Agains the Sky

Chapter 217 The First Battle of Immortals and Demons 4

Just as the soldiers on both sides were fighting, Zhang Fan stood up, endured the severe pain on his body, and walked step by step to the deputy general who had no strength to resist. Seeing his desperate face, Zhang Fan suddenly felt uncomfortable. The belief that has been adhered to has been shaken. Zhang Fan couldn't be cold. He turned around and said, "You go."

The vice general, who had collapsed on the ground, was stunned and then sneered, "Are you mocking me?" Then he raised the knife scattered on the ground beside him, crossed it in front of his eyebrows, and then violently split it to death together with Yuan Ying in Zifu. Then he fell to the ground with a plop.

Zhang Fan turned his head and saw the body of the deputy general who fell to the ground. He shook his head, and then opened his five fingers. The remaining blood evil spirit rushed through Zhang Fan's fingertips to the vice general's body. After a while, the blood demon spirit with a large amount of essence of the Yuanying period penetrated into Zhang Fan's body happily.

When a fairyland soldier saw their deputy killed Zhang Fan, he shouted crazily and raised the knife with fairy light in his hand and cut at Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan couldn't hide, so he had to catch this knife abruptly. For a moment, the blood on his shoulder flowed straight into the face of the fairyland soldiers.

Seeing the blood, the immortal soldiers were even more crazy, with red eyes, and then raised the knife in his hand and split Zhang Fan again. Zhang Fan still did not dodge, but said something in his mouth. The blood on his shoulders did not flow, but floated strangely in the air, condensed into a circle, and then suddenly hit the fairyland soldiers and cut off the heads of the fairyland soldiers.

"It's really uncomfortable without real power." Zhang Fan looked at more and more soldiers from the fairyland surrounding him and said with a helpless smile. It's true that Pingyang was bullied by dogs. Just as the soldiers of the fairyland wanted to rush up and kill Zhang Fan, a shower of arrows fell from the distance and shot the soldiers of the fairyland to death. Then, Zhang Fan only heard a voice, "Your Excellency, the Third Army will escort you." Then, the soldiers of the Third Army flashed in front of Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan was relieved, unable to open his eyelids and fainted.


A few days later.

Sup Xianjun. A figure floated silently into the Shuxian Army, hid the layers of guards, and came to Zhang Fan's camp. Two guards are guarding in front of Zhang Fan's camp. The man turned into a black light and disappeared in an instant. He passed the two guards, gently lifted the tent, then dodged in and quickly. There was no feeling of mud and water, and there was no sound.

After entering Zhang Fan's tent, the man went straight to Zhang Fan's shop, then took out the array in his arms, pinched the formula with both hands, made the array stay above Zhang Fan, and then read a word in his mouth, and a faint red light fell from the array and fell on Zhang Fan's face. Constantly entering Zhang Fan's purple house.

After an hour, the man stood up slightly and took out a green elixir from his sleeve robe, which also emitted a slight fragrance and put it into Zhang Fan's mouth. Then he stood up and looked at Zhang Fan, then walked out of the camp and disappeared.

One day later. Zhang Fan opened his eyes leisurely. First, he didn't know what was going on, and then the pain all over his body came into Zhang Fan's brain. It hurts me too!" Zhang Fan shouted and just wanted to sit up, but he had no choice but to find that his body did not listen to his command at all. In desperation, Zhang Fan smiled bitterly and could only lie on the bunk and rest.

Zhang Fan sinked his consciousness into his body, but found that his meridians were more than twice as widened and more resilient than before. More importantly, Zhang Fan found that things began to emerge in his purple mansion, which was no longer a single space. Although there was no life, the founder of life, the land, appeared, which made Zhang Fan ecstatic. Most importantly, Zhang Fan found himself in a sleep and broke through to reach the middle of the world!

This news completely excited Zhang Fan. Although there is little blood and evil spirit in the body, Zhang Fan tirelessly controlled it over and over again to repair the remaining injuries in his body. After about half an hour, Zhang Fan felt that his hands were conscious and his fingers could be slightly raised.

