Agains the Sky

Chapter 197 General Period {}

An irresistible breath emanated from the colorful beads of light. Even Wang Yi, who was already a demon practitioner in the general world, couldn't help but change his face at this moment. Looking at the colorful beads in the sky, Wang Yi's heart became dark and anxious. Even if you fight for damage, you will save Zhang Fan from the disaster!" Wang Yi made up his mind that if Zhang Fan did not prevent this colorful light pearl, even if nine disasters were added, he would fight for his life to save him.

There are also rules for crossing the disaster. If the practitioners who do not participate in the disaster rush in and help the practitioners who cross the disaster fight against the disaster cloud, then the heavenly disaster will immediately be lowered to the practitioners who are not the robbers. The number of disasters is the corresponding number of layers you want to advance. For example, Wang Yi is now a demon cultivater in the Tongjie period. If he saves Zhang Fan, he will face the next disaster he will face. That is, the nine-fold disaster. If a Yuanying period goes to save a true person who is going through the disaster, then this Yuanying period will face the test of six heavenly disasters.

If it weren't for the people who survived the disaster, no one would be willing to take risks for this. In this way, we can see how important Zhang Fan's position in Wang Yi's heart is.

A scream came from Zhang Fan, and the colorful beads broke the kettle and sank the boat, absorbing all the colorful clouds, brewing a blow that was enough to destroy the world. That's comparable to the full blow of the demon practitioners in the middle of the general period, and the powerful power makes people afraid to breathe.

Zhang Fan is on alert. He has prepared for the worst. At the worst, he will escape with the "line of yin and yang" to save his life. As for whether he can get through the disaster, it depends on luck.

Zhang Fan made up his mind and looked at the colorful beads falling in a straight line like a meteor. Zhang Fan held his hands towards the void, and two bloody palms appeared in the air and held them to the colorful beads.

Zhang Fan was happy on his face, because he felt that his palms grasped the colorful light beads, but the next moment, the colorful light beads jumped violently, directly reopened the bondage of the two bloody palms, and collided with Zhang Fan at a faster speed.

Zhang Fan's face gradually turned pale, and he saw a trace of blood flowing into the ground and converging into a strange red formation, revealing mystery everywhere. This is the "line of yin and yang" formed by Zhang Fan's blood. Even if this place is locked in time and space, Zhang Fan will escape with this formation.

In the blink of an eye, colorful beads approached.

Wang Yi pinched a handful of sweat in his hand. At the same time, the black flame appeared beside Wang Yi at the same time. If Zhang Fan had something to do, he would be the first to arrive. Xiao Yang beside Wang Yi secretly sacrificed the battle. If Zhang Fan was in danger, she would definitely be there before Wang Yi to avoid Wang Yi being hurt.

"Zizi", the colorful light beads collided with the third layer of boundary, but they were blocked by the gossip map transformed into Xuanhong. The three rays of light only listened to the sound of collision. In the center of the collision, the space was constantly twisted and shattered, and then reorganized. One or two small spaces were constantly disillusioned, proving that the destruction even if Famous words of rebirth.

The array suddenly sank down, and then the outer film of the array tightened and immediately bounced out the colorful pearls.

The colorful light beads fixed their bodies in the air, dripping and turning straight, and then a circle of halo emitted, making three sharp arrows, shooting fiercely into the formation. Xuanqing's two breaths combined and swallowed up the three arrows, which made this colorful light beads helpless for a moment.

"Not bad." When Wang Yi saw such a formation, a smile appeared on his face, and the burning black flame on his body slowly extinguished, and the black armor slowly degenerated and absorbed into his body. Xiao Yang saw that the annihilation flame on Wang Yi's body was extinguished, and the array was secretly taken back. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the battle between the colorful beads and the array.

The colorful light beads adjusted the angle again and hit it again with lightning speed. However, the array has already included the route, and a large number of Xuanhong Erqi appeared and turned into a huge gossip map, which bounced away the colorful light beads, and then turned them into a huge fist and hit the colorful light beads away.

The colorful beads were hit hundreds of feet before they stopped. I only saw colorful light beads making a sharp roar and kept moving in the void.

Just when Zhang Fan was a little relieved, the colorful beads over hundreds of feet suddenly disappeared. Then, Zhang Fan felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a trace of blood flowed out along the corners of Zhang Fan's mouth. Zhang Fan looked at the colorful beads blocked by the two boundary in front of him, and couldn't understand why the colorful beads were suddenly so powerful.

The colorful light beads wanted to go further, but they were blocked by the array and the array formed by the eighteen Buddhas and could not go further. Even self-detonation can't hurt Zhang Fan.

Wang Yi, who had just been relieved, began to worry again at this moment. A black flame also appeared in the palm of his hand, and his body leaned forward slightly, as if he could rush out at any time. Seeing this, Xiao Yang also began to prepare to take action.

