slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 40 Old and New Antique Vase

The next day, the moment Ji Zhenzhen opened her eyes, she couldn't wait to go to the living room on the first floor of the villa to see if the antique vase had been restored.

After washing, Ji Zhenzhen came to the first floor eagerly and was very anxious. When Ji Zhenzhen was on the stairs, she saw a very exquisite antique vase being placed in the living room on the first floor.

"Wow!" Ji Zhenzhen blushed with excitement and quickly walked over and touched the vase. She couldn't put it down.

"I really can't see that it's broken at all!" Ji Zhenzhen was very surprised. This antique vase did not feel the cracks in appearance or feel, just like the new one.

"Zi Lin said that only the inside of the vase can be seen that the vase has been broken, but I want to see what the interior of this antique vase looks like!"

Ji Zhenzhen thought about what Rong Zilin said to her yesterday and looked at the interior of the antique vase. The interior of the antique vase was a milky white smooth wall, and there was no trace of fragmentation.

"Why can't you see it?" Ji Zhenzhen thought she was dazzled, so she stretched out her hand and gently touched the inner wall of the antique vase and found that no matter how carefully she touched it, the interior of the antique vase was smooth without any flaws.

"Is this antique vase new?" Ji Zhenzhen was shocked, but she didn't succeed in shooting the antique vase worth 35 million yesterday? Is this vase an imitation? I don't think so?

Just as Ji Zhenzhen was thinking nonsense, Rong Zilin had quietly walked behind Ji Zhenzhen, holding a large box in his hand. Naturally, there was a restored antique vase, exactly the same as the one in the living room.

"Jenzhen!" Rong Zilin called warmly. He was also surprised when he saw the intact antique vase placed in the living room, but soon he understood what had happened.

"Zi Lin!" Ji Zhenzhen turned her head and saw that it was Rong Zilin. She hurriedly waved to Rong Zilin, "Zilin, come and have a look. This vase seems to be new."

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Rong Zilin's mouth, and he finally understood why the man refused to give up the antique vase to himself yesterday.

When Ji Zhenzhen saw that Rong Zilin didn't say anything, she asked curiously, "Zolin, is this vase an imitation made by you? It's really protective!"

Rong Zilin put the box in his arms on the ground, took out the repaired antique vase from the box and put it in the living room. When the two vases were placed together, it was exactly the same. The repaired vase was a little old because it had been placed for a long time.

"It's really exactly the same!" Ji Zhenzhen sighed uncontrollably. She thought that Rong Zilin was afraid that the vase was gone, so she first made an identical imitation and put it in the living room. When it was really repaired, she replaced the fake one. This move was really smart and the ghost didn't know it.

"That's not an imitation, it's true!" Rong Zilin said lightly, staring at the new antique vase.

"Oh? How is it possible? We obviously didn't succeed in the auction yesterday. How could it be? Ji Zhenzhen is even more confused. Why is this antique vase that was auctioned in the United States yesterday already placed in Rong's villa today?

"I also want to know what's going on." Rong Zilin said lightly, and the smile on his face faded much. In fact, he had guessed what was going on from the first sight of this antique vase.

At this time, Liu Qing, the housekeeper, came in from the outside and saw Rong Zilin and Ji Zhenzhen standing next to the antique vase, and there was an identical antique vase beside him, so he came over.

Liu Qing said respectfully to Rong Zilin, "Second young master, this antique vase?"

Liu Qing is the housekeeper of the Rong family. Naturally, he knows everything about the Rong family. Naturally, he knows that Hu Shuixin broke the antique vase.

"Housekeeper Liu, you came just right. Did the eldest brother bring back that vase?" Rong Zilin asked with a smile, and the smile on his face was warmer than the morning sun.

"Yes, the young master sent someone to send back this antique vase at five o'clock in the morning and told me to put it in the original position!" Liu Qing said, taking out the towel in his pocket and wiping the fingerprints on the antique vase. From this detail, it can be seen that Liu Qing is a delicate person.

"This antique vase was bought by the president?" Ji Zhenzhen's mouth was surprised. It turned out that it was Rong Zijun who competed with her and Rong Zilin online yesterday? No wonder when Rong Zilin discussed antique vases with the other party, the other party had an arrogant and rude attitude. If the other party was Rong Zijun, then it was reasonable to have such an attitude.

However, Rong Zijun spent 30 million to buy this antique vase for himself. Ji Zhenzhen really felt very surprised and moved, and felt warm in her heart.

"Second young master, what about this vase?" Liu Qing naturally refers to the antique vase that has been restored.

Rong Zilin looked at the two antique vases with exactly the same appearance, but in fact they were already very different. Finally, he smiled and said, "Take it and destroy them. It's useless now. Don't make extracurricular!"

Ji Zhenzhen was a little anxious when she heard Rong Zilin's words, "Zi Lin, even if you have a new antique vase, you don't have to destroy the old one, right? Although the vase has been broken, after all, it is an antique and is not used for flower arrangement. As long as it can be placed, it is more beautiful when a pair is put together!"

Ji Zhenzhen really doesn't want this antique vase that Rong Zilin has cultivated with good intentions to be destroyed. After all, you can see the bits and pieces of Rong Zilin has done to herself on this vase.

"If it is broken, it will be broken. Even if the appearance is repaired exactly the same, in fact, there are still many scars inside, which are no longer valuable." Rong Zilin said, with a trace of sadness on his face, which was very different from him who hung his smile on his face all day long, which made people feel a sense of distress.

Rong Zilin put his hands in his pockets and slowly went to the second floor of the villa. Ji Zhenzhen reluctantly looked at the repaired antique vase.

"Housekeeper Liu, do you really want to destroy this?" Ji Zhenzhen asked sadly.

"What did the second young master say? We servants can only do what we can do." Liu Qing's eyes were more regretful and helpless. He held the antique vase that had been broken at all in his arms and walked towards the Rong family's utility room.

Ji Zhenzhen saw Liu Qing leave and heard a gentle sigh.