Feering this extent, Zhang Fan nodded and controlled most of the blood demon gas in his body into his arm and repaired it. Zhang Fan tried again and was able to raise his arm. Zhang Fan slowly sat up and controlled the blood demon to repair the wounds in his legs. In this way, Zhang Fan was busy for a few hours and finally was able to move his body slowly. However, every time he moves too much, the huge pain will make Zhang Fan sweat coldly.

Finally, Zhang Fan sat cross-legged, began to adjust the blood demon spirit in his body, constantly created new magic power, and then began to recuperate the wounds in his body. At this moment, Zhang Fan felt a mysterious force suddenly appear in his body, which gushed out of his Dantian and turned into a green trickle, flowing in the meridians. When he met the magic power, he immediately swallowed it up, and then circulated it in Zhang Fan's vein.

Zhang Fan's face has changed greatly, but no matter how his consciousness is touched, he can't get this green energy in the air. Zhang Fan fell into panic. However, after a period of careful observation, he found that the green energy did not mean any danger. Instead, it helped Zhang Fan repair the injury in his body more quickly, which reassured Zhang Fan, but what troubled Zhang Fan was how the green energy appeared. After some thought, Zhang Fan concluded that it was the residual medicine left when he took the elixir before. Of course, Zhang Fan could not know that there was a mysterious man for him in the process of his coma.

When the body injury was well, Zhang Fan reluctantly stood up, put on his clothes, and walked out of the camp step by step. Opening the tent, the dazzling sunshine poured in. Zhang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around, and said to himself, "This demon world is really different from before. In my impression, there has never been a day when the sun in the demon world was so dazzling. Zhang Fan felt that this demon world was about to be similar to the human world.

"Your excellency is awake!" The soldiers of the Third Army guarding Zhang Fan's tent saw Zhang Fan coming out and immediately shouted happily. He immediately ran to tell the other soldiers of the Third Army. Zhang Fan shook his head with a smile and slowly walked towards a forest path. Enjoying a single time alone.

By the time it was almost dark, the soldiers of the Third Army knew that Zhang Fan woke up and was fine. That night, the Third Army reveled all night, and even Zhang Fan, who was meticulous in the hearts of the soldiers, also reveled with him. In the end, Zhang Fan didn't know how to fall asleep. When he woke up the next day, he found that he was sleeping on the ground like other soldiers. When Zhang Fan stood up, the soldiers next to him immediately ran over and said respectfully to Zhang Fan, "Your excellency, General Shu Xian just said that if you woke up, you would go to him."

Zhang Fan heard the words, nodded, patted the soldier on the shoulder, and then walked to the position where the Shuxian camp was located. As soon as he entered the camp, Zhang Fan saw a white-clad Shuxian sitting at the desk and reading a book with relish. However, the only difference from the past was that there were no bandages on his body. Now he had them, and he was like wrapping dumplings, trapping Shu Xian tightly, leaving only a pair of bright eyes and two nostrils.

"How about Zhang Fan? I'm not bad, right?" Shu Xian narrowed his eyes with a smile and looked at Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan nodded and agreed with Shu Xian's words. After Shuxian finished laughing, he said with a smile, "I heard that your third army of Shuxian was very lively last night?"

When Zhang Fan heard the words, he was shocked and sweated coldly. He shouted in his heart, "It's over, I forgot to look at the military rules of Shu Xianjun." Zhang Fan half knelt down and said, "General Shuxian, the last general knew it was wrong. It shouldn't be carnival..."

Before the word "Huan" was said, it was interrupted by General Shu Xian. I know your Third Army has been reveling all night. I know what you want to say. But you are not wrong. We have won a big battle. Of course, we have to celebrate. Not only will we celebrate this big victory, but we will have to celebrate every victory in the future.

