
Chapter 369 Vampus Breaking Step

When Luo Fan and others stepped on the first stone tablet, they were suddenly moved by a pressure. This Tianyuan secret road is really not so simple!

Although the current pressure of several people still does not care much, from the same path after the first stone tablet, as several people advance, the pressure is slowly increasing!

"Look, there are pictures on the wall!" At this time, the stone pointed to the wall and shouted.

Luo Fan and others looked at the stone wall and saw pictures on the wall. Obviously, these are all running diagrams of practice. I only see the little people on the wall, and I don't know who is portrayed on the wall.

Every villain is vividly depicted, and each villain has a meridian running map. Several villains form a set of pictures, symbolizing a mysterious skill or a powerful technique.

"Oh, my God, isn't this the original technique of our armored beast?" At this time, the night pointed to several sets of pictures and shouted at several people.

After looking for the next to the wall for a while, he also shouted, "Look, this is our own skill!"

"Xiaofan, do we learn these techniques?" Luo Ping asked Luo Fandao.

Luo Fan looked at a set of techniques that appeared on the wall every few steps, thought about it, and then said, "Learn, why not learn!"

Several people are constantly observing these portraits in front of the wall of the passage. The techniques on the picture are not suitable for everyone, but also have different attributes and techniques. Luo Fan quickly scanned the images on the wall, found several sets of Chinese techniques suitable for his practice, quickly remembered the method of skills, and then continued to watch the next image after running in his body.

However, after learning several mysterious skills, Luo Fan found that the techniques on the wall of the first level are very simple techniques. Although there are several racial life skills of the orcs, on the whole, these techniques are not very powerful. The end of the last first level has always been observed, and Luo Fan has not found a spiritual technique among these mysterious skills.

"Alas!" Stone sighed and said, "What a waste of time!" There is no spiritual technique!"

Xiao Qier also echoed dejectedly, but Luo Fan next to her did not think so. Although there were some ordinary techniques on the wall of the first level, it was not useless. Some of the techniques I observed before are widely spread on the Tianyuan Continent. After a long period of transmission, there must be some good things that can be cultivated by Xuanzhe all the time.

Only the techniques that have passed the test of time are the most reliable techniques. Although these low-level techniques are not high-level, they are definitely the techniques that meet the requirements of the law and will not cause problems due to improper use in the future.

"Let's quickly enter and pass the second stone tablet! I can't wait to see if there are more advanced techniques in the next level!" Tenshe learned several techniques at the first level, and was in a good mood, urging everyone to continue to move forward.

"Boom!" When several people entered the second level, they suddenly felt a stronger pressure. Several people could still not care too much about the pressure of the previous first level, but when they passed the second stone tablet, except Luo Fan, several people had to run their bodies to resist it.

"There really is!" The night breathed and said to several people. On the stone wall he pointed to, he saw bigger pictures than before.

"Spiritual skills!" After a few glances at the previous techniques, Luo Fan found that the pictures on the wall of the second level were all spiritual skills.

Luo Fan's six people quickly searched for the skills they could learn on the wall, quickly wrote down the skills one by one, and then began to learn the skills on their bodies.

The spiritual skills in the second level are much less than those in the previous level, but the difficulty has also increased a lot, so the learning speed of several people is also much slower. In addition to the difficulty, another thing that limits the learning speed of several people is the increasing pressure in this channel.

Luo Fan and Xiao Qier have the highest strength, both of which have reached more than the ninth level of Xuanyi, so although the pressure of this second level has increased a lot, the two can still easily cope with it, and the speed of watching and learning skills is also much higher than that of the four people in Luoping Stone.

"Wow!" The stone gasped heavily, and several people had finally come to the third stone tablet after a long time.

This third stone tablet, in addition to the words of the third tablet of the empty monument, like the previous one, also has the words "down"! Several people didn't understand what was going on with the words on the stone tablet, but after recovering their mysterious spirit, they stepped on the third stone tablet at the same time.

"Ah!" The pressure in the channel weighed heavily on Luo Fan and others. Luo Fan felt the space pressure of the third level and was shocked. Even you have to gently carry your consciousness to offset the pressure of the third level.

I didn't expect that after Tianyuan Secret Road reached the third level, it would be so difficult.

"Stone, are you all right!" Luo Fan's consciousness displaced the pressure around the stone, and then picked up the stone that was not protected from being overwhelmed as soon as he entered the third level.

