Agains the Sky

Chapter 228 The Fourth Battle of Immortals and Demons 1

The milky flame spit out from the golden armor commander fell on the six flame light curtains, like drops of water blending into the sea without a trace. But Zhang Fan felt that the heat had returned, which made him extremely uncomfortable. Zhang Fan quickly looked at it and didn't see anything, so he used his divine consciousness to explore.

The golden armor commander felt as if he had been peeped at for a while. He turned his head and saw Zhang Fan staring at the flame curtain, and immediately sneered. Then he raised his right hand, rubbed his three fingers, and a purple flame appeared and kept jumping in the void. Go ahead, baby." Commander Jinjia whispered.

The purple flame seemed to be spiritual. After hearing the words, a purple light flashed, staying in front of the space where Zhang Fan's consciousness was about to rush to, and then burned in the space. Ah," Zhang Fan's face turned white, and Yuan Ying's body kept shaking. Zhang Fan cut off the connection with the divine consciousness in front of him, and he couldn't help but be surprised. Seeing the golden armor leader who was laughing, he knew that he had done this.

In Wang Yi in the flame curtain, the annihilation magic flames all over his body were collected, and even the protective flames were collected, without any aura fluctuation, just like a dead man. Those flames came straight to Wang Yi, but it seemed that there was an invisible boundary that isolated the flame from Wang Yi. Anyway, these flames could not get on Wang Yi's body, which seemed extremely strange.

However, the golden armor leader outside the flame light curtain could not see all this. He noticed that the aura fluctuation inside had disappeared and laughed and said, "Dare to talk to Grandpa like that and be refined into ashes!" After saying that, he waved his hands and removed the flame light curtain, but also withdrew. Wang Yi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and saw a black figure flashing in front of the leader of the golden armor leader, and then punched the lower abdomen of the leader of the golden armor and blasted him away.

"Puff!" The protective flame of the leader of Jinjia had no effect at all, and the leader of Jinjia also had an unbelievable look. He stared at Wang Yi and said, "How did you do it? How can you escape from my flame curtain!" Then his hands were imprinted, and a silk flame fell into the hand of the leader of the golden armor. He gently held it and opened it again, and a sun appeared.

Wang Yi smiled and did not answer the question of the leader of the golden armor, but raised his hands. Duoduo magic flames appeared and floated down from the air. In an instant, the whole ground was full of the magic flames of the world, and the golden armor commander had to stay in the air. This period has given Wang Yi a chance. The flame mark in the middle of Wang Yi's eyebrows lit up, and the annihilation flame in his hand quickly turned into a long knife, and the blade body faintly shone with a blood-like color.

Wang Yi raised his big sleeves, and the magic flame on the ground quickly condensed in the air, condensing into a ladder leading to the leader of the golden armor in the air. Then Wang Yi held a long knife and walked step by step to the leader of the golden armor. Every step Wang Yi takes, his momentum will be stronger, and the long knife in his hand is even more magical.

At this time, the golden armor commander had retreated and told himself that he should not take this move, so when the golden armor commander just wanted to take the way, he found that those seemingly decorated flame steps had firmly locked the nearby space and did not give him a chance to escape at all!

The leader of Jinjia changed his face. Feeling the strong killing machine that was only dozens of steps away from him, the leader of Jinjia began to panic, but the next moment he calmed down. I didn't see any action of the leader of the golden armor. The flames around him were burning, and then there was a red gun in the flame. The golden armor leader pinched the formula, and thousands of flame guns floated in the air, and then flew to Wang Yi with a fierce will throughout everything.

Wang Yi did not hide, but crossed the long knife in his hand and saw the meteor-like flame gun hit a black film, which was formed by the long knife in Wang Yi's hand. Leave the flame gun behind. Thousands of flame guns were all explained here with one move by Wang Yi.

"Sure enough, the struggle between the great powers in the transformation period is wonderful." I happily watched the fight between the two sides and hoped that the battle would not end too early. After the golden armor leader failed to hit, he did not attack, but gathered all the flames together, condensed into a flame armor, and firmly defended himself. After being hit by Wang Yi, it was easy to say anything.

