slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 29 10 million worth of garbage

A Lamborghini parked next to a stall. This kind of scenery is really rare. Fortunately, there are not many people eating in the stalls, and those people just looked at Rong Zijun and Ji Zhenzhen strangely and did not react too strongly. After all, it is not illegal for rich people to like to eat stalls!

"What do you two want?"

As soon as the boss of the stall saw a "big customer" coming, he immediately came over with a smile on his face and took out a small book to record the dishes they ordered.

"Don't remember, ten servings of all the food you have here!"

Rong Zijun said a word casually, but shocked Ji Zhenzhen and the boss of the stall. Ji Zhenzhen, in particular, turned pale with fear. She quickly lowered her head and whispered to Rong Zijun, "You order so many things. How can we eat it? Just order a little."

Rong Zijun ignored Ji Zhenzhen, but gracefully nodded to the boss of the stall and said, "That's it."

The boss of the big stall is naturally happy. After all, this kind of generous "big customer" is not available every day. He is also afraid that the duck in his mouth will fly away.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun helplessly. At this time, she felt that Rong Zijun didn't know the importance. Did she want to have a big stall?

Rong Zijun seemed to see Ji Zhenzhen's thoughts and said to Ji Zhenzhen, "If you can't eat it, you can pack it for breakfast tomorrow."

"I can't eat breakfast either!"

Ji Zhenzhen said angrily.

"Then treat the whole family to breakfast!"

Sure enough, Rong Zijun packed all the food that the two had not eaten, and finally gave the boss of the stall a lot of packing expenses. Finally, the packaged food was filled with a trunk, and the two of them were ready to go home.

It was already past ten o'clock when I returned to Rongjia Villa. At this time, most people in the villa have returned to their rooms, because everyone's room in the villa is a suite, with their own living room and TV, so no one will stay in the lobby on the first floor.

"I'll take these foods to the kitchen. You can go back to bed first!"

Rong Zijun said and walked to the kitchen on the first floor with several big bags.

Ji Zhenzhen looked at Rong Zijun's tall and straight back and suddenly felt a sense of happiness. How good it would be if Rong Zijun could be so gentle every day, but Ji Zhenzhen was very clear about Rong Zijun's character. She knew that at dawn tomorrow, Rong Zijun would transform again!

Up to the second floor of the villa, Ji Zhenzhen returned to her room.

As soon as she entered the room and didn't turn on the light, Ji Zhenzhen saw a dark shadow in her room.

Ji Zhenzhen was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat and asked in a trembling voice, "Who?"

"Jinjin, it's me!"

Ji Zhenzhen could hear that this was Rong Zihong's voice. She quickly turned on the light and found that Rong Zihong was sitting at her bedside and looking at herself gently.

"Zihong, why haven't you slept yet?"

Ji Zhenzhen asked quickly.

"I'm waiting for you!"

Rong Zihong stood up, and his straight body was taller than Ji Zhenzhen's head.

"Aren't I back!"

Ji Zhenzhen pretended to be relaxed and found that Rong Zihong looked at her today.

"Jingzhen, why did you come back so late?" Rong Zihong asked in a warm voice.

"I... I... I worked overtime in the company. Later, your eldest brother saw that I worked hard and invited me to eat. It was a big stall..."

Ji Zhenzhen doesn't know why she wants to deceive Rong Zihong, but she doesn't want Rong Zihong to know what happened between her and Rong Zijun.

"So that's it."

Rong Zihong actually believed Ji Zhenzhen's words. He took a few steps forward and walked to Ji Zhenzhen, bent down to kiss Ji Zhenzhen, and was hurriedly avoided by Ji Zhenzhen.

"Jenzhen, don't you want me to kiss you?"

Rong Zihong looked at Ji Zhenzhen innocently, and he also noticed the dodge in Ji Zhenzhen's eyes.

"Zihong, I think it's too fast between us, and I can't get used to it."

Ji Zhenzhen said what she thought. After all, she had only agreed to Rong Zihong to be his girlfriend for a few days, and Rong Zihong was one year younger than her.

"I know, Zhenzhen, I won't force you."

Rong Zihong immediately laughed again, and his smile was as pure as an angel.

"Jenzhen, as long as you know how I feel about you, I will do my best to make you the happiest woman."

Rong Zihong said with a smile, with a bright smile, which was very infectious, especially with his golden hair, which was simply another version of the European prince.

Ji Zhenzhen didn't know what to say for a moment. Rong Zihong naturally knew how good she was to herself. She didn't like Rong Zihong in her heart, but she always felt that something was missing between her and Rong Zihong.

Maybe two people don't get along well with each other and don't know each other enough. Ji Zhenzhen always comforts herself like this. Since the two came together, Ji Zhenzhen didn't want to let go easily. After all, Ji Zhenzhen was still very reluctant to give up Rong Zihong and wanted to get along well with him.

But today, Rong Zijun suddenly broke into her life, which made Ji Zhenzhen even more confused and didn't know what she really thought.

