slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 75 Shopping

"What medicine? Why are you inexplicable today? Rose is a little impatient.

"Qingyu, do you think she didn't take the medicine?" Ji Zhenzhen also felt very strange. Looking at Rose's expression and behavior, she seemed to really not know herself, and as if she really didn't medicine herself and Guan Qingyu.

For a long time, Ji Zhenzhen thought that the medicine was under the rose, and the purpose was to revenge on Guan Qingyu. But if it weren't for the medicine under roses, who would it be? Ji Zhenzhen felt even more scared.

"Last time we went to sea, Zhenzhen and I were drugged and almost..." Guan Qingyu blushed and said to Rose.

"Last time you went to sea? I also drank a lot of wine last time, and then I was sent home by them. As for who gave you and Miss Zhenzhen the medicine? Did anything happen later? I don't know anything about it, and I'm not interested in knowing it." Rose still looked at Guan Qingyu coldly and could see that she still resented Guan Qingyu.

"Then why couldn't I find you last time?" Guan Qingyu continued to ask.

"Brother, I flew abroad the day after my last time I went to sea. I didn't come back until last week. Who knew you were looking for me." Rose said angrily.

"It seems that I misunderstood you." Guan Qingyu said with some embarrassment, and then took a look at Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen is even more puzzled. This is not the medicine under roses. Who would it be? I don't know anyone else! Ji Zhenzhen thought carefully that the people who went to sea with her that day except Rongjia and senior Zhuoli were all friends of Rongjia.

"Since you know it's a misunderstanding, please come back and don't affect my mood to eat." Rose impatiently issued an eviction order.

"Then let's go first and come to you for coffee another day!" Guan Qingyu said, and Ji Zhenzhen got up and walked out of the restaurant.

"I almost made a mistake." Guan Qingyu spit out his tongue.

"Yes!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded and sat back in Porsche, feeling more solemn.

"Jinzhen, what are you thinking about? Is your stomach uncomfortable again?" Guan Qingyu asked with concern while starting the car.

"Qingyu, my stomach is fine. Let's go home!" Ji Zhenzhen said.

"Oh, all right!" Guan Qingyu nodded obediently, turned the steering wheel with both hands, and Porsche turned around and drove in the direction.

Ji Zhenzhen and Guan Qingyu didn't talk, but they were thinking about the same thing.

"Qingyu, who do you think has a grudge against you except Rose among the people who went to sea that day?" Ji Zhenzhen suddenly asked.

"Although I know those people, they are all ordinary friends. Not to mention hatred, they haven't even had a small holiday." Guan Qingyu looked a little solemn, and he kept thinking about this problem in his heart.

"Who will that be?" Ji Zhenzhen said to herself, if she hadn't come for Guan Qingyu, would she have come for herself? But I don't know them. How can it be aimed at myself?

"Don't think so much. We will know the answer later." Guan Qingyu said as he drove, with a trace of wisdom in his eyes.

"Well, Qingyu, you're right. Those who want to harm us will not stop here, and I'm afraid they will show their feet in the future." Ji Zhenzhen nodded seriously.

"J Jane, do you really think it hurt us last time?" Guan Qingyu suddenly asked, and his eyes were a little nervous.

"Of course!" Ji Zhenzhen didn't understand why Guan Qingyu asked this.

"I don't think so." Guan Qingyu whispered that he felt that if what happened last time really happened, Ji Zhenzhen would be his girlfriend now.

If that's the case, he will definitely protect Ji Zhenzhen and won't let her suffer so many grievances.

"Qingyu, what did you say? I didn't hear it clearly!" Ji Zhenzhen asked.

"Nothing, nothing." Guan Qingyu hurriedly replied that his idea could not be known to Ji Zhenzhen.

The next morning, when Ji Zhenzhen came to the first floor of the villa, she smelled a fragrant smell. It turned out that Guan Qingyu prepared breakfast for Ji Zhenzhen early.

"Jinzhen, eat quickly. I'll take you out later." Guan Qingyu is still wearing the bear's apron, which looks handsome and more cute.

Ji Zhenzhen quickly sat down at the table, forked a sausage with a fork and stuffed it into her mouth. While chewing the sausage, she asked vaguely, "Where are you taking me?"

"Take you shopping!" Guan Qingyu sat opposite Ji Zhenzhen and poured a whole glass of juice into the cup in front of Ji Zhenzhen.

"Shop?" Ji Zhenzhen was a little stunned, "Are you going to buy New Year's goods?"

Guan Qingyu looked at Ji Zhenzhen's oily mouth and couldn't help laughing, "Does Zhenzhen really want to buy New Year's goods?"

Ji Zhenzhen is a little disappointed. She is now homeless. What else can she buy for the New Year?