Finally, Wang Yi walked to the commander of the golden armor and looked at the golden armor commander's defense like a turtle shell. Wang Yi smiled and then raised his long knife and hit him fiercely. The magic light rising to the sky in an instant, covering the whole flame boundary. And the flame armor also burst out dazzling firelight and fought against the magic light.

The next moment, the collision between the contact points was very fierce, and then the two sides suddenly bounced away and exploded between the two sides.

Wang Yi took a few steps back, while the leader of Jinjia took more than a dozen steps back, and then looked extremely embarrassed. The flame armor has been damaged, and the gold armor on the body also has scars. What's more, a deep bone knife mark appeared in the left rib of the golden armor leader, and the blood surged like a spring, and the collar of the golden armor commander was dyed red for a moment.

Unable to care about the pain, a flame floating in the air taken by the leader of the golden armor was placed at the wound and burned fiercely. The buzzing sound made Zhang Fan doubt whether he could smell the barbecue around him. The golden armor leader was so painful that even the twisted and beautiful face was distorted.

"Pervert, absolutely pervert, self-masochistic!" This is Zhang Fan's evaluation of the leader of Jinjia. There are so many healing methods in the three worlds, but it is unreasonable to choose the method of self-abuse. Although the healing method looks a little abnormal, its effect is quite good. The wound of the leader of the golden armor began to heal visibly, and finally there were only faintly visible scars.

"You have angered Grandpa. Today I want to see you with thousands of knives!" The leader of Jinjia is ferocious. Then he sacrificed the sun in his hand, landed on the top of his head, and opened his mouth and spewed out an endless fire. The fire burns the original! The whole flame boundary is full of fiery red, and in the middle of these colors, a gray is struggling to support, and a black candle seems to be floating in the wind and rain, but it is still standing in these reds!

Under the control of the golden armor leader, the flame slowly jumped on Wang Yi's body and competed with the black flame. The annihilation demon flame seemed to be fine for a moment, but more and more red flames came, and the extermination demon flame could not hold on and retreated one after another. They were forced back to Wang Yi's body surface and struggled to maintain the final line of defense.

And Wang Yi didn't care at all and walked to the leader of the golden armor step by step. The long knife in his hand was cut, which was a black light emitting a sharp breath, like a shackle that could cut off the space. But these black lights shuttled through the space and were burned out by the flames all over the sky before reaching the golden armor leader.

Angry flashed in Wang Yi's eyes, raised his right hand and slapped it up. A huge black palm print hit the sky, and the aura of heaven and earth trembled a lot! The space immediately collapsed, and space cracks appeared. Wang Yi threw the long knife in his hand up, and then pinched the formula with both hands. The long knife turned into a huge black hole, attached to the space crack, and then the strong suction came from the black hole and absorbed the flame in the sky. When there was no flowing flame in the air of the flame boundary, Wang Yi waved his hand, the black hole disappeared, and the space cracks slowly healed.

"It seems that I underestimate you!" Commander Jinjia gritted his teeth. Commander Jinjia is now shocked. He didn't expect that the flame he worked hard to display was completely broken in a few breaths, which hit his self-esteem!

"I'm overempt." The curvature of the rising corners of Wang Yi's mouth all showed in mocking the leader of the golden armor.

"I'm angry, I'm angry!" The golden armor commander began to scratch the hair on his head, and suddenly the long red hair fell from the helmet. In the pull of the golden armor commander, several long red hairs suddenly fell. Zhang Fan was also surprised by the hair color of the golden armor commander, but he saw that Wang Yi easily broke the golden armor commander's stunt and knew that Wang Yi was sure to win.

However, the leader of the golden armor suddenly laughed, making people feel as if he couldn't stand the torture in a desperate situation and went crazy.

"lie*!" The golden armor commander jumped high and waved a human character in the void. Then flames kept spewing out in the seven orifices, covering the whole body in an instant. Then the golden armor commander's eyebrows lit up, and a drop of milky white ** appeared, and a mysterious feeling appeared from this **.

Zhang Fan feels that this ** seems to be the source of everything, and everything starts from here. Mountains, rivers and trees, sun, moon and stars, space and time, everything seems to be born from it. This feeling makes people feel intimate and supremely majestic.

