
Chapter 467 Wind Adversity

In addition, those gray airflows are constantly eroding towards their backbone along the golden vine. While Lao Tong Tianmu screamed, he was cruel in his heart and cut off these dozens of golden vines directly.

"I'm going to smash you into ten thousand pieces!" A hoarse shout came from the golden beard wood. The huge golden vines waving were several times faster, and the whole space covered by golden vines simply became a golden ocean.

"Hmm!" Xuaner, who was dozens of feet tall, was not in a hurry at this time. She snorted coldly, and then stamped her steps, bringing a piece of gray light directly, and then rushed to the main trunk of Tianmu. Wherever it passed, the space was left with a piece of gray, and the golden vine did not dare to touch these gray airflows at all.

"The adversity of the wind! Change, change, change!" At this time, Wenren Siyu, who was not far away from Xuaner, threw the cyan sword directly above while the blue sword waved a piece of blue light, and then the green sword turned into three cyan whirlwinds and fell beside Wenren Siyu.

The seriousness in Wenren Siyu's eyes, and then he bit his silver teeth, instantly made a piece of complicated fingerprints in his hand, and then patted his chest. The three syllables mixed with three transparent energy, sounded from her mouth:




Wow - three byte exit, the three cyan whirlwinds surrounding Wenren Siyu suddenly twisted. Before long, three cyan giants with three heads and six arms and more than ten feet tall actually formed beside Wenren Siyu. Looking at Si Yu, he seemed to summon these three people, which consumed a lot. His face was as white as a piece of white paper, and there was an abnormal dead ash in his eyes.

And when Wenren Siyu saw the three giants appear, his face showed a piece of joy, and then his godless eyes looked straight through the golden golden vines and looked at the main trunk of Tianmu.

"God of the wind, attack!" Wen Ren Siyu suddenly rose a piece of cyan energy on his body, and then shot straight at the main trunk of Tianmu! And the three huge cyan giants around him were also tightly protected by Wen Ren Siyu's side. All the golden vines were knocked out by the giant's three heads and six arms. Although they were not as powerful as Xuan'er's gray energy, they still left a giant on every golden vine. A big wound.

The hissing, roar, kept ringing, gray and green. Hearing that Si Yu and Xuaner actually took down all the attacks of the old Tong Tianmu's golden vine, and looked at the glad that the two were completely able to withstand under the golden vine and had a lot of advantages.

Everyone in the distance, whether it is Bai Sheng or Luo's father, was deeply surprised by the performance of these two people. Originally, everyone planned to come forward to help the two and save Luo Fan together, but now it is fortunate that the rest of them are not any of the two opponents of Wenren Siyu and Xuaner.

The strength shown by Xuaner and Wenren Siyu is definitely above the ninth level of the Heavenly King level, and even close to the strength of the controller!

At this time, the most nervous thing is not others, but Lao Tong Tianmu! In the face of the current attack of the two, Lao Tong Tianmu is really in a hurry! This gray figure does not dare to touch at all; and this cyan wind girl dares to touch it, but no matter how she attacks, she will be destroyed by the three giants around her.

In just a dozen breaths, these two people have come to the vicinity of the backbone under the obstruction of their own Jin Teng's full strength.

"And it!" Lao Tong Tianmu was really anxious in the face of the attacks of Xuaner and Wen Rensi Yu. Moreover, what scares him most is that there is a hidden danger in his body that he has to worry about!

Before, I had to fight for the cost of dismantling the humanoid to return to the golden beard wood body, which was precisely because of this hidden danger in his own body. As a plant, although the influence of the ontology is very small after transformation, the ontology has a very important role for itself, that is, the essence of life related to one's life!

The essence of life that exists in the center of your own backbone is your own foundation! As long as the essence of life is lost, then there is no possibility of living!

Of course, Lao Tong Tianmu takes such an important essence of life. Not only has he set a lot of prohibitions on its outer layer, but also his consciousness pays attention to the invasion of the outside world at any time.

However, it is today that Lao Tong Tianmu was really shocked. A sneak attacker directly broke through the prohibition set around his body without his attention, and actually approached his last prohibition. If this prohibition is broken, the essence of life will be exposed. In front of the attackers. If he hadn't struggled to disintegrate at the last moment, returned to the body and reset several prohibitions. Thinking of the situation where the essence of his life was taken by the attackers, Lao Tong Tianmu would have felt a chill in his heart.

Boom - the violent explosion kept ringing, and Lao Tong Tianmu felt a burst of heartache in his heart! My own body is Tongtian Jinxu, and the most powerful Jinteng attack has always been my pride! From the lowest Tongtianmu to the current level, there are more than thousands of dangers! But there has never been a time when Laotong Tianmu feels so powerless!

Ordinary mysterious or mysterious beasts, under their own golden beards, as long as they are not strong at many levels higher than themselves, they can't take any advantage at all, but the two people they are facing now, their golden beards are so weak in front of them!

"Do you really need to use that trick!" Lao Tong Tianmu kept controlling the golden beard attack, but at the same time, he thought of it with a burst of flesh.

"Impossible! I'm not reconciled! Millions of years of hard work can't be abandoned like this!" Lao Tong Tianmu's heart hissed violently, and then the remaining thousands of golden vines shrank quickly.

With the shrinking of Jin Teng, the color of Jin Teng is getting brighter and brighter, and the speed is also getting faster and faster!

Until the hundred feet thick golden vines shrank thousands of times and became vines with thin arms, the thousands of vines really reached a horrible level.

Not only has the speed reached the extreme, but also the power has become much stronger. Every time he waved, Jin Teng would make a space crack in the space he passed!

The whole space around Tongtianmu's body has become a piece of golden light and space cracks.

And Tong Tianmu's desperate efforts finally played a certain role for Xuaner and Wen Ren Si Yu. The three giants of Wenren Siyu can only repel the golden beard after the change! And Xuan'er's gray energy also caused much less damage to the golden beard.

In the face of such an attack, Xuaner did not retreat at all. The body kept approaching the backbone, and the golden beard was also constantly hitting her body, and pieces of gray energy were knocked down by the golden beard! However, Xuaner has only one goal, which is to be close to the backbone.

Wen Ren Si Yu saw Xuan'er's situation, and his eyes were also determined, but his figure was at this time. If it hadn't been for a cyan giant beside her to borrow her, Wen Ren Si Yu would not have even had the strength to fly.

Golden beard, cracks, gray gas, green wind... The whole space where the golden beard wood is located is full of turbulence.