Agains the Sky

Chapter 192 Crossing the Robbery 2

When a butterfly slowly floats with a light blue tail line, forming a halo in the air, slowly spreading around, dyeing the air into a gorgeous light blue, and gently falling on the shoulder of a cross-legged person. After staying for a few seconds, he flew up and flew to the distance where he didn't know his destination.

After dozens of breaths, the long hair of the person meditated cross-legged began to float slowly, standing up one by one, and automatically floated in the air without wind. The seemingly calm scenes around began to gradually become illusory. The animals around began to panic and keep running around. The calm lake also made waves, and then it began to boil, constantly bubbling, like boiling water.

The color between heaven and earth has changed, and the sand and stones have brought a devastating disaster here. However, at that moment, the person who meditated cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, and a mysterious light shot out of his eyes, piercing through the layers of space in front of him, and directly saw the origin of the space.

"This space is a fantasy." The man muttered. Then he suddenly stood up and brushed his hands. The space here became more blurred, the space was distorted, and it was restoring its original appearance. The man narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that he was in an empty Grand Canyon. He sighed, "Brother Wang Yi is really powerful, and the environment is enough to fake it. Fortunately, I have realized the power of space.

After saying that, he suddenly relaxed and did not hide his own breath. Half of the sealed Tongjie Yuanying essence in Zifu was released and rushed into all parts of Zhang Fan's body. It was quickly absorbed by Zhang Fan's body. Zhang Fan's meridians were expanded again and again, and finally reached the limit. Limit.

"Boom"! A thunder sounded over Zhang Fan, and the sky over Zhang Fan was slightly discolored, and layers of clouds formed a whirlpool. Then, a colorful cloud came out of the whirlpool and scattered the surrounding clouds with great pressure. One breath after another locked Zhang Fan firmly, and this colorful disaster cloud was as if it was powerful.

However, Zhang Fan is not afraid. He has understood the power of space and can escape the power of space destruction mixed in the disaster.

"Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person." Wang Yi stood outside the canyon and looked at everything quietly. Xiao Yang restored his original costume and stood quietly behind Wang Yi.

"It's very happy to have grown to such a point in two months." Wang Yi raised the corners of his mouth, looked at the colorful clouds that kept gathering, and said to himself, "This demon world should have changed." When Xiao Yang heard the words, the strange light in his eyes flashed, and then disappeared and calmed down.

"It's really exciting to have demons, Buddhas and Taoist formulas."


Zhang Fan squinted at the extremely angry clouds in the sky and felt the power. In contrast, the last disaster was simply incomparable. That power is one heaven and one earth. Colorful robbery clouds appear, and thousands of miles around are instantly shrouded. Otherwise, this kind of pressure of heaven and earth will make life suspicious. If there is a psychological distortion and run to disturb Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan will lose all his previous achievements.

"Boom"! Thunder brewed in the colorful robbery clouds, and the whole colorful robbery cloud kept rolling, and then slowly expanded. In the middle, a small mouth leaked out. A purple thunder meandered down and instantly split at Zhang Fan.

"Purple Thunder Robbery!"

Feel the dangerous breath, and the blood evil spirit in Zhang Fan's body gushed out of his body very autonomously, forming a strong blood evil shield in front of Zhang Fan. The defensive runes condensed from blood demons jumped slightly in the air, forming a protective boundary, firmly wrapping Zhang Fan.

And Zhang Fan, at this moment, is considering whether to use all his formulas when crossing the disaster? Xu Zitong's transformational power is that he can see that he is pregnant with demons, Buddha and Taoism. If he wants to hide it, he can't hide it. And Wang Yi... Zhang Fan hesitated for a moment and thought about it.

"Brother Wang Yi treats me sincerely, and I also treat him sincerely, and I won't hide it. I believe that Brother Wang Yi will understand me."

The purple thunder in the air is constantly twisting and getting bigger, transforming into thousands of purple thunders and splitting at Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan stood there quietly, and there was a strange red color beside him.

Zhang Fan closed his eyes and let the purple thunder split on the first protective boundary without any worry. Now he is silently feeling the walking route of these purple thunders. It seems that these purple thunders are messy, but after careful detection with divine consciousness, it is found that every purple thunder will pass through the place where the power of space is the most microblog, oscillating at a very fast frequency, reducing the lost energy to a minimum, and then instantly hitting Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan opened his eyes and tried to recall the path of walking by purple thunder. His hands began to condense a magic force to form a small black ball, and constantly manipulated it to move in the void, oscillating with its best frequency, blocking the weakest place through the power of space and minimizing the energy loss of the black ball.