At this moment, Zhang Fan is a little puzzled. Did he win the battle? Although he knew that they had won, he did not know that they had won a big victory. Shuxian, attached to the table, saw Zhang Fan's puzzlement and said peacefully, "This is the first battle between the immortals and demons, and they have won, which is enough to inspire the morale of the demon soldiers."

"More importantly, this is the first battle to win the battle, which is enough to prove the power of the Shuxian army." Shu Xian laughed and patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder. This greatly weakened the momentum of the soldiers in the fairyland. I am sure that the winner of this battle is definitely the most glorious person in a thousand years.

Zhang Fan nodded, sat opposite Shu Xian, looked at Shu Xian and said, "What else does General Shu Xian want to say?" Obviously, Zhang Fan saw that there was something in Shu Xian's heart and looked at the result of his tone. At this moment, Shu Xian's originally happy face gradually became cold and became very serious.

With a move of Shu Xian's right hand, he shot the map on the ground, threw himself on the table, circled several places with his fingers, and suddenly said, "Look, these places are the places that were captured by the immortal army. And everywhere I went, the city was slaughtered. Zhang Fan looked along the circle of immortals and was shocked. Most of these places were very densely populated areas. The soldiers of the fairyland actually slaughtered the city here. Zhang Fan could no longer imagine what kind of picture it was. The bones are stacked like mountains and blood flows into rivers.

"Although we won the first battle, the other armies are not ideal. They have been defeated frequently and have lost four battles, and our army is the only one that has defeated the fairyland army. Maybe we underestimated the strength of the fairyland. Shu Xian shook his head and sighed.

"Although several powerful resistances were launched to drive the fairy army away for miles, the fairy army did not lose anything. In contrast, the loss in the demon world is too great. Shu Xian said and drew the direction of all the immortal armies on the map.

"According to intelligence, this time the army of the demon world is close to 10 million, while the army of our demon world is less than 7 million. This battle is difficult to fight. Their troops are divided into twelve branches, and the command of each unit is called the Golden Armor Commander, and it is rarely called by its name. And now, one army has been wiped out by us, and there are 11 more. Nine of the troops have mastered the objectives of their operations, so that they are easy to guard against. There are still two troops. From the beginning to now, no one knows where these two troops have gone.

When Zhang Fan heard the words, he frowned and said, "Well, these two troops are very troublesome. They are haunted and unpreventable."

"So, the senior management has made a plan to eliminate one of them, or catch them all." Shu Xian said slowly.

"What method?"

"Please enter the urn."

"Take the Immortal Army as bait?"

After a moment of silence, Shuxian smiled bitterly and said, "Now the fairy army also knows that the Shuxian army is the weakest in the demon world. The reason is that after a battle, the soldiers of Shuxian Army have not been supplemented. The originally small army is now even smaller. So one of the two hidden troops will definitely attack us and fight to destroy us.

"What should the Third Army do?"

"First, swaggered to the friendly army, and then helped the friendly army defeat the enemy."

"It's gone?"

"Don't worry," Shu Xian picked up the water on the table and moistened his voice and said, "In this way, it will definitely attract the attention of the other party, and then send a unit to hide nearby. The hidden troops on the opposite side will come over, and then cover it out three ways, and then destroy the other party." Shu Xian said that the sweat on his head was coming out, but Zhang Fan listened very carefully.

"How did you know that the other party would come to hit the attention of the immortal army?"

"Because we are familiar with the leader of the golden armor of one of the troops, and we have clearly grasped its style of action, so we dare to make such a conclusion." Shu Xian said confidently.

Zhang Fan stood up and said the words "Miao, Miao, Miao" in his mouth, and then walked around the camp. Then he asked General Shu Xian when Shu Xian's army would recover. Shu Xian shook his head and said, "Now the combat power of Shu Xian's army is average, but in fact, it's just a bait. However, Shu Xian also knew in his heart that if there was a mistake, their Shu Xianjun would definitely be there. It was destroyed by the whole army under the man's hands.

And Zhang Fan is also thinking about this problem at this moment. But now Zhang Fan is more willing to believe that the high-level plan is effective.


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