slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 53 As if nothing happened

"Why did you let me go to the company with you?"

Ji Zhenzhen, who just got on Lamborghini, asked Rong Zijun angrily. Sometimes she really couldn't understand what Rong Zijun was thinking. The whole family had a meal together, but Rong Zijun had to go back to the company to sign documents and pull her Ji Zhenzhen.

"Have you forgotten your identity?" Rong Zijun said coldly, and his face was extremely cold.

Ji Zhenzhen's heart sank. It seemed that Rong Zijun was not in a good mood today, so Ji Zhenzhen stopped saying anything. In fact, she was afraid that Rong Zijun would lose his temper with her.

Ji Zhenzhen is very afraid of Rong Zijun and doesn't know why.

Although the air conditioner has been turned on in the car, Ji Zhenzhen still feels a burst of coldness. Maybe it's because she was with Rong Zijun!

"Christmas Eve is just a few days left!" Ji Zhenzhen said to herself. She remembered that she had promised Rong Zihong to go to school to watch his band concert on Christmas Eve. Seeing that the Christmas Eve was coming in a few days, Ji Zhenzhen retreated a little.

It's not because Ji Zhenzhen doesn't want to go, but because Ji Zhenzhen feels that her feelings for Rong Zihong have changed a lot at this time. Maybe Ji Zhenzhen has never liked Rong Zihong from beginning to end, just treating him as a prince who satisfies her self-esteem.

Lamborghini parked in the underground parking lot of the Bandung Building. By this time, it was past eight o'clock, and there were few cars in the parking lot.

The two walked in the parking lot one after the other. Ji Zhenzhen clearly listened to the footsteps of herself and Rong Zijun. At this time, the footsteps were so lonely.

When he came to the 49th floor of the building, Rong Zijun sat at his desk and read the documents carefully, while Ji Zhenzhen sat next to him boredly.

Ji Zhenzhen can't figure out why Rong Zijun asked her to come to the company. Looking at the current situation, she doesn't seem to have anything to do!

So Ji Zhenzhen asked tentatively, "President, I don't know what I need to do?" Rong Zijun once told Ji Zhenzhen in private that he should be called president when the company and others were present, and his name could only be called when there were two people.

"Sitting down!" Rong Zijun said a cold word without raising his head.

Ji Zhenzhen really had nothing to do, so she sneaked out of Rong Zijun's office and slipped into the 49th floor attic, which was also the place where Ji Zhenzhen lost her personal freedom and became Rong Zijun's slave nanny.

Ji Zhenzhen found some food in the refrigerator, then turned on the projection device and watched the movie on the big screen while eating snacks. It was simply very free.

Although this attic does not allow anyone to take a step, Ji Zhenzhen's relationship with Rong Zijun is now extraordinary, and Rong Zijun has also acquiesced that Ji Zhenzhen can come in here to rest, and Ji Zhenzhen also has a pass for Rong Zijun's private territory.

I don't know how long it took. Rong Zijun didn't come up to call himself. Ji Zhenzhen looked at him lying on the sofa and slowly fell asleep.

Ji Zhenzhen in her sleep felt a warm feeling. Ji Zhenzhen was awakened by this feeling and found that Rong Zijun did not know when she had come to her side and was kissing Ji Zhenzhen's neck at this moment.

"Zijun..." Ji Zhenzhen felt comfortable, and Rong Zijun's movements were very gentle, which made her a little unbearable to refuse.

"Zijun, it's late. Shall we go home?" Ji Zhenzhen asked softly, but her whole body was a little uncontrollable under the kiss of Rong Zijun.

"Don't go back tonight!" Rong Zijun said gently. At this time, he was completely cold as usual, as if he had changed.

Ji Zhenzhen's heart beat violently with tension. Of course, she knew what Rong Zijun said. She wanted to refuse, but she didn't know how to say so.

"Zijun, I..." Ji Zhenzhen was about to open her mouth when she was sealed by Rong Zijun's lips. Rong Zijun's tongue domineeringly penetrated into Ji Zhenzhen's mouth, which made Ji Zhenzhen drunk and forgot what she wanted to say.

Rong Zijun kissed Ji Zhenzhen enthusiastically. The physical temperature of the two continued to rise. Ji Zhenzhen only felt that she wanted to be close to Rong Zijun in her heart and body, but reason told her no.

"Zijun, I want to go home." Ji Zhenzhen finally said these words, but Rong Zijun continued to kiss hotly as if he didn't hear it, even hotter than just now, and finally made Ji Zhenzhen give up her defense.

Ji Zhenzhen felt that her coat had been removed by Rong Zijun, leaving only her last underwear. She closed her eyes very shyly and did not dare to see Rong Zijun, and Rong Zijun's hot body was getting closer and closer to her.

Ji Zhenzhen closed her eyes and waited for what would happen next, but Rong Zijun slowly slowed down and stroked her hand.

Rong Zijun gently stroked Ji Zhenzhen's cheek and kissed her gently. He saw Ji Zhenzhen's red and tense body, and knew Ji Zhenzhen's true feelings. He didn't want to force her.

Rong Zijun can't get Ji Zhenzhen's body like this. He can't do it.

Ji Zhenzhen felt something covering her body and secretly opened her eyes. Ji Zhenzhen saw that Rong Zijun had put on the black suit jacket, and what covered Ji Zhenzhen was her coat.

Ji Zhenzhen sat up shyly and put on her coat. She didn't dare to ask Rong Zijun why she suddenly stopped. She just thought that her spleen body must have caused Rong Zijun's disgust.

Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed. She was just a little uncomfortable.

The two didn't say a word on their way back to Rong's house. In fact, Rong Zijun was thinking about how to spend the upcoming Christmas Eve and Christmas, while Ji Zhenzhen thought that Rong Zijun was tired of her and felt very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Ji Zhenzhen found that she cared so much about Rong Zijun and Rong Zijun's smile. No wonder she was usually afraid of Rong Zijun and looked at his face to do everything. It turned out that she cared about him.

Ji Zhenzhen was also willing to give herself to Rong Zijun, but when she was really willing to hand over herself, Rong Zijun retreated, and Ji Zhenzhen's sad tears almost fell out.

At the door of Rong's villa, Rong Zijun said to Ji Zhenzhen, "Go back by yourself. I have to go out. Go to work by yourself tomorrow!"

Ji Zhenzhen nodded blindly, and her heart was even more depressed. Rong Zijun must have rejected herself and was not even allowed to rub her car every morning.

"I know, president, don't worry, I will do anything that has never happened." Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and said, very sad. How she hoped that Rong Zijun could hold her again at this time and tell her that she thought too much.

But Rong Zijun didn't say anything. He just looked at Ji Zhenzhen coldly and said coldly after a moment, "Well, it's good!"

Ji Zhenzhen got out of the car numbly and slowly entered the Rongjia villa, while Rong Zijun, who was sitting in the car, had been staring at Ji Zhenzhen's back.

"I don't know what this silly girl is thinking about again, but it's good. Give her a surprise in a few days to make her happy!" Rong Zijun was thinking, but his phone rang at this time.

Rong Zijun picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. The other party was an extremely gentle female voice: "Zijun, when will you come over? I'll wait for you!"

Rong Zijun looked more and more solemn, and he thought about it for a minute before saying, "Go now!"

After saying that, Rong Zijun stepped on the accelerator!

Ji Zhenzhen returned to her room and lay with her head covered **. She didn't know if she and Rong Zijun were over like this. This fear told her that she had fallen in love with Rong Zijun, but what was Rong Zijun's mind? Ji Zhenzhen began to guess again.