"It's so perverted! This is the third level, which is so difficult that it won't let people live!" The stone smiled bitterly at Luo Fan, and then motioned Luo Fan to let go of himself. When Luo Fan let go of the stone, he obviously saw the stone's body trembling obviously, but in the end he persisted and did not fall down.

"Xiaofan, this is such a strong pressure in the third level. If it is the ninth stone tablet, it can directly crush people into meat cakes!" Luo Ping's body is much stronger than the stone. Under the pressure of the third level, he can still hold on, but judging from the sweat on his forehead, it is obvious that Luo Ping's persistence is not easy.

"Yes, even if we have prefecture-level skills, we are not in the mood to learn like this!" Night said breathlessly that the souls of the orcs are generally not very powerful. Night and Tengfei can resist the pressure of power entirely by their own body and Xuanqi, so the two of them can't hold on to enter the third level!

When Luo Fan was about to say something, he suddenly heard Xiao Qier next to him say, "Look at the words on the wall!"

Luo Fan swept over and saw a few lines of gold characters on the wall not far from the stone tablet: "The secret road of Tianyuan is magical and unpredictable. If you want to reach the air level and walk out of the same road, the minimum standard is three monuments! Those who can't pass the three monuments, die!"

The last dead word is even more murderous. It is obvious that the person who wrote this word is a super strong man. The murder revealed in a few words makes the few people watching feel cold.

"My God, I have to finish the third level!" Tengfei shouted with some complaints, "I didn't expect Tianyuan Secret Road to be so perverted! If I had known it was so dangerous, I wouldn't have come!"

After listening to the soaring dejected words, the night gasped angrily and said, "It's not promising. If I had known all of things, I would have let my brother come!" With that, the night's body couldn't help shaking, making Tengfei next to him shake his head helplessly.

"Don't worry!" Luo Fan said, "Even if you can't complete these nine levels, nothing will happen to the third level. I will definitely protect you through this third level!"

After listening to Luo Fan's words, the night and Tengfei's eyes lit up, and then they felt the weakening of the pressure on their bodies. It was Luo Fan's consciousness that disranged part of the pressure.

Stone and Luo Ping both refused Luo Fan's help, but went through the third channel by their own strength.

On the wall of the same road of the third level, as Luo Fan expected, there are also some graphics of skills, and there are also some pictures of prefecture-level skills. The attraction of prefecture-level skills is huge. In the face of prefecture-level skills, even the night and Tengfei are ecstatic to learn the skills.

And Luo Fan also found some skills suitable for himself among these skills. What Luo Fan did not expect was that among these prefecture-level skills, Luo Fan actually found a familiar skill - Jinang 48!

When Luo Fan and Jin Wuyan, the son of the lord of Jinwu City, competed martial arts, he realized the first three types of Jingan 48 from the battle and knew that the power of Jingan 48 was extraordinary, but he did not expect that the Jingan 48 could appear in this Tianyuan secret road, which really surprised Luo Fan. .

"Jinang Style 48!" Each set of pictures of the prefecture-level skill was marked with the name of the skill. Luo Fan looked at the forty-eight-style skill and quickly remembered the forty-eight skill in his heart. Even if he looked at the forty-eight-style from the beginning to the end, Luo Fan felt that his understanding of metal was deeper. The forty-eight style of Jingan is indeed extraordinary!

Vap God's step! As for the skills of fire attributes, Luo Fan is in front of a group of pictures composed of very simple steps.

It turned out to be a prefecture-level mysterious skill of body shape. Luo Fan looked at these simple pictures in surprise and felt very excited. He did not expect to get a kind of body mysterious skill, and it was also at the prefecture level. You should know that the combat techniques in the mysterious technique account for the vast majority, and like the fire god's explosive step, it is completely a magical skill of body speed, which is extremely rare and extremely precious!

Huoshen's explosive step, Luo Fan excitedly wrote down several pictures of the Huo Shen's explosive step in his mind. After careful thinking about it, he tried to perform it. Unexpectedly, it was the first layer of Huo Shen's explosive step at once, and the three flames behind him were brought up by Luo Fan's body. Several people were extremely surprised to see Luo Fan's explosive steps.

The fire god's explosive steps are divided into three layers. This is the first layer performed by Luo Fan, which can double his physical skills and speed. And if you can become the third level, it is really an extremely important role to reach a hundred times your own strength.