slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 61 Thriller Day Trip

"Jinzhen, what are you doing?"

At this time, Ji Zhenzhen suddenly heard a man's voice ringing behind her. Ji Zhenzhen quickly stood up. When she turned around, her face had changed to a smiling face.

"I'll take a look!" Ji Zhenzhen said with a smile.

"So that's it!"

Standing in front of Ji Zhenzhen was Rong Zilin, and his face was still with that elegant smile.

"Jinzhen, are you free today?" Rong Zilin said with a smile.

"I'm free. What's wrong?" Ji Zhenzhen is a little puzzled.

"Then you can accompany me to a place!" Rong Zilin said, looking at Ji Zhenzhen with expectation in his eyes.

"Where?" Ji Zhenzhen looked puzzled.

"You will know when you go!" Rong Zilin's warm smile made people unable to refuse.

Ji Zhenzhen naturally would not refuse Rong Zilin's request, so she agreed with a smile.

Maybe because of the cold weather, Rong Zilin did not ride a motorcycle, but took Ji Zhenzhen to a dark blue Porsche.

"Is this new car?" Ji Zhenzhen was very curious when sitting in Porsche. She looked very happy.

"Yes, I just bought it for less than a month." Rong Zilin said while fiddling with the rearview mirror. When everything was ready, he smiled and said to Ji Zhenzhen, "Let's go!"

Porsche's speed is very fast, and Ji Zhenzhen watched the people and things on both sides of the road constantly passing by and slowly getting smaller in front of her eyes.

Today's weather is a little gloomy. It seems that there will be a snow on Christmas Eve this year, but this is just right. Christmas with white snowflakes is a good match.

When you are with Rong Zilin, time always flies. Although Ji Zhenzhen only treats Rong Zilin as a friend now, every time she is alone with Rong Zilin, Ji Zhenzhen's heartbeat is inevitably a little faster.

The car quickly came out of the city. It seemed that the place where Rong Zilin was going to take Ji Zhenzhen was still far away. Although Ji Zhenzhen was puzzled, she didn't ask anything, because she had a down-to-earth feeling when she was with Rong Zilin. Even if Rong Zilin took her anywhere, she would not feel worried.

"Jinzhen, do you like adventure?" Rong Zilin suddenly asked with a smile.

"Adventure?" At first glance, I was a little surprised to hear this word, but it was a little exciting to think about it. Most of the young people are adventurous, and Ji Zhenzhen is no exception.

"Of course I like it. My favorite is adventure novels." Ji Zhenzhen straightened up and said, although she was not very bold.

"That's good, so as not to cry when you're scared for a while." Rong Zilin joked.

"No way!" Ji Zhenzhen curled her lips unconvincedly.

The car was parked near a pile of rocks. Ji Zhenzhen had never been here. Looking at the black rocks surrounded by no grass, Ji Zhenzhen thought she had come to an alien planet!

"What is this place? So strange!" Ji Zhenzhen felt a little nervous.

"Come with me!" The expression on Rong Zilin's face was still so warm, and his smile made Ji Zhenzhen a little less worried and more secure.

The two walked back and forward to the pile of rocks, and the road was very difficult to walk. Fortunately, Ji Zhenzhen was wearing a pair of sneakers today.

After a while, the two came to the foot of a stone mountain, which was not high, and the highest point of the mountain was only more than ten meters, which looked more like a pile of big stones.

The strange thing is that there is an imperceptible narrow mouth at the foot of Stone Mountain, which can only allow one person to pass through at the same time, and the narrow mouth is extremely hidden and will not be found if you don't look carefully.

"Let's go in!" Rong Zilin said lightly and took the lead in front of Ji Zhenzhen.

Although Ji Zhenzhen was a little scared, she still followed. After all, she had just praised Haikou, so she couldn't retreat.

It turned out that this narrow mouth is the cave entrance of this stone mountain, and this cave entrance leads to the ground. The stairs go down one step at the entrance, and the stairs are covered with stones and weeds. It seems that no one has been here for many years.

Rong Zilin handed a flashlight to Ji Zhenzhen, and he also turned on a flashlight. The two flashlights lit up the hole, and he could also see the desolation in the cave.

"What is this place? What kind of tomb is it? Zilin, you don't want to steal the tomb, do you?" Ji Zhenzhen asked in a fuss, and her heart kept jumping. If this is really a tomb or something, it's too exciting. Will there be ghosts?

Rong Zilin poked Ji Zhenzhen's head with a smile, "Have you read too many novels? If it had been our turn, we would have been protected by the state long ago.

Ji Zhenzhen spit out her tongue, which is also true. She has really read too many novels and her mind has become simple.

