer and closer, and Zhang Fan finally rushed over. The huge storm group went straight to the short and fat man at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The short and fat man could no longer run. He didn't expect that this forbidden flight formation turned his head to harm himself. But now I can't blame others, I can only save my life.

The short and fat man's eyes slipped, and immediately knelt down to the bloody storm behind him. He said with a runny nose and tears, "The little man has no eyes, and the little man has no eyes..."

Zhang Fan had no time to listen to his reeds. He directly grabbed the short and fat man into the storm. In an eye, his body was killed by thousands of knives, leaving only one head intact. However, the expression on the head was very surprised, and he didn't expect that he would be killed after all.

Zhang Fan, who was in the storm, stopped the storm and fell to the ground. At the same time, he has two things in his hand, one is a short man's head and the other is a letter.

"The Demon Sect is really easy to calculate! If he used the strangest celestial phenomena in history last night, he actually encouraged him to say that the demon was dead and wanted to set up a new demon. Constantly send letters to the defenders in various armies and towns, so that they can work together to build a new demon world and set up another demon! Sure enough, the Demon Sect still rebelled. Zhang Fan sighed and said.

"I'm afraid it won't be calm on this trip." Zhang Fan knew in his heart that the Demon Lord had not appeared for many years, and the Tianmo Sect should have received the exact news that he dared to rebel openly. Those ambitious guys may also take advantage of the fire to rob and join the Heavenly Demon Sect together. If they can win, it is good for them. If they lose, they can also escape. At most, they will be mediocre for a lifetime, but this is not an obstacle. What's more, various reasons show that the Demon Sect has the capital to establish a new demon world.

Zhang Fan can't join the Heavenly Demon Sect, so he is destined to fight against the Heavenly Demon Sect. He knew that his third army would not surrender to the Demon Sect. Because the Demon Sect will not let them go. Zhang Fan and the Third Army are like grasshoppers on the same line at this moment. In this chaotic demon world, only someone is the absolute truth. A person is killed in a group battle of tens of thousands of people. Even if it is very capable during the transformation period, it will not dare to easily enter the battlefield where the confrontation is being fought.

He returned to the town with the disclosure of the short man and suddenly threw out the head of the short man. As soon as the other soldier saw that his coach's head had been cut off, he naturally had no fighting spirit and turned to it one after another. For those who resist tenaciously and resolutely do not surrender, they can only be killed.

Zhang Fan found Liu Jia and told Liu Jia his thoughts and guesses. Hearing this, Liu Jia pondered for a moment and said, "I agree with you, but I don't feel that I have to find the whereabouts of Wang Yi first. Lord Wang Yi is loyal to the Demon Lord, so he will definitely turn his army to the officers and generals who support the Demon Lord. In order to prepare for both hands, we first went to Lord Wang Yi, and then paid tribute to those troops who defended the demon world, so that they would not embarrass us.

"That's a good idea." After listening to it, Zhang Fan nodded and turned his head. Just do it your way."

All night, the next day. Zhang Fan ordered to select the strong and basic soldiers among the prisoners and be put into the Third Army, so as to supplement the number of people injured by the Third Army just now.

After making a short plan, Zhang Fan walked to a medium-sized first-class town that must pass along the way, Smart City.

Sma City has been a source for a long time. Although the area is not large, it will vaguely catch up with the trend of large towns. Smart City is connected in all directions and is also the best source of news. The news will soon spread here. In Sima City, if you want to hear the news, a restaurant is the best choice.

Zhang Fan, Liu Jia and others, after a day of urgent march, arranged the Third Army in the valley and left Li Dong to take care of them. They took Liu Jia and Zeng Niu to sneak into this Sma City. Zhang Fan was not sure whether the lord of Sma City and the commander guarding the city had defected to the Heavenly Demon Sect. After all, Zhang Fan did not dare to joke about the lives of the soldiers of the Third Army.

Entering Sima City, the colorful streets appeared in front of Zhang Fan, which was far from comparable to Wolf Town that day. Extremely gorgeous. It seems that this place has not been affected by the strange phenomena of that day, and life is still peaceful and worry-free.

chose a relatively secluded restaurant. Zhang Fan sat in, asked for three bottles of wine and a few plates of dishes, and began to whisper to discuss countermeasures.

"Tonight, we have to go to the city's mansion anyway. It is said that the owner of Sma City seems to be very opposed to the Heavenly Demon Sect. If I can get his support, I believe that the road will be much better in the future. And the thousand-fu chief guarding the city has a little ambiguous relationship with Tianmo Sect and other anti-Heavenly Demon Sects, and it is not suitable to find him at this moment.

"Hey, have you heard about it? The Heavenly Demon Sect claims to have the orthodoxy of the old demon master, and now it is about to support the new demon master. A big man with a scar on his face shouted aside.

"I'm afraid something happened to the Demon Lord. Otherwise, if such rebellious words come from the Heavenly Demon Sect, why didn't the Demon Lord move at all? A thin man said coldly.

"I also agree with what you said. I don't know which faction you want to go to, whether it is the Heavenly Demon Sect or the Anti-Demon Sect? A man dressed as a weak scholar with a strange light in his eyes came over and was humane to the table.

"Of course, it's the Heavenly Demon Sect. Now that the Heavenly Demon Sect is so strong, and there is a lot of evidence that the Demon Lord is missing. If you don't join the Heavenly Demon Sect to quell the rebellion and make contributions, where can you go?" The scar on the big man's face trembled and sneered.

"Not bad." The thin man also agreed with the big man.

"I'm not talented. I'm a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect. I don't know how many of you would like to come with me to meet our elders?" This weak scholar arched his hand and was humane to everyone.

When the big man heard this, he immediately said with great joy, "Thank you, brother." After saying that, I will follow this weak scholar.

The thin man frowned, pulled the big man and said, "I feel a little strange."

"Are you doubting me?" The weak scholar heard the words and said coldly. Then he brushed his sleeves and left, his face full of anger.


The rest of the manuscript can be saved until the 30th.