slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 7 First Intimate Contact

Happy Shopping Supermarket has just opened for more than two months. Because of its good quality and low price, first-class service and the name of the largest supermarket chain in the country, it has been full every day in the past two months. The crowds of people can be seen everywhere in supermarket stores, which increases the workload of employees while selling a large number of supermarkets. Therefore, employees work six hours a day and four shifts off.

Ji Zhenzhen and Jiang Xiaoqin just attended the employee training in the supermarket in the morning and were assigned to the store to help other old employees work together in the afternoon.

Ji Zhenzhen was surprised to find that most of the employees in the Happy Shopping Supermarket are college students who have just graduated like herself, which makes Ji Zhenzhen, who has always thought that she doesn't work well in the supermarket, feel much better.

Ji Zhenzhen and Jiang Xiaoqin quickly integrated into this big family and got along well with their colleagues. They also had a working meal at the Happy Shopping Supermarket at noon.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Zhenzhen, who got off the first shift, was ready to go home, but when she remembered that the Rongjia villa was so far away from the city, Ji Zhenzhen was a little depressed.

Ji Zhenzhen called Hu Shuixin and prepared to discuss with her mother how to go back.

"Hello? Zhenzhen, are you happy at work today? At the other end of the phone, Hu Shuixin's voice was soft, like a little girl.

"It's good. Colleagues are all very good!" Ji Zhenzhen said to Hu Shuixin, "It's just that the Rongjia villa is too far from the city. I don't know how to go back!"

Hu Shuixin was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then said to Ji Zhenzhen, "Jian, you wait in front of the supermarket. Mom will find a way to pick you up!"

"Hey..." Ji Zhenzhen was about to say something when she heard the "du...du" sound on the other end of the phone. Hu Shuixin had hung up the phone.

I don't know what Hu Shuixin can do to pick him up? Ji Zhenzhen kept guessing in her heart that if she left like this, wouldn't it be bad if the person Hu Shuixin found came to pick him up and couldn't see her? Ji Zhenzhen thought about these and waited at the door of the supermarket and looked around, hoping that the man would come to pick her up soon.

Just as Ji Zhenzhen was about to lose her patience, a red off-road motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of Ji Zhenzhen, and a man in black and white racing uniform sat on the motorcycle seat.

After the man took off the helmet on his head, he showed a bright smile. This man turned out to be Rong Zilin!

"Is that you?" Ji Zhenzhen felt very surprised and her heart kept beating wildly.

"Aunt Xin said you couldn't go home, so I came to pick you up!" Rong Zilin's face is still that charming smile, which makes people feel dazzling in the sun.

"Then!" Rong Zilin said and threw the motorcycle cap at Ji Zhenzhen, and Ji Zhenzhen caught it steadily.

On the back seat of Rong Zilin's motorcycle, Ji Zhenzhen felt that her heartbeat was stronger. This was the first time she was so close to Rong Zilin.

"Hold it tightly!" Rong Zilin said with a smile. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the motorcycle suddenly sped out, scaring Ji Zhenzhen behind him and hugged Rong Zilin tightly.

Long Zilin, wearing a helmet, heard Ji Zhenzhen's scream behind him, and an imperceptible smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Ji Zhenzhen hugged Rong Zilin's waist tightly. This feeling of speeding scared her to forget the image of being reserved and a lady. Now her whole heart is hanging up, and she almost shouted.

"Jinzhen, I'll take you to a place!" Rong Zilin turned around and shouted to Ji Zhenzhen, only in exchange of Ji Zhenzhen's frightened eyes. Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she couldn't speak at this moment.

The fiery red motorcycle traveled rapidly through the streets of H City, attracting the attention of countless street people.

I don't know how long it took for the motorcycle to finally stop in front of an abandoned factory.

Rong Zilin got out of the car and took off his helmet. He saw Ji Zhenzhen with her eyes closed and still sitting on the motorcycle seat, which made Rong Zilin laugh.

"Jin, come down!" Rong Zilin said, came forward and picked up Ji Zhenzhen and easily put Ji Zhenzhen on the ground.

However, Ji Zhenzhen was scared by Rong Zilin's intimate behavior and almost forgot to speak, but felt like a dream.

"Jinzhen, look!" Rong Zilin pointed to the abandoned factory in front of him and said to Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly forgot to blame Rong Zilin for what he had just done, but looked in the direction of Rong Zilin's finger. Rong Zilin pointed to an abandoned factory that had been half of it. Ji Zhenzhen did not see anything special about this abandoned factory.

"Jinzhen, do you know? The factory once caused a fire because of a worker's mistake, which burned more than 20 people. Later, the factory was often rumored to be haunted and slowly shut down.