"This turned out to be an air-raid shelter, which was built during the war." Rong Zilin told the truth, which also made Ji Zhenzhen feel much more secure.

Looking at Ji Zhenzhen's relieved appearance, Rong Zilin couldn't help smiling secretly and immediately said seriously, "But many people have died here!"

"Have you ever died? What's the matter?" Ji Zhenzhen immediately held her breath and suddenly felt a cool breeze coming up on her back. She came forward and took Rong Zilin's arm tightly and did not dare to let go at all.

"At the time of the war, there were many bombers in foreign countries, so the local government built a lot of air-raid shelters to let the local people take refuge when the enemy came to bomb. At that time, many people came here to take refuge, and there were about 200 people. However, after the enemy plane flew away, the people found that the hole of the air-raid shelter did not know who had been sealed from the outside, and the people inside could not get out, so more than 200 people starved to death in this air-raid shelter.

Ji Zhenzhen's scalp was hairy, and she felt more and more nervous. She grabbed Rong Zilin's arm more and more tightly. "So many people have died, will it be haunted here?"

"There are no ghosts in this world!"

What Rong Zilin said was that Ji Zhenzhen suddenly felt much more at ease, but Rong Zilin immediately changed his words and said, "However, even if there are ghosts, it is a phenomenon that cannot be explained by science. I believe that there are ghosts in the world for the time being!"

"Zilin, stop talking, let's go back to avoid being sealed from the outside." Ji Zhenzhen's voice trembled. She felt that the hole was getting more and more strange. In addition to the footsteps of herself and Rong Zilin, there seemed to be other sounds.

"What? Is Zhenzhen afraid? Rong Zilin asked with a smile.

Where is it? I'm just worried!" Ji Zhenzhen refused to be soft and still did not admit her timidity.

"Don't worry, no one has been here for many years, let alone someone will be bored to seal the hole." Rong Zilin was not afraid at all, and the expression on his face was still the same as usual.

Ji Zhenzhen hugged Rong Zilin's arm tightly while observing around for fear of any unknown objects hiding nearby.

Ji Zhenzhen and Rong Zilin have gone down to the belly of the cave. It is much wider than the place just now, but it is still overgrown with weeds and emit a very unpleasant smell. It must be a rotten smell of sunshine all year round.

"It is said that when more than 200 people in the air-raid shelter saw that no one came to save them, they slowly couldn't stand hunger and began to kill each other and eat human flesh. At first, he was physically strong and killed the elderly and weak people to eat. Slowly, when there was not enough food, he began to eat women and children. Finally, even women and children began to fight with each other after eating. No matter how many physically strong people are at the beginning, there will be the strongest one left in the end. I don't know how he will feel when he looks at the bones everywhere in the cave. He must have been numb or crazy.

Rong Zilin whispered to Ji Zhenzhen in Ji Zhenzhen's ear, and did not see that Ji Zhenzhen had turned pale with fear.

Ji Zhenzhen's whole body has trembled, and she even closed her eyes and dared not open them. She is really afraid to see horrible things when she opens her eyes.

"Ah!" Ji Zhenzhen exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Rong Zilin asked with concern.

"Bone! Bones!" Ji Zhenzhen shouted in horror and pointed to the direction of her feet. It turned out that Ji Zhenzhen suddenly tripped over something while walking. Ji Zhenzhen thought that it must be a dead bone.

Rong Zijun looked at Ji Zhenzhen's feet. There was no bone there. It was clearly a stone. Rong Zijun couldn't help laughing.

"Jinzhen, this is just a stone. Don't be afraid!" Rong Zilin said gently.

"Really?" Ji Zhenzhen closed her eyes tightly and still dared not open them.

"Really, you open your eyes and you will know when I lied to you?" Rong Zilin said with a smile.

Ji Zhenzhen finally narrowed her eyes into a crack and was relieved to see the stone from the crack.

"It seems that Zhenzhen is very scared?" Rong Zilin asked.

"Let's go back. I'm really scared!" Ji Zhenzhen finally admitted her feelings. She looked at Rong Zilin with red eyes and begged.

"Stupid girl, how can there be so many stories of cannibalism!" Rong Zilin couldn't help laughing. He just liked to see Ji Zhenzhen's nervous appearance.

"Zolin, are you lying to me?" Ji Zhenzhen hurriedly asked.

"Do you really believe it?" Rong Zilin scraped Ji Zhenzhen's nose with his fingers.

"I... I really believe it!" Ji Zhenzhen said unhappily and stubbornly turned her face away.

"Oh, Zhenzhen is so cute. You believe everything I say." Rong Zilin saw that Ji Zhenzhen was really a little angry, so he begged for mercy, "Okay, can't I be wrong? Zhenzhen, you don't remember the villain!"