slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 26 How about being my woman?


The curtain on a wall behind the sofa automatically closed. It turned out that Rong Zijun came towards him to pull the curtains. Ji Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief, but why did Rong Zijun close the curtains?

"Stupid woman, do you think I will be rude to you?"

Rong Zijun sat on the other end of the sofa and looked at Ji Zhenzhen playfully. How could this surprised woman be so stupid? It's extremely stupid!

"Of course, the president won't be rude to me. I'm not a beautiful woman..." Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and whispered to Rong Zijun's words. She was very flustered and didn't dare to raise her head at all. She was afraid to see Rong Zijun's deep eyes.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Rong Zijun asked again.

Ji Zhenzhen shook her head quickly and then nodded. She was really afraid of Rong Zijun, because she was too small in front of Rong Zijun.

"Look at me!" Rong Zijun's voice is very magnetic.

"Ah!" Ji Zhenzhen raised her head in a hurry, but found that Rong Zijun did not know when she had sat next to her and was very close to her, and her face was less than ten feet away from Rong Zijun's carved face.

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt a feverish on her face and was about to get up, but her arm was caught by Rong Zijun and held tightly.

"President, will you let me go?"

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help begging, but her voice was so weak at this moment.

Rong Zijun pulled Ji Zhenzhen into his arms. Ji Zhenzhen fell into Rong Zijun's arms without standing firmly and sat on Rong Zijun's lap.

"Ah!" Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she was about to get up immediately, but she had been imprisoned by Rong Zijun and couldn't move at all.

Rong Zijun's face is in front of him, and his face looks more exquisite at this close range, as if he came out of the most beautiful picture scroll.

"President..." Ji Zhenzhen was about to cry. The only thing she thought about now was to leave here quickly.

"Why do you always want to escape?" Rong Zijun asked coldly. He felt that Ji Zhenzhen in his arms had begun to tremble, and he felt the fear coming from her.

"Is it that scary?"

The tone of Rong Zijun's words is obviously much milder. At this time, he is more helpless. He has never bullied this stupid woman named Ji Zhenzhen, but why did she see herself like a mouse seeing a cat?

"I..." Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun in fear. She tried to keep a certain distance from Rong Zijun's face, but their faces were still so close that they could feel each other's gasp.

"How about being my woman?"

Rong Zijun suddenly said in Ji Zhenzhen's ear. Ji Zhenzhen was immediately stunned. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She even thought she had heard it wrong. She would never have thought that Rong Zijun would make such a request to her.

"What did you say?" Ji Zhenzhen asked in surprise.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen's surprised eyes. Instead of answering her, he suddenly kissed Ji Zhenzhen's lips.

Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that her whole body was so stiff that she dared not move, and even dared not push away Rong Zijun.

Rong Zijun's kiss was not as gentle as Rong Zihong's, and even had a strong domineering and aggressiveness. He quickly poked into Ji Zhenzhen's mouth with his tongue and invaded unscrupulously.

Rong Zijun did not close his eyes to enjoy this moment, because he saw that Ji Zhenzhen was also open and was looking at him in horror.

"You stupid woman, don't you know to close your eyes when kissing?"

Rong Zijun said playfully, and his lips pressed over again. This time, he was much more domineering than before.

Ji Zhenzhen obediently closed her eyes and trembled to welcome Rong Zijun's kiss. At this moment, she really wanted to push Rong Zijun away and give him a handsome slap, but she didn't have the courage to do so. Even in her heart, she didn't want to do that.

Rong Zijun kissed Ji Zhenzhen's cold lips domineeringly, while playing with Ji Zhenzhen's heartstrings with his tongue, slowly relaxing Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen, who relaxed, leaned softly in Rong Zijun's arms. At this moment, all the fear and tension in her heart have been replaced by enjoyment, and there are even some small sweetness in it.

After a long time, Rong Zijun finally let go of Ji Zhenzhen, and Ji Zhenzhen had leaned softly on the sofa. After the hot kiss of the two people just now, Ji Zhenzhen felt that Rong Zijun also had a gentle side.

"How's it going?" Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen and asked.

"What?" Ji Zhenzhen still doesn't know what question Rong Zijun is asking.

"To be my woman!"

Rong Zijun stretched out his tongue and gently licked his lips, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, which was fleeting.

Ji Zhenzhen didn't know how to answer for a moment. She looked into Rong Zijun's eyes and asked after a long time, "Isn't your girlfriend Chu Qing?"

Rong Zijun raised his eyebrows disdainfully and said, "I have many girlfriends. As for Chu Qing, she is just one of them!"

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't stand Rong Zijun's annoying face, so she snorted and turned her head away.

"Chu Qing really wants to be my woman, but I'm really not interested in her!" Rong Zijun said another sentence.

What does it mean? Isn't your girlfriend your woman? So what do you mean by letting me be your woman? Isn't it a girlfriend?"

Ji Zhenzhen asked angrily, why are there so many differences between girlfriends and women in Rong Zijun's mouth?

"My girlfriend is shown to others, and women go to bed with me." Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen's face playfully, as if he had deliberately said these words to Ji Zhenzhen.

"You are shameless!" Ji Zhenzhen said that she was about to raise her hand to hit Rong Zijun, but her raised arm was caught by Rong Zijun.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen with an angry face and asked, "Do you like children like Zihong?"

"" Ji Zhenzhen broke away from Rong Zijun's hand and was so angry that she couldn't speak, but her whole body trembled.

"I'm afraid Zihong is still a virgin. Naturally, his level is not as good as mine. You'd better think clearly!" Rong Zijun said coldly, slowly got up and walked to his boss's chair, sat heavily and leaned against the back of the chair.

Rong Zijun, who sat in the boss's chair, changed to his usual cold face for thousands of years. In addition to indifference or indifference in his eyes, as if everything that had just happened was Ji Zhenzhen's illusion.

"I have promised Zihong to be his girlfriend, and I am pure with Zihong. He is not the kind of person you think."

Ji Zhenzhen stood up and said coldly to Rong Zijun. At this time, Rong Zijun not only had a stinky face king in her heart, but now had a new name, that is, the big pervert.

"Well, I, Rong Zijun, will never force anyone, especially women. One day you will come to me in person and beg you."

After saying a few words coldly, Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen impatiently, and finally said coldly to Ji Zhenzhen, "Go out!"

Ji Zhenzhen seemed to have received an amnesty token, and there was a little excitement in her heart. Ji Zhenzhen quickly tidyed up her clothes and quickly escaped from Rong Zijun's office. After coming out, her heart had been jumping fiercely.