After failing again and again, Zhang Fan is not discouraged. If he successfully avoids the obstacles of the power of space, the magic formulas used by Zhang Fan in the future will be more powerful. In this way, a strange scene is formed. The purple thunder in the sky roared and hit a red film that seemed to be punctured as long as it was poked hard. Inside the membrane, a man is constantly manipulating a black ball floating around in the void, as if everything outside has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, when Zhang Fan focused on the movement of the black ball in his hand, the purple thunder outside the boundary finally broke the boundary, and the huge pressure was stopped by the blood shield.

Zhang Fan, who was focused, was disturbed at this moment. Zhang Fan was very angry. Looking at the dense purple thunder, Zhang Fan's hands were one, and two bloody hands appeared in the void. Zhang Fan shook the void, and the two big hands would grab the purple thunder. As soon as he grasped it, he would crush some purple thunder.

There are too many purple thunders, and the number is countless. Although the original purple thunder has transformed into so many purple thunders, most of the purple thunders have greatly reduced their power and hit the shield of blood, which is not painful or itchy. But the hero can't stand many people. Under the impact of many purple thunders that are not afraid of life and death, the shield of blood is also full of dense cracks.

"It's not a way to go on like this." Zhang Fan frowned. If it goes on like this, Zhang Fan will definitely consume the magic power in his body to maintain the blood shield. And there are five heavenly disasters. If it continues to be consumed like this, I'm afraid that after the first natural disaster, the magic power on the body will be consumed, which is the worst.

Zhang Fan is not passively waiting for death, but takes the initiative to attack. Zhang Fan removed the shield of blood and turned it into a blood mist, which quickly dissipated in the void. Those purple thunders couldn't find their targets and bombarded the ground one after another, bombarding the ground into a huge pit of ten feet.

Zhang Fan, who escaped a round of purple thunder, appeared in the void, and his right foot suddenly kicked. In an moment, he came to the original purple thunder, stretched out his right hand and held the original purple thunder.

Aware of the danger, the original purple thunder slowly jumped in the void, but strangely, the original purple thunder did not dodge, but jumped.

Although the purple thunder was in front of him, Zhang Fan felt that he could not catch it, and after a long time, the original purple thunder began to transform into purple thunder again and bombard Zhang Fan.

"This is..." Wang Yi's pupils shrank, and when he saw the jumping purple thunder, he was a little worried about Zhang Fan.

"This disaster really 'takes care of' Zhang Fan. During the last thunderstorm, Zhang Fan experienced the first thunderstorm, he encountered the impossible 'thunderstorm monster', and in this heavenly disaster, there was a purple thunder that could jump in different spaces, which was the ability of great power in the metamorphosis period. But I believe that Zhang Fan can solve this problem.


"It's not a way to go on like this." Zhang Fan looked at the original purple thunder that kept jumping and felt that it was demonstrating at this moment.

Zhang Fan sneered and had an idea in his mind.

As soon as his mind moved, Zhang Fan gathered in his hands for a few blood demons, condensed into small blood seals, then sacrificed blood small seals, covered all the areas where the purple thunder was located, and then applied the "blood evil seal".

This move is really effective, directly forcing the original purple thunder out of different spaces and falling into the reversed world in front of Zhang Fan.

When the blood evil spirit in the reversed heaven and earth wrapped the original purple thunder layer by layer, the colorful clouds above suddenly shook, and then the wrapped purple thunder suddenly burst out a dazzling light and quickly expanded its volume.

Zhang Fan was shocked and suddenly closed the world. He only felt a shock between the reversed heaven and earth, and the purple thunder unexpectedly exploded. Fortunately, Zhang Fan reacted quickly and directly closed the world without hurting himself.

"It's terrible!" Zhang Fan shook his head and prepared for the next disaster. Tianjie is different from Leijie. Every time Leijie gives birth to a disaster, it will bring down strange power to restore the robbers to its peak state, while Tianjie is different. After each disaster, nothing will be given. This is the difference between natural disaster and thunder disaster.

But the catastrophe is more dangerous than the thunderstorm. Thunder disaster only gives birth to thunder, and Tianjie, no one can imagine what the next disaster will evolve and torture you.

Zhang Fan saw that the colorful disaster clouds were degenerating the next layer of heavenly disaster, sitting on the ground, controlling the remaining essence of the Yuanying period in his body, transforming into magic power, supplementing the magic power consumed in his body.

"The essence of this Yuanying period is good." Zhang Fan felt that his body was full of vitality at this moment. At this moment, Zhang Fan really wants to work with the National People's Congress.

Suddenly, the sky darkened and the boundless darkness swept in.