"This is the sign of the power of the transformation period, the power of the source. Usually, the power will not die in the metamorphosis period. As long as it doesn't hurt the source, it will be fine. It seems that the golden armor leader sacrificed the power of the source and wanted to fight with me. You should be careful." Wang Yi's voice reached Zhang Fan's ear.

A phoenix came from the fireball incarnated by the leader of the golden armor. As soon as the fireball broke, the leader of the golden armor turned into a phoenix and was reborn in the fire. Wang Yi saw this scene, frowned and knew that the most dangerous time had come. He pulled the cloak on his body, revealing the black armor, which was printed with the runes of the dragon. The two dragon heads on the shoulders are ferocious and scary, which makes people shudder at a glance. After Wang Yi showed this equipment, a black helmet automatically appeared above his head, which was covered with runes and surrounded by magic, like a living demon king.

Wang Yi stretched out his hands and closed his chest, and a small black ball appeared. The pure magic spirit was compressed in it, and the chaotic spiritual power disturbed the chaos of the aura of heaven and earth. Zhang Fan in the gray boundary felt that he could not breathe well and quickly transported the true power in his body to eliminate this discomfort.

Phoenix crowed, then opened its wings and rushed to Wang Yi. Phoenix itself is a fire, flying in the air, and the space is about to be burned. The space of the flame boundary fluctuates more and more and more unstable. No matter how stable the space is, it will also become weak after the two-powerful fighting methods in the metamorphic period.

Phoenix opened its mouth, and milky white flames were sprayed out, forming a "pin" formation and imprinting to Wang Yi. After the fire passed through the air, the space within dozens of meters became a vacuum zone, which was very domineering.

Wang Yi looked at Lihuo, and his eyes widened. Then he opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The aura around him and other things could not stop this suction and were absorbed into his stomach, and even Lihuo was not spared.

Phoenix's eyes are wide open, which is not the first time to be surprised today, but the leader of Jinjia still wants to be surprised. There is a strong hand in the strong. However, the leader of Jinjia does not believe that he will lose. If he still has the last trump card that has not been shown, it is impossible to lose, and there is also the life-saving jade charm given by the Feather Emperor Xianzun, who will not die.

Phoenix rushed to Wang Yi, turned into thousands of thunder and fire, wrapped Wang Yi, and burned on his body. As soon as the annihilation flame on Wang Yi's body touched these thunders, it went out in an instant, as if a mouse saw a cat. This made Wang Yi's face change slightly, but it returned to normal the next moment.

Wang Yi's body was shocked, and the magic behind him was overwhelming, forming a huge war demon. This war demon's eyes are glaring, and he doesn't pay attention to heaven and earth. A huge warhammer in his hand emitted a fierce killing and hit the biggest thunder.

The phoenix in the thunderfire felt extremely dangerous, instantly flew away from the thunderfire and rushed to the God of War. And the burning thunder fire on Wang Yishi's body slowly extinguished, and the magic flame began to extinguish the world again and slowly burned away.

The Phoenix collided with the war demons, and the fierce fire and magic wrote a brilliant hymn. The two sides are deadlocked there. The flames on Phoenix burned brightly on the war demons. After a while, the magic spirit on Wang Yi's body floated and immediately formed the body of the demon of war. Again and again, he began to consume more than his ability.

As time goes by, the entity condensed by the demon began to shrink slowly, the face began to blur, and the breath also weakened a little. The same is true on the other side of the golden armor leader. Phoenix's size has shrunk more than twice, and there is a trend that it continues to shrink. The flame on his body was not so strong, which made the leader of the golden armor secretly anxious in his heart.

"If it goes on like this, although I have a flame jewel to provide flame, it consumes real power quite quickly. I'm obviously at a loss. When both sides are injured, the little guy hiding in the boundary will come out to deal with me again. Although I don't want to use that trick, I have no choice but to do it now. Commander Jin Jia thought secretly in his heart.


First update! Three more chapters, and the heroine will appear. By the way, the heroine appeared several chapters and disappeared in more than 40 chapters, and she didn't appear until now. I'm really sorry for her, haha. At the same time, the hateful masked man will also appear.