Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 513 The big house and three rooms are coming

After Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang left, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi met Mu Yongnian and Mrs. Mu again. Pearl had told the story. Both husband and wife thought that Su Zhi was right to do this. Although the couple came with a calculating nose plate, it was good to see through it. They still had to help Shen Ziju, only If it weren't for the brothers who had hatred, they would still help each other to live.

After saying goodbye to Mu Yongnian and Mrs. Mu, the husband and wife went back to their residence. As they walked, they talked about what Shen Ziju wanted to give when they got married, and what they wanted to send when Shen Zhu got married.

"Daughter-in-law, I really wronged you. You are the daughter of the marquis. You married me in trouble, and you have to be tricked by them. You'd better not see them in the future. I'll deal with it."

Shen Zi'an supported Su Zhi and looked at Su Zhi's slightly thin face and her growing belly. He said with some guilt that although he knew that his daughter-in-law was wholehearted to him, he also treated her wholeheartedly. Their husband and wife would not be estranged because of their different status, but he would still feel that she could actually Better. Meng Jinliang is what people say is like a jade gentleman. He has almost no shortcomings. He is as perfect as his daughter-in-law. Thinking of their previous marriage contract, he feels that his daughter-in-law is wronged. If he is not good to her, he will be sorry to her.

Su Zhi smiled at Shen Zi'an, pinched his hand and said, "If I don't want to see you in the future, I will definitely not see you. Let you deal with it yourself." But I'll see you later. In fact, you don't want to pay attention to them.

Su Zhi knew that Shen Zi'an would feel uncomfortable when he saw Shen Zhang, and he would be impatient with Shen Youfu. However, because the good country attached great importance to filial piety, he did not want Shen Youfu and others to talk to her at that time, so he reluctantly went to see them. Since he is willing to suffer for him, she doesn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Let's just face it together, so that the Shen family can't find any mistakes.


Shen Zi'an wants to have such a daughter-in-law, which is really his blessing. Since he married her, his life has changed dramatically. He can't live without her. No matter how good Meng Jinliang is, he won't let his daughter-in-law out, so when he sees Meng Jinliang in the future, he'd better

Su Zhi didn't know that Shen Zi'an had gone to Meng Jinliang again. If she knew it, she would laugh. She was really not ambiguous about Meng Jinliang at all. At most, she appreciated it. However, that kind of appreciation was like appreciating those stars in her previous life, which could not affect her life at all.

"Okay, let's take care of everything together in the future. We are husband and wife."

Su Zhi took Shen Zi'an's hand and looked at Shen Zi'an's face with a smile. She also smiled. She thought that if her father-in-law didn't smile, she smiled amazingly. Of course, this shock must not be because it was ugly, but because it was too beautiful. Meng Jinliang, Mu Chengzhi and Shen Ziju are now called the top few of the middle-aged young men in the capital. However, in Su Zhi's opinion, her father-in-law is the best one, but she is too good at hiding. But it's okay to hide it, so that no one will rob her.

Su Zhi smiled and pulled her father-in-law who didn't know that he was a treasure to hide in his wife's heart and went back to the yard.

The following maids followed, and they were very envious. Others may be sorry for the young lady, but they are much closer these days, but they know that their uncle is not bad at all. They thought that if only they could marry a father-in-law like this in the future.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang went home. When Shen Zhu heard what Su Zhi said, she was also a little disappointed with the opportunity to splash dirty water on Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi in the future. However, she was happy to think that her dowry was settled.

"Yes, Dad, Mom, Big Brother, they are coming, right? Do you think the third brother and his family don't want to go back if they come? What can I do?"

Shen Zhu suddenly thought of this. She didn't want the third brothers to stay. None of the people in the third room could be very useful. They were all trouble-sers. She doesn't want them to cause trouble for her brother, who is her backer. And maybe they will bother her. She just married into the Wang family, but she doesn't want to be dragged down by such a brother and sister-in-law.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhangshi also frowned when they heard it. They left them in Riverside Village because they were worried that Sanfang would cause trouble. But this time Shen Zi raised Shen Zhu to get married. As an elder brother, they must come. In case they don't leave here, it's really not easy to rush back. After all, they are not separated. But if you don't rush back, they can imagine that there will be some big and small troubles in the future.

"Your third brother and his family can really do such a thing. We must let them go back then. Don't worry, no matter what method you use, you will let them go back.

Shen Zhang said that life in the capital is good, but it is also a trap step by step. If she is not careful, it will be tricked. She doesn't want her proudest youngest son and daughter to be dragged down by the third son and his wife.