Zhang Fan saw the colorful beads close at hand, wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, sneered, and then punched out.

"Boh". With Zhang Fan's puzzled eyes, the colorful beads actually penetrated the array, and the third layer of defense was declared invalid.

A huge force came from the colorful beads and hit Zhang Fan hard, which really made Zhang Fan miscalculated again. However, Zhang Fan still struggled to stand up. He firmly believed that as long as he waited a little longer, everything could be decided.

The colorful light beads are buzzing, as if they have broken through the last boundary, but the defense of the 18 defense Buddhas is really strong. No matter how the colorful light beads collide, this boundary is still as strong as before, firmly guarding Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan closed his eyes and sat on the ground, reading a word in his mouth. One after another of Buddha's supreme runes finally came from Zhang Fan and printed on the eighteen Buddhas. In an instant, the eighteen Buddha burst out of dazzling golden light in an instant, suppressing the colorful light emitted by the colorful beads with the power of Buddha's great compassion.

"It's now!" Zhang Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and the light flowed in his eyes, and Zhang Fan's eyes were shining brightly.

"Drink!" Zhang Fan shouted, suddenly came forward, opened his mouth, and suddenly swallowed the colorful light beads outside the boundary. Then he sat on the ground and digested the colorful light beads that had just been swallowed by Zhang Fan.

At this moment, Zhang Fan has the determination to die. Zhang Fan will not be afraid if he swallows this colorful pearl. Because he thinks he can bear that responsibility.

A feeling of expansion came from Zhang Fan's body. Zhang Fan's face turned red, and his seven orifices were slightly red ** flowing, leaving along the skirts of Zhang Fan's clothes.

The consciousness began to gradually become unconscious, and his eyelids gradually became heavier. Zhang Fan felt that he was so tired at this moment. I really want to listen to it and take a break. But then, Zhang Fan woke up in an instant. I stopped, what should I do with my goal?

"I can't help it!" Zhang Fan roared out. Although his body hurt again, Zhang Fan roared out with a roaring voice.

At this moment, Wang Yi was also scared by Zhang Fan's strange movements, and he swallowed the colorful beads of light regardless of his life. This is too unexpected for Wang Yi. However, even if Wang Yi goes forward now, these colorful beads can't be taken out.


At this moment, Zhang Fan's body is like a thousand knives constantly cutting the flesh of Zhang Fan's body, which is painful. In despair, he thinks that only death can be relieved.

However, Zhang Fan is not so easy to find death casually. He is still clenching his teeth and insists on refining the colorful beads in his body.

Suddenly, a wisp of yang just leaked out of the cloud, treating people with warmth, as if to drive away all the darkness in the world. Then, more sunlight sprinkled on the ground. Although the sun has a black halo, it cannot be denied the warmth brought by the sun to these three worlds.

The gentle sunshine gently brushed Zhang Fan's face, and Zhang Fan, who frowned in pain, gradually relaxed, as if he had reached the realm of forgetting things and me. At this moment, he seemed to no longer feel any pain. In the past, the feeling of pain could no longer be found. Even in the long river of history, the pain seems to have disappeared.

The past, the past, the eternal truth. It will never die.

In the six phases of Xumi, the past phase!

Zhang Fan finally realized today, so that he can leave a trace of essence in the past, and a drop of blood to shape Zhang Fan, which can ensure that even if Zhang Fan's body disappears, he can rely on Yuanying's body to hit the power of the metamorphosis period. Of course, there are many magical uses, but Zhang Fan hasn't realized it yet.

Once Zhang Fan fully grasps the present phase and the past phase, he can remain undefeated in the same order!

Even if it is a step-over challenge, it is not unfeasible.

"Over the past, the eternal truth!" Zhang Fan stood up slightly and put his hands together. The colorful light beads in his body were also refined by Zhang Fan with the power of present strength and past power, which gave him a lot of benefits.

Zhang Fan was in high spirits. Looking at the sky gradually clearing, Zhang Fan's mood also got better.

"I'm also a demon master in the general period"! Zhang Fan's continuous power emerged from all inside his body, making Zhang Fan want to moan comfortably.

Thinking that he could go back and kill the two old dogs with his own hands, Zhang Fan's eyes were red, and he couldn't wait to rush out of the demon world at this moment and go to the human world to kill the two old dogs. However, Zhang Fan calmed down again. This void turbulence does not mean that it can pass through, and its danger is not less than the remaining several thunderstorms. Therefore, it is impossible to pass through this void turbulence without extremely strong protective magic weapons and magic formulas, which is very horrible.

Zhang Fan made up his mind that if he reached the middle of the general boundary period, he would quietly return to the human world and then revenge.


The third update! Da Shao thinks that what he wrote is really serious. Finally, the task promised to everyone will be completed. I'm so tired to say that please comfort me with clicks and red votes. Tomorrow depends on your state and whether it will be updated twice.