slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 77 Rong Zijun's Engagement

Ji Zhenzhen has lived in Guan Qingyu's villa for more than half a month. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, she is happy to go in and out with Guan Qingyu to buy New Year's goods all day long.

Guan Qingyu is easy-going and very good to Ji Zhenzhen, which makes Ji Zhenzhen feel very comfortable, much happier than the days when she lived in Rongjia Villa. Being with Guan Qingyu every day also makes Ji Zhenzhen feel very comfortable. Ji Zhenzhen sometimes suddenly feels like a newly married couple.

It's just that Ji Zhenzhen has always been worried about her mother Hu Shuixin, and she doesn't know how she is doing in the Rong family? Have you been bullied by Rong's family?

After Ji Zhenzhen was expelled from the Rong family, she only sent a short message to Hu Shuixin. At that time, Hu Shuixin only replied with the words "Mom is very good", and later he never contacted Ji Zhenzhen again.

Although Ji Zhenzhen was a little worried about Hu Shuixin, the lack of news meant good news, because the lack of news showed that Hu Shuixin had not caused anything in the Rong family.

On this day, Ji Zhenzhen was cleaning her room on the first floor of the villa. Seeing that it was almost New Year's Eve, Ji Zhenzhen was also ready to dress up her current small home.

Ji Zhenzhen has regarded this villa as her home, and she has to manage it carefully. Sometimes Ji Zhenzhen will also feel that it is good to live a peaceful life like this. Although she still can't forget that person at present, Ji Zhenzhen believes that time will slowly wear away her feelings for Rong Zijun.

Ji Zhenzhen is sucking the carpet with a vacuum cleaner while watching TV series. This method of working and entertaining at the same time is very useful, so that the work will not be so hard.

The news of H City is being broadcast on TV. Suddenly, the picture changes, and a man and a woman appear on the screen, dressed to show their wealth.

Ji Zhenzhen was stunned. A man and a woman on TV were none other than Rong Zijun and Chu Qing.

On TV, Rong Zijun and Chu Qing came down from an extended luxury car, and immediately a group of reporters surrounded the scene. It's like a superstar coming!

The announcer on TV broadcasts in Mandarin: "Mr. Rong Zijun, the heir of Bandung Group, and his girlfriend Miss Chu Qing are engaged on XX month XX..."

Ji Zhenzhen suddenly banged in her mind and didn't even hear what the announcer said later.

"Zijun and Chu Qing are getting engaged?" Ji Zhenzhen's mechanical version repeated the words played by the announcer, and a certain position in her heart was very painful.

Rong Zijun on TV is still as handsome and elegant, and the little bird Chu Qing beside him still follows Rong Zijun with a happy smile on his face. No matter from all angles, two people are a match made in heaven, and people who don't know will feel that they are a good match.

Ji Zhenzhen sat on the sofa and had no strength all over her body. She only felt incomparable pain in her heart.

Although Ji Zhenzhen has always hoped that she can forget Rong Zijun and live a new life, she just can't forget it. Ji Zhenzhen has experienced too many things with Rong Zijun and has experienced too many unforgettable things.

It was not until this time that Ji Zhenzhen knew that she had just put Rong Zijun in a position that was not easy to find before. That position was so hidden that Ji Zhenzhen almost thought that she had forgotten him.

But I just saw the news of Rong Zijun's engagement on TV, and the feelings for Rong Zijun in Ji Zhenzhen's heart suddenly surfaced. Ji Zhenzhen finally knew how deep her love for Rong Zijun was, and she was so bad that she couldn't forget him.

Ji Zhenzhen's heart hurts so much that she forgets to cry, forgets her sadness, and forgets who she is.

That night, Ji Zhenzhen did not go downstairs to eat, but secretly wiped her tears in the room.

Guan Qingyu has called Ji Zhenzhen several times, but Ji Zhenzhen refused on the grounds of discomfort, and Guan Qingyu, who made the situation unknown, was very worried.

"Jinzhen, are you all right? Do you need to go to the hospital? Guan Qingyu asked with concern outside Ji Zhenzhen's door. If Ji Zhenzhen was not feeling well, Guan Qingyu would also feel uncomfortable.

"I'm fine. Just take a nap! Don't worry about me!" Ji Zhenzhen was shouted. She didn't want Guan Qingyu to see her crying, let alone Guan Qingyu know that she still loved Rong Zijun.

"J Jane, let me go in and have a look! Am I going in?" Guan Qingyu said and wanted to push the door in.

"Qingyu, don't come in! Don't come in!" Ji Zhenzhen shouted quickly, but it was too late, because she heard Guan Qingyu enter the room.

Ji Zhenzhen covered the quilt on her head more tightly and felt that her breathing was not so smooth.

"Jinzhen, what's wrong with you?" Guan Qingyu sat by Ji Zhenzhen's bed and sounded a little anxious.

"I'm really fine!" Ji Zhenzhen said through the quilt. As soon as she said a word, tears flowed out uncontrollably. Ji Zhenzhen felt very wronged.