Shen Youfu also said, "It's time to fight, and I'm going to beat them back!"

Shen Zhu was relieved to hear that. As long as her parents are not soft-hearted, the third brother will definitely not be able to stay, and she won't have to worry. She is also ashamed to have such a brother and sister-in-law. Now that she has finally adapted to the capital, so that the ladies and ladies in the capital no longer Auntie, if others see that she has such a brother and sister-in-law like a stuffed bun, she will definitely look down on her again. How can she spend her life in the Wang family? It's depressing to think about it. She can't wait for her brothers to come. For example, something happened at home. For example, she suddenly went One is one!

Shen Zhu cursed quietly.

In the curse of Shen Zhu, several carriages arrived in the capital, and it was the people of the Shen family who stayed in the riverside village.

The weather is already cold, but the sun is still very warm in the afternoon, and the scenery outside the capital is also good. Even the pedestrians who come from thousands of miles away are in good spirits. Looking at the tall and powerful city walls under the blue sky from afar, their eyes are shining.

"Dad, that's the capital! We have finally arrived in the capital! There must be a lot of delicious food in the capital! I want to eat roast chicken! I want to eat roast duck! I also want to eat braised fish!"

A boy poked his head out of the carriage and said loudly, drooling. This boy is Shiro.

With a snap, one hand clapped on Shiro's head. It was Sanlang. He stared at Shiro and said, "Put away your saliva. What a shame! This is the capital. Let people see your greedy look, and we are all ashamed! If we can't stay because of you, I'll beat you to death!"

Sanlang came this time, but he didn't want to go back. He had long wanted to come to the capital, but he didn't allow him to come. This time, his uncle and sister-in-law got married, and they won't leave when they came! He wants to realize his dream of sitting in the mountains of gold and silver here. Although the Taoist priest who told him fortunes was a fake, he still believes that he is a rich and noble man. He has an uncle of Dang An and an aunt who is going to marry into a large family. He can make a lot of money in any house!

The more Sanlang thought about it, the more proud he became. He felt that he was promising. Just looking at his parents and Silang Goro beside him, he felt that they were dragging him down. If they were not so unable to get on the stage, with their own cleverness, the master and grandmother would definitely be willing for him to help his uncle and sister But he couldn't be angry with his parents, so he had to attack Silang.

Silang was beaten in a daze, and then cried with a howled sound. He cried loudly, raising his head and pulling his throat. It was a dry howling of thunder without rain, but the sound was really like thunder, and it was non-stop thunder.

As soon as Silang cried, Goro also cried. His body was not very good. When he cried, his voice was soft. As he cried, he began to roll his eyes and fell into Sun's arms.

"Stop it! Look, I'm scared of your brother!" Sun hurriedly pinched Goro's people and gave Goro a good breath. She knew that she was crying and couldn't breathe. It was nothing serious, so she was not in a hurry, just angry.

Shen Ziping was driving the carriage outside. Hearing the noise inside, he lifted the curtain and cursed in a low voice, "What's the matter? It's all in the capital. Don't stay any longer!"

Silang stopped crying, and Goro also recovered. Sanlang sat there unconvincedly and raised his head. At this time, because Shen Ziping didn't drive the car well. Just now, when he turned around and scolded them, the whip accidentally stabbed the horse, and the horse suddenly ran forward. All the people in the car fell I went under the carriage.

"I said the third brother, can you stop making noise? Now that you are about to go to the capital, crying and going to see your parents and sisters like this, is it right?"

When Shen Zifu heard the movement behind him, he stopped the carriage, looked at Shen Ziping's bruised nose and swollen face, and sighed.

Shen Ziju and Shen Zhu got married one after another. This is a big deal. When the brothers naturally come, they didn't all come. The big house came to the husband and wife, the two sons also came, and the two daughters didn't come. In the second room, because Li's child was still young and the child had some minor illnesses, the whole family did not come and asked them to bring gifts. In addition to the spring flowers left behind, even Goro, who has the worst body, has also come.

Along the way, there are too many things to do in the third room. Today's motion sickness, tomorrow's illness, fighting, crying and crying will arrive in the capital.

Shen Zifu had been enduring it. Now that he saw that he was about to go to the capital, Shen Ziping actually fell off the carriage. He couldn't help it and came to scold him.

Shen Ziping had been helped up by the Sun family who got out of the carriage at this time. He was shouting pain there. Hearing the eldest brother's scolding, he didn't care to refute. RS