
Chapter 121 Selection of the Elderly

Not far from ** City, a fence with a few feet high is located there. At this time, there is no sound, as if no one has entered it for many years. The mottled iron door seems to be in disrepair, which makes people wonder whether the iron gate can still be opened.

Suddenly, the big iron gate was slowly pulled open from the inside, and a gust of dust fell from the iron gate. Then I saw a white-haired and thick-bearded old man coming out of the inside and looking at the path full of fallen leaves in front of the iron gate. The old man opened his turbid but exposed eyes, like a dusty voice that had been sealed for a long time, "It's been two years. Let's see what good seedlings this time!"

Today is the day of the promotion competition. Luo Fan came to the meeting place with others early in the morning and asked the baby to be taken care of by Ma Youwei, Bao Li, Liu Zhenghao and Zhang Zhiyuan, who did not want to participate in the promotion competition. Then he and Shixuan and other people who participated in the promotion competition waited for the leaders of ** College to take Everyone, go to the place of the competition.

When the sun came to Sangan, a black-faced middle-aged man who led the team finally appeared in front of the impatient crowd. Listening to everyone's complaints, the black-faced man didn't seem to feel it. He just came to the front of the team and shouted, "People who participated in the promotion competition, follow me. If anyone dares to make noise on the road, he will directly disqualify the game."

After saying that, regardless of everyone's reaction, he strode forward.

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, everyone knew that the middle-aged man was not joking, so no one dared to follow him. Even several teenagers from the four families followed the team silently. The team of hundreds of people actually had no voice except for the sound of footsteps.

Luo Fan and others followed the team. Not far out of the city, they saw a huge building in front of them appeared in front of everyone. At least four or five feet high of the stone wall, the wall is full of traces of time, and the rusty iron door opens slightly and only reveals the gap that one person can pass through.

When Luo Fan followed the middle-aged man to the iron gate along the path full of leaves, the middle-aged man stopped the people and then ran into the iron gate by himself. After a while, he came back, followed by an old man in thick clothes.

The white-haired old man came to the crowd, and the middle-aged man who led the team respectfully gave up his position to the old man. The old man smiled kindly, looked at the crowd kindly, and then said, "You are all people who come to participate in this promotion competition. After entering the martial arts arena, you must listen to me well. Otherwise, then be prepared to be punished!"

The old man still speaks with a smile, but the words made everyone feel very deterrent, and the calm words made everyone have to listen carefully.

Everyone was silently convinced. The old man seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's appearance, nodded with a smile, and then said, "The number of people who signed up this time seems to be a little large, and the martial arts arena can't accommodate so many people. If you are allowed to enter, it will be very boring."

Everyone listened nervously to the old man's words, "Well, advanced pre-election before a formal competition." With that, he took out a fist-sized stone with a faint color, which was the soul stone Luo Fan had seen in the test before entering school.

The old man took out the soul stone, looked at everyone's puzzled appearance, and smiled gently. "If there is no tough mysterious mind, you can't go far on the road of Xuanqi cultivation. Therefore, the pre-election before this promotion competition is tested through the soul stone. As long as the divine consciousness can meet my requirements, then you can enter the martial arts arena. If it is not enough for my requirements, then follow Xiaohei back to the college. The old man pointed to the middle-aged man behind him and said.

After listening to the old man's words, there was a noise, and then a man asked, "Senior, what is your request?"

"I don't know my requirements. As long as you can satisfy me, you will have a chance to go in." The old man brushed his beard and said.

"This, senior..." As soon as the questioner wanted to continue to say something, he heard the middle-aged man behind the old man shouting, "Elder Bai wants to test you. There are still so many problems. If you don't want to participate, just go away."

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, the old man was also happy not to explain and said, "So, who will come first?"

"I'll go first!" As soon as the old man's words fell, someone shouted, and then he saw three teenagers in white coming out of the crowd, who were the three teenagers of the Xiandao Sect who participated in this promotion competition.

The leading teenager came to the old man and then arched his hand to the old man and said, "Hello, senior, the younger generation Wen Yinglong, bravely, come and be instructed by the elder first."

"Ha ha, how is the dead old man Wen Qingfeng now? Not dead yet, is it?" The old man said with a smile when he saw the young man in white come out.

"Ha ha, seniors are really good at joking. The ancestors in the family are still in good health." After hearing the old man say this, the teenager bowed down respectfully and said, "I don't know what to call the senior. Tell your ancestors after taking me back."

"Haha, you don't need to know my name. Just say that he is my loser, and old man Wen will know." The old man seemed to be very complaous about what happened in those years. "Don't forget to tell him that he hasn't paid his gambling debts back then. Remember to tell him that I haven't forgotten."

"The younger generation must tell their ancestors truthfully." The young man in white left sweat on his head and said submissively.

The teenager knew the strength of his ancestors, who was already a high-level strong man in Xuan's first phase and had the strength of the end of the impact period, but the old man said that the ancestor was his defeated man, and it was easy to know how high the old man's strength was.

"Then you can take the test first." The old man laughed and threw the soul stone to the young man in white.

The teenager received the soul stone and instantly exuded the strength of the refining period. The old man smiled, and Luo Fan felt a very strong spiritual pressure emanating from the old man, and then shrouded the teenager.

After being shrouded by the old man's divine consciousness, his face suddenly turned pale, and then lasted for dozens of breaths. He saw the teenager's body relaxed as if he was relieved, and then he saw the teenager say to the old man, "Thank you for your advice."

"Good boy, I passed." The old man said.

From beginning to end, the soul stone in the teenager's hand did not change at all. It was not until the teenager handed over the soul stone to the old man that Luo Fan understood the role of the soul stone. The purpose of this soul stone is to detect whether the subject's body has the effect of resisting the divine consciousness. If there is a defensive magic weapon, the soul stone in the hand will give a hint.

After Wen Yinglong passed the test, the two people around him also received the old man's test separately and passed it smoothly. However, the appearance of passing is not as smooth as Wen Yinglong's, and the appearance is more awkward.

After that, several people from Wan Beast Gate, Xiaoyao School and Yanmen also came out with Xian Daozong and received the old man's test, and all of them passed this test without exception.

After the people of the four forces were tested, the students of ** College also began to be tested by the elderly. ** The students of the college do not seem to be as difficult to take the test as those of the four major forces, and most of the students have passed the test.

Basically, as soon as the old man's consciousness touches the student's body, the old man quickly tells whether to pass, which is far less difficult than the four major forces at the beginning.

Luo Fan looked at the students around him who had been tested one by one and found that those who were eliminated in the test were all strengths below the fifth level of luck. Those students who refined their strength passed the test smoothly. Luo Fan speculated that the sudden test of the old man was a protective measure for low-strength students.

Shitou, Luoping, Li Manlou, Xiang Feixue, Xuaner, Hongling, Hanshuiyan and Meng Xiaodie all passed the test smoothly. Although several people other than Xiang Feixue did not reach the refining period, they are also above the seventh level of strength in the luck period. It is not difficult to pass the divine pressure of the old man.