Ji Zhenzhen felt a little embarrassed after listening to Rong Zilin's words, but she could stand beside Rong Zilin to make Ji Zhenzhen feel very secure.

"Jinzhen, would you like to go in with me?" Rong Zilin's eyes were deep and clear, and he looked serious like the starry sky in the middle of the night.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zilin's bright eyes and had forgotten the fear in her heart, but nodded heavily.

In this way, Ji Zhenzhen followed Rong Zilin into the legendary haunted abandoned factory.

Just now, I didn't feel that when entering the abandoned factory, Ji Zhenzhen felt that the factory was gloomy everywhere, and now the sky was a little dark, which added a strange color to Ji Zhenzhen's factory adventure.

Ji Zhenzhen's heartbeat became more and more intense, and she couldn't help looking at Rong Zilin.

Rong Zilin's face has also become extremely serious at this moment, which is in sharp contrast to his usual smile.

Suddenly, a crow flew over Ji Zhenzhen's head, which scared Ji Zhenzhen to scream.

"Ah~~ah~~" Ji Zhenzhen screamed. After shouting, she felt a little rude and felt embarrassed again.

"There are some people here, Zhenzhen, I'll take your hand!" Rong Zilin said and stretched out his hand to Ji Zhenzhen. Rong Zilin's eyes were deep and gentle, which made Ji Zhenzhen couldn't bear to refuse.

Ji Zhenzhen put her hand into Rong Zilin's big hand, but at this moment, Rong Zilin's hand was extremely cold and piercing, making Ji Zhenzhen's heart even more uncertain.

Rong Zilin brought Ji Zhenzhen into the depths of the factory and said to Ji Zhenzhen, "Zhen, this is the place where more than 20 people are burned to death. It is said that there will be a cry here as soon as night falls..."

Ji Zhenzhen felt that Rong Zilin's face was getting darker and darker, and suddenly felt that every hair on her body had stood up. Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she trembled a little.

"Jingzhen, are you scared?" Rong Zilin suddenly asked faintly, with a cold voice.

"Zi Lin, don't scare me, okay?" Ji Zhenzhen finally couldn't help begging for mercy. At this time, she suddenly heard a strange sound behind her, and Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she burst into tears.

"Woo...Wow..." Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she didn't dare to look back to see what was going on.

At this moment, Rong Yilin suddenly pulled Ji Zhenzhen into his arms, which made Ji Zhenzhen suddenly feel surprised.

"Jian, in fact, what I just said is a lie to you. This is not a haunted factory, and no one has ever died. Those are all stories I made up. I just want to stay alone with you for a while!" Rong Zilin pulled Ji Zhenzhen into his arms. At this moment, he was so close to Ji Zhenzhen that Ji Zhenzhen could even clearly feel the gas exhaled from Rong Zilin's nose.

"Zi Lin, are you really lying to me? Is there really no ghost here?" Ji Zhenzhen gradually stopped crying, but she still trembled all over.

"Of course I lied to you, silly girl!" Rong Zilin said with a gentle smile and hugged Ji Zhenzhen tightly.

Ji Zhenzhen felt that Rong Zilin's arms were very warm, which made Ji Zhenzhen feel much more secure.

"Jinzhen, do you know? I fell in love with you the first time I saw you!" Rong Zilin held Ji Zhenzhen tightly in his arms and whispered in Ji Zhenzhen's ear.

"Jenzhen, I brought you here today just to be close to you. I hope you don't blame me!" At this time, Rong Zilin's voice was like the sound of heaven in Ji Zhenzhen's ears.

"Zi Lin, I won't blame you!" Although Ji Zhenzhen doesn't believe that her favorite Rong Zilin will also like her ordinary woman, she is now being held in Rong Zilin's arms at this time. This is indeed happening, which makes Ji Zhenzhen have to believe this fact, and at the same time, she feels unprecedented happiness and satisfaction in her heart. .

"J Jane, won't you really blame me?" Rong Zilin said that he pulled Ji Zhenzhen's shoulders with both hands and stared at Ji Zhenzhen's eyes deeply. The gentleness in his eyes made Ji Zhenzhen very intoxicated.

"I really don't blame you..." Ji Zhenzhen said and felt the breathing and gasping sound of Rong Zilin getting closer and closer. Ji Zhenzhen knew what Rong Zilin was going to do to herself next. Isn't this what Ji Zhenzhen expected? Ji Zhenzhen felt that happiness was coming. Although some progress was too fast, Ji Zhenzhen could not bear to destroy this beautiful scenery!

Well, although the surrounding environment is not a beautiful scenery, as long as she can be with Rong Zilin, Ji Zhenzhen feels that there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

Ji Zhenzhen gently closed her eyes and waited excitedly for the intoxicating moment.