However, Ji Zhenzhen clearly knows that Rong Zijun will never pay attention to himself like Rong Zihong. Rong Zijun will only make himself sad, and Zihong is the person who can make himself happy. Although Rong Zihong is still very young and young, Ji Zhenzhen is willing to get along with Rong Zihong slowly. One day Rong Zihong It will also give Ji Zhenzhen a sense of security like a real man.

"Zihong, go to bed!"

Ji Zhenzhen said, and the moment she pushed Rong Zihong out of the room and put it on the door, Ji Zhenzhen felt very guilty.

This is a guilt for Rong Zihong. Ji Zhenzhen felt that she had just done something wrong with Rong Zihong. This guilt has made her unable to face Rong Zihong with a pure face. Maybe she really needs to be quiet.

Maybe I really want to draw a clear line with Rong Zijun, which is fair to Rong Zihong!

The next day, Ji Zhenzhen went to work as usual. On this day, Ji Zhenzhen deliberately went out early. She tried her best to avoid bumping into Rong Zijun's working hours. Fortunately, she did not see Rong Zijun's Lamborghini along the way. Ji Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief and had some small disappointment.

When she arrived at the company, Ji Zhenzhen entered Rong Zijun's office early and prepared to clean the office.

Ji Zhenzhen put some messy documents on the table neatly together, and then wiped Rong Zijun's desk and chairs from beginning to end.

"Huh? What is this?"

Ji Zhenzhen saw a small exquisite box in a semi-open drawer. She took out the small box under the trend of curiosity and opened it. There was a very delicate diamond necklace in it.

Although the diamond is not very big, it looks very shiny because of its superb cutting process, and the diamond is also very pure without any flaws. Ji Zhenzhen fell in love with this diamond necklace at first sight.

"It's really beautiful!"

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help sighing, but I don't know who this necklace was bought by Rong Zijun for. Is it for yourself?

Although Ji Zhenzhen was also shocked by her idea, few women can resist diamonds**, and Ji Zhenzhen is no exception. It is normal to have a little expectation in her heart.

"Even if he gives it to me, I can't accept it!"

Ji Zhenzhen said to herself that she knew that if she accepted this diamond necklace, it meant that she had promised Rong Zijun to be his woman, and she didn't want to have anything to do with him!

Ji Zhenzhen installed the diamond necklace from the new one and put it back in its original place, and then gently covered the drawer.

Ji Zhenzhen is a little nervous, and I don't know when Rong Zijun will give this diamond necklace to herself? Will it be like a romantic candlelight dinner in an idol drama?

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help thinking about it, and her cheeks were red, and she even had some expectations in her heart.

"This guy, everything is everywhere!"

Ji Zhenzhen saw that there were still a few useless papers under Rong Zijun's desk, on which there were only some French that she couldn't understand. Ji Zhenzhen put all the papers in the trash can and cleaned up everything in the trash can together.

After a while, Rong Zijun came to the 49th floor and walked directly opposite Ji Zhenzhen, who was going out to take out the garbage.

Ji Zhenzhen just wanted to take the initiative to say hello to Rong Zijun, but Rong Zijun looked at her indifferently, as if she passed by her like air.

Rong Zijun actually took her as air!

"What! Yesterday, he said that he would let me be your woman, but he ignored me today. Fortunately, he didn't agree yesterday, otherwise he would be bullied to death by you, a bad guy.

Ji Zhenzhen is indignant. This annoying Rong Zijun is really like a schizophrenic patient, cold and hot. He treats you well today and ignores you tomorrow. He is really a guy who is not worth mentioning.

Ji Zhenzhen cursed Rong Zijun angrily while pouring the garbage. She fantasized the garbage as Rong Zijun. After pouring down, she stepped on it with her feet.

Ji Zhenzhen, who returned to the 49th floor, entered the house and saw Cen Xinger making a phone call with an anxious face. Seeing that her expression was something difficult, Ji Zhenzhen was about to cry when she saw Cen Xinger.

And there were also several people in black suits standing in Rong Zijun's office at this time, as if something serious had really happened.

After Cen Xinger finished calling, Ji Zhenzhen came forward to ask with concern.

"Xinger, what happened?"

Cen Xinger frowned and didn't look well. Before she opened her mouth, she sighed first, "Oh, the president signed a contract with the French trend group yesterday, but today's signed document can't be found."

Ji Zhenzhen's heart tightened, it won't be such a coincidence!

I hope she didn't throw away the signed contract as garbage. Ji Zhenzhen secretly took a deep breath and comforted herself in her heart.

"If you can't find it, you can't find the quilt. Just sign another one."

Ji Zhenzhen said tentatively how much she hoped that this matter could be resolved satisfactorily, so that even if she threw away the contract, she would have no responsibility.

"No, Zhenzhen, the French side is very angry and said that if the contract is lost, our group will compensate 10 million!"

"What? 10 million!"

Ji Zhenzhen's eyes turned red with shock. The number of 10 million is too big. Is it just a contract?

Before Cen Xinger realized, Ji Zhenzhen had disappeared. She wanted to go to the dustbin as soon as possible to see if there was this contract worth 10 million in the garbage!