slave mommy runs with the ball

Chapter 163 Successful Divorce

Ji Zhenzhen left the Twin Building and immediately rushed to the Guangming Office of Rong Zijun's entrusted law firm. Ji Zhenzhen did not want to delay for a moment.

The lawyer of this office is very happy. Maybe with Rong Zijun's permission, Ji Zhenzhen has successfully completed all the formalities after signing a few documents.

"Miss Ji, our office will be fully responsible for the next matter. After the divorce procedures between you and Mr. Rong are completed, we will mail the divorce contract to your house in the form of express mail." The lawyer politely explained and introduced all the processes to Ji Zhenzhen in detail. "Do you think there are any other questions?"

"No problem, thank you!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded seriously.

"As long as there is no problem!" The lawyer also smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll say goodbye first!" Seeing that all the formalities had been completed, Ji Zhenzhen walked out of the law firm easily. Originally, she thought that it would be very troublesome to handle the divorce, but she didn't expect that as long as she signed a few words by herself. How did Ji Zhenzhen know that Rong Zijun had specially explained it, and all matters were handled by the law firm with full authority. Of course There is nothing to bother Ji Zhenzhen.

Ji Zhenzhen drove all the way on the street happily, and Ji Zhenzhen hesitated again before returning to Guan Qingyu Villa.

Although Rong Zijun has happily promised himself, and the divorce procedures have been almost completed, it can be said that Ji Zhenzhen can be described as a light body. However, Ji Zhenzhen's diagnosis of pregnancy today made her fall into a new round of anxiety, which made Ji Zhenzhen, who had just been a little happy, start to frown again.

Sitting in the car, Ji Zhenzhen hesitated for a long time, and finally got out of the car with a smile and entered Guan Qingyu's villa.

"Jin, are you back?" Guan Qingyu is sitting on the sofa in casual clothes. It seems that he has been waiting for a long time. Guan Qingyu knows that Ji Zhenzhen is going to talk about divorce with Rong Zijun today. He is here waiting for the result!

"Yes, Qingyu, did you come back so early today?" Ji Zhenzhen smiled weakly, but she couldn't laugh at all.

"I know you have something important to talk about today, so come back early and wait for the result." Guan Qingyu had a faint smile, which happened to have a healing effect on Ji Zhenzhen at that time, "How about it? How's the talk going?"

Ji Zhenzhen had some comfort in her heart. Anyway, Qingyu was waiting for him. "Rong Zijun has agreed. Today, I also went to the law firm to sign it. The lawyer said he would mail me the divorce contract in a few days."

"Really, that's great!" Guan Qingyu was obviously happier than Ji Zhenzhen and immediately stood up, "It seems that we are going to celebrate. Zhenzhen, where do you want to celebrate?"

Looking at Guan Qingyu's excited face, Ji Zhenzhen really couldn't bear to pour cold water on him, but Ji Zhenzhen was irritable. How could she be in the mood to go out to celebrate?

"Qingyu, I'm a little tired and don't want to go out to eat." Ji Zhenzhen looked at Guan Qingyu with some embarrassment.

"Oh." The smile on Guan Qingyu's face was obviously frozen. "It doesn't matter. It's the same for us to celebrate at home. I'll call the western restaurant immediately and ask them to bring your favorite sirloin steak."

Ji Zhenzhen couldn't refute Guan Qingyu's kindness anymore, so she nodded with a smile. In fact, Ji Zhenzhen's stomach was nauseous at this time and she didn't want to eat anything.

After getting Ji Zhenzhen's permission, Guan Qingyu immediately called the western restaurant to order food, and Ji Zhenzhen went upstairs to change her home clothes.

After changing her clothes, Ji Zhenzhen sat in a daze and made Ji Zhenzhen a little restless when she remembered that she was now pregnant with Rong Zijun's child.

This child must not stay, otherwise he will be too sorry for Guan Qingyu, and giving birth to Rong Zijun's child will only make him miss Rong Zijun more. But after all, children are innocent. Ji Zhenzhen, who became a mother, is now full of motherhood. Sometimes when she sees other people's children on the street, she will come forward for a long time, not to mention her own flesh and blood? And even if Ji Zhenzhen wants to draw a clear line with the child's father Rong Zijun, she can't hurt innocent lives. Ji Zhenzhen is both entangled and very annoyed.

Ji Zhenzhen took out the diagnosis in the bag again. How Ji Zhenzhen hoped that the doctor and herself had read it wrong. It said that everything was normal, but the clear words on the diagnosis letter told Ji Zhenzhen that this was not a dream. In reality, Ji Zhenzhen could only look at the diagnosis book and be dazed.

At this time, Ji Zhenzhen suddenly heard the sound of someone opening the door of her room from the outside. Ji Zhenzhen was nervous and immediately put the medical certificate under the quilt of **.

The door opened, and Guan Qingyu leaned in from outside the door with a warm smile on his face, "Jinzhen, the takeaway has arrived. Let's go down for dinner!"

"Good!" Ji Zhenzhen nodded quickly and immediately walked out.

Guan Qingyu saw that something seemed to fall down when Ji Zhenzhen sat up, so he kindly walked into Ji Zhenzhen's room and squatted down and picked up the "thing". Guan Qingyu saw that Ji Zhenzhen had dropped a paper ball. Out of curiosity, Guan Qingyu spread out the paper ball and smoothed it...

Ji Zhenzhen came to the first floor of the villa and saw that the dining table of the restaurant was full of her favorite Western dishes. Even Guan Qingyu lit a few candles in the restaurant, which warmed the whole restaurant, giving people a very warm feeling.

Ji Zhenzhen sat down and looked at the delicious food on the table and suddenly felt much better. At this time, Guan Qingyu had also walked down, still with that faint smile on his face.

"Qingyu, what you ordered are all my favorite food." Ji Zhenzhen said gratefully.

"Yes, Zhenzhen, what you love is what I love." Guan Qingyu nodded with a smile, picked up a bottle of red wine and poured some of the goblet on Ji Zhenzhen's side.

Looking at Guan Qingyu, who is so considerate and perfect, Ji Zhenzhen feels that she must have done a lot of good things in her previous life that she will meet such a good man in her life.

"Thank you, Qingyu, for everything you have done for me." Ji Zhenzhen said, picked up the goblet and bumped into the cup picked up by Guan Qingyu.

"We are going to be husband and wife, why do you still say these polite words? As long as you can stay by my side forever and we live a good life, I will be satisfied. Guan Qingyu said emotionally and looked at Ji Zhenzhen with tender eyes.

Ji Zhenzhen immediately lowered her head and did not dare to look at Guan Qingyu, as if she had done something wrong. In fact, Ji Zhenzhen did something wrong.