"I don't have a home, and it's useless to buy New Year's goods!" Ji Zhenzhen lowered her head and said that she is now an unemployed young man with no home and no job.

"This is your home. Let's celebrate New Year's Eve together this year!" Guan Qingyu said with a smile, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Can't you go home for the Spring Festival?" Ji Zhenzhen raised her head and asked.

"My parents have emigrated abroad, and I originally planned to spend the New Year with them. Since I have you this year, I will naturally spend the New Year with Zhenzhen." Guan Qingyu smiled and put a piece of bread in his mouth and took a bite. Ji Zhenzhen couldn't help but envy the elegant thing.

"Really?" Ji Zhenzhen asked excitedly. Although she was embarrassed to let Guan Qingyu leave her parents to spend the New Year with her, wouldn't it be more miserable if she spent the New Year alone?

"Of course it's true, so we can buy New Year's goods together." Guan Qingyu laughed.

"That's great. Qingyu is so good at cooking that he will definitely make me a delicious New Year's Eve dinner!" Ji Zhenzhen clapped her hands excitedly.

"Of course, there is no problem. In addition, I will buy you new clothes." Guan Qingyu's smile is deeper. The days with Ji Zhenzhen can always make him forget the pressure at work and always laugh.

"Well, I'll eat it quickly!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded, ate more, and continuously forked a few slices of bread into her mouth.

"slow down, don't worry!" Guan Qingyu hurriedly persuaded Ji Zhenzhen, but he also liked to see Ji Zhenzhen's cute appearance of eating.

After breakfast, Guan Qingyu took Ji Zhenzhen to the largest supermarket in H City and took Ji Zhenzhen to choose clothes, shoes and other items in brand stores one by one.

In front of a wide range of clothes, Ji Zhenzhen's excited eyes glowed. These clothes are very beautiful, but they don't look cheap.

"Jinzhen, how about this dress? Go and have a try!" Guan Qingyu handed a cow-haired windbreaker to Ji Zhenzhen and put it on Ji Zhenzhen's body to measure it.

Ji Zhenzhen secretly picked up the tag of clothes while the waiter in the store was not paying attention, and saw that it said 1888!

"Wow, it's so expensive!" Ji Zhenzhen's heartbeat. This dress is about to catch up with her income for more than half a year. Ji Zhenzhen deliberately pretended not to like it and said, "I definitely don't look good in this color."

"Oh, try this one. This dress is pink, which is Zhenzhen's favorite color." Guan Qingyu said and handed another dress to Ji Zhenzhen. This dress is the most popular style this year, with a sweet retro style and very beautiful.

Ji Zhenzhen fell in love with this dress at first sight, but when she secretly looked at the price of the clothes, it was thousands more expensive than the cow-haired windbreaker just now. It's not about wearing clothes, it's simply wearing money on her!

Ji Zhenzhen's thoughts were clearly seen by Guan Qingyu. He couldn't help smiling faintly, "Try it. I have a senior VIP card in this store, which can be 50% off!"

"Really?" Ji Zhenzhen asked in surprise, but when she thought about it, she felt that 50% off was also very expensive. She could eat many big meals she liked!

Ji Zhenzhen curled her lips and whispered in Guan Qingyu's ear, "Forget it, I still prefer the clothes on the stall."

Guan Qingyu laughed and quickly pushed Ji Zhenzhen into the locker room. "Go and try it. Do you need me to undress you?"

"No, no!" Ji Zhenzhen quickly picked up the dress and walked into the locker room, hesitating whether to try on this expensive dress.

"J Jane, if you don't try again, I'll go in and help you try!" Guan Qingyu said outside the locker room.

"I'll try, I'll try!" Ji Zhenzhen said quickly, and there was obviously some panic in her voice.

When Ji Zhenzhen put on her clothes, a fresh and lovely princess appeared in the mirror.

Is this me? Ji Zhenzhen can't believe looking at herself in the mirror. This pink dress shows Ji Zhenzhen's figure and temperament just right, and it is extremely comfortable to wear on her body, which is the advantage of expensive clothes.

"Jingzhen, are you ready?" Guan Qingyu asked with concern outside the locker room.

"Okay!" Ji Zhenzhen slowly came out of the locker room and looked at Guan Qingyu with some embarrassment. She saw a strong appreciation in Guan Qingyu's eyes. Ji Zhenzhen knew that she must be beautiful now.

"Qingyu, is it beautiful?" Ji Zhenzhen asked with a red face.

"Good-looking, beautiful!" Guan Qingyu showed admiration and couldn't help nodding his head.

"But this dress is too expensive!" Ji Zhenzhen whispered that although she wanted this dress very much, the price of this dress was far beyond her tolerance.

"It doesn't matter!" Guan Qingyu said with a smile. When he first saw Ji Zhenzhen wearing this dress, he had already decided to buy this dress for Ji Zhenzhen.