"Jinzhen, are you crying?" Guan Qingyu asked.

"I'm not crying!" Ji Zhenzhen did not admit that in fact, she could already hear Ji Zhenzhen's sobing voice.

"J Jane, are you sad because he is going to be engaged?" Guan Qingyu asked in a very soft voice.

"Do you already know?" Ji Zhenzhen suddenly sat up from **, opened the quilt and looked at Guan Qingyu.

"Ye, the whole city has known about the engagement of the president of Bandung Group." Guan Qingyu nodded. He was very distressed to see Ji Zhenzhen crying for Rong Zijun, and he was also very jealous of Rong Zijun.

"He doesn't love Chu Qing..." Ji Zhenzhen said to herself that she still doesn't believe that Rong Zijun will really be engaged to Chu Qing. The two of them are not a couple at all!

"The word love is too luxurious for us. Sometimes you don't get her love if you love someone..." Guan Qingyu seemed to say to Ji Zhenzhen, as if to say to himself, and his heart also hurt.

"Qingyu, I'm sorry..." Ji Zhenzhen said, and tears flowed out again.

Ji Zhenzhen knew that Guan Qingyu had been waiting for her, and Guan Qingyu was indeed excellent and did not lose to Rong Zijun in all aspects. The most valuable thing is that Guan Qingyu is sincerely good to Ji Zhenzhen. Unlike Rong Zijun's cold and hot to Ji Zhenzhen, Ji Zhenzhen now doesn't understand what Rong Zijun's real feelings are about her.

But Ji Zhenzhen only has Rong Zijun in her heart. Her heart has been full by Rong Zijun, and she can't tolerate anyone at all. She can't even leave a place for Guan Qingyu.

Ji Zhenzhen apologized to Guan Qingyu and blamed herself. Guan Qingyu didn't like to like the ruthless Rong Zijun, and Ji Zhenzhen didn't know what she was.

"Jingzhen, you don't have to say sorry to me. I understand your feelings, because I'm the same to you." Guan Qingyu said with a charming smile on his face, but the smile was inevitably a little desolate.

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't bear to watch it. She just lowered her head and shed tears silently, and tears kept gushing out as if to burst the dike.

"Jian, if you really love him, you have to ask him whether he chooses you or Chu Qing!" Guan Qingyu said seriously.

"Didn't he choose Chu Qing? What else do I have to ask?" Ji Zhenzhen said feebly. In fact, she didn't dare to ask Rong Zijun. She was afraid to hear the results she didn't want to hear.

Guan Qingyu said nothing more, but looked at Ji Zhenzhen with heartache. How much he wanted to give Ji Zhenzhen a support to help her shelter her from the wind and rain, but Ji Zhenzhen did not give him this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Guan Qingyu hated Rong Zijun again. If he can't give Ji Zhenzhen a complete love, don't disturb her, otherwise Ji Zhenzhen will only be sad for Rong Zijun.

"Jinzhen, I miss you so much that you occasionally stop when chasing Rong Zijun and look back at me." Guan Qingyu said silently in his heart. Although he felt very sorry for Ji Zhenzhen and wanted to hold her tightly, he finally chose to support Ji Zhenzhen. Sometimes I love someone just because I want to see her happy, so that I can be happy.

"Jinzhen, do you need to cancel tomorrow's dance? If you don't feel well..." Guan Qingyu asked.

"No need to cancel. I promise to be your partner and I will definitely attend. I'm fine." Ji Zhenzhen wiped away her tears and reluctantly smiled.

"But will you meet Rong Zijun and Chu Qing at tomorrow's dance, shall we?" Guan Qingyu asked tentatively.

"Oh." Ji Zhenzhen looked a little gloomy, and then immediately smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I congratulated them by the way when I saw them. After all..." Ji Zhenzhen didn't go on. After all, she and Rong Zijun had a happy moment?

"It's good that you can think so, Zhenzhen. I'm proud of you!" Guan Qingyu smiled.

"I should also put it down, don't you think?" Ji Zhenzhen said and looked into Guan Qingyu's eyes.

Guan Qingyu's heart suddenly jumped. At that moment, Ji Zhenzhen's eyes seemed to tell him something, which gave him a trace of surprise and expectation.

"Jinzhen, I will always be by your side. No matter how long it takes, I will..."

Guan Qingyu was talking when Ji Zhenzhen gagged her with her hand, "Qingyu, I know you are good to me, and I will work hard." After saying that, Ji Zhenzhen's face turned red.

"Ye, let's work together!" Guan Qingyu nodded heavily. As long as Ji Zhenzhen is willing to work hard, he will always accompany Ji Zhenzhen. Even if this effort takes a long time to be rewarded, he is willing to wait all the time, thinking that Guan Qingyu knows that Ji Zhenzhen is worth waiting for.

Ji Zhenzhen and Guan Qingyu looked at